import Foundation /// Handles reading and writing the configuration public class Configuration { let configurationPath = NSString(string: "~/.lyricli.conf").expandingTildeInPath // The defaults are added here private var configuration: [String: Any] = [ "enabled_sources": ["arguments"], "default": true ] static let sharedInstance: Configuration = Configuration() private init() { // Read the config file and attempt toset any of the values. Otherwise // Don't do anything. // IMPROVEMENT: Enable a debug mode if let data = try? NSData(contentsOfFile: configurationPath) as Data { if let parsedConfig = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) { if let parsedConfig = parsedConfig as? [String: Any] { for (key, value) in parsedConfig { if key == "enabled_sources" { if let value = value as? [String] { configuration[key] = value } } else { if let value = value as? String { configuration[key] = value } } } } } } writeConfiguration() } private func writeConfiguration() { var error: NSError? if let outputStream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: configurationPath, append: false) { JSONSerialization.writeJSONObject(configuration, to: outputStream, options: [JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted], error: &error) outputStream.close() } } // Allow access as an object subscript(index: String) -> Any? { get { return configuration[index] } set(newValue) { configuration[index] = newValue writeConfiguration() } } }