--- title: /page.html --- description: Page is a command-line tool that can generate a static website from gemtext. ## Page Command line tool to generate a static website and gemini capsule from a directory with gemtext. Written in rust! => https://git.r.bdr.sh/rbdr/page ⧇ source => https://git.sr.ht/~rbdr/page ⧉ mirror ## Install ### Homebrew You can install using homebrew. ``` % brew tap rbdr/apps git@git.sr.ht:~rbdr/homebrew-apps % brew install rbdr/apps/page ``` ### Prebuilt Packages You can find pre-built packages for linux @ build.r.bdr.sh. There you can find a `.tar.gz` that includes only the binary, or `.rpm` and `.deb` distributions for fedora and debian that include a manpage. Binaries are provided for x86_64 and aarch64. Unstable releases are built directly from the main branch, while tagged versions have their own release and can be considered more stable. => gemini://build.r.bdr.sh/page page pre-built releases @ gemini => https://build.r.bdr.sh/page page pre-built releases @ https ### From Source Make sure you have rust and Make installed. Clone the repository, and run: ``` % make -e profile=release ``` Then copy the file somewhere in your PATH ``` % cp ./target/release/page /usr/local/bin ``` ## Usage Go to the directory that contains your site and run page ``` % cd ~/projects/my_cool_page % page ``` It will create two directories at the parent directory, they will have the same name as the current one but appending _html and _gemini respectively. ``` % ls ~/projects my_cool_page/ my_cool_page_gemini/ my_cool_page_html/ ``` These pages contain the static files ready to be uploaded with a tool like scp, rsync or however you move files. ## The files. The website directory has some requirements for page to work correctly. ### Gemtext Any file with ending .gmi is interpreted as gemtext and will be parsed as html with the following rules: * The first two lines are checked for front matter * If the first or second line starts with "--- title:", the text following will be treated as the title of the page and the line will be removed from the output. * If the first or second line starts with "--- description:", the text following will be treated as the description of the page and the line will be removed from the output. * URLs that end with the extension ".gmi" will be replaced with ".html" unless the url begins with "gemini:" Example, this could be index.gmi. The first link will be converted to html but the second won't: ``` --- title: Home --- description: Clemland is dedicated to all things sound # Welcome to Clemland My projects are located here: => /projects.gmi Projects This is a good gemini page: => gemini://r.bdr.sh/page.gmi ``` ### The layout A file called _layout.html at the root of the element. It must be present. It should include the three following keywords: * {{ title }} will get replaced with the front matter title of the gemtext file. * {{ description }} will get replaced with the front matter description of the gemtext file. * {{ content }} will get replaced with the body of the gemtext file. For example: ```
for empty lines. * 1.3.2 Use section and p instead of div, to better support "reader mode" * 1.3.1 Don't add closing slash to line breaks * 1.3.0 Adds support for specifying alt-text for preformatted text blocks. * 1.2.0 Wraps headings in a div to make certain layout operations easier. * 1.1.0 Adds front matter for title and description, generates gemini and http directories.