-use crate::template::{find, parse, TemplateContext};
+use crate::template::{find, parse, Context};
use std::fs::write;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind::Other, Result};
-use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::path::Path;
const FILENAME: &str = "index.txt";
pub fn generate(
- _: &PathBuf,
- template_directory: &PathBuf,
- target: &PathBuf,
- context: &TemplateContext,
+ _: &Path,
+ template_directory: &Path,
+ target: &Path,
+ context: &Context,
) -> Result<()> {
- match find(template_directory, FILENAME) {
- Some(template) => {
- let parsed_template = parse(&template)
- .ok_or_else(|| Error::new(Other, "Unable to parse TXT template"))?;
- let rendered_template = parsed_template.render(context)?;
- let location = target.join(FILENAME);
- write(location, rendered_template)?;
- }
- None => {}
+ if let Some(template) = find(template_directory, FILENAME) {
+ let parsed_template =
+ parse(&template).ok_or_else(|| Error::new(Other, "Unable to parse TXT template"))?;
+ let rendered_template = parsed_template.render(context)?;
+ let location = target.join(FILENAME);
+ write(location, rendered_template)?;
+mod tests {
+ use std::collections::HashMap;
+ use std::fs::create_dir_all;
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::template::Value;
+ use test_utilities::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_generates_txt_with_default_layout() {
+ let test_dir = setup_test_dir();
+ let static_dir = test_dir.join("static");
+ let template_dir = test_dir.join("templates");
+ let output_dir = test_dir.join("output");
+ create_dir_all(&static_dir).expect("Could not create static directory");
+ create_dir_all(&template_dir).expect("Could not create template directory");
+ create_dir_all(&output_dir).expect("Could not create output directory");
+ let context = HashMap::from([
+ ("has_posts".to_string(), Value::Bool(true)),
+ (
+ "posts".to_string(),
+ Value::Collection(vec![
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Contextualization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Contexternalization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ ]),
+ ),
+ ]);
+ generate(&static_dir, &template_dir, &output_dir, &context).expect("Generate failed");
+ assert_file_contains(&output_dir.join("index.txt"), "Contextualization");
+ assert_file_contains(&output_dir.join("index.txt"), "Contexternalization");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_uses_custom_layout_if_available() {
+ let test_dir = setup_test_dir();
+ let static_dir = test_dir.join("static");
+ let template_dir = test_dir.join("templates");
+ let output_dir = test_dir.join("output");
+ create_dir_all(&static_dir).expect("Could not create static directory");
+ create_dir_all(&template_dir).expect("Could not create template directory");
+ create_dir_all(&output_dir).expect("Could not create output directory");
+ create_test_file(
+ &template_dir.join("index.txt"),
+ "\
+{{~ posts:post }}
+ {{= post.raw }}
+ );
+ let context = HashMap::from([(
+ "posts".to_string(),
+ Value::Collection(vec![
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Recontextualization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Recontexternalization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ ]),
+ )]);
+ generate(&static_dir, &template_dir, &output_dir, &context).expect("Generate failed");
+ assert_file_contents(
+ &output_dir.join("index.txt"),
+ "\
+ Recontexternalization
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fails_if_txt_is_malformed() {
+ let test_dir = setup_test_dir();
+ let static_dir = test_dir.join("static");
+ let template_dir = test_dir.join("templates");
+ let output_dir = test_dir.join("output");
+ create_dir_all(&static_dir).expect("Could not create static directory");
+ create_dir_all(&template_dir).expect("Could not create template directory");
+ create_dir_all(&output_dir).expect("Could not create output directory");
+ create_test_file(
+ &template_dir.join("index.txt"),
+ "\
+{{~ posts:post }}
+ {{ post.raw }}
+ );
+ let context = HashMap::new();
+ let result = generate(&static_dir, &template_dir, &output_dir, &context);
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_fails_if_output_is_not_writable() {
+ let test_dir = setup_test_dir();
+ let static_dir = test_dir.join("static");
+ let template_dir = test_dir.join("templates");
+ let output_dir = test_dir.join("output");
+ create_dir_all(&template_dir).expect("Could not create template directory");
+ create_test_file(
+ &template_dir.join("index.txt"),
+ "\
+{{~ posts:post }}
+ {{= post.raw }}
+ );
+ let context = HashMap::from([(
+ "posts".to_string(),
+ Value::Collection(vec![
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Recontextualization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ HashMap::from([(
+ "raw".to_string(),
+ Value::String("Recontexternalization".to_string()),
+ )]),
+ ]),
+ )]);
+ let result = generate(&static_dir, &template_dir, &output_dir, &context);
+ assert!(result.is_err());
+ }