# Theme Variables
set $font "InputSansCompressed Light 12"
-set $highlight #00FFFF
-set $prompt #00FF00
+set $highlight #4F8FE6
+set $background #0F261FF2
+set $foreground #DAE6E3
+set $accent #23C17C
+set $danger #FA2B00
+set $accent2 #4F8FE6
# Font
font pango:InputSansCompressed Light 12
# class / border / bg / fg / indicator / child_border
-client.focused #00FFFF #000000 #FFFFFF #00FF00 #00FFFF
-client.focused_inactive #00FFFF #000000 #666666 #00FF00 #00FFFF
-client.unfocused #666666 #000000 #888888 #666666 #666666
-client.urgent #FF00FF #000000 #FFFFFF #00FF00 #FF00FF
+client.focused $accent $accent $background $accent $accent
+client.focused_inactive $accent2 $accent2 $background $accent2 $accent2
+client.unfocused $background $background #90A6A2 $background $background
+client.urgent $danger $danger $foreground #01FF00 $danger
-gaps outer 10
+gaps outer 8
gaps inner 10
# Your preferred application launcher
# Note: pass the final command to swaymsg so that the resulting window can be opened
# on the original workspace that the command was run on.
-set $menu bemenu-run --fn $font -p "$" --tf "$prompt" --hf "$highlight" --sf "$highlight" --scf "$highlight" | xargs swaymsg exec
+set $menu bemenu-run -n -H 26 --hp 10 --fn $font -p ">" --ff "$background" --tf "$accent" --nf "$background" --cf "$accent2" --af "#00140d" --hb "$accent" --hf "$background" --hf "$foreground" --nb "$foreground" --tb "$foreground" --fb "$foreground" --cb "$foreground" --ab "$foreground" | xargs swaymsg exec
### Output configuration
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
+### Key bindings
+# Switching
+ bindgesture swipe:3:left workspace next
+ bindgesture swipe:3:right workspace prev
# Status Bar:
status_command while ~/.config/sway/status.sh; do sleep 1; done
colors {
- statusline #ffffff
- background #000000
+ statusline #B5D1CC
+ background $background
# class / border / bg / fg
- focused_workspace #00FFFF #00FFFF #000000
- inactive_workspace #666666 #000000 #666666
- active_workspace #00FF00 #000000 #00FF00
- urgent_workspace #FF00FF #FF00FF #000000
+ focused_workspace #23C17CF2 #23C17CF2 #000000F2
+ inactive_workspace $background $background #90A6A2
+ active_workspace #4F8FE6F2 #4F8FE6F2 $foreground
+ urgent_workspace #FA2B00F2 #FA2B00F2 $foreground