]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/commitdiff
Merge master
authorBen Beltran <redacted>
Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:11:19 +0000 (19:11 +0100)
committerBen Beltran <redacted>
Thu, 14 Mar 2019 18:11:19 +0000 (19:11 +0100)
53 files changed:
config/powerline/colors.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/ipython/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/shell/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/shell/solarized.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/tmux/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/vim/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/vim/solarized.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/colorschemes/wm/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/config.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/ipython/in.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/ipython/in2.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/ipython/out.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/ipython/rewrite.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/shell/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/shell/default_leftonly.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/tmux/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/vim/cmdwin.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/vim/default.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/vim/help.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/vim/quickfix.json [deleted file]
config/powerline/themes/wm/default.json [deleted file]
tmux-powerline [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/ag.vim [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/nerdcommenter [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/nerdtree [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/searchfold.vim [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/supertab [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/syntastic-local-eslint [new submodule]
vim/bundle/tlib_vim [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/vim-misc [deleted submodule]
vim/bundle/vim-mucomplete [new submodule]
vim/bundle/vim-ripgrep [new submodule]

index ae7e1b8891515fa8d0484b7c4a302a2824251df3..85d5ac3374d80aa8171a91cb275caee37da95f04 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
index 72563cb8b2244025364e1b82be09149d60ae5ee2..c8ae5a113cc5f3ccad3d4788f7f933410b291eb4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,39 +1,13 @@
 [submodule "prezto"]
        path = prezto
 [submodule "prezto"]
        path = prezto
-       url = git://github.com/rbdr/prezto.git
-[submodule "tmux-powerline"]
-       path = tmux-powerline
-       url = git://github.com/erikw/tmux-powerline.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim"]
-  path = vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
-       url = git://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim.git
+       url = git@github.com:rbdr/prezto.git
+  url = git://github.com/erikw/tmux-powerline.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-json"]
   path = vim/bundle/vim-json
        url = git://github.com/elzr/vim-json.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-json"]
   path = vim/bundle/vim-json
        url = git://github.com/elzr/vim-json.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-easymotion"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-easymotion
-       url = git://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/LargeFile"]
        path = vim/bundle/LargeFile
        url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/LargeFile.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/LargeFile"]
        path = vim/bundle/LargeFile
        url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/LargeFile.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/Align"]
-       path = vim/bundle/Align
-       url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/Align
-[submodule "vim/bundle/nerdcommenter"]
-       path = vim/bundle/nerdcommenter
-       url = git://github.com/scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/nerdtree"]
-       path = vim/bundle/nerdtree
-       url = git://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/SearchComplete"]
-       path = vim/bundle/SearchComplete
-       url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/SearchComplete.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/ZoomWin"]
-       path = vim/bundle/ZoomWin
-       url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/ZoomWin.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/ag.vim"]
-       path = vim/bundle/ag.vim
-       url = git://github.com/rking/ag.vim.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/Colour-Sampler-Pack"]
        path = vim/bundle/Colour-Sampler-Pack
        url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/Colour-Sampler-Pack.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/Colour-Sampler-Pack"]
        path = vim/bundle/Colour-Sampler-Pack
        url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/Colour-Sampler-Pack.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-fugitive"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-fugitive
        url = git://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-fugitive"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-fugitive
        url = git://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/gist-vim"]
-       path = vim/bundle/gist-vim
-       url = https://github.com/mattn/gist-vim
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-indent-object"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-indent-object
        url = git://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-indent-object"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-indent-object
        url = git://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-rails"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-rails
-       url = git://github.com/tpope/vim-rails.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/searchfold.vim"]
-       path = vim/bundle/searchfold.vim
-       url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/searchfold.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-snipmate"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-snipmate
-       url = git://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/tlib_vim"]
-       path = vim/bundle/tlib_vim
-       url = git://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils
-       url = git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/supertab"]
-       path = vim/bundle/supertab
-       url = https://github.com/ervandew/supertab
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-surround"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-surround
-       url = git://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/syntastic"]
        path = vim/bundle/syntastic
        url = git://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/syntastic"]
        path = vim/bundle/syntastic
        url = git://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/tagbar"]
-       path = vim/bundle/tagbar
-       url = git://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/taglist"]
-       path = vim/bundle/taglist
-       url = git://github.com/vim-scripts/taglist.vim.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-unimpaired"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-unimpaired
