1 // ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
2 // │ Raphaël 2.1.0 - JavaScript Vector Library │ \\
3 // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
4 // │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://raphaeljs.com) │ \\
5 // │ Copyright © 2008-2012 Sencha Labs (http://sencha.com) │ \\
6 // ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
7 // │ Licensed under the MIT (http://raphaeljs.com/license.html) license.│ \\
8 // └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\
10 (function(a
){var b
){return a
){var c
=0;for(var t
++)"zIndex"in f
;return q
];if("zIndex"in n
)}else p
;return q
){var b
}return p
){var c
;for(var g
)return f
);return function(a
)return(new RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)"+a
);return h
){var f
]]);else for(h
in g
&&delete g
in g
){var p
&&delete g
}}else{delete g
in g
&&delete g
){var c=function(){var d
);return d
};return k
.toString=function(){return"You are running Eve "+b
},typeof module
=k:typeof define
!="undefined"?define("eve",[],function(){return k
})(this),function(){function cF(a
){for(var b
--,1)}function cE(b
);var j
++){var x
);break}}else f
;for(var y
){for(var A
in j
]){case C:w
]);var B
};break;case"path":var D
]=[0];for(var F
}break;case"transform":var H
}}else{var J
||new cb
},getBBox:function(){return d
]}break;case"csv":var L
}}var O
==5){var R
){return cC(a
)}}else P
||+(new Date
=new Date
==1)return cA()}l
=new Date
)}else k
=new Date
)}}function cD(a
){var c
){for(var e
in a
}function cC(a
){function o(a
){var c
)return e
)return c
)return d
)return e
}return e
}function n(a
){var c
}function m(a
}var g
;return n(a
))}function cq(){return this.x
+" × "+this.height
}function cp(){return this.x
}function cb(a
=0)}function bH(b
);var e
?0:[];for(var p
++){var r
);for(var s
++){var u
);var v
;else{for(var w
)}}}}}return o
}function bG(b
){var e
))return d
?0:[];var g
?0:[];for(var o
++){var p
++)for(var q
++){var r
.toFixed(4);var y
}))}}return n
}function bF(a
){return bG(a
,1)}function bE(a
){return bG(a
)}function bD(a
))){var i
)return;var l
}}}function bC(a
)){var j
);return l
}}function bB(a
;var j
=0;for(var o
++){var p
)}return j
}function bA(a
){var f
;return a
}function by(a
){var c
=[];for(var d
+=2){var f
])}return c
}function bx(){return this.hex
}function bv(a
){function d(){var e
);return c
&&delete h
);return c
]}return d
}function bu(a
){for(var c
)return a
,1)[0])}function bm(a
)return a
;var b
=new a
.constructor;for(var c
in a
]));return b
}function a(c
,"function"))return b
))return a
);var d
-1],"function")){var e
.pop();return b
))})}return a
;var b
=/[, ]+/,d={circle:1,rect:1,path:1,ellipse:1,text:1,image:1},e=/\{(\d
="createTouch"in h
=" ",r
="click dblclick mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel"[s
={"arrow-end":"none","arrow-start":"none",blur:0,"clip-rect":"0 0 1e9 1e9",cursor:"default",cx:0,cy:0,fill:"#fff","fill-opacity":1,font:'10px "Arial"',"font-family":'"Arial"',"font-size":"10","font-style":"normal","font-weight":400,gradient:0,height:0,href:"http://raphaeljs.com/","letter-spacing":0,opacity:1,path:"M0,0",r:0,rx:0,ry:0,src:"",stroke:"#000","stroke-dasharray":"","stroke-linecap":"butt","stroke-linejoin":"butt","stroke-miterlimit":0,"stroke-opacity":1,"stroke-width":1,target:"_blank","text-anchor":"middle",title:"Raphael",transform:"",width:0,x:0,y:0},U
