editorElement = element
editor = editorElement.getModel()
vimState = editorElement.vimState
- vimState.activateCommandMode()
- vimState.resetCommandMode()
+ vimState.activateNormalMode()
+ vimState.resetNormalMode()
keydown = (key, options={}) ->
options.element ?= editorElement
helpers.keydown(key, options)
- commandModeInputKeydown = (key, opts = {}) ->
- editor.commandModeInputView.editorElement.getModel().setText(key)
+ normalModeInputKeydown = (key, opts = {}) ->
+ editor.normalModeInputView.editorElement.getModel().setText(key)
describe "cancelling operations", ->
- it "does not throw an error even if no operation is pending", ->
+ it "throws an error when no operation is pending", ->
# cancel operation pushes an empty input operation
- # doing this without a pending operation throws an exception
+ # doing this without a pending operation would throw an exception
expect(-> vimState.pushOperations(new Input(''))).toThrow()
- # make sure commandModeInputView is created
+ it "cancels and cleans up properly", ->
+ # make sure normalModeInputView is created
expect(vimState.isOperatorPending()).toBe true
- editor.commandModeInputView.viewModel.cancel()
+ editor.normalModeInputView.viewModel.cancel()
expect(vimState.isOperatorPending()).toBe false
- expect(-> editor.commandModeInputView.viewModel.cancel()).not.toThrow()
+ expect(editor.normalModeInputView).toBe undefined
describe "the x keybinding", ->
describe "on a line with content", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe 'bc'
+ describe "with multiple cursors", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setText "abc\n012345\n\nxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [1, 4]
+ editor.addCursorAtBufferPosition [0, 1]
+ it "is undone as one operation", ->
+ keydown('x')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "ac\n01235\n\nxyz"
+ keydown('u')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "abc\n012345\n\nxyz"
describe "with vim-mode.wrapLeftRightMotion", ->
beforeEach ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 1]
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe '0123\n\nx'
describe "on an empty line", ->
beforeEach ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "abc\n012345\nxyz"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [2, 0]
describe "the X keybinding", ->
describe "on a line with content", ->
beforeEach ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 2]
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe '\n'
describe "on an empty line", ->
beforeEach ->
it "enters operator-pending mode", ->
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(false)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(false)
describe "when followed by a d", ->
it "deletes the current line and exits operator-pending mode", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 0]
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe "abcde\n"
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
it "deletes the last line", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 1])
+ it "undoes both lines", ->
- it "undoes both lines", ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE\nQWERT"
expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe ''
+ describe "with multiple cursors", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 1])
+ editor.addCursorAtBufferPosition([0, 0])
+ it "is undone as one operation", ->
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('l')
+ keydown('u')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE\nQWERT"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe ''
describe "when followed by a w", ->
it "deletes the next word until the end of the line and exits operator-pending mode", ->
editor.setText("abcd efg\nabc")
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 5]
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
it "deletes to the beginning of the next word", ->
editor.setText('abcd efg')
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 6]
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe "abcde"
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
+ describe "when followed by a j", ->
+ originalText = "12345\nabcde\nABCDE\n"
- describe "when followed by an j", ->
beforeEach ->
- originalText = "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
- describe "on the beginning of the file", ->
+ describe "on the beginning of the file", ->
+ it "deletes the next two lines", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 0])
- it "deletes the next two lines", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('j')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe("ABCDE")
- describe "on the end of the file", ->
- editor.setCursorScreenPosition([4, 2])
- it "deletes nothing", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('j')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe(originalText)
- describe "on the middle of second line", ->
- editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 1])
- it "deletes the last two lines", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('j')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345")
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('j')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("ABCDE\n")
+ describe "on the end of the file", ->
+ it "deletes nothing", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([4, 0])
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('j')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe(originalText)
+ describe "on the middle of second line", ->
+ it "deletes the last two lines", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 2])
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('j')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345\n")
describe "when followed by an k", ->
+ originalText = "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
beforeEach ->
- originalText = "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
- describe "on the end of the file", ->
- editor.setCursorScreenPosition([4, 2])
- it "deletes the bottom two lines", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('k')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe("ABCDE")
+ describe "on the end of the file", ->
+ it "deletes the bottom two lines", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 4])
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('k')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345\n")
- describe "on the beginning of the file", ->
+ describe "on the beginning of the file", ->
+ xit "deletes nothing", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 0])
- it "deletes nothing", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('k')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe(originalText)
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('k')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe(originalText)
- describe "when on the middle of second line", ->
- editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 1])
- it "deletes the first two lines", ->
- keydown('d')
- keydown('k')
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345")
+ describe "when on the middle of second line", ->
+ it "deletes the first two lines", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 2])
+ keydown('d')
+ keydown('k')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("ABCDE")
describe "when followed by a G", ->
beforeEach ->
- commandModeInputKeydown(')')
+ normalModeInputKeydown(')')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe("test ()")
