]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blame - atom/packages/api-notation/package.json
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[rbdr/dotfiles] / atom / packages / api-notation / package.json
2 "name": "api-notation",
3 "version": "1.0.2",
4 "description": "Syntax for API Notation, a simple shorthand to write library APIs",
5 "keywords": [
6 "syntax",
7 "theme",
8 "api"
9 ],
10 "repository": {
11 "type": "git",
12 "url": "git+https://github.com/rbdr/api-notation-atom.git"
13 },
14 "license": "MIT",
15 "engines": {
16 "atom": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"
17 },
18 "readme": "# API Notation Syntax for Atom\n\nThis is a grammar for api notation, a simple notation I've been using for\nannotating module APIs in specs and other documents.\n\n## Installing\n\n### From Command Line\n\n`apm install api-notation`\n\n### From GUI\n\n#### Open the Package Manager from Palette Manager\n\n1. Press `⌘⇧P` on OSX or `⌃⇧P` on Windows/Linux to open the palette manager\n2. Look for `Install Packages and Themes`\n\n#### Open the Package Manager from Preferences\n\n1. Go to `Atom -> Preferences` menu\n2. Go to `Install`\n\n#### Install it\n\n1. Search for `api-notation` in the search bar\n2. Click Install\n\n## Usage\n\nOpen a `.api` file, or set it as your syntax.\n\n## API Notation Reference\n\nThe most recent reference as of now is in this [gist][api-reference], so\ncheck that to be sure. But here's a reproduction of the notation.\n\n```\nNameOfClass.WithPossibleNamespace\n + class property\n - instance property\n ~> listened events (socket)\n +> listened events (class/module)\n -> listened events (instance)\n <~ dispatched events (socket)\n <+ dispatched events(class/module)\n <- dispatched events (instance)\n :: class method\n # instance method\n\nOther symbols\n => returns\n->() callback return\n[xx] optional\n<xx> data type\n\nRecommended order: class first, then sockets, then instance. Internally:\nProperties, events, methods.\n\n// Anything after two forward slashes is a comment\n```\n\n## How does it look like?\n\nLike this.\n\n![Like this.][api-example]\n\n[api-reference]: https://gist.github.com/benbeltran/4694c46fcec131468e34\n[api-example]: https://i.imgur.com/5WXuf4u.png\n",
19 "readmeFilename": "README.md",
20 "bugs": {
21 "url": "https://github.com/rbdr/api-notation-atom/issues"
22 },
23 "homepage": "https://github.com/rbdr/api-notation-atom#readme",
24 "_id": "api-notation@1.0.2",
25 "_shasum": "307b0647acce54c74350a9d1257fae9ef9c964cd",
26 "_resolved": "file:../d-115828-94250-r4fn9v/package.tgz",
27 "_from": "../d-115828-94250-r4fn9v/package.tgz",
28 "_atomModuleCache": {
29 "version": 1,
30 "dependencies": [],
31 "extensions": {
32 ".json": [
33 "package.json"
34 ]
35 },
36 "folders": []
37 }