+A forum for the year 3000.
+## Running the server
+This project provides a [docker compose][docker-compose] configuration
+to easily run the service. In order to run the server, run
+`docker-compose up`
+## What you will need to get started
+This project uses [node][node] for most of its development processes.
+Once you have node installed according to the instructions there, run
+`npm install` from the root of the project.
+For local development serve the page by running `npm watch` from the
+root of the project.
+## Installing git hooks
+This repo contains a pre-commit git hook so indent will run before every
+commit. Run `npm run setup-hooks` to install it.
+## Running migrations on the docker environment
+After building the app with docker compose, you can set up the database
+with `docker exec forum_forum_1 npm run db:setup`. This will run
+migrations and seed default data.
+If you only want to run migrations, you should run
+`docker exec forum_forum_1 npm run db:migrate` instead.
+If you only want to seed the database, you should run
+`docker exec forum_forum_1 npm run db:seed` instead.
+[node]: https://nodejs.org/en/