# Font
-font_family Input Mono Light
-bold_font Input Mono Medium
-italic_font Input Mono Light Italic
-bold_italic_font Input Mono Medium Italic
+font_family InputMonoCondensed-Thin
+bold_font InputMonoCondensed-Medium
+italic_font InputMonoCondensed-ThinItalic
+bold_italic_font InputMonoCondensed-MediumItalic
font_size 14.0
-macos_thicken_font 0.75
# Cursor
-cursor #eeeeee
+cursor none
cursor_text_color #3e3937
cursor_shape block
+cursor_trail 1
+# Mouse
+mouse_hide_wait 0
-# Color Scheme
-foreground #ffffff
-background #000000
-selection_foreground #000000
-selection_background #c1ddff
-active_border_color #55ff55
-inactive_border_color #c1ddff
-active_tab_foreground #000000
-active_tab_background #00FFFF
-inactive_tab_foreground #00FFFF
-inactive_tab_background #000000
+background_opacity 0.95
+# Color Scheme - Ruben Tranquil
+foreground #ffffff
+# Deep Slate Green
+background #0F261F
+# Deep Slate Green
+selection_foreground #0F261F
+# Light Neutral Gray
+selection_background #DAE6E3
+# Calamine Blue
+active_border_color #80FFCC
+# Light Neutral Gray
+inactive_border_color #DAE6E3
-background_opacity 1.0
+# Deep Slate Green
+active_tab_foreground #0F261F
+# Calamine Blue
+active_tab_background #80FFCC
+# Neutral Gray
+inactive_tab_foreground #B5D1CC
+# Deep Slate Green
+inactive_tab_background #0F261F
-# Regular Colors
+# Regular Colors - Ruben Tranquil
# black
-color0 #888888
+# Dark Neutral Gray
+color0 #90A6A2
# red
-color1 #ff0000
+# Jasper Red
+color1 #FA2B00
# green
-color2 #00ff00
+# Light Porcelain Green
+color2 #23C17C
# yellow
-color3 #ffff00
+# Naples Yellow
+color3 #FAED8F
# blue
-color4 #0000ff
+# Olympic Blue
+color4 #4F8FE6
# magenta
-color5 #ff00ff
+# Hermosa Pink
+color5 #FFB4F0
# cyan
-color6 #00ffff
+# Calamine Blue
+color6 #80FFCC
# white
-color7 #c7c7c7
+# Light Neutral Gray
+color7 #DAE6E3
# black
-color8 #aaaaaa
+# Neutral Gray
+color8 #B5D1CC
# red
-color9 #ff5555
+# Grenadine Pink
+color9 #FF616B
# green
color10 #55ff55
# yellow
# blue
color12 #5555ff
# magenta
-color13 #ff55ff
+# Seashell Pink
+color13 #FFCFC4
# cyan
color14 #55ffff
# white
color15 #ffffff
+# Color Scheme - Ruben Primary
+# foreground #ffffff
+# background #000000
+# selection_foreground #000000
+# selection_background #c1ddff
+# active_border_color #55ff55
+# inactive_border_color #c1ddff
+# active_tab_foreground #000000
+# active_tab_background #00FFFF
+# inactive_tab_foreground #00FFFF
+# inactive_tab_background #000000
+# Regular Colors - Ruben Primary
+# black
+# color0 #888888
+# red
+# color1 #ff0000
+# green
+# color2 #00ff00
+# yellow
+# color3 #ffff00
+# blue
+# color4 #0000ff
+# magenta
+# color5 #ff00ff
+# cyan
+# color6 #00ffff
+# white
+# color7 #c7c7c7
+# black
+# color8 #aaaaaa
+# red
+# color9 #ff5555
+# green
+# color10 #55ff55
+# yellow
+# color11 #ffff55
+# blue
+# color12 #5555ff
+# magenta
+# color13 #ff55ff
+# cyan
+# color14 #55ffff
+# white
+# color15 #ffffff
# window
-hide_window_decorations no
-tab_bar_style separator
+hide_window_decorations titlebar-only
+window_margin_width 10 5 5
+tab_bar_style custom
+tab_bar_margin_width 5.0
+tab_bar_margin_height 5.0 0.0
+enabled_layouts splits,tall,fat,grid,stack
# keyboard
macos_option_as_alt left
+# Splits and Navigation, Tmux Style
+map cmd+a>- launch --location=hsplit
+map cmd+a>| launch --location=vsplit
+# map f7 layout_action rotate
+# Navigate Windows
+map cmd+a>h neighboring_window left
+map cmd+a>l neighboring_window right
+map cmd+a>k neighboring_window up
+map cmd+a>j neighboring_window down
+# Move the active window in the indicated direction
+map cmd+a>shift+h move_window left
+map cmd+a>shift+l move_window right
+map cmd+a>shift+k move_window up
+map cmd+a>shift+j move_window down
+map cmd+a>, set_tab_title
+map cmd+a>z toggle_layout stack