-       url = git://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired.git
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-misc"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-misc
-       url = https://github.com/xolox/vim-misc
-[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-lua-inspect"]
-       path = vim/bundle/vim-lua-inspect
-       url = https://github.com/xolox/vim-lua-inspect
-[submodule "vim/lua-inspect"]
-       path = vim/lua-inspect
-       url = git://github.com/davidm/lua-inspect.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/mustache"]
        path = vim/bundle/mustache
        url = git://github.com/mustache/vim-mode.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/mustache"]
        path = vim/bundle/mustache
        url = git://github.com/mustache/vim-mode.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-swift"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-swift
        url = git@github.com:kballard/vim-swift.git
 [submodule "vim/bundle/vim-swift"]
        path = vim/bundle/vim-swift
        url = git@github.com:kballard/vim-swift.git
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-ripgrep"]
+       path = vim/bundle/vim-ripgrep
+       url = https://github.com/jremmen/vim-ripgrep.git
+[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-mucomplete"]
+       path = vim/bundle/vim-mucomplete
+       url = https://github.com/lifepillar/vim-mucomplete.git
+[submodule "vim/bundle/syntastic-local-eslint"]
+       path = vim/bundle/syntastic-local-eslint
+       url = https://github.com/mtscout6/syntastic-local-eslint.vim.git
diff --git a/config/powerline/colors.json b/config/powerline/colors.json
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3bbb90f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-       "colors": {
-               "black": 16,
-               "white": 231,
-               "darkestgreen": 22,
-               "darkgreen": 28,
-               "mediumgreen": 70,
-               "brightgreen": 148,
-               "darkestcyan": 23,
-               "darkcyan": 74,
-               "mediumcyan": 117,
-               "brightcyan": 159,
-               "darkestblue": 24,
-               "darkblue": 31,
-               "darkestred": 52,
-               "darkred": 88,
-               "mediumred": 124,
-               "brightred": 160,
-               "brightestred": 196,
-               "darkestpurple": 55,
-               "mediumpurple": 98,
-               "brightpurple": 189,
-               "darkorange": 94,
-               "mediumorange": 166,
-               "brightorange": 208,
-               "brightestorange": 214,
-               "brightyellow": 220,
-               "gray0": 233,
-               "gray1": 235,
-               "gray2": 236,
-               "gray3": 239,
-               "gray4": 240,
-               "gray5": 241,
-               "gray6": 244,
-               "gray7": 245,
-               "gray8": 247,
-               "gray9": 250,
-               "gray10": 252,
-               "gray61": [14, "93a1a1"],
-               "gray13": [8, "002b36"],
-               "royalblue5": [0, "073642"],
-               "darkgreencopper": [10, "586e75"],
-               "lightskyblue4": [11, "657b83"],
-               "azure4": [12, "839496"],
-               "lightyellow": [7, "eee8d5"],
-               "oldlace": [15, "fdf6e3"],
-               "green": [2, "719e07"],
-               "cyan": [6, "2aa198"],
-               "blue": [4, "268bd2"],
-               "red": [1, "dc322f"],
-               "magenta": [5, "d33682"],
-               "violet": [13, "6c71c4"],
-               "orange": [9, "cb4b16"],
-               "yellow": [3, "b58900"],
-               "lightyellowgreen": 106,
-               "gold3": 178,
-               "orangered": 202,
-               "steelblue": 67,
-               "darkorange3": 166,
-               "skyblue1": 117,
-               "khaki1": 228
-       },
-       "gradients": {
-               "green_yellow_red": [
-                       [190, 184, 178, 172, 166, 160],
-                       ["8ae71c", "8ce71c", "8fe71c", "92e71c", "95e71d", "98e71d", "9ae71d", "9de71d", "a0e71e", "a3e71e", "a6e71e", "a8e71e", "abe71f", "aee71f", "b1e71f", "b4e71f", "b6e720", "b9e720", "bce720", "bfe720", "c2e821", "c3e721", "c5e621", "c7e521", "c9e522", "cbe422", "cde322", "cfe222", "d1e223", "d3e123", "d5e023", "d7df23", "d9df24", "dbde24", "dddd24", "dfdc24", "e1dc25", "e3db25", "e5da25", "e7d925", "e9d926", "e9d626", "e9d426", "e9d126", "e9cf27", "e9cc27", "e9ca27", "e9c727", "e9c528", "e9c228", "e9c028", "e9bd28", "e9bb29", "e9b829", "e9b629", "e9b329", "e9b12a", "e9ae2a", "e9ac2a", "e9a92a", "eaa72b", "eaa42b", "eaa22b", "ea9f2b", "ea9d2c", "ea9b2c", "ea982c", "ea962c", "ea942d", "ea912d", "ea8f2d", "ea8d2d", "ea8a2e", "ea882e", "ea862e", "ea832e", "ea812f", "ea7f2f", "ea7c2f", "ea7a2f", "eb7830", "eb7530", "eb7330", "eb7130", "eb6f31", "eb6c31", "eb6a31", "eb6831", "eb6632", "eb6332", "eb6132", "eb5f32", "eb5d33", "eb5a33", "eb5833", "eb5633", "eb5434", "eb5134", "eb4f34", "eb4d34", "ec4b35"]
-               ],
-               "green_yellow_orange_red": [
-                       [2, 3, 9, 1],
-                       ["719e07", "739d06", "759c06", "779c06", "799b06", "7b9a05", "7d9a05", "7f9905", "819805", "839805", "859704", "879704", "899604", "8b9504", "8d9504", "8f9403", "919303", "949303", "969203", "989102", "9a9102", "9c9002", "9e9002", "a08f02", "a28e01", "a48e01", "a68d01", "a88c01", "aa8c01", "ac8b00", "ae8a00", "b08a00", "b28900", "b58900", "b58700", "b68501", "b78302", "b78102", "b87f03", "b97d04", "b97b04", "ba7905", "bb7806", "bb7606", "bc7407", "bd7208", "bd7008", "be6e09", "bf6c0a", "bf6a0a", "c0690b", "c1670c", "c1650c", "c2630d", "c3610e", "c35f0e", "c45d0f", "c55b10", "c55a10", "c65811", "c75612", "c75412", "c85213", "c95014", "c94e14", "ca4c15", "cb4b16", "cb4a16", "cc4917", "cc4818", "cd4719", "cd4719", "ce461a", "ce451b", "cf441c", "cf441c", "d0431d", "d0421e", "d1411f", "d1411f", "d24020", "d23f21", "d33e22", "d33e22", "d43d23", "d43c24", "d53b25", "d53b25", "d63a26", "d63927", "d73828", "d73828", "d83729", "d8362a", "d9352b", "d9352b", "da342c", "da332d", "db322e", "dc322f"]
-               ],
-               "yellow_red": [
-                       [220, 178, 172, 166, 160],
-                       ["ffd700", "fdd500", "fbd300", "fad200", "f8d000", "f7cf00", "f5cd00", "f3cb00", "f2ca00", "f0c800", "efc700", "edc500", "ebc300", "eac200", "e8c000", "e7bf00", "e5bd00", "e3bb00", "e2ba00", "e0b800", "dfb700", "ddb500", "dbb300", "dab200", "d8b000", "d7af00", "d7ad00", "d7ab00", "d7aa00", "d7a800", "d7a700", "d7a500", "d7a300", "d7a200", "d7a000", "d79f00", "d79d00", "d79b00", "d79a00", "d79800", "d79700", "d79500", "d79300", "d79200", "d79000", "d78f00", "d78d00", "d78b00", "d78a00", "d78800", "d78700", "d78500", "d78300", "d78200", "d78000", "d77f00", "d77d00", "d77b00", "d77a00", "d77800", "d77700", "d77500", "d77300", "d77200", "d77000", "d76f00", "d76d00", "d76b00", "d76a00", "d76800", "d76700", "d76500", "d76300", "d76200", "d76000", "d75f00", "d75b00", "d75700", "d75300", "d74f00", "d74c00", "d74800", "d74400", "d74000", "d73c00", "d73900", "d73500", "d73100", "d72d00", "d72900", "d72600", "d72200", "d71e00", "d71a00", "d71600", "d71300", "d70f00", "d70b00", "d70700"]
-               ],
-               "yellow_orange_red": [
-                       [3, 9, 1],
