-The Cobalt Log (CoLog) format is a JSON based log format used with cobalt. It is partly inspired in Greylog's GELF format, but with very notorious differences. The CoLog requires a header with certain fields that allow cobalt and its pieces to handle it. All header fields are prefixed with an underscore. Other than those fields, you can put whatever you want in the object; It's up to the loggers to make sense of the structure and display it in a way that makes sense.
-You can attempt to build this structure on your own, or let cobalt build it for you. Any object you pass for logging will be converted.
+The Cobalt Log (CoLog) format is a JSON based log format used with cobalt.
+It is partly inspired in Greylog's GELF format, but with very notorious
+differences. The CoLog requires a header with certain fields that allow
+cobalt and its pieces to handle it. All header fields are prefixed with
+an underscore. Other than those fields, you can put whatever you want in
+the object; It's up to the loggers to make sense of the structure and
+display it in a way that makes sense.
+You can attempt to build this structure on your own, or let cobalt build it for
+you. Any object you pass for logging will be converted. However, if you
+build it on your own you have two options: The first one is use buildLog
+to create a log object for "item" as if you had logged "item" or you can
+use extendLog that will create a dummy log object and extends it with
+whatever object you pass to it.