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 6]
- commandModeInputKeydown('d')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('d')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "d\nabc\nd"
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [
describe "when followed by a c", ->
- it "deletes the current line and enters insert mode", ->
- editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 1])
+ describe "with autoindent", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setText("12345\n abcde\nABCDE")
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 1])
+ spyOn(editor, 'shouldAutoIndent').andReturn(true)
+ spyOn(editor, 'autoIndentBufferRow').andCallFake (line) ->
+ editor.indent()
+ spyOn(editor.languageMode, 'suggestedIndentForLineAtBufferRow').andCallFake -> 1
- keydown('c')
- keydown('c')
+ it "deletes the current line and enters insert mode", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 1])
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n\nABCDE"
- expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 0]
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(false)
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe(true)
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('c')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n \nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 2]
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(false)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe(true)
+ it "is repeatable", ->
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('c')
+ editor.insertText("abc")
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abc\nABCDE"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 3])
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abc\n abc\n"
+ it "is undoable", ->
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('c')
+ editor.insertText("abc")
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abc\nABCDE"
+ keydown 'u'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe ''
describe "when the cursor is on the last line", ->
it "deletes the line's content and enters insert mode on the last line", ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\n\n"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [2, 0]
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(false)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(false)
describe "when the cursor is on the only line", ->
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe "\n"
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe ""
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(false)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(false)
describe "when followed by i w", ->
# Just cannot get "typing" to work correctly in test.
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nfg\nABCDE"
+ describe "when followed by a %", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setText("12345(67)8\nabc(d)e\nA()BCDE")
+ describe "before brackets or on the first one", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 1])
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([1, 1])
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([2, 1])
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('%')
+ editor.insertText('x')
+ it "replaces inclusively until matching bracket", ->
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\naxe\nAxBCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "insert"
+ it "undoes correctly with u", ->
+ keydown('escape')
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ keydown 'u'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345(67)8\nabc(d)e\nA()BCDE")
+ describe "inside brackets or on the ending one", ->
+ it "replaces inclusively backwards until matching bracket", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 6])
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([1, 5])
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([2, 2])
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('%')
+ editor.insertText('x')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345x7)8\nabcxe\nAxBCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "insert"
+ describe "after or without brackets", ->
+ it "deletes nothing", ->
+ editor.setText("12345(67)8\nabc(d)e\nABCDE")
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 9])
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([2, 2])
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('%')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("12345(67)8\nabc(d)e\nABCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ describe "repetition with .", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 1])
+ keydown('c')
+ keydown('%')
+ editor.insertText('x')
+ keydown('escape')
+ it "repeats correctly before a bracket", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 0])
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\nxe\nA()BCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ it "repeats correctly on the opening bracket", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 3])
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\nabcxe\nA()BCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ it "repeats correctly inside brackets", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 4])
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\nabcx)e\nA()BCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ it "repeats correctly on the closing bracket", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 5])
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\nabcxe\nA()BCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
+ it "does nothing when repeated after a bracket", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 3])
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe("1x8\nabc(d)e\nA()BCDE")
+ expect(vimState.mode).toBe "normal"
describe "when followed by a goto line G", ->
beforeEach ->
editor.setText "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
+ describe "in visual mode", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setText "123456789\nabcde\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [1, 1]
+ describe "with characterwise selection on a single line", ->
+ it "repeats with .", ->
+ keydown 'v'
+ keydown '2'
+ keydown 'l'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "ab"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\naabe\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 1]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "1ab56789\naabe\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ it "repeats shortened with . near the end of the line", ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 2]
+ keydown 'v'
+ keydown '4'
+ keydown 'l'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "ab"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab89\nabcde\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [1, 3]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab89\nabcab\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ it "repeats shortened with . near the end of the line regardless of whether motion wrapping is enabled", ->
+ atom.config.set('vim-mode.wrapLeftRightMotion', true)
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 2]
+ keydown 'v'
+ keydown '4'
+ keydown 'l'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "ab"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab89\nabcde\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [1, 3]
+ keydown '.'
+ # this differs from VIM, which would eat the \n before fghij...
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab89\nabcab\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ describe "is repeatable with characterwise selection over multiple lines", ->
+ it "repeats with .", ->
+ keydown 'v'
+ keydown 'j'
+ keydown '3'
+ keydown 'l'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "x"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\naxklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 1]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "1xnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ it "repeats shortened with . near the end of the line", ->
+ # this behaviour is unlike VIM, see #737
+ keydown 'v'
+ keydown 'j'
+ keydown '6'
+ keydown 'l'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "x"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\naxnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 1]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "1x\nuvwxyz"
+ describe "is repeatable with linewise selection", ->
+ describe "with one line selected", ->
+ it "repeats with .", ->
+ keydown 'V', shift: true
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "x"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\nx\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 7]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "x\nx\nfghijklmnopq\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [2, 0]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "x\nx\nx\nuvwxyz"
+ describe "with multiple lines selected", ->
+ it "repeats with .", ->
+ keydown 'V', shift: true
+ keydown 'j'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "x"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\nx\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 7]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "x\nuvwxyz"
+ it "repeats shortened with . near the end of the file", ->
+ keydown 'V', shift: true
+ keydown 'j'
+ keydown 'c'
+ editor.insertText "x"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\nx\nuvwxyz"
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [1, 7]
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "123456789\nx\n"
+ xdescribe "is repeatable with block selection", ->
+ # there is no block selection yet
describe "the C keybinding", ->
beforeEach ->
it "deletes the contents until the end of the line and enters insert mode", ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "0\n"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 1]
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(false)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(false)
describe "the y keybinding", ->
beforeEach ->
- editor.getBuffer().setText("012 345\nabc\n")
+ editor.getBuffer().setText("012 345\nabc\ndefg\n")
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 4])
+ vimState.setRegister('"', text: '345')
describe "when selected lines in visual linewise mode", ->
beforeEach ->
it "does not yank when motion fails", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe '345'
describe "with a text object", ->
- it "saves the left letter to the default register", ->
- expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe " "
+ it "saves the left letter to the default register", ->
+ expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe " "
- it "moves the cursor position to the left", ->
- expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 3]
+ it "moves the cursor position to the left", ->
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 3]
describe "with a down motion", ->
beforeEach ->
it "leaves the cursor at the starting position", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 4]
+ describe "with an up motion", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 2])
+ keydown 'y'
+ keydown 'k'
+ it "saves both full lines to the default register", ->
+ expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe "abc\ndefg\n"
+ it "puts the cursor on the first line and the original column", ->
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 2]
describe "when followed by a G", ->
beforeEach ->
originalText = "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text).toBe '123'
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 2]]
+ describe "in a long file", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setHeight(400)
+ editor.setLineHeightInPixels(10)
+ editor.setDefaultCharWidth(10)
+ text = ""
+ for i in [1..200]
+ text += "#{i}\n"
+ editor.setText(text)
+ describe "yanking many lines forward", ->
+ it "does not scroll the window", ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition [40, 1]
+ previousScrollTop = editor.getScrollTop()
+ # yank many lines
+ keydown('y')
+ keydown('1')
+ keydown('6')
+ keydown('0')
+ keydown('G', shift: true)
+ expect(editor.getScrollTop()).toEqual(previousScrollTop)
+ expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [40, 1]
+ expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text.split('\n').length).toBe 121
+ describe "yanking many lines backwards", ->
+ it "scrolls the window", ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition [140, 1]
+ previousScrollTop = editor.getScrollTop()
+ # yank many lines
+ keydown('y')
+ keydown('6')
+ keydown('0')
+ keydown('G', shift: true)
+ expect(editor.getScrollTop()).toNotEqual previousScrollTop
+ expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [59, 1]
+ expect(vimState.getRegister('"').text.split('\n').length).toBe 83
describe "the yy keybinding", ->
describe "on a single line file", ->
beforeEach ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "034512\n"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 3]
+ describe "at the end of a line", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition [0, 2]
+ keydown('p')
+ it "positions cursor correctly", ->
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "012345\n"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 5]
describe "when useClipboardAsDefaultRegister enabled", ->
it "inserts contents from clipboard", ->
atom.config.set 'vim-mode.useClipboardAsDefaultRegister', true
it "outdents all three lines", ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
- describe "in visual mode", ->
+ describe "in visual mode linewise", ->
beforeEach ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 0])
keydown('v', shift: true)
- keydown('>')
+ keydown('j')
+ describe "single indent multiple lines", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ keydown('>')
- it "indents the current line and remains in visual mode", ->
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('visual-mode')).toBe(true)
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
- expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe " 12345\n"
+ it "indents both lines once and exits visual mode", ->
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRanges()).toEqual [ [[0, 2], [0, 2]] ]
- it "allows repeating the operation", ->
- keydown("escape")
- keydown(".")
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
+ it "allows repeating the operation", ->
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ describe "multiple indent multiple lines", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ keydown('2')
+ keydown('>')
+ it "indents both lines twice and exits visual mode", ->
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRanges()).toEqual [ [[0, 4], [0, 4]] ]
+ describe "with multiple selections", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([1, 3])
+ keydown('v')
+ keydown('j')
+ editor.addCursorAtScreenPosition([0, 0])
+ it "indents the lines and keeps the cursors", ->
+ keydown('>')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\n ABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPositions()).toEqual [[1, 2], [0, 2]]
describe "the < keybinding", ->
beforeEach ->
- editor.setText(" 12345\n abcde\nABCDE")
+ editor.setText(" 12345\n abcde\nABCDE")
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 0])
describe "when followed by a <", ->
- it "indents the current line", ->
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
- expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
+ it "outdents the current line", ->
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 2]
describe "when followed by a repeating <", ->
beforeEach ->
- it "indents multiple lines at once", ->
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
- expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 0]
+ it "outdents multiple lines at once", ->
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 2]
describe "undo behavior", ->
beforeEach -> keydown('u')
it "indents both lines", ->
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
- describe "in visual mode", ->
+ describe "in visual mode linewise", ->
beforeEach ->
keydown('v', shift: true)
- keydown('<')
+ keydown('j')
- it "indents the current line and remains in visual mode", ->
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('visual-mode')).toBe(true)
- expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
- expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe "12345\n"
+ describe "single outdent multiple lines", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ keydown('<')
+ it "outdents the current line and exits visual mode", ->
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe " 12345\n abcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRanges()).toEqual [ [[0, 2], [0, 2]] ]
+ it "allows repeating the operation", ->
+ keydown('.')