){return a
){return Q(a
){return a
){return a
){var b
;return bh(b
){var b
;return bh(b
){var b
;return bg(b
){var b
;return bg(b
){var b
._getBBox();return bg(b
)return a
;var c
}return a
=="VML"){var bk
='<v:shape adj="1"/>',bl
||typeof bl
!="object")return a
=="array")return a
instanceof Array
;return b
==typeof a
==null){var h
)return 0;return(180+w
+360)%360}return a
){return a
){return a
)){var e
)return b
;var f
)return c
)return c
}return c
};var bn
){return function(){return"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(a
){var b
&3|8;return c
)};var bo=function(b
){var c
;try{var e
=new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");e
}var g
);var b
){return"none"}})}else{var i
="Raphaël Colour Picker",i
;return h
).getPropertyValue("color")})}return bo(b
]+")"},br=function(){return this.hex
,"object")&&"r"in b
&&"g"in b
&&"b"in b
)){var e
*=255;var f
);return f
){var c
,"object")&&"h"in b
&&"s"in b
&&"b"in b
,"object")&&"h"in b
&&"s"in b
&&"l"in b
,"object")&&"r"in b
&&"g"in b
&&"b"in b
;return b
,"object")&&"h"in a
&&"s"in a
&&"b"in a
*=360;var e
];return bt(e
,"object")&&"h"in a
&&"s"in a
&&"l"in a
*=360;var e
];return bt(e
[2];var d
[2];var d
._path2string=function(){return this.join(",").replace(Y
,"$1")};var bw
){var c
));var c
/=100);return a
/=360),k[1].toLowerCase().slice(0,4)=="hsla"&&(h=Q(j[3])),j[3]&&j[3].slice(-1)=="%"&&(h/=100);return a
);return k
){return a
){return a
){var b
}));return c
.reset=function(){delete this.start
)return null;var c
)return bJ(c
);var d
){var f
));else while(f
);return e
)return null;var c
){var e
;return d
});var bz=function(a
){var b
]={sleep:100},setTimeout(function(){for(var c
in b
&&delete b
])});return b
){var j
]);var j
){return b
){var d
;return d(c
){return bH(a
){return bH(a
){var e
);return a
){return function(){eve("raphael.log",null,"Raphaël: you are calling to method “"+a
+"” of removed object",a
)}};var bI
){var b
)return b
);var c
;for(var h
);else{var j
[6]}}var k
);return q
){var c
;return c
){var c
)return bJ(c
);var d
]));for(var j
++){var l
[2];default:for(var n
);for(var p
]}var r
);return d
){var c
)return bJ(c
)return[["M",0,0]];var d
]);var j
[2][0].toUpperCase()=="Z";for(var k
;break;case"R":var p
.slice(1));for(var q
)}}else if(l
.slice(-2));else for(var s
);return d
){var g
){var k
){var d
;var q
);var x
*2)}else E
[3];var G
){var H
;var K
](",");var V
=[];for(var W
;return V
){var j
){var i
){var c
)return bJ(c
);var d
){var c
))}return a
].shift();var c
||0))};for(var k
);var o
));return e
){var c
=[];for(var d
++){var f
)return null;f
){var h
=0;for(var j
);var k
+"%"}return c
){var c
},getBBox:function(){return c
);return d
){return bj(a
==null)return b
);var d
=new cb
)for(var l
++){var n
){var b
,1,0,0,1,0,0];case"r":return a
,0];case"s":return a
)||[];var d
in j
in k
){var f
)return c
){return new cb(a
){function d(a
){var b
)}function c(a
){return a
){var g
instanceof cb
.invert=function(){var a
;return new cb(a
.clone=function(){return new cb(this.a
||0;var e
){return a
){return a
.toString=function(){return a
.toFilter=function(){return"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+this.get(0)+", M12="+this.get(2)+", M21="+this.get(1)+", M22="+this.get(3)+", Dx="+this.get(4)+", Dy="+this.get(5)+", sizingmethod='auto expand')"},b
