+mod gemini;
+mod gopher;
+mod raw;
+use crate::template::{Context, Value};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::fs::read_dir;
+use std::io::Result;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use time::{format_description::FormatItem, macros::format_description, OffsetDateTime};
+const DATE_FORMAT: &[FormatItem<'_>] = format_description!("[year]-[month]-[day]");
+struct ArchiveEntry {
+ id: String,
+ slug: String,
+type Archiver = fn(&Path, &Path, &Path, &Context) -> Result<()>;
+impl ArchiveEntry {
+ pub fn to_template_context(archive_entries: &[ArchiveEntry]) -> Context {
+ let mut context = HashMap::new();
+ let archive_entries_collection = archive_entries
+ .iter()
+ .map(ArchiveEntry::to_template_value)
+ .collect();
+ context.insert(
+ "archive_length".to_string(),
+ Value::Unsigned(archive_entries.len().try_into().unwrap()),
+ );
+ context.insert(
+ "posts".to_string(),
+ Value::Collection(archive_entries_collection),
+ );
+ context
+ }
+ pub fn to_template_value(&self) -> Context {
+ let mut context = HashMap::new();
+ context.insert("id".to_string(), Value::String(self.id.clone()));
+ context.insert("slug".to_string(), Value::String(self.slug.clone()));
+ if let Some(title) = self.title() {
+ context.insert("title".to_string(), Value::String(title));
+ }
+ context
+ }
+ fn title(&self) -> Option<String> {
+ let date = OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos(
+ (self.id.parse::<u64>().ok()? * 1_000_000).into(),
+ )
+ .ok()?;
+ let short_date = date.format(&DATE_FORMAT).ok()?;
+ let title = self.slug.replace('-', " ");
+ Some(format!("{short_date} {title}"))
+ }
+fn read_archive(archive_directory: &PathBuf) -> Vec<ArchiveEntry> {
+ let mut archive_entries = Vec::new();
+ if let Ok(entries) = read_dir(archive_directory) {
+ for entry in entries.filter_map(Result::ok) {
+ let entry_path = entry.path();
+ let post_id = entry.file_name();
+ if let Ok(entry_type) = entry.file_type() {
+ if entry_type.is_dir() {
+ if let Ok(candidates) = read_dir(&entry_path) {
+ for candidate in candidates.filter_map(Result::ok) {
+ let candidate_path = candidate.path();
+ match candidate_path.extension() {
+ Some(extension) => {
+ if extension == "gmi" {
+ if let Some(slug) = candidate_path.file_stem() {
+ if let (Some(post_id), Some(slug)) =
+ (post_id.to_str(), slug.to_str())
+ {
+ archive_entries.push(ArchiveEntry {
+ id: post_id.to_string(),
+ slug: slug.to_string(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => continue,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ archive_entries.sort_by(|a, b| b.id.cmp(&a.id));
+ archive_entries
+pub fn archive(
+ archive_directory: &PathBuf,
+ template_directory: &Path,
+ output_directory: &Path,
+) -> Result<()> {
+ let archivers = available_archivers();
+ let archive_entries = read_archive(archive_directory);
+ let context = ArchiveEntry::to_template_context(&archive_entries);
+ for archiver in archivers {
+ archiver(
+ archive_directory,
+ template_directory,
+ output_directory,
+ &context,
+ )?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn available_archivers() -> Vec<Archiver> {
+ vec![raw::archive, gemini::archive, gopher::archive]
+mod tests {
+ use std::fs::create_dir_all;
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::template::Value;
+ use test_utilities::*;
+ // Archive template values
+ #[test]
+ fn test_creates_context_with_empty_archive_entries() {
+ let context = ArchiveEntry::to_template_context(&[]);
+ assert_eq!(context["archive_length"], Value::Unsigned(0));
+ if let Value::Collection(posts) = &context["posts"] {
+ assert!(posts.is_empty());
+ } else {
+ panic!("The posts context was not the right type.");
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_creates_context_with_post_slice() {
+ let archive_entry = ArchiveEntry {
+ id: "you-know-what-is-cool".to_string(),
+ slug: "the-archiving-shelves-with-a-spinning-lever-to-move-them".to_string(),
+ };
+ let context = ArchiveEntry::to_template_context(&[archive_entry]);
+ assert_eq!(context["archive_length"], Value::Unsigned(1));
+ if let Value::Collection(posts) = &context["posts"] {
+ if let Some(post) = posts.first() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ post["id"],
+ Value::String("you-know-what-is-cool".to_string())
+ );
+ } else {
+ panic!("The template context had no posts");
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("The posts context was not the right type.");
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_converts_archive_entry_without_title_to_context() {
+ let archive_entry = ArchiveEntry {
+ id: "they-always-show-them-in-spy-films".to_string(),
+ slug: "or-like-universities".to_string(),
+ };
+ let context = archive_entry.to_template_value();
+ assert_eq!(
+ context["id"],
+ Value::String("they-always-show-them-in-spy-films".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ context["slug"],
+ Value::String("or-like-universities".to_string())
+ );
+ assert!(!context.contains_key("title"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_converts_archive_entry_with_title_to_context() {
+ let archive_entry = ArchiveEntry {
+ id: "1736035200000".to_string(),
+ slug: "need-a-warehouse".to_string(),
+ };
+ let context = archive_entry.to_template_value();
+ assert_eq!(context["id"], Value::String("1736035200000".to_string()));
+ assert_eq!(
+ context["slug"],
+ Value::String("need-a-warehouse".to_string())
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ context["title"],
+ Value::String("2025-01-05 need a warehouse".to_string())
+ );
+ }
+ // Archive Finder
+ #[test]
+ fn test_finds() {
+ let test_dir = setup_test_dir();
+ let archive_dir = test_dir.join("archive");
+ let template_dir = test_dir.join("templates");
+ let output_dir = test_dir.join("output");
+ let first_post_dir = archive_dir.join("1736035200000");
+ create_dir_all(&first_post_dir).expect("Could not first create post test directory");
+ create_test_file(
+ &first_post_dir.join("my-very-cool-post.gmi"),
+ "is full of flowers",
+ );
+ let second_post_dir = archive_dir.join("1736121600000");
+ create_dir_all(&second_post_dir).expect("Could not create second post test directory");
+ create_test_file(
+ &second_post_dir.join("my-very-sad-post.gmi"),
+ "is full of regrets",
+ );
+ let bad_file_dir = archive_dir.join("1736121600001");
+ create_dir_all(&bad_file_dir).expect("Could not create bad file test directory");
+ create_test_file(&bad_file_dir.join("my-very-bad-file"), "is full of lies");
+ create_dir_all(&template_dir).expect("Could not create template test directory");
+ create_dir_all(&output_dir).expect("Could not create output test directory");
+ archive(&archive_dir, &template_dir, &output_dir).expect("Archive failed");
+ assert_file_contains(
+ &output_dir.join("index.gmi"),
+ "\n=> ./1736035200000/my-very-cool-post.gmi 2025-01-05 my very cool post",
+ );
+ assert_file_contains(
+ &output_dir.join("index.gmi"),
+ "\n=> ./1736121600000/my-very-sad-post.gmi 2025-01-06 my very sad post",
+ );
+ assert_file_contents(
+ &output_dir.join("1736035200000/my-very-cool-post.gmi"),
+ "is full of flowers",
+ );
+ assert_file_contents(
+ &output_dir.join("1736121600000/my-very-sad-post.gmi"),
+ "is full of regrets",
+ );
+ assert!(&output_dir.join("1736121600001/my-very-bad-file").exists());
+ assert_file_does_not_contain(
+ &output_dir.join("index.gmi"),
+ "1736121600001/my-very-bad-file",
+ );
+ }