]> git.r.bdr.sh - rbdr/dotfiles/blame - vim/colors/settlemyer.vim
Add Rust tools to vim
[rbdr/dotfiles] / vim / colors / settlemyer.vim
1" Vim color file
2" Maintainer: Max Lynch <lynch3@wisc.edu>
3" URL: http://muffinpeddler.com
4" Version: 0.1
6" :he group-name
7" :he highlight-groups
8" :he cterm-colors
10set background=dark
11if version > 580
12 " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
13 " complaining
14 hi clear
15 if exists("syntax_on")
16 syntax reset
17 endif
19let g:colors_name="settlemyer"
21hi Normal guibg=gray25 guifg=gray85
22hi Cursor guibg=red3 guifg=bg
24" Syntax Highlighting
25hi Comment guifg=LightPink
26hi Constant guifg=SpringGreen
27" hi Identifier gui=bold guifg=SkyBlue
28" hi Function guifg=Wheat3
29" hi Type guifg=orange1
30hi Keyword guifg=SkyBlue
31hi PreProc guifg=SkyBlue
32hi Statement guifg=SkyBlue
33hi Type gui=bold guifg=SkyBlue
34hi NonText guifg=DarkGray
35hi Tags guifg=orange1
37hi link Character Constant
38hi link Number Constant
39hi link Float Constant
40hi link Function Statement
41hi link Conditional Statement
42hi link Repeat Statement
43hi link Label Statement
44hi link Operator Statement
45hi link Keyword Statement
46hi link Include PreProc
47hi link Define PreProc
48hi link Macro PreProc
49hi link PreCondit PreProc
50hi link StorageClass Type
51hi link Structure Type
52hi link Typedef Type
53hi link Tag Tags