--- title: /olden-mail.html
--- description: IMAP & SMTP proxy to connect vintage clients to modern e-mail.
## Olden Mail
olden-mail is an IMAP & SMTP proxy that allows you to connect to SSL enabled mail servers using insecure plaintext connections.
This is of course very insecure, but it's intended to allow vintage computers that don't have SSL capability or ther right ciphers to still be used for e-mail.
=> https://git.r.bdr.sh/rbdr/olden-mail ⧇ source
=> https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/olden-mail ⧉ mirror
## Install
### Homebrew
You can install using homebrew.
% brew tap rbdr/apps git@git.sr.ht:~rbdr/homebrew-apps
% brew install rbdr/apps/olden-mail
### Prebuilt Packages
You can find pre-built packages for linux @ build.r.bdr.sh. There you can find a `.tar.gz` that includes only the binary, or `.rpm` and `.deb` distributions for fedora and debian that include a manpage.
Binaries are provided for x86_64 and aarch64.
Unstable releases are built directly from the main branch, while tagged versions have their own release and can be considered more stable.
=> gemini://build.r.bdr.sh/olden-mail olden-mail pre-built releases @ gemini
=> https://build.r.bdr.sh/olden-mail olden-mail pre-built releases @ https
### From Source
Make sure you have rust and Make installed. Clone the repository, and run:
% make -e profile=release
Then copy the file somewhere in your PATH
% cp ./target/release/olden-mail /usr/local/bin
## Usage
The proxy requires you to set environment variables, but otherwise takes
no options.
* `LOCAL_IMAP_PORT` u16, the port in which the server will listen for IMAP clients. Defaults to 143.
* `LOCAL_IMAP_BIND_ADDRESS` String, the address on which to listen for IMAP clients. Defaults to
* `REMOTE_IMAP_PORT` u16, the port to which the server will forward the IMAP messages. Defaults to 993.
* `REMOTE_IMAP_HOST` String, the host to which the server will forward the IMAP messages. Required.
* `LOCAL_SMTP_PORT` u16, the port in which the server will listen for SMTP clients. Defaults to 25.
* `LOCAL_SMTP_BIND_ADDRESS` String, the address on which to listen for SMTP clients. Defaults to
* `REMOTE_SMTP_PORT` u16, the port to which the server will forward the SMTP messages. Defaults to 465.
* `REMOTE_SMTP_HOST` String, the host to which the server will for SMTP messages. Required.
## Changelog
* 1.0.0 Initial Release