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[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / doc / ZoomWin.txt
1*ZoomWin.txt* Zoom into/out-of a window Jan 26, 2009
2Authors: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *zoomwin*
3 Ron Aaron
4Copyright: (c) 2004-2008 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *zoomwin-copyright*
5 The VIM LICENSE applies to ZoomWin.vim and ZoomWin.txt
6 (see |copyright|) except use "ZoomWin" instead of "Vim"
7 No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
101. Usage *zoomwin-usage*
12 :call ZoomWin()
13 :ZoomWin
14 <c-w>o
16 Either of the two commands or the normal mode <c-w>o will toggle between
17 * selecting the current window for display as the only window or
18 * to restore the original multiple-window view.
212. Setup *zoomwin-setup*
23 Simply put ZoomWin.vim into your .vim/plugin directory (you may need to
24 make such a directory first). Under Windows that should be
25 vimfiles\plugin. ZoomWin now uses the HelpExtractor method to
26 automatically extract help and to make it known to vim by running helptags
27 on it.
303. History *zoomwin-history*
32 v23 Apr 24, 2008 : * when |'scrollbind'| was activated: when ZoomWin
33 attempted to restore multiple-windows, the cursor
34 position was incorrect. Fixed.
35 Jan 02, 2009 * included some more things in the session file
36 * broke ZoomWin into an plugin + autoload pair
37 * (Ingo Karkat) contributed a patch to retain the
38 the search pattern before zooming
39 * (Ingo Karkat) contributed a patch to detect the
40 vim 7.2 name for the command line window
41 v22 Apr 10, 2006 : * "only" was occasionally issuing an "Already one
42 window" message, which is now prevented
43 * SavePosn() issued error message when handling an
44 empty buffer
45 * saves yank registers and restores them on each
46 zoom/unzoom
47 v21 Oct 12, 2004 : * v14 fixed a bug when wmw and/or wmv equal to 0;
48 v21 will invoke the patch only if the version <= 603.
49 For vim version 6.3 users, this fix allows more files
50 to be handled by ZoomWin.
51 May 10, 2005 * When :version shows -mksession, and the vim version
52 is at least 6.3, ZoomWin will now do a partial zoom
53 v20 Jul 26, 2004 : * bugfix - ZoomWin didn't always retain the
54 position in the former zoomed-in window after
55 the window layout was restored. It was restoring
56 the position when the zoom-in occurred.
57 v19 May 26, 2004 : * bugfix - winmanager has events firing that,
58 amongst other things, reset the bufhidden
59 option to delete for some windows while
60 ZoomWin worked. ZoomWin now works
61 successfully with winmanager.
62 v18 May 20, 2004 : * bugfix - didn't adversely affect anything, but
63 ZoomWin was deleting its session file twice.
64 * bugfix -- a multi-source file + minibufexplorer
65 + Taglist interaction bug -- minibufexplorer's
66 autocmd events were firing, generating a new
67 window while ZoomWin was attempting to restore
68 the display. ZoomWin didn't have restoration
69 information for the new window and so reported
70 an error. Events are now temporarily disabled
71 while ZoomWin is restoring the layout.
72 v17 Mar 26, 2004 : * ZoomWin command installed. Works nicely with
73 taglist: vim +Tlist +ZoomWin filename
74 v16 Dec 22, 2003 : * handles bufhidden and nobl windows (TagList support).
75 * Now also works with quickfix window (:copen) but
76 still not with |cmdline-window| (q:)
77 v15 Dec 19, 2003 : * SavePosn()/RestorePosn() needed to be preceded
78 by s: to prevent clashes
79 v14 Dec 18, 2003 : * works around a restoration-bug with mksession
80 when either wmw or wmh settings are zero
81 * Bwipes internal temporary buffers
82 * Known bugs: will not work with command-line
83 * Editing window (|cmdline-window|) nor the
84 quickfix window (|copen|).
85 v13 Dec 18, 2003 : Uses eventignore to prevent events/autocmds from
86 firing while changing the mksession results.
87 v12 Dec 12, 2003 : uses hidden and a minimalist mksession save
88 v11 Oct 14, 2003 : bug fix: apparently RestorePosn()'s variables,
89 which were b:, weren't always defined, so s:
90 ones are now used.
91 v10 Sep 22, 2003 : Bug fix: when a single window is showing, the user
92 moves the cursor, then <c-w>o used to restore
93 screen, the current cursor position wasn't retained
94 Restores v:this_session.
95 Bug fix: change a window, use <c-w>o, then write.
96 Was saving file only to temporary file instead of
97 actual file, but when the actual file was brought back,
98 the changes were lost.
99 v9 Aug 15, 2003 : v8 managed to trash syntax highlighting on
100 reload, this one removes the eventignore
101 handling. Will need more pondering...
102 v8 Aug 14, 2003 : now handles not-modified but not filereadable
103 buffers, nowrite buffers uses eventignore to
104 bypass autocmd firing
105 v7 May 23, 2003 : bugfix - GotoWinNum() didn't always get the
106 cursor into the correct window
107 v6 Mar 25, 2003 : more cleanup included
108 v5 Mar 14, 2003 : includes support for handling scratch buffers,
109 no-name buffer windows, and modified-buffer
110 windows. All windows' contents will be saved to
111 temporary buffers
112 v4 Dec 12, 2002 : Zak Beck contributed code to clean up temporary
113 session files if one leaves vim while zoomed-in
114 v3 Dec 11, 2002 : plugin-ized
115 v2 Nov 08, 2002 : A guaranteed-to-be-unique to this
116 session file is used for session information.
117 Modified but not yet saved files are made hidden
118 during zoom in.
119 v1 the epoch : Ron Aaron's original