--parameters this.actorname = "Bullet: Crawlshot" this.enemy = enemy_weapon this.speed = 6 this.controllable = false this.physics = true this.bumpcount = 0 this.bumplimit = 4 print(">>> Entity Created - "..this.actorname); function this.move(this) if(this:get_currentdirection() == right) then this:set_ownspeed(this.speed) end if (this:get_currentdirection() == left) then this:set_ownspeed(-this.speed) end if ( ( not this:can_move(left, this:get_x(), this:get_y()) and this:get_currentdirection() == left ) or ( not this:can_move(right, this:get_x(), this:get_y()) and this:get_currentdirection() == right ) ) then this.bumpcount = this.bumpcount + 1 this:switchdirection() if this.bumpcount >= this.bumplimit then this:set_dying(true) end end end function this.switchdirection(this) if(this:get_currentdirection() == right) then this:set_currentdirection(left) this:set_ownspeed(-this.speed) elseif (this:get_currentdirection() == left) then this:set_currentdirection(right) this:set_ownspeed(this.speed) end end function this.act(this) this:move() end --END