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
+ describe "multiple outdent multiple lines", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ keydown('2')
+ keydown('<')
+ it "outdents both lines twice and exits visual mode", ->
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12345\nabcde\nABCDE"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRanges()).toEqual [ [[0, 0], [0, 0]] ]
describe "the = keybinding", ->
oldGrammar = []
it "indents the current line", ->
expect(editor.indentationForBufferRow(1)).toBe 0
+ describe "when followed by a G", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setCursorScreenPosition([0, 0])
+ keydown('=')
+ keydown('G', shift: true)
+ it "uses the default count", ->
+ expect(editor.indentationForBufferRow(1)).toBe 0
+ expect(editor.indentationForBufferRow(2)).toBe 0
describe "when followed by a repeating =", ->
beforeEach ->
it "replaces a single character", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'x2\nx4\n\n'
it "does nothing when cancelled", ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '12\n34\n\n'
- expect(editorElement.classList.contains('command-mode')).toBe(true)
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe(true)
it "replaces a single character with a line break", ->
- atom.commands.dispatch(editor.commandModeInputView.editorElement, 'core:confirm')
+ atom.commands.dispatch(editor.normalModeInputView.editorElement, 'core:confirm')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '\n2\n\n4\n\n'
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[1, 0], [3, 0]]
it "composes properly with motions", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'xx\nxx\n\n'
it "does nothing on an empty line", ->
editor.setCursorBufferPosition([2, 0])
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '12\n34\n\n'
it "does nothing if asked to replace more characters than there are on a line", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '12\n34\n\n'
describe "when in visual mode", ->
it "replaces the entire selection with the given character", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'xx\nxx\n\n'
it "leaves the cursor at the beginning of the selection", ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('x')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('x')
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
+ describe 'with accented characters', ->
+ buildIMECompositionEvent = (event, {data, target}={}) ->
+ event = new Event(event)
+ event.data = data
+ Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', get: -> target)
+ event
+ buildTextInputEvent = ({data, target}) ->
+ event = new Event('textInput')
+ event.data = data
+ Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', get: -> target)
+ event
+ it 'works with IME composition', ->
+ keydown('r')
+ normalModeEditor = editor.normalModeInputView.editorElement
+ jasmine.attachToDOM(normalModeEditor)
+ domNode = normalModeEditor.component.domNode
+ inputNode = domNode.querySelector('.hidden-input')
+ domNode.dispatchEvent(buildIMECompositionEvent('compositionstart', target: inputNode))
+ domNode.dispatchEvent(buildIMECompositionEvent('compositionupdate', data: 's', target: inputNode))
+ expect(normalModeEditor.getModel().getText()).toEqual 's'
+ domNode.dispatchEvent(buildIMECompositionEvent('compositionupdate', data: 'sd', target: inputNode))
+ expect(normalModeEditor.getModel().getText()).toEqual 'sd'
+ domNode.dispatchEvent(buildIMECompositionEvent('compositionend', target: inputNode))
+ domNode.dispatchEvent(buildTextInputEvent(data: '速度', target: inputNode))
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe '速度2\n速度4\n\n'
describe 'the m keybinding', ->
beforeEach ->
it 'marks a position', ->
- commandModeInputKeydown('a')
+ normalModeInputKeydown('a')
expect(vimState.getMark('a')).toEqual [0, 1]
describe 'the ~ keybinding', ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'Abc\nXyZ'
+ it "uses default count", ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 0])
+ keydown("g")
+ keydown("~")
+ keydown("G", shift: true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'AbC\nxYz'
describe 'the U keybinding', ->
beforeEach ->
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'ABC\nXYZ'
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 2]
+ it "uses default count", ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 0])
+ keydown("g")
+ keydown("U", shift: true)
+ keydown("G", shift: true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'ABC\nXYZ'
it "makes the selected text uppercase in visual mode", ->
keydown("V", shift: true)
keydown("U", shift: true)
expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'abc\nXyZ'
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 2]
+ it "uses default count", ->
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 0])
+ keydown("g")
+ keydown("u")
+ keydown("G", shift: true)
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe 'abc\nxyz'
it "makes the selected text lowercase in visual mode", ->
keydown("V", shift: true)
keydown('a', ctrl: true)
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '124\nab46\ncd-66ef\nab-4\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "repeats with .", ->
keydown 'a', ctrl: true
keydown '.'