-                       ["b58900", "b58700", "b58600", "b68501", "b68401", "b78202", "b78102", "b88003", "b87f03", "b87d03", "b97c04", "b97b04", "ba7a05", "ba7805", "bb7706", "bb7606", "bc7507", "bc7307", "bc7207", "bd7108", "bd7008", "be6e09", "be6d09", "bf6c0a", "bf6b0a", "c06a0b", "c0680b", "c0670b", "c1660c", "c1650c", "c2630d", "c2620d", "c3610e", "c3600e", "c35e0e", "c45d0f", "c45c0f", "c55b10", "c55910", "c65811", "c65711", "c75612", "c75412", "c75312", "c85213", "c85113", "c94f14", "c94e14", "ca4d15", "ca4c15", "cb4b16", "cb4a16", "cb4a17", "cc4917", "cc4918", "cc4818", "cd4819", "cd4719", "cd471a", "ce461a", "ce461b", "ce451b", "cf451c", "cf441c", "cf441d", "d0431d", "d0431e", "d0421e", "d1421f", "d1411f", "d14120", "d24020", "d24021", "d23f21", "d33f22", "d33e22", "d33e23", "d43d23", "d43d24", "d43c24", "d53c25", "d53b25", "d53b26", "d63a26", "d63a27", "d63927", "d73928", "d73828", "d73829", "d83729", "d8372a", "d8362a", "d9362b", "d9352b", "d9352c", "da342c", "da342d", "da332d", "db332e"]
-               ],
-               "blue_red": [
-                       [39, 74, 68, 67, 103, 97, 96, 132, 131, 167, 203, 197],
-                       ["19b4fe", "1bb2fc", "1db1fa", "1faff8", "22aef6", "24adf4", "26abf2", "29aaf0", "2ba9ee", "2da7ec", "30a6ea", "32a5e8", "34a3e6", "36a2e4", "39a0e2", "3b9fe1", "3d9edf", "409cdd", "429bdb", "449ad9", "4798d7", "4997d5", "4b96d3", "4d94d1", "5093cf", "5292cd", "5490cb", "578fc9", "598dc7", "5b8cc6", "5e8bc4", "6089c2", "6288c0", "6487be", "6785bc", "6984ba", "6b83b8", "6e81b6", "7080b4", "727eb2", "757db0", "777cae", "797aac", "7b79ab", "7e78a9", "8076a7", "8275a5", "8574a3", "8772a1", "89719f", "8c709d", "8e6e9b", "906d99", "926b97", "956a95", "976993", "996791", "9c668f", "9e658e", "a0638c", "a3628a", "a56188", "a75f86", "a95e84", "ac5c82", "ae5b80", "b05a7e", "b3587c", "b5577a", "b75678", "ba5476", "bc5374", "be5273", "c05071", "c34f6f", "c54e6d", "c74c6b", "ca4b69", "cc4967", "ce4865", "d14763", "d34561", "d5445f", "d7435d", "da415b", "dc4059", "de3f58", "e13d56", "e33c54", "e53a52", "e83950", "ea384e", "ec364c", "ee354a", "f13448", "f33246", "f53144", "f83042", "fa2e40"]
-               ]
-       }
diff --git a/config/powerline/colorschemes/ipython/default.json b/config/powerline/colorschemes/ipython/default.json
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d787591..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Default color scheme for IPython prompt",
-       "groups": {
-               "virtualenv": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkcyan" },
-               "prompt": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "prompt_count": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray4" }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 639c1f9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Default color scheme for shell prompts",
-       "groups": {
-               "user": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkblue", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "superuser": { "fg": "white", "bg": "brightred", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "virtualenv": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkcyan" },
-               "branch": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "branch_dirty": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "branch_clean": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "cwd": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "cwd:current_folder": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray4", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "cwd:divider": { "fg": "gray7", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "hostname": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "mediumorange" },
-               "exit_fail": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkestred" },
-               "exit_success": { "fg": "white", "bg": "darkestgreen" }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5bf8672..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Solarized Dark",
-       "groups": {
-               "user":               { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "blue", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "superuser":          { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "red", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "virtualenv":         { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "green" },
-               "branch":             { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "royalblue5" },
-               "branch_dirty":       { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "royalblue5" },
-               "branch_clean":       { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "royalblue5" },
-               "cwd":                { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "cwd:current_folder": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "cwd:divider":        { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "hostname":           { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "exit_fail":          { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "red" },
-               "exit_success":       { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "green" }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 35686d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Default color scheme for terminal prompts",
-       "groups": {
-               "background:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "session": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "date": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "time": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray2", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "time:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "email_alert": { "fg": "white", "bg": "brightred", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "email_alert_gradient": { "fg": "white", "bg": "yellow_orange_red", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "hostname": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "weather": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_temp_gradient": { "fg": "blue_red", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_hot": { "fg": "khaki1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_snowy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_rainy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "uptime": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "external_ip": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "network_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "network_load_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "gray0" }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ec15879..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Default color scheme",
-       "groups": {
