+Grim = require 'grim'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{Point, Range} = require 'atom'
{Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit'
Operators = require './operators/index'
Prefixes = require './prefixes'
Motions = require './motions/index'
+InsertMode = require './insert-mode'
TextObjects = require './text-objects'
Utils = require './utils'
mode: null
submode: null
destroyed: false
+ replaceModeListener: null
constructor: (@editorElement, @statusBarManager, @globalVimState) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@marks = {}
@subscriptions.add @editor.onDidDestroy => @destroy()
- @subscriptions.add @editor.onDidChangeSelectionRange _.debounce(=>
- return unless @editor?
- if @editor.getSelections().every((selection) -> selection.isEmpty())
- @activateCommandMode() if @mode is 'visual'
- else
- @activateVisualMode('characterwise') if @mode is 'command'
- , 100)
+ @editorElement.addEventListener 'mouseup', @checkSelections
+ if atom.commands.onDidDispatch?
+ @subscriptions.add atom.commands.onDidDispatch (e) =>
+ if e.target is @editorElement
+ @checkSelections()
- @setupCommandMode()
+ @setupNormalMode()
if settings.startInInsertMode()
- @activateCommandMode()
+ @activateNormalMode()
destroy: ->
unless @destroyed
@destroyed = true
- @emitter.emit 'did-destroy'
if @editor.isAlive()
- @editorElement.classList.remove("command-mode")
+ @editorElement.classList.remove("normal-mode")
+ @editorElement.removeEventListener 'mouseup', @checkSelections
@editor = null
@editorElement = null
+ @emitter.emit 'did-destroy'
# Private: Creates the plugin's bindings
# Returns nothing.
- setupCommandMode: ->
+ setupNormalMode: ->
- 'activate-command-mode': => @activateCommandMode()
+ 'activate-normal-mode': => @activateNormalMode()
'activate-linewise-visual-mode': => @activateVisualMode('linewise')
'activate-characterwise-visual-mode': => @activateVisualMode('characterwise')
'activate-blockwise-visual-mode': => @activateVisualMode('blockwise')
- 'reset-command-mode': => @resetCommandMode()
+ 'reset-normal-mode': => @resetNormalMode()
'repeat-prefix': (e) => @repeatPrefix(e)
'reverse-selections': (e) => @reverseSelections(e)
'undo': (e) => @undo(e)
+ 'replace-mode-backspace': => @replaceModeUndo()
+ 'insert-mode-put': (e) => @insertRegister(@registerName(e))
+ 'copy-from-line-above': => InsertMode.copyCharacterFromAbove(@editor, this)
+ 'copy-from-line-below': => InsertMode.copyCharacterFromBelow(@editor, this)
'activate-insert-mode': => new Operators.Insert(@editor, this)
- 'substitute': => new Operators.Substitute(@editor, this)
- 'substitute-line': => new Operators.SubstituteLine(@editor, this)
+ 'activate-replace-mode': => new Operators.ReplaceMode(@editor, this)
+ 'substitute': => [new Operators.Change(@editor, this), new Motions.MoveRight(@editor, this)]
+ 'substitute-line': => [new Operators.Change(@editor, this), new Motions.MoveToRelativeLine(@editor, this)]
'insert-after': => new Operators.InsertAfter(@editor, this)
'insert-after-end-of-line': => new Operators.InsertAfterEndOfLine(@editor, this)
'insert-at-beginning-of-line': => new Operators.InsertAtBeginningOfLine(@editor, this)
'scroll-full-screen-up': => new Motions.ScrollFullUpKeepCursor(@editorElement, this)
'scroll-half-screen-down': => new Motions.ScrollHalfDownKeepCursor(@editorElement, this)
'scroll-full-screen-down': => new Motions.ScrollFullDownKeepCursor(@editorElement, this)
+ 'scroll-cursor-to-left': => new Scroll.ScrollCursorToLeft(@editorElement)
+ 'scroll-cursor-to-right': => new Scroll.ScrollCursorToRight(@editorElement)
'select-inside-word': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideWord(@editor)
+ 'select-inside-whole-word': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideWholeWord(@editor)
'select-inside-double-quotes': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '"', false)
'select-inside-single-quotes': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '\'', false)
'select-inside-back-ticks': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '`', false)
'select-inside-parentheses': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideBrackets(@editor, '(', ')', false)
'select-inside-paragraph': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideParagraph(@editor, false)
'select-a-word': => new TextObjects.SelectAWord(@editor)
+ 'select-a-whole-word': => new TextObjects.SelectAWholeWord(@editor)
'select-around-double-quotes': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '"', true)
'select-around-single-quotes': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '\'', true)
'select-around-back-ticks': => new TextObjects.SelectInsideQuotes(@editor, '`', true)
'find-backwards': (e) => new Motions.Find(@editor, this).reverse()
'till': (e) => new Motions.Till(@editor, this)
'till-backwards': (e) => new Motions.Till(@editor, this).reverse()
- 'repeat-find': (e) => @currentFind.repeat() if @currentFind?
