#include "stdafx.h" /*Draws a rectangular surface (specify only the x and y)*/ void Gfx::drawsurface(SDL_Surface *src, int dx, int dy, SDL_Surface *dst) { SDL_Rect dst_rect; dst_rect.x = dx; dst_rect.y = dy; SDL_BlitSurface(src, NULL, dst, &dst_rect); } /*Draws a rectangular surface from sx,sy of swxsh dimensions to dx, dy*/ void Gfx::drawsurface(int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, SDL_Surface *src, int dx, int dy, SDL_Surface *dst) { SDL_Rect src_rect, dst_rect; src_rect.x = sx; src_rect.y = sy; src_rect.w = sw; src_rect.h = sh; dst_rect.x = dx; dst_rect.y = dy; SDL_BlitSurface(src, &src_rect, dst, &dst_rect); }