#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
+require 'optparse'
require 'lyricli'
+OptionParser.new do |opts|
+ opts.banner = %{Usage:
+ lrc [options]
+ lrc artist song
+ lrc You must enable other sources for this
+ opts.on("-e", "--enable SOURCE", "Enable SOURCE") do |source|
+ Lyricli.enable(source)
+ puts "#{source} has been enabled"
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on("-l", "--list-sources", "List all available Sources") do
+ puts Lyricli.sources
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on("-d", "--disable SOURCE", "Disable SOURCE") do |source|
+ Lyricli.disable(source)
+ puts "#{source} has been disabled"
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on("-r", "--reset SOURCE", "Reset the configuration of SOURCE") do |source|
+ Lyricli.reset(source)
+ puts "#{source} has been disabled and all its configuration reset"
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on("-t", "--title", "Shows the song title and artist") do
+ Lyricli.show_title
+ end
+ opts.on("-h", "--help", "Shows this message") do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show version") do
+ puts Lyricli.version
+ exit
+ end
puts Lyricli.lyrics