// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FILE NAME : LuaVirtualMachine.h // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DESCRIPTION : // // Lua virtual machine implementation // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VERSION : 1.00 // DATE : 1-Sep-2005 // AUTHOR : Richard Shephard // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LIBRARY INCLUDE FILES #ifndef __LUA_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_H__ #define __LUA_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_H__ #include "luainc.h" #include "luadebugger.h" class CLuaDebugger; class CLuaVirtualMachine { public: CLuaVirtualMachine (void); virtual ~CLuaVirtualMachine (void); bool InitialiseVM (void); bool DestroyVM (void); // Load and run script elements bool RunFile (const char *strFilename); bool RunBuffer (const unsigned char *pbBuffer, size_t szLen, const char *strName = NULL); // C-Api into script bool CallFunction (int nArgs, int nReturns = 0); // Get the state of the lua stack (use the cast operator) //lua_State *GetState (void) { return m_pState; } operator lua_State *(void) { return m_pState; } static void Panic (lua_State *lua); // Check if the VM is OK and can be used still virtual bool Ok (void) { return m_fIsOk; } // For debugging void AttachDebugger (CLuaDebugger *dbg) { m_pDbg = dbg; } protected: lua_State *m_pState; bool m_fIsOk; CLuaDebugger *m_pDbg; }; #endif // __LUA_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_H__