- 'repeat-find-reverse': (e) => @currentFind.repeat(reverse: true) if @currentFind?
+ 'repeat-find': (e) => new @globalVimState.currentFind.constructor(@editor, this, repeated: true) if @globalVimState.currentFind
+ 'repeat-find-reverse': (e) => new @globalVimState.currentFind.constructor(@editor, this, repeated: true, reverse: true) if @globalVimState.currentFind
'replace': (e) => new Operators.Replace(@editor, this)
'search': (e) => new Motions.Search(@editor, this)
'reverse-search': (e) => (new Motions.Search(@editor, this)).reversed()
# if we have started an operation that responds to canComposeWith check if it can compose
# with the operation we're going to push onto the stack
if (topOp = @topOperation())? and topOp.canComposeWith? and not topOp.canComposeWith(operation)
- @resetCommandMode()
+ @resetNormalMode()
undo: ->
- @activateCommandMode()
+ @activateNormalMode()
# Private: Processes the command if the last operation is complete.
unless @topOperation().isComplete()
- if @mode is 'command' and @topOperation() instanceof Operators.Operator
+ if @mode is 'normal' and @topOperation() instanceof Operators.Operator
catch e
if (e instanceof Operators.OperatorError) or (e instanceof Motions.MotionError)
- @resetCommandMode()
+ @resetNormalMode()
throw e
# Returns the value of the given register or undefined if it hasn't
# been set.
getRegister: (name) ->
+ if name is '"'
+ name = settings.defaultRegister()
if name in ['*', '+']
text = atom.clipboard.read()
type = Utils.copyType(text)
# Returns nothing.
setRegister: (name, value) ->
+ if name is '"'
+ name = settings.defaultRegister()
if name in ['*', '+']
else if name is '_'
# Mode Switching
- # Private: Used to enable command mode.
+ # Private: Used to enable normal mode.
# Returns nothing.
- activateCommandMode: ->
+ activateNormalMode: ->
- @mode = 'command'
+ @mode = 'normal'
@submode = null
- @changeModeClass('command-mode')
+ @changeModeClass('normal-mode')
selection.clear(autoscroll: false) for selection in @editor.getSelections()
- for cursor in @editor.getCursors()
- if cursor.isAtEndOfLine() and not cursor.isAtBeginningOfLine()
- cursor.moveLeft()
+ @ensureCursorsWithinLine()
+ # TODO: remove this method and bump the `vim-mode` service version number.
+ activateCommandMode: ->
+ Grim.deprecate("Use ::activateNormalMode instead")
+ @activateNormalMode()
# Private: Used to enable insert mode.
# Returns nothing.
- activateInsertMode: ->
+ activateInsertMode: (subtype = null) ->
@mode = 'insert'
- @submode = null
+ @submode = subtype
+ activateReplaceMode: ->
+ @activateInsertMode('replace')
+ @replaceModeCounter = 0
+ @editorElement.classList.add('replace-mode')
+ @subscriptions.add @replaceModeListener = @editor.onWillInsertText @replaceModeInsertHandler
+ @subscriptions.add @replaceModeUndoListener = @editor.onDidInsertText @replaceModeUndoHandler
+ replaceModeInsertHandler: (event) =>
+ chars = event.text?.split('') or []
+ selections = @editor.getSelections()
+ for char in chars
+ continue if char is '\n'
+ for selection in selections
+ selection.delete() unless selection.cursor.isAtEndOfLine()
+ return
+ replaceModeUndoHandler: (event) =>
+ @replaceModeCounter++
+ replaceModeUndo: ->
+ if @replaceModeCounter > 0
+ @editor.undo()
+ @editor.undo()
+ @editor.moveLeft()
+ @replaceModeCounter--
setInsertionCheckpoint: ->
@insertionCheckpoint = @editor.createCheckpoint() unless @insertionCheckpoint?