-               "background": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "background:divider": { "fg": "gray6", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "mode": { "fg": "darkestgreen", "bg": "brightgreen", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "modified_indicator": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray4", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "paste_indicator": { "fg": "white", "bg": "mediumorange", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "readonly_indicator": { "fg": "brightestred", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "branch": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "branch_dirty": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "branch_clean": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "branch:divider": { "fg": "gray7", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "file_directory": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "file_name": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray4", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "file_size": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "file_name_no_file": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "file_name_empty": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "file_format": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "file_encoding": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "file_type": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "file_vcs_status": { "fg": "brightestred", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "file_vcs_status_M": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "file_vcs_status_A": { "fg": "brightgreen", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "line_percent": { "fg": "gray9", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "line_percent_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_red", "bg": "gray4" },
-               "line_current": { "fg": "gray1", "bg": "gray10", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "line_current_symbol": { "fg": "gray1", "bg": "gray10" },
-               "col_current": { "fg": "gray6", "bg": "gray10" },
-               "modified_buffers": { "fg": "brightyellow", "bg": "gray2" }
-       },
-       "mode_translations": {
-               "nc": {
-                       "colors": {
-                               "brightyellow": "darkorange",
-                               "brightestred": "darkred",
-                               "gray0": "gray0",
-                               "gray1": "gray0",
-                               "gray2": "gray0",
-                               "gray3": "gray1",
-                               "gray4": "gray1",
-                               "gray5": "gray1",
-                               "gray6": "gray1",
-                               "gray7": "gray4",
-                               "gray8": "gray4",
-                               "gray9": "gray4",
-                               "gray10": "gray5",
-                               "white": "gray6",
-                               "green_yellow_red": "gray5"
-                       }
-               },
-               "i": {
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-                               "gray0": "darkestblue",
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-                               "gray2": "darkestblue",
-                               "gray3": "darkblue",
-                               "gray4": "darkblue",
-                               "gray5": "darkestcyan",
-                               "gray6": "darkestcyan",
-                               "gray7": "darkestcyan",
-                               "gray8": "mediumcyan",
-                               "gray9": "mediumcyan",
-                               "gray10": "mediumcyan",
-                               "green_yellow_red": "gray5"
-                       },
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "darkestcyan", "bg": "white", "attr": ["bold"] },
-                               "background:divider": { "fg": "darkcyan", "bg": "darkestblue" },
-                               "branch:divider": { "fg": "darkcyan", "bg": "darkblue" }
-                       }
-               },
-               "v": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "darkorange", "bg": "brightestorange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "V": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "darkorange", "bg": "brightestorange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "^V": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "darkorange", "bg": "brightestorange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "R": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "white", "bg": "brightred", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2eb4c36..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Solarized Dark",
-       "groups": {
-               "background":             { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "royalblue5" },
-               "background:divider":     { "fg": "lightskyblue4", "bg": "royalblue5" },
-               "mode":                   { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "green", "attr": ["bold"] },
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-               "paste_indicator":        { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "readonly_indicator":     { "fg": "red", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "branch":                 { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "branch_dirty":           { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "branch_clean":           { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "branch:divider":         { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "file_directory":         { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "file_name":              { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "file_size":              { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-               "file_name_no_file":      { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "file_name_empty":        { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
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-               "file_vcs_status_M":      { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
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-               "col_current":            { "fg": "azure4", "bg": "lightyellow" }
-       },
-       "mode_translations": {
-               "nc": {
-                       "colors": {
-                               "darkgreencopper": "royalblue5",
-                               "lightskyblue4": "royalblue5",
-                               "azure4": "darkgreencopper",
-                               "gray61": "lightskyblue4",
-                               "lightyellow": "azure4",
-                               "oldlace": "gray61"
-                       }
-               },
-               "i": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "background":             { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-                               "background:divider":     { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-                               "mode":                   { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "blue", "attr": ["bold"] },
-                               "modified_indicator":     { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
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-                               "readonly_indicator":     { "fg": "red", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "branch":                 { "fg": "darkgreencopper", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "branch:divider":         { "fg": "lightskyblue4", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_directory":         { "fg": "darkgreencopper", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_name":              { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
-                               "file_size":              { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_name_no_file":      { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
