]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/history - config/nvim
Replace old api-notation.vim with tree-sitter plugin
[rbdr/dotfiles] / config / nvim /
2023-10-04 Ruben Beltran del RioReplace old api-notation.vim with tree-sitter plugin
2023-10-02 Ruben Beltran del RioUse treesitter in neovim
2023-09-24 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate color scheme
2023-09-24 Ruben Beltran del RioStart replacing CoC with neovim's LSP support
2023-09-21 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd DAP
2023-09-13 Ruben Beltran del RioClean up some plugins
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioReduce further
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate fzf
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'main' of git.sr.ht:~rbdr/dotfiles
2023-08-30 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate dependencies
2023-08-25 Ruben Beltran del RioUse fzf
2023-07-18 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd basic coc config
2023-07-18 Ruben Beltran del RioDelete old vimscript for plugins
2023-07-18 Ruben Beltran del RioUpdate the goyo config
2023-07-18 Ruben Beltran del RioMerge branch 'main' of git.sr.ht:~rbdr/dotfiles
2023-07-18 Ruben Beltran del RioReplace vimscript config with lua
2023-06-11 Ruben Beltran del RioDrop support for vim, cleanup nvim config
2022-04-18 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd shared coc config
2020-09-23 Ruben Beltran del RioAdd nvim config