-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| [port] | <code>number</code> | <code>1978</code> | the port where the app will listen on |
-| [staticDirectory] | <code>string</code> | <code>"static"</code> | the path, relative to the project root, where static assets live |
-| [ttl] | <code>number</code> | <code>180</code> | the time in seconds that posts remain alive |
-| rethinkDB | [<code>tRethinkDBConfiguration</code>](#tRethinkDBConfiguration) | | the configuration to connect to the rethinkDB server |
-| jwt | [<code>tJWTConfiguration</code>](#tJWTConfiguration) | | the configuration for the JWT authentication |
+| Name | Type | Default | Description |
+| ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| [port] | <code>number</code> | <code>1978</code> | the port where the app will listen on |
+| [staticDirectory] | <code>string</code> | <code>"static"</code> | the path, relative to the project root, where static assets live |
+| [ttl] | <code>number</code> | <code>180</code> | the time in seconds that posts remain alive |
+| rethinkDB | [<code>tRethinkDBConfiguration</code>](#tRethinkDBConfiguration) | | the configuration to connect to the rethinkDB server |
+| jwt | [<code>tJWTConfiguration</code>](#tJWTConfiguration) | | the configuration for the JWT authentication |