<suite name="Captura Suite" code="CAPT" description="Controls Captura">
<class name="application" code="capp" description="The application's top-level scripting object.">
<cocoa class="CapturaApp"/>
- <property name="preferences" code="pPrp" type="preferences" access="r">
- <cocoa key="scriptedPreferences"/>
- </property>
- <class name="preferences" code="Cprf" description="The application preferences">
- <cocoa class="ScriptedPreferences"/>
+ <record-type code="CCRc" name="configuration">
<property name="fps" code="pPfp" type="integer" description="Sets the FPS of the recording" access="rw" />
<property name="outputs" code="pPou" type="text" description="Which outputs get generated locally" access="rw" />
<property name="backend" code="pPbk" type="text" description="Updates the backend URL that will be used" access="rw" />
<property name="backend_output" code="pPbo" type="text" description="Which output should be sent to the backend" access="rw" />
<property name="keep_local_files" code="pPlf" type="boolean" description="Whether to keep local files after a successful backend upload." access="rw"/>
- </class>
+ </record-type>
<record-type code="CCRr" name="recording_configuration">
<property name="x" code="CCrx" type="integer" description="Sets the starting horizontal position of the recording frame from the left of the screen. Defaults to the center of the screen." />
<property name="y" code="CCry" type="integer" description="Sets the starting vertical position of the recording frame from the bottom of the screen. Defaults to the center of the screen." />
<type type="recording_configuration" />
+ <command name="configure" code="CCCMConf">
+ <cocoa class="ConfigureCommand" />
+ <direct-parameter description="The settings to be updated">
+ <type type="configuration" />
+ </direct-parameter>
+ </command>