+ import Glyph from '../glyph/glyph.svelte';
+<main class="h-entry" title="Topic">
+ <h1 class="p-name">This is a post in the forum.</h1>
+ <aside class="topic-meta" title="Topic metadata">
+ <span class="topic-location">Posted on <a href="/f/interaction"
+ class="p-category">Interaction</a>.</span>
+ <span class="topic-ttl"><a class="u-url u-uid" href="/t/2a3fc567af8c897ca6f55fb5fj">3 days remaining</a>.</span>
+ </aside>
+ <aside class="topic-tags" title="Topic Tags">
+ Tags:
+ <a href="/t/question" class="p-category">question<span class="tag-weight">(5)</span></a>
+ <a href="/t/meta" class="p-category">meta<span class="tag-weight">(34)</span></a>
+ <a href="/t/carrots" class="p-category">carrots<span class="tag-weight">(1)</span></a>
+ <a href="/t/tpbo" class="p-category">tpbo<span class="tag-weight">(2)</span></a>
+ </aside>
+ <aside class="post-meta" title="Post 1 of 2 metadata">
+ <Glyph uuid="3cd8c84e18144a2da71f6bace9392abc" />
+ <span class="h-card">
+ By: <a href="/a/rbdr" class="p-nickname u-url">rbdr</a>.
+ </span>
+ <time class="dt-published" datetime="2018-08-14T03:32:10.929Z">
+ <a href="/p/a80c70ea0120387123097ce1907ff">
+ 2018-08-14 03:32:10
+ </a>
+ </time>
+ </aside>
+ <article class="e-content" title="Post 1 of 2 by rbdr">
+ <p>This is a main topic in the forum. Does that abstraction still even make sense?</p>
+ <p>Is this really it??</p>
+ <p>This might all be fake but at least the links look purple when visited</p>
+ </article>
+ <hr/>
+ <aside class="post-meta" title="Post 2 of 2 metadata">
+ <Glyph uuid="b33f0339f7d64d1ca27f1c0aefb7d753" />
+ <span class="h-card">
+ By: <a href="/a/time4carrots" class="p-nickname u-url">time4carrots</a>.
+ </span>
+ <time class="dt-published" datetime="2018-08-15T04:10:00.929Z">
+ <a href="/p/da9910f3febde91948000ce1535ea">
+ 2018-08-15 04:10:00
+ </a>
+ </time>
+ </aside>
+ <article class="e-content" title="Post 2 of 2 by time4carrots">
+ <p>It's just how it is...</p>
+ </article>
+ <hr/>
+ main {
+ grid-column: col-start 2 / span 11;
+ }
+ .post-meta > * {
+ vertical-align: top;
+ }