# dead-drop
A phone messaging system
+## Configuring
+This project usese environment variables to work. For most cases, the
+defaults work but some sensitive info like keys must be overridden. Copy
+the file in `config/env.dist` to `.env` in the project root and override
+the values.
+When running with `make run`, it'll pick up these values automatically.
+If you're doing it the hard way, you'll have to source them. You must
+set the `DEAD_DROP_ACCOUNT_SID` to match your account sid. This is so
+dead drop can filter out calls from other accounts.
+## Running Locally
+You'll need [Docker][docker] to run the project.
+* Run the image with `make run`
+## Running locally the hard way
+If you don't want to use docker, you can also run it the old fashioned
+1. Install dependencies with `yarn install` (recommended), or `npm install`
+2. Run with `npm start`
+## Generating documentation
+This project uses JSDoc to generate documentation. Generate everything
+with `npm run document`. The documentation will be generated in the
+`doc` directory.
+## Building and pushing the image
+You can also do some other operations
+* Build the image with `make build`
+* Push and build the image with `make upload`
+* Clean the environment with `make clean`
+## Setting up Twilio
+Get a twilio number, and on the configuration set the voice settings to
+"Webhooks/TwiML" and point the `A call comes in` hook to:
+the `/menus/main/` path of your dead drop installation. For example:
+`https://dead-drop.unlimited.piza/menus/main`. It must be accessible
+from the internet.
+You will also need your account sid. This is obtained from the "[Account
+Settings][account-settings]" area in the twilio dashboard.
+## Checking the code
+This project uses the [Hapi Style Guide][hapi-style-guide] for
+javascript style, and includes eslint configuration to check them. Run
+`npm run lint` to check the code.
+[docker]: https://www.docker.com/
+[hapi-style-guide]: https://hapijs.com/styleguide
+[account-settings]: https://www.twilio.com/console/account/settings