]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blame_incremental - atom/packages/vim-surround/package.json
Adds atom packages
[rbdr/dotfiles] / atom / packages / vim-surround / package.json
... / ...
2 "name": "vim-surround",
3 "main": "./lib/vim-surround",
4 "version": "0.8.0",
5 "description": "vim-surround for Atom!",
6 "repository": {
7 "type": "git",
8 "url": "git+https://github.com/gepoch/vim-surround.git"
9 },
10 "license": "MIT",
11 "keywords": [
12 "pair",
13 "parentheses",
14 "quotes",
15 "surround",
16 "vim"
17 ],
18 "engines": {
19 "atom": ">0.50.0"
20 },
21 "dependencies": {},
22 "consumedServices": {},
23 "readme": "# Vim Surround for Atom [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gepoch/vim-surround.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/gepoch/vim-surround)\n\nSurround is an implementation of vim-surround for the [atom](http://atom.io)\neditor, creating a vim-surround with the power of Atom!\n\nYou should definitely have [vim-mode](https://atom.io/packages/vim-mode) for\nthis package to function properly, of course.\n\nInspiration from and kudos to the wonderful [vim-surround for\nvim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround)\n\nSee vim-surround on [github](https://github.com/gepoch/vim-surround) or\n[atom.io](https://atom.io/packages/vim-surround).\n\n## News\n\n* This package supports visual mode's `s )` set of commands for a configurable\n set of pairs.\n\n* Next on the roadmap are pair deletions with `d )` and friends.\n\n* New in 0.4: Multiple cursors are now supported, and conveniently work just\n like you think they do.\n\n* New in 0.5: Stable configuration changes and configurable surround key!\n\n* New in 0.7: Change surround and delete surround added.\n\n* New in 0.8: Tentative support for\n [vim-mode-next](https://atom.io/packages/vim-mode-next). See\n [#28](https://github.com/gepoch/vim-surround/issues/28).\n\n### Muscle Memory Compatability Note\n\nvim-surround uses a lowercase `s` instead of `S` for surround commands! This is\nconfigurable in the package settings, if you would like to set it to the\noriginal keybinding.\n\n## How to use Surround\n\n### Surrounding\n\nFor double quotes, highlight the string in visual mode and enter `s \"`.\n\n```\nHello world -> \"Hello world\"\n```\n\nFor parentheses there are two options. `s )` will surround as normal. `s (`\nwill pad with a space. All asymmetrical pairs have the secondary space-padded\nform.\n\nFor example:\n\n`s )`\n\n```\nHello world -> (Hello world)\n```\n\n`s (`\n\n```\nHello world -> ( Hello world )\n```\n\n### Changing Surrounding Pairs\n\nSuppose I want to make double quotes into single quotes. To do this, I should\nput my cursor inside the double quotes in question and enter `c s \" '`\n\n```\n\"Hello world\" -> 'Hello world'\n```\n\n### Deleting Surrounding Pairs\n\nTo delete the single quotes, place your cursor inside of them and enter `d s '`\n\n```\n'Hello world' -> Hello world\n```\n### Configuration\n\nCurrently, the following pairs work out of the box!:\n\n- ()\n- []\n- {}\n- \"\"\n- ''\n\nYou can add to the available pairs in atom's settings, and the commands will\nbe dynamically added to your keybindings.\n\nFor example if I'm working on Jinja templates, and I want to add the ability to\nsurround using `{%` and `%}` I would add this in my settings:\n\n```\n(), [], {}, \"\", '', {%%}\n```\n\nThen:\n\n`s % }`\n\n```\nHello world -> {%Hello world%}\n```\n\n`s { %`\n\n```\nHello world -> {% Hello world %}\n```\n\n### TODO\n\n- [x] Implement deleting surrounding pairs with `d s`\n- [x] Implement changing surrounding pairs with `c s`\n- [ ] Intelligent tag surrounding/deleting/replacing with `s <q>` and friends.\n",
24 "readmeFilename": "README.md",
25 "bugs": {
26 "url": "https://github.com/gepoch/vim-surround/issues"
27 },
28 "homepage": "https://github.com/gepoch/vim-surround#readme",
29 "_id": "vim-surround@0.8.0",
30 "_shasum": "13e7554fb6a90ba6178fb2b8bddb87ca45e3d0d3",
31 "_resolved": "file:../d-115828-94497-mmttc8/package.tgz",
32 "_from": "../d-115828-94497-mmttc8/package.tgz",
33 "_atomModuleCache": {
34 "version": 1,
35 "dependencies": [],
36 "extensions": {
37 ".coffee": [
38 "lib/command/base.coffee",
39 "lib/command/change.coffee",
40 "lib/command/delete.coffee",
41 "lib/command/selector.coffee",
42 "lib/command/surround.coffee",
43 "lib/vim-surround.coffee"
44 ],
45 ".json": [
46 "package.json"
47 ]
48 },
49 "folders": []
50 }