]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blame_incremental - vim/colors/fine_blue.vim
Add alacritty and tmuxp to installation script
[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / colors / fine_blue.vim
... / ...
1" Vim color file
2" Maintainer: Tiza
3" Last Change: 2002/10/30 Wed 00:12.
4" version: 1.7
5" This color scheme uses a light background.
7set background=light
8hi clear
9if exists("syntax_on")
10 syntax reset
13let colors_name = "fine_blue"
15hi Normal guifg=#404048 guibg=#f8f8f8
17" Search
18hi IncSearch gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#404054 guibg=#40ffff
19hi Search gui=NONE guifg=#404054 guibg=#ffffa0
21" Messages
22hi ErrorMsg gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
23hi WarningMsg gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
24hi ModeMsg gui=NONE guifg=#0070ff guibg=NONE
25hi MoreMsg gui=NONE guifg=#a800ff guibg=NONE
26hi Question gui=NONE guifg=#008050 guibg=NONE
28" Split area
29hi StatusLine gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404054
30hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#b8b8c0 guibg=#404054
31hi VertSplit gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404054
32hi WildMenu gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#00aacc
34" Diff
35hi DiffText gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c0c0ff
36hi DiffChange gui=NONE guifg=#5050ff guibg=#e0e0ff
37hi DiffDelete gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c8f2ea
38hi DiffAdd gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c8f2ea
40" Cursor
41hi Cursor gui=NONE guifg=#0000ff guibg=#00e0ff
42hi lCursor gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
43hi CursorIM gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
45" Fold
46hi Folded gui=NONE guifg=#7820ff guibg=#e0d8ff
47hi FoldColumn gui=NONE guifg=#aa60ff guibg=#f0f0f4
48" hi Folded gui=NONE guifg=#58587c guibg=#e0e0e8
49" hi FoldColumn gui=NONE guifg=#9090b0 guibg=#f0f0f4
51" Other
52hi Directory gui=NONE guifg=#0070b8 guibg=NONE
53hi LineNr gui=NONE guifg=#a0a0b0 guibg=NONE
54hi NonText gui=BOLD guifg=#4000ff guibg=#ececf0
55hi SpecialKey gui=NONE guifg=#d87000 guibg=NONE
56hi Title gui=NONE guifg=#004060 guibg=#c8f0f8
57hi Visual gui=NONE guifg=#404060 guibg=#dddde8
58" hi VisualNOS gui=NONE guifg=#404060 guibg=#dddde8
60" Syntax group
61hi Comment gui=NONE guifg=#ff00c0 guibg=NONE
62hi Constant gui=NONE guifg=#2020ff guibg=#e8e8ff
63hi Error gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff4080
64hi Identifier gui=NONE guifg=#c800ff guibg=NONE
65hi Ignore gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=NONE
66hi PreProc gui=NONE guifg=#0070e6 guibg=NONE
67hi Special gui=NONE guifg=#005858 guibg=#ccf7ee
68hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=#008858 guibg=NONE
69hi Todo gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
70hi Type gui=NONE guifg=#7040ff guibg=NONE
71hi Underlined gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#0000ff guibg=NONE