- VStack (alignment: .center) {
- LabeledContent("Backend URL") {
- TextField("", text: $backendUrl).font(.body)
- }.font(.headline)
- .help("The Backend URL to use. If this is empty, no backend will be used and the options below won't have an effect.")
- Picker(selection: $outputFormats, label: Text("Backend Format").font(.headline)) {
- Text("GIF")
- .tag(OutputFormatSetting.gifOnly)
- .padding(.horizontal, 4.0)
- .padding(.vertical, 2.0)
- Text("MP4")
- .tag(OutputFormatSetting.mp4Only)
- .padding(.horizontal, 4.0)
- .padding(.vertical, 2.0)
+ VStack(alignment: .center) {
+ Section {
+ VStack(alignment: .center) {
+ LabeledContent("Backend URL") {
+ TextField("", text: $backendUrl).font(.body)
+ }.font(.headline)
+ .help(
+ "The Backend URL to use. If this is empty, no backend will be used and the options below won't have an effect."
+ )
+ Picker(selection: $backendFormat, label: Text("Backend Format").font(.headline)) {
+ Text("GIF")
+ .tag(OutputFormatSetting.gifOnly)
+ .padding(.horizontal, 4.0)
+ .padding(.vertical, 2.0)
+ Text("MP4")
+ .tag(OutputFormatSetting.mp4Only)
+ .padding(.horizontal, 4.0)
+ .padding(.vertical, 2.0)
+ }
+ .pickerStyle(.radioGroup)
+ .disabled(parsedBackendUrl == nil)
+ .help(
+ "The format picked here will be generated regardless of what option you pick in the output settings. It doesn't prevent files from being rendered."
+ )
+ Toggle("Keep Local Files", isOn: $keepFiles)
+ .font(.headline)
+ .disabled(parsedBackendUrl == nil)
+ .padding(.vertical, 8.0)
+ .help(
+ "If this is off, locally generated recordings will be deleted immediately after a successful upload."
+ )
+ HStack {
+ Text(
+ "These settings can break things! Please make sure you understand how to use them before enabling."
+ )
+ .lineLimit(3...10)
+ Link(destination: URL(string: "https://captura.tranquil.systems")!) {
+ Image(systemName: "info.circle")
+ }.buttonStyle(.borderless)
+ }
+ }