* `c2c` - repeated linewise
* `C` - change to the end of the line
* [Adding and subtracting](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#CTRL-A)
- * `ctrl-a` and `ctrl-x` in command mode to increase/decrease numbers in text
+ * `ctrl-a` and `ctrl-x` in normal mode to increase/decrease numbers in text
* [Yank](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#yank)
* `vwy` - works in visual mode
* `yw` - with a motion
* Indent/Outdent/Auto-indent
* `vw>` - works in visual mode
* `>>` - indent current line one level
+ * `>2>` - repeated linewise
+ * `v2>` - repeat indent operation in visual mode
* `<<` - outdent current line one level
+ * `<2<` - repeated linewise
+ * `v2<` - repeat outdent operation in visual mode
* `==` - auto-indents current line
* [Put](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#p)
* `p` - default register
* `P` - pastes the default register before the current cursor.
- * `"ap` - supports registers (only named a-h, pending more
- advanced atom keymap support)
+ * `"ap` - supports registers
+ * `ctrl-r a` or `ctrl-r "` etc. - supports pasting register content in insert mode
* [Join](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/change.txt.html#J)
* `J` - joins the current line with the immediately following line.
* [Mark](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/motion.txt.html#m)