-                               "file_name_empty":        { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_format":            { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-                               "file_encoding":          { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-                               "file_type":              { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
-                               "file_vcs_status":        { "fg": "red", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_vcs_status_M":      { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "file_vcs_status_A":      { "fg": "green", "bg": "lightyellow" },
-                               "line_percent":           { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "gray61" },
-                               "line_percent_gradient":  { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "gray61" },
-                               "line_current":           { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "oldlace", "attr": ["bold"] },
-                               "line_current_symbol":    { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "oldlace" },
-                               "col_current":            { "fg": "azure4", "bg": "oldlace" }
-                       }
-               },
-               "v": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "V": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "^V": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               },
-               "R": {
-                       "groups": {
-                               "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "red", "attr": ["bold"] }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d71d4e3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-       "name": "Default color scheme for window managers",
-       "groups": {
-               "background:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "session": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "date": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "time": { "fg": "gray10", "bg": "gray2", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "time:divider": { "fg": "gray5", "bg": "gray2" },
-               "email_alert": { "fg": "white", "bg": "brightred", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "email_alert_gradient": { "fg": "white", "bg": "yellow_orange_red", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "hostname": { "fg": "black", "bg": "gray10", "attr": ["bold"] },
-               "weather": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_temp_gradient": { "fg": "blue_red", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_hot": { "fg": "khaki1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_snowy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "weather_condition_rainy": { "fg": "skyblue1", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "uptime": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "external_ip": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "network_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load": { "fg": "gray8", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load_good": { "fg": "lightyellowgreen", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load_bad": { "fg": "gold3", "bg": "gray0" },
-               "system_load_ugly": { "fg": "orangered", "bg": "gray0" }
-       }
diff --git a/config/powerline/config.json b/config/powerline/config.json
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a70922f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-       "common": {
-               "term_truecolor": false,
-               "dividers": {
-                       "left": {
-                               "hard": " ",
-                               "soft": " "
-                       },
-                       "right": {
-                               "hard": " ",
-                               "soft": " "
-                       }
-               },
-               "spaces": 1
-       },
-       "ext": {
-               "ipython": {
-                       "colorscheme": "default",
-                       "theme": "in",
-                       "local_themes": {
-                               "rewrite": "rewrite",
-                               "out": "out",
-                               "in2": "in2"
-                       }
-               },
-               "shell": {
-                       "colorscheme": "default",
-                       "theme": "default"
-               },
-               "tmux": {
-                       "colorscheme": "default",
-                       "theme": "default"
-               },
-               "vim": {
-                       "colorscheme": "default",
-                       "theme": "default",
-                       "local_themes": {
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-                               "help": "help",
-                               "quickfix": "quickfix"
-                       }
-               },
-               "wm": {
-                       "colorscheme": "default",
-                       "theme": "default"
-               }
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ac979c5..0000000
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
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-                               "name": "virtualenv"
-                       },
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-                               "type": "string",
-                               "contents": "In[",
-                               "draw_soft_divider": false,
-                               "highlight_group": ["prompt"]
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "prompt_count",
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-                       },
-                       {
-                               "type": "string",
-                               "contents": "]",
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-                       }
-               ]
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 601fc9e..0000000
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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-                       }
-               ]
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 11a6323..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
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-               "left": [
-                       {
-                               "type": "string",
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-                               "align": "r",
-                               "highlight_group": ["prompt"]
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "prompt_count",
-                               "module": "powerline.segments.ipython",
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-                       },
-                       {
-                               "type": "string",
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-                       }
-               ]
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 47d8de0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
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-               "left": [
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-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "prompt_count",
-                               "module": "powerline.segments.ipython",
-                               "draw_soft_divider": false
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "type": "string",
