]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/junction/history - extension
[rbdr/junction] / extension /
2023-09-15 Ruben Beltran del RioEnsure connections are closed
2023-09-14 Ruben Beltran del RioBump version
2023-09-14 Ruben Beltran del RioProperly allow multiple
2023-09-14 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd credits
2023-09-14 Ruben Beltran del RioFormat and update docs
2023-09-13 Ruben Beltran del RioInject script only once
2023-09-13 Ruben Beltran del RioOnly send offer on one side
2023-09-13 Ruben Beltran del RioRefactor content script
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioFormat extension
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd new RTC code
2023-08-28 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate for socket.io 4
2023-08-25 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate dependencies
2020-10-07 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'main' of gitlab.com:rbdr/junction into...
2020-10-07 Ruben Beltran del RioUse source and support srcObject rbdr-peer-abstraction
2020-10-07 Rubén Beltran del RíoMerge branch 'rbdr-peer-abstraction' into 'main'
2020-10-07 Ruben Beltran del RioUse peer and media in content script
2020-10-07 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd media and peer objects
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioFix rooms and force ws protocol
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioBuild with Babel rbdr-content-script
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate build to use content script
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'main' into rbdr-content-script
2020-09-27 rknolNew url
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioMake tada accessible on web
2020-09-27 rknolFixes
2020-09-27 rknolNew URL
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd content script support on firefox
2020-09-27 rknolMore stuff
2020-09-27 Ruben KnolMerge branch 'babel-setup' into 'main'
2020-09-27 rknolBuild system
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioRemove console log
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'main' of gitlab.com:rbdr/junction into...
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd chrome compatibility
2020-09-27 Rubén Beltran del RíoMerge branch 'main' into 'server'
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'rbdr-setup-extension' into main
2020-09-27 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd firefox extension rbdr-setup-extension
2020-09-27 Rubén Beltran del RíoAdd extension directory