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '125\nab47\ncd-65ef\nab-3\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "can have a count", ->
keydown '5'
keydown 'a', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 2], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '128\nab50\ncd-62ef\nab0\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "can make a negative number positive, change number of digits", ->
keydown '9'
keydown 'a', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 4], [2, 3], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '222\nab144\ncd32ef\nab94\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "does nothing when cursor is after the number", ->
editor.setCursorBufferPosition [2, 5]
keydown 'a', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[2, 5]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '123\nab45\ncd-67ef\nab-5\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).toHaveBeenCalled()
it "does nothing on an empty line", ->
keydown 'a', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '\n'
+ expect(atom.beep).toHaveBeenCalled()
it "honours the vim-mode:numberRegex setting", ->
editor.setText('123\nab45\ncd -67ef\nab-5\na-bcdef')
keydown('a', ctrl: true)
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 5], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '124\nab46\ncd -66ef\nab-6\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
describe "decreasing numbers", ->
it "decreases the next number", ->
keydown('x', ctrl: true)
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '122\nab44\ncd-68ef\nab-6\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "repeats with .", ->
keydown 'x', ctrl: true
keydown '.'
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '121\nab43\ncd-69ef\nab-7\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "can have a count", ->
keydown '5'
keydown 'x', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '118\nab40\ncd-72ef\nab-10\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "can make a positive number negative, change number of digits", ->
keydown '9'
keydown 'x', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 1], [1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 5], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '24\nab-54\ncd-166ef\nab-104\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "does nothing when cursor is after the number", ->
editor.setCursorBufferPosition [2, 5]
keydown 'x', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[2, 5]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '123\nab45\ncd-67ef\nab-5\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).toHaveBeenCalled()
it "does nothing on an empty line", ->
keydown 'x', ctrl: true
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '\n'
+ expect(atom.beep).toHaveBeenCalled()
it "honours the vim-mode:numberRegex setting", ->
editor.setText('123\nab45\ncd -67ef\nab-5\na-bcdef')
keydown('x', ctrl: true)
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPositions()).toEqual [[0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 5], [3, 3], [4, 0]]
expect(editor.getText()).toBe '122\nab44\ncd -68ef\nab-4\na-bcdef'
+ expect(atom.beep).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ describe 'the R keybinding', ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ editor.setText('12345\n67890')
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 2])
+ it "enters replace mode and replaces characters", ->
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('replace-mode')).toBe true
+ editor.insertText "ab"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab5\n67890"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 3]
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe false
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('replace-mode')).toBe false
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('normal-mode')).toBe true
+ it "continues beyond end of line as insert", ->
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('replace-mode')).toBe true
+ editor.insertText "abcde"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12abcde\n67890"
+ it "treats backspace as undo", ->
+ editor.insertText "foo"
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ editor.insertText "a"
+ editor.insertText "b"
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12fooab5\n67890"
+ keydown 'backspace', raw: true
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12fooa45\n67890"
+ editor.insertText "c"
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12fooac5\n67890"
+ keydown 'backspace', raw: true
+ keydown 'backspace', raw: true
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12foo345\n67890"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe ""
+ keydown 'backspace', raw: true
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12foo345\n67890"
+ expect(editor.getSelectedText()).toBe ""
+ it "can be repeated", ->
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ editor.insertText "ab"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 2])
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12ab5\n67ab0"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 3]
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 4])
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12abab\n67ab0"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 5]
+ it "can be interrupted by arrow keys and behave as insert for repeat", ->
+ # FIXME don't know how to test this (also, depends on PR #568)
+ it "repeats correctly when backspace was used in the text", ->
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ editor.insertText "a"
+ keydown 'backspace', raw: true
+ editor.insertText "b"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([1, 2])
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12b45\n67b90"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [1, 2]
+ editor.setCursorBufferPosition([0, 4])
+ keydown '.'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12b4b\n67b90"
+ expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 4]
+ it "doesn't replace a character if newline is entered", ->
+ keydown "R", shift: true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('insert-mode')).toBe true
+ expect(editorElement.classList.contains('replace-mode')).toBe true
+ editor.insertText "\n"
+ keydown 'escape'
+ expect(editor.getText()).toBe "12\n345\n67890"