.split=function(){var b
;var e
;var f
;return b
){var b
.prototype);var cc
=="Apple Computer, Inc."&&(cc
=="Google Inc."&&cc
.safari=function(){var a
;var cd=function(){this.returnValue
=!1},ce=function(){return this.originalEvent
=!0},cg=function(){return this.originalEvent
)return function(a
){var e
){var f
))for(var l
){var n
;break}return c
,!1);return function(){a
)return function(a
){var e=function(a
;var b
;return c
);var f=function(){a
);return!0};return f
){var b
){var i
).preventDefault();break}}}else a
.preventDefault();var k
);var c
={};for(var cm
||this)}));return this},a
){var c
&&delete this.events
;return this}return this}})(t
){var d
,"object")){for(var e
in b
]);return this}eve("raphael.data.get."+this.id
);return d
);return this},cl
]&&delete bb
];return this},cl
){return this.mouseover(a
){return this.unmouseover(a
)};var cn
){function i(i
).preventDefault();var j
);return this},cl
.undrag=function(){var b
){var e
);return e
){var g
);return g
){var f
);return f
);var c
);return c
){var g
);return g
){var e
);return e
));var c
=new cG(b
);return c
){var b
;delete this.__set__
;return b
){return a
){return a
;var co=function(a
){var b
){var c
=="svg"){var f
=1;var i
)return null;while(e
):null;return e
){var b
)return b
}return null},k
){var c
)===!1)return this;c
}return this},k
){var c
)});return c
){var d
](this);return a
)return{};var b
=0;return b
=0}return b
)return null;var a
);return a
=="text")return null;a
||{};var b
;for(var g
/c*g).toFixed(3),opacity:+(b.opacity/c).toFixed(3)}));return e
)};var cr
){return j
){return function(d
);var g
=0;for(var o
)return k
});return m
<1e-6)return cw(a
;var d
,1);return b
)return this.node
.getTotalLength();return cu(this.attrs
=="path")return cv(this.attrs
=="path")return a
)};var cx
){return a
){return A(a
){return A(a
){var b
){var b
=1.70158;return a
-1;var b
=1.70158;return a
)return a
;return A(2,-10*a
){var b
+.984375);return d
;var cy
,16)},cA=function(){var b
=+(new Date
++){var d
)continue;var e
,delete d
){var t
);for(var u
in i
]){case C:p
=[];for(var v
][0]];for(var x
]}}else{var z=function(a
]}break;default:var A
in k
){return a
){var h
);return h
}var i
instanceof cD
.attr());for(var l
;break}return h
);return this},cD
){var b
=new cD(this.anim
||0;return b
){var b
=new cD(this.anim
,0))||1;return b
instanceof cD
)return b
||0;var f
in b
)return new cD(b
);return new cD({100:f
){var f
);return f
}var g
instanceof cD
.attr());return f
);return this},cl
){var c
,1));return this}e
)return f
)return 0;return c
){for(var b
=!0);return this},cl
){for(var b
)){var c
)!==!1&&(delete c
))}return this},cl
){for(var b
--,1);return this},eve
.toString=function(){return"Raphaël’s object"};var cG=function(a
)for(var b
.push=function(){var a
;for(var c
++);return this},cH
&&delete this[this.length
--];return this.items
){for(var c
)===!1)return this;return this};for(var cI
in cl
){return function(){var b
;return this.forEach(function(c
[0],"object"))for(var d
]);else for(var f
);return this},cH
));var d
]);var h
])delete this[g
++];return new cG(e
){for(var b
||null);var f
)return this;e
;var k
);return this},cH
){var b
);return this},cH
.getBBox=function(){var a
=[];for(var e
){var f
=new cG
;for(var b
].clone());return a
.toString=function(){return"Raphaël‘s set"},a
)return a
||{};var b
["font-family"];for(var d
in a