-                               "contents": ">",
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-                       }
-               ]
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6246a96..0000000
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@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
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-               "hostname": {
-                       "before": " ",
-                       "args": {
-                               "only_if_ssh": true
-                       }
-               },
-               "virtualenv": {
-                       "before": "ⓔ  "
-               },
-               "branch": {
-                       "before": " "
-               }
-       },
-       "segments": {
-               "left": [
-                       {
-                               "name": "hostname"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "user"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "virtualenv"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "cwd",
-                               "args": {
-                                       "dir_limit_depth": 3
-                               }
-                       }
-               ],
-               "right": [
-                       {
-                               "module": "powerline.segments.shell",
-                               "name": "last_pipe_status"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "branch"
-                       }
-               ]
-       }
diff --git a/config/powerline/themes/shell/default_leftonly.json b/config/powerline/themes/shell/default_leftonly.json
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 16af975..0000000
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@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
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-       "segment_data": {
-               "hostname": {
-                       "before": " ",
-                       "args": {
-                               "only_if_ssh": true
-                       }
-               },
-               "virtualenv": {
-                       "before": "ⓔ  "
-               },
-               "branch": {
-                       "before": " "
-               }
-       },
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-               "left": [
-                       {
-                               "name": "hostname"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "user"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "virtualenv"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "branch"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "cwd",
-                               "args": {
-                                       "dir_limit_depth": 3
-                               }
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "last_status",
-                               "module": "powerline.segments.shell"
-                       }
-               ]
-       }
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2367821..0000000
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-               "uptime": {
-                       "before": "⇑  "
-               },
-               "external_ip": {
-                       "before": "ⓦ  "
-               },
-               "date": {
-                       "before": "⌚ "
-               },
-               "email_imap_alert": {
-                       "before": "✉ ",
-                       "args": {
-                               "username": "",
-                               "password": ""
-                       }
-               }
-       },
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-               "right": [
-                       {
-                               "name": "uptime",
-                               "priority": 50
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "external_ip",
-                               "priority": 50
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "network_load",
-                               "priority": 50
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "system_load",
-                               "priority": 50
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "weather",
-                               "priority": 50
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "date"
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "date",
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-                                       "format": "%H:%M",
-                                       "istime": true
-                               }
-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "email_imap_alert",
-                               "priority": 10
-                       },
-               ],
-    "left" : [
-                       {
-                               "name": "hostname"
-                       }
-    ]
-       }
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index c300d94..0000000
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-                       },
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diff --git a/config/powerline/themes/vim/default.json b/config/powerline/themes/vim/default.json
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-               },
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index da77d63..0000000
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-               }
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-       "segments": {
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-                               "name": "weather",
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-                               "name": "date"
-                       },
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-                               "name": "date",
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-                       },
-                       {
-                               "name": "email_imap_alert",
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-                               "args": {
-                                       "username": "",
-                                       "password": ""
-                               }
-                       }
-               ]
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index 6f232380f691ad1975fded654a1f3d6ce2ee8cd5..d426b5cdf804ba385baef942ae72418ef93ac891 100644 (file)
--- a/gitconfig
+++ b/gitconfig
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
        name = Ben Beltran
        email = ben@nsovocal.com
        name = Ben Beltran
        email = ben@nsovocal.com
-       signingkey = C4F2921ED27B8DBA
+       signingkey = 8ABB89672AFB58F5
        editor = vim
        editor = vim
diff --git a/prezto b/prezto
index e21d3dce9edebab44ebc876fd32ed0cf22cb8b55..54fe2c7f5b05636043970f703ab23bcc7b3d40be 160000 (submodule)
--- a/prezto
+++ b/prezto
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e21d3dce9edebab44ebc876fd32ed0cf22cb8b55
+Subproject commit 54fe2c7f5b05636043970f703ab23bcc7b3d40be
index 63706cfb6fc3afb7e2ad9bad13ec53a882e75a49..0399e4ec1c26ab9cff17694de753919c40a949ab 100644 (file)
@@ -8,7 +8,25 @@ function virtualenv_info {
-  echo "(${venv})"
+  echo "🐍${venv}"
+function rvm_info {
+  if [[ -z "$RUBY_VERSION" ]]; then
+    rvminfo="default"
+  else
+    rvminfo=`rvm-prompt`
+  fi
+  echo "💎${rvminfo}"
+function nvm_info {
+  if [[ -z "$NVM_BIN" ]]; then
+    nvminfo="default"
+  else
+    nvminfo=`nvm current`
+  fi
+  echo "💛${nvminfo}"
