------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tools to deal with tasks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Public Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Toggles a task completion status -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function toggle(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Inserts a new task at the cursor location -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function insert(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Captures a new task into the inbox -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function capture(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Tag a task -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function tag(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Reschedule a task for today -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function reschedule_for_today(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Reschedule a task for tomorrow -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin configuration function reschedule_for_tomorrow(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Reschedule a task for someday -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin someday function reschedule_for_someday(configuration) error("Not yet implemented") end --- Reschedule a task for an arbitrary date -- @param configuration tNotaConfiguration the plugin someday function reschedule(configuration, new_date) error("Not yet implemented") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------