["units-per-em"],10);for(var e
in a
)){var f
)for(var h
in f
])}}return a
){var f
){var h
=new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+b
)+"(\\s|$)","i");for(var i
in a
];break}}var j
)for(var k
)break}return j
||0,1),-1);var j
["units-per-em"];var o
+ +f
/2);for(var w
;else{var A
]))}}return this.path(m
,"array")){var c
))}return c
){var d
){return d
]}));return b
.fullfill=function(){var a
){var e
in e
]),typeof e
)+"";return e
};return function(b
){return String(b
){return c(a
.is:delete Raphael
;return a
){function e(){/in/.test(b
){var b
=/[, ]+/,k
=" ",n
={block:"M5,0 0,2.5 5,5z",classic:"M5,0 0,2.5 5,5 3.5,3 3.5,2z",diamond:"M2.5,0 5,2.5 2.5,5 0,2.5z",open:"M6,1 1,3.5 6,6",oval:"M2.5,0A2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,5 2.5,2.5,0,0,1,2.5,0z"},p
.toString=function(){return"Your browser supports SVG.\nYou are running Raphaël "+this.version
};var q=function(d
){typeof d
));for(var f
in e
])))}else d
="rgba(0,0,0,0)");return d
){var j
);var e
)}return l
=="linear"){var t
))return null;var u
[3]=0)}var w
)return null;k
),delete b
);for(var x
=1;return 1},s=function(a
){var b
.invert()+" translate("+b
=="path"){var g
!="none"){var A
]=1);var C
?"rotate(180 "+x
/2+" "+y
/2+") ":l
);var F
}else f
)}),delete d
+"Path"],delete d
+"Marker"],delete d
+"dx"],delete d
+"Type"],delete d
in p
]){var G
={"":[0],none:[0],"-":[3,1],".":[1,1],"-.":[3,1,1,1],"-..":[3,1,1,1,1,1],". ":[1,3],"- ":[4,3],"--":[8,3],"- .":[4,3,1,3],"--.":[8,3,1,3],"--..":[8,3,1,3,1,3]},v=function(a
){var e
){var i
="hidden";for(var o
in f
))continue;var p
);break;case"href":case"title":case"target":var u
.toLowerCase()!="a"){var w
,1);break;case"clip-rect":var x
);var z
){var B
){var C
}),delete d
&&("startString"in d
),"endString"in d
;else break;case"x":k
;else break;case"y":k
&&("startString"in d
),"endString"in d
);break;case"fill":var D
=q("pattern");var F
[1],function(){var a
);break}var G
)delete f
,delete k
["fill-opacity"]});else if((d
)){if("opacity"in k
||"fill-opacity"in k
){var H
){var I
-1],{"stop-opacity":("opacity"in k
.opacity:1)*("fill-opacity"in k
&&("startString"in d
),"endString"in d
,10)+"px");var J
){return a
]("y"))){var g
);var j
;for(var n
=1;var p
){var d
){var c
);var d
=new z(c
});return d
)return this;a
==null){var f
]]));return this},A
)return this;a
==null)var g
]]));return this},A
)return this;a
]]));return this},A
){var d
==null)return d
!=1){var e
})}return this},A
="none");return this},A
="");return this},A
){var b
);for(var c
in this)this[c
]=typeof this[c
=="none"){this.show();var a
=!0}var b
&&this.hide();return b
)return this;if(c
==null){var e
={};for(var f
in this.attrs
)&&delete e
;return e
)return this.attrs
=="transform")return this._
;var g
={};for(var i
in this.attrs
];return l
]);return h
!=null){var m
}else c
);for(var n
in m
in this.paper
],"function")){var o
];for(var p
in o
);return this},A
)return this;this.node
);var b
);return this},A
)return this;var b
);var c
;return this},A
)return this;var c
);return this},A
)return this;var c
);return this},A
){var c
!==0){var d
+")"})}else c
),delete c
,delete c
){var e
);var f
=new z(e
);return f
){var g
);var h
=new z(g
);return h
){var f
);var g
=new z(f
);return g
){var g
);var h
=new z(g
="image";return h
){var f
);var g
=new z(f
);return g
);return this},a
.create=function(){var b