 function box_name {
 function box_name {
@@ -47,7 +65,8 @@ function prompt_ben_setup {
   # Define prompts.
   # Define prompts.
-%{%F{red}%}%n%{%f%}@%{%F{yellow}%}$(box_name)%{%f%} %{%B%F{green}%}${PWD/#$HOME/~}%{%f%b%}${git_info[prompt]} %{%F{black}%}$(virtualenv_info)%{%f%}
+%{%F{black}%}$(nvm_info) $(rvm_info) $(virtualenv_info)
+%{%F{red}%}%n%{%f%}@%{%F{yellow}%}$(box_name)%{%f%} %{%B%F{green}%}${PWD/#$HOME/~}%{%f%b%}${git_info[prompt]} %{%f%}
 %(?,,%{${%B%F{white}%}[%?]%{%f%b%} )$ '
 %(?,,%{${%B%F{white}%}[%?]%{%f%b%} )$ '
diff --git a/tmux-powerline b/tmux-powerline
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 9a1c6b1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 9a1c6b12748fa807fbbe0c032e57fe85712a6d47
index 60cbfc9b6cc2eb65d48e814bd56bee835c0abff8..dcf0f26e36e49c047d191294f154761a5a1c3b83 100644 (file)
--- a/tmux.conf
+++ b/tmux.conf
@@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ bind | split-window -h
 bind - split-window -v
 #Customize the status bars.
 bind - split-window -v
 #Customize the status bars.
-# set -g status-bg cyan
-# set -g status-fg white
-# set -g status-left-length 24
-# set -g status-left '#[fg=black]#[bg=white]#H-#S'
-# set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg red
-# set -g status-right '#[fg=black]#[bg=white]#(uptime)'
-# set -g status-right-length 70
+set -g status-bg cyan
+set -g status-fg white
+set -g status-left-length 24
+set -g status-left '#[fg=black]#[bg=white]#H-#S '
+set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg red
+set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg colour232
+set-window-option -g window-status-fg colour231
+set -g status-right ' #[fg=black]#[bg=white]#(short-uptime)'
+set -g status-right-length 70
 # Better powerline highlighting.
 set-window-option -g window-status-activity-attr bold,blink,underscore
 # Better powerline highlighting.
 set-window-option -g window-status-activity-attr bold,blink,underscore
@@ -38,8 +40,3 @@ bind -r l run-shell 'tmux select-pane -R'
 # Set color mode.
 set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
 # Set color mode.
 set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"
-set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc"
-# Powerline
-run-shell "powerline-daemon -q"
-source /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf
\ No newline at end of file
index 2b654cad2c8e253f844b87e4b768db3a205da280..3941a37b2b0288524300348a39521a46539bf9f6 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 2b654cad2c8e253f844b87e4b768db3a205da280
+Subproject commit 3941a37b2b0288524300348a39521a46539bf9f6
diff --git a/vim/bundle/ag.vim b/vim/bundle/ag.vim
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index b0d5073..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit b0d50730dbf692168307adef625f1378553730df
index 35edebac06d1d8550ee7fa8d0336b6313228431c..81f525f7bacfa65c7dfba314be92ec64a69c3901 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 35edebac06d1d8550ee7fa8d0336b6313228431c
+Subproject commit 81f525f7bacfa65c7dfba314be92ec64a69c3901
diff --git a/vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim b/vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 6ddbfe2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 6ddbfe2cc00a7eeb2a4450552b78276488a2e2c9
index f2efe4331b74a4e1157729106cd7950ed6bbf4a8..728b57a6564c1d2bdfb9b9e0f2f8c5ba3d7e0c5c 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f2efe4331b74a4e1157729106cd7950ed6bbf4a8
+Subproject commit 728b57a6564c1d2bdfb9b9e0f2f8c5ba3d7e0c5c
index 646c18062e6b168eb485bbc6b51d7c77c23a35e0..68f8136d2b018bfa9b23403e87d3d65bc942cbc3 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 646c18062e6b168eb485bbc6b51d7c77c23a35e0
+Subproject commit 68f8136d2b018bfa9b23403e87d3d65bc942cbc3
index 291e49908af86f2805d1a93b6a476f04906e28e1..0d89595c94fa18cd6b33bd538f19c515ccbf7f67 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 291e49908af86f2805d1a93b6a476f04906e28e1
+Subproject commit 0d89595c94fa18cd6b33bd538f19c515ccbf7f67
diff --git a/vim/bundle/nerdcommenter b/vim/bundle/nerdcommenter
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 0b3d928..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 0b3d928dce8262dedfc2f83b9aeb59a94e4f0ae4
diff --git a/vim/bundle/nerdtree b/vim/bundle/nerdtree
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index b0bb781..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit b0bb781fc73ef40365e4c996a16f04368d64fc9d
diff --git a/vim/bundle/searchfold.vim b/vim/bundle/searchfold.vim
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index f2b988c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit f2b988c592bc8989c2b9300f241ebb0aefde43e6
index 21175aeb1fc7ffd709372cd364a7eddef0530ee8..6e21ab3c696c4c567bac4d724ea7d882181ba98f 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 21175aeb1fc7ffd709372cd364a7eddef0530ee8
+Subproject commit 6e21ab3c696c4c567bac4d724ea7d882181ba98f
diff --git a/vim/bundle/supertab b/vim/bundle/supertab
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 94b62de..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 94b62deb9fa3f9084154221aed053bf6031af8a0
index b246e339afda238af1086e824d785361cffb51cb..1089ee5212b833d73c96ca93773b9eca1a0f721b 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit b246e339afda238af1086e824d785361cffb51cb