deactivateInsertMode: ->
return unless @mode in [null, 'insert']
+ @editorElement.classList.remove('replace-mode')
changes = getChangesSinceCheckpoint(@editor.buffer, @insertionCheckpoint)
item = @inputOperator(@history[0])
for cursor in @editor.getCursors()
cursor.moveLeft() unless cursor.isAtBeginningOfLine()
+ if @replaceModeListener?
+ @replaceModeListener.dispose()
+ @subscriptions.remove @replaceModeListener
+ @replaceModeListener = null
+ @replaceModeUndoListener.dispose()
+ @subscriptions.remove @replaceModeUndoListener
+ @replaceModeUndoListener = null
deactivateVisualMode: ->
return unless @mode is 'visual'
# * activate-linewise-visual-mode
if @mode is 'visual'
if @submode is type
- @activateCommandMode()
+ @activateNormalMode()
@submode = type
activateOperatorPendingMode: ->
@mode = 'operator-pending'
- @submodule = null
+ @submode = null
changeModeClass: (targetMode) ->
- for mode in ['command-mode', 'insert-mode', 'visual-mode', 'operator-pending-mode']
+ for mode in ['normal-mode', 'insert-mode', 'visual-mode', 'operator-pending-mode']
if mode is targetMode
- # Private: Resets the command mode back to it's initial state.
+ # Private: Resets the normal mode back to it's initial state.
# Returns nothing.
- resetCommandMode: ->
+ resetNormalMode: ->
- @activateCommandMode()
+ @activateNormalMode()
# Private: A generic way to create a Register prefix based on the event.
# Returns nothing.
registerPrefix: (e) ->
+ new Prefixes.Register(@registerName(e))
+ # Private: Gets a register name from a keyboard event
+ #
+ # e - The event
+ #
+ # Returns the name of the register
+ registerName: (e) ->
keyboardEvent = e.originalEvent?.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent
name = atom.keymaps.keystrokeForKeyboardEvent(keyboardEvent)
if name.lastIndexOf('shift-', 0) is 0
name = name.slice(6)
- new Prefixes.Register(name)
+ name
# Private: A generic way to create a Number prefix based on the event.
@pushOperations(new Prefixes.Repeat(num))
reverseSelections: ->
+ reversed = not @editor.getLastSelection().isReversed()
for selection in @editor.getSelections()
- reversed = not selection.isReversed()
selection.setBufferRange(selection.getBufferRange(), {reversed})
# Private: Figure out whether or not we are in a repeat sequence or we just
updateStatusBar: ->
@statusBarManager.update(@mode, @submode)
+ # Private: insert the contents of the register in the editor
+ #
+ # name - the name of the register to insert
+ #
+ # Returns nothing.
+ insertRegister: (name) ->
+ text = @getRegister(name)?.text
+ @editor.insertText(text) if text?
+ # Private: ensure the mode follows the state of selections
+ checkSelections: =>
+ return unless @editor?
+ if @editor.getSelections().every((selection) -> selection.isEmpty())
+ @ensureCursorsWithinLine() if @mode is 'normal'
+ @activateNormalMode() if @mode is 'visual'
+ else
+ @activateVisualMode('characterwise') if @mode is 'normal'
+ # Private: ensure the cursor stays within the line as appropriate
+ ensureCursorsWithinLine: =>
+ for cursor in @editor.getCursors()
+ {goalColumn} = cursor
+ if cursor.isAtEndOfLine() and not cursor.isAtBeginningOfLine()
+ cursor.moveLeft()
+ cursor.goalColumn = goalColumn
+ @editor.mergeCursors()
# This uses private APIs and may break if TextBuffer is refactored.
# Package authors - copy and paste this code at your own risk.
getChangesSinceCheckpoint = (buffer, checkpoint) ->