)throw new Error("SVG container not found.");var h
=new a
.renderfix();return c
]);var f
=1),delete this._vbSize
="0 0 "+this.width
="stroke-width"in h
];return this},a
.prototype.renderfix=function(){var a
.createSVGMatrix()}var e
.eve("raphael.clear",this);var b
.createTextNode("Created with Raphaël "+a
);for(var b
in this)this[b
]=typeof this[b
):null};var B
;for(var C
in A
){return function(){var b
;return this.forEach(function(c
){var b
=/[, ]+/,l
=" progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft",n
=" ",o
=/ progid:\S
){var d
)){var g
){var d
))});return g
});return g
}var h
=[];for(var k
="x");for(var m
)}return g
){var e
){var g
){var t
+=" y")&&(o
){var v
.toString=function(){return"Your browser doesn’t support SVG. Falling down to VML.\nYou are running Raphaël "+this.version
};var A=function(a
){var e
]}var k
||{};var l
;for(var y
in i
),"blur"in i
,1,1,0,0,0));"transform"in i
){var B
))}if("clip-rect"in i
){var H
[2]+ +H
[3]+ +H
[1];var I
.format("rect({1}px {2}px {3}px {0}px)",H
){var K
["font-style"])}"arrow-start"in i
["arrow-start"]),"arrow-end"in i
["stroke-linecap"]!=null){var L
){var N
="tile";var O
]})}else L
=!1)}if("fill-opacity"in i
||"opacity"in i
){var P
);var Q
=!1);var U
+1||2)-1);var V
["stroke-dasharray"]){var W
={"-":"shortdash",".":"shortdot","-.":"shortdashdot","-..":"shortdashdotdot",". ":"dot","- ":"dash","--":"longdash","- .":"dashdot","--.":"longdashdot","--..":"longdashdotdot"};Q
;var X
,"<br>"));var $=X
/2,("x"in i
||"y"in i
)+1));var _
=["x","y","text","font","font-family","font-weight","font-style","font-size"];for(var ba
]in i
||{};var h
=".5 .5";b
);return o
=="linear"){var p
))return null}var q
)return null;b
;var r
=[];for(var s
.join():"0% "+g
="0 0",g
)}return 1},D=function(b
==null)return this._
;var d
);var g
="1 0 0 1",h
="0 0",j
.toFilter();var m
,0)}else i
)}else i
);return this},E
)return this;if(a
==null){var f
]]));return this}},E
)return this;a
]]));return this},E
)return this;a
==null)var g
=1;return this},E
="none");return this},E
);return this},E
);for(var b
in this)this[b
]=typeof this[b
)return this;if(c
==null){var e
={};for(var f
in this.attrs
)&&delete e
;return e
)return this.attrs
;var g
={};for(var i
in this.attrs
];return m
]);return h
}var n
);for(var o
in n
in this.paper
],"function")){var p
];for(var q
in p
)}return this},E
);return this},E
)return this;this.node
));return this},E
)return this;b
);return this},E
)return this;b
);return this},E
){var c
.format("-{0}px 0 0 -{0}px",f(+b
=0,delete this.attrs
){var c
;var d
=new D(c
);var f
);return d
){var h
="rect";return i
){var f
});return f
){var e
});return e
){var h
,1,1,0,0,0);return i
){var h
="0 0";var k
=new D(h
);var m
);return k
){var d
="rect(0 "+b
+" "+c
+" 0)",this._viewBox
);return this},a
]);var h
.transform("...")});return this};var F
){var b
){return b
+' class="rvml">')}}catch(c
){return b
+' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="rvml">')}}},a
.create=function(){var b
)throw new Error("VML container not found.");var i
=new a
="0 0",i
.format("top:0;left:0;width:{0};height:{1};display:inline-block;position:relative;clip:rect(0 {0} {1} 0);overflow:hidden",f
.renderfix=function(){};return i
);for(var b
in this)this[b
]=typeof this[b
):null;return!0};var G
;for(var H
in E
){return function(){var b
;return this.forEach(function(c