-As with loggers, cobalt itself does not worry about these things. However,
-if you wish to make a formatter that is exchangable with Token, you just
-need to create an object that responds to the`format(logObject, optionsObject)`
+#### ANSI tokens
+If you want to add color to your logs, you can use the special \_ansi
+token. It has several options which you can call like `{{_ansi:red}}`
+and `{{_ansi:reset}}`. Here's a list of all the ansi stuff you can use:
+* `bold`: makes text bold
+* `italics`: makes text italics
+* `underline`: makes text underlined
+* `inverse`: inverts foreground and background
+* `strikethrough`: strikethrough text
+* `bold_off`, `italics_off`, `underline_off`, `inverse_off`, and
+ `strikethrough_off`: turn off the specified effect.
+* `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`,
+ and `default`: change the foreground color of your text.
+* `black_bg`, `red_bg`, `green_bg`, `yellow_bg`, `blue_bg`, `magenta_bg`,
+ `cyan_bg`, `white_bg`, and `default_bg`: change the background color of your
+ text.
+* `reset`: makes everything normal again.
+* `_level`: this is a special code that will set a color depending on
+ the level of the log: debug gets green, info and notice blue, warn is
+ yellow, and anything worse is red.
+### More Formatters?
+You can create your own formatters by creating an object that responds
+to the `#format()` method, knows how to handle cologne log objects and
+returns a string.
+Here's an example of a logger that surrounds a log with sparkles: