-# api-notation-atom theme
+# API Notation Syntax for Atom
-A short description of your theme.
+This is a grammar for api notation, a simple notation I've been using for
+annotating module APIs in specs and other documents.
-![A screenshot of your theme](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/69169/2289498/4c3cb0ec-a009-11e3-8dbd-077ee11741e5.gif)
+## Installing
+### From Command Line
+`apm install api-notation`
+### From GUI
+#### Open the Package Manager from Palette Manager
+1. Press `⌘⇧P` on OSX or `⌃⇧P` on Windows/Linux to open the palette manager
+2. Look for `Install Packages and Themes`
+#### Open the Package Manager from Preferences
+1. Go to `Atom -> Preferences` menu
+2. Go to `Install`
+#### Install it
+1. Search for `api-notation` in the search bar
+2. Click Install
+## Usage
+Open a `.api` file, or set it as your syntax.
+## API Notation Reference
+The most recent reference as of now is in this [text file][api-reference], so
+check that to be sure. But here's a reproduction of the notation.
+ + class property
+ - instance property
+ ~> listened events (socket)
+ +> listened events (class/module)
+ -> listened events (instance)
+ <~ dispatched events (socket)
+ <+ dispatched events(class/module)
+ <- dispatched events (instance)
+ :: class method
+ # instance method
+Other symbols
+ => returns
+->() callback return
+[xx] optional
+<xx> data type
+Recommended order: class first, then sockets, then instance. Internally:
+Properties, events, methods.
+// Anything after two forward slashes is a comment
+## How does it look like?
+Like this.
+![Like this.][api-example]
+[api-reference]: https://gitlab.com/rbdr/txt/-/blob/main/reference/api_notation.md
+[api-example]: https://i.imgur.com/5WXuf4u.png