+Subproject commit 1089ee5212b833d73c96ca93773b9eca1a0f721b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/syntastic-local-eslint b/vim/bundle/syntastic-local-eslint
new file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 0000000..fd5da4d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit fd5da4df8ba032be411630b81770739f9846b078
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 70e614d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 70e614d608386b92af3b3ec73d2f25704162fbfd
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 0c5612f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 0c5612fa31ee434ba055e21c76f456244b3b5109
index 9f05e4c0c6163ec52010b0e1e6f66605ae42302d..f67d022169bd04d3c000f47b1c03bfcbc4209470 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 9f05e4c0c6163ec52010b0e1e6f66605ae42302d
+Subproject commit f67d022169bd04d3c000f47b1c03bfcbc4209470
index 3b5f715262e0ec03cbdd80d8858039b47af34365..bd0b87d36ad80e8acd94f22028d15ebb441b1c28 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 3b5f715262e0ec03cbdd80d8858039b47af34365
+Subproject commit bd0b87d36ad80e8acd94f22028d15ebb441b1c28
index 78fffa609b3e6b84ef01ee4c9aba6d7435d7b18e..5c5b24c959478929b54a9e831a8e2e651a465965 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 78fffa609b3e6b84ef01ee4c9aba6d7435d7b18e
+Subproject commit 5c5b24c959478929b54a9e831a8e2e651a465965
index 4a0bb3e186ec8938131f2c9debc85097e86a2b63..3727f089410e23ae113be6222e8a08dd2613ecf2 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4a0bb3e186ec8938131f2c9debc85097e86a2b63
+Subproject commit 3727f089410e23ae113be6222e8a08dd2613ecf2
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-misc b/vim/bundle/vim-misc
deleted file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 37211f3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 37211f3d9058bc7909adfabc53d11d1f8b595720
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-mucomplete b/vim/bundle/vim-mucomplete
new file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 0000000..0ee101f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 0ee101fd4f619096f2a0ec71bab0718ae2fb2479
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-ripgrep b/vim/bundle/vim-ripgrep
new file mode 160000 (submodule)
index 0000000..ec87af6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit ec87af6b69387abb3c4449ce8c4040d2d00d745e
index 1681a907948347af139ed86e9a91d7975f1504a5..437be4ccf0e78fe54cb482657091cff9e8479488 160000 (submodule)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1681a907948347af139ed86e9a91d7975f1504a5
+Subproject commit 437be4ccf0e78fe54cb482657091cff9e8479488
diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc
index 62a82d7319b8ad5e8e2fad3edda9b159c8cfb6bc..1eefa87b38bbee118e7ec5bb9660acf053855ee6 100755 (executable)
--- a/vimrc
+++ b/vimrc
@@ -88,10 +88,6 @@ map <Leader>e :e <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>
 " Normal mode: <Leader>t
 map <Leader>te :tabe <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>
 " Normal mode: <Leader>t
 map <Leader>te :tabe <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>
-" Inserts the path of the currently edited file into a command
-" Command mode: Ctrl+P
-cmap <C-P> <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>
 " Unimpaired configuration
 " Bubble single lines
 nmap <C-Up> [e
 " Unimpaired configuration
 " Bubble single lines
 nmap <C-Up> [e
@@ -154,11 +150,6 @@ set foldnestmax=10
 set nofoldenable
 set foldlevel=1
 set nofoldenable
 set foldlevel=1
-" powerline stuff
-python from powerline.vim import setup as powerline_setup
-python powerline_setup()
-python del powerline_setup
 " Fix CtrlP root folder and add some ignores
 let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0
 let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|node_modules|DS_Store)$'
 " Fix CtrlP root folder and add some ignores
 let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 0
 let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|node_modules|DS_Store)$'
@@ -185,5 +176,30 @@ let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
 let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
 let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
 let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 1
 let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
 let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
 let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 1
-let g:syntastic_error_symbol = "✕"
-let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = "⚠︎"
+let g:syntastic_error_symbol = "X"
+let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = "!"
+" Dank Mono Italics
+highlight Keyword cterm=italic
+" FZF config
+set rtp+=/usr/local/opt/fzf
+" Inserts the path of the currently edited file into a command
+noremap <C-P> :FZF <CR>
+" Map colors to vim colors
+let g:fzf_colors =
+\ { 'fg':      ['fg', 'Normal'],
+  \ 'bg':      ['bg', 'Normal'],
+  \ 'hl':      ['fg', 'Comment'],
+  \ 'fg+':     ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
+  \ 'bg+':     ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
+  \ 'hl+':     ['fg', 'Statement'],
+  \ 'info':    ['fg', 'PreProc'],
+  \ 'border':  ['fg', 'Ignore'],
+  \ 'prompt':  ['fg', 'Conditional'],
+  \ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
+  \ 'marker':  ['fg', 'Keyword'],
+  \ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
+  \ 'header':  ['fg', 'Comment'] }