]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blame_incremental - vim/autoload/syntastic/c.vim
Use the newer powerline.
[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / autoload / syntastic / c.vim
... / ...
1if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload")
2 finish
4let g:loaded_syntastic_c_autoload = 1
6let s:save_cpo = &cpo
7set cpo&vim
9" initialize c/cpp syntax checker handlers
10function! s:Init()
11 let s:handlers = []
12 let s:cflags = {}
14 call s:RegHandler('gtk', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
15 \ ['gtk', 'gtk+-2.0', 'gtk+', 'glib-2.0', 'glib'])
16 call s:RegHandler('glib', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
17 \ ['glib', 'glib-2.0', 'glib'])
18 call s:RegHandler('glade', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
19 \ ['glade', 'libglade-2.0', 'libglade'])
20 call s:RegHandler('libsoup', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
21 \ ['libsoup', 'libsoup-2.4', 'libsoup-2.2'])
22 call s:RegHandler('webkit', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
23 \ ['webkit', 'webkit-1.0'])
24 call s:RegHandler('cairo', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
25 \ ['cairo', 'cairo'])
26 call s:RegHandler('pango', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
27 \ ['pango', 'pango'])
28 call s:RegHandler('libxml', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
29 \ ['libxml', 'libxml-2.0', 'libxml'])
30 call s:RegHandler('freetype', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
31 \ ['freetype', 'freetype2', 'freetype'])
32 call s:RegHandler('SDL', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
33 \ ['sdl', 'sdl'])
34 call s:RegHandler('opengl', 'syntastic#c#CheckPKG',
35 \ ['opengl', 'gl'])
36 call s:RegHandler('ruby', 'syntastic#c#CheckRuby', [])
37 call s:RegHandler('Python\.h', 'syntastic#c#CheckPython', [])
38 call s:RegHandler('php\.h', 'syntastic#c#CheckPhp', [])
41" search the first 100 lines for include statements that are
42" given in the handlers dictionary
43function! syntastic#c#SearchHeaders()
44 let includes = ''
45 let files = []
46 let found = []
47 let lines = filter(getline(1, 100), 'v:val =~# "#\s*include"')
49 " search current buffer
50 for line in lines
51 let file = matchstr(line, '"\zs\S\+\ze"')
52 if file != ''
53 call add(files, file)
54 continue
55 endif
56 for handler in s:handlers
57 if line =~# handler["regex"]
58 let includes .= call(handler["func"], handler["args"])
59 call add(found, handler["regex"])
60 break
61 endif
62 endfor
63 endfor
65 " search included headers
66 for hfile in files
67 if hfile != ''
68 let filename = expand('%:p:h') . ((has('win32') || has('win64')) ?
69 \ '\' : '/') . hfile
70 try
71 let lines = readfile(filename, '', 100)
72 catch /E484/
73 continue
74 endtry
75 let lines = filter(lines, 'v:val =~# "#\s*include"')
76 for handler in s:handlers
77 if index(found, handler["regex"]) != -1
78 continue
79 endif
80 for line in lines
81 if line =~# handler["regex"]
82 let includes .= call(handler["func"], handler["args"])
83 call add(found, handler["regex"])
84 break
85 endif
86 endfor
87 endfor
88 endif
89 endfor
91 return includes
94" try to find library with 'pkg-config'
95" search possible libraries from first to last given
96" argument until one is found
97function! syntastic#c#CheckPKG(name, ...)
98 if executable('pkg-config')
99 if !has_key(s:cflags, a:name)
100 for i in range(a:0)
101 let l:cflags = system('pkg-config --cflags '.a:000[i])
102 " since we cannot necessarily trust the pkg-config exit code
103 " we have to check for an error output as well
104 if v:shell_error == 0 && l:cflags !~? 'not found'
105 let l:cflags = ' '.substitute(l:cflags, "\n", '', '')
106 let s:cflags[a:name] = l:cflags
107 return l:cflags
108 endif
109 endfor
110 else
111 return s:cflags[a:name]
112 endif
113 endif
114 return ''
117" try to find PHP includes with 'php-config'
118function! syntastic#c#CheckPhp()
119 if executable('php-config')
120 if !exists('s:php_flags')
121 let s:php_flags = system('php-config --includes')
122 let s:php_flags = ' ' . substitute(s:php_flags, "\n", '', '')
123 endif
124 return s:php_flags
125 endif
126 return ''
129" try to find the ruby headers with 'rbconfig'
130function! syntastic#c#CheckRuby()
131 if executable('ruby')
132 if !exists('s:ruby_flags')
133 let s:ruby_flags = system('ruby -r rbconfig -e '
134 \ . '''puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]''')
135 let s:ruby_flags = substitute(s:ruby_flags, "\n", '', '')
136 let s:ruby_flags = ' -I' . s:ruby_flags
137 endif
138 return s:ruby_flags
139 endif
140 return ''
143" try to find the python headers with distutils
144function! syntastic#c#CheckPython()
145 if executable('python')
146 if !exists('s:python_flags')
147 let s:python_flags = system('python -c ''from distutils import '
148 \ . 'sysconfig; import sys; sys.stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_inc())''')
149 let s:python_flags = substitute(s:python_flags, "\n", '', '')
150 let s:python_flags = ' -I' . s:python_flags
151 endif
152 return s:python_flags
153 endif
154 return ''
157" return a handler dictionary object
158function! s:RegHandler(regex, function, args)
159 let handler = {}
160 let handler["regex"] = a:regex
161 let handler["func"] = function(a:function)
162 let handler["args"] = a:args
163 call add(s:handlers, handler)
166call s:Init()
168let &cpo = s:save_cpo
169unlet s:save_cpo
171" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4: