import CommandLineKit import Foundation /// Sets up and returns a new options parser /// /// - Returns: A Dictionary of Options, and a new CommandLineKit instance func createParser() -> ([String:Option], CommandLineKit) { let parser = CommandLineKit() var flags: [String:Option] = [:] flags["help"] = BoolOption(shortFlag: "h", longFlag: "help", helpMessage: "Prints a help message.") flags["version"] = BoolOption(shortFlag: "v", longFlag: "version", helpMessage: "Prints the version.") flags["enableSource"] = StringOption(shortFlag: "e", longFlag: "enable-source", helpMessage: "Enables a source") flags["disableSource"] = StringOption(shortFlag: "d", longFlag: "disable-source", helpMessage: "Disables a source") flags["resetSource"] = StringOption(shortFlag: "r", longFlag: "reset-source", helpMessage: "Resets a source") flags["listSources"] = BoolOption(shortFlag: "l", longFlag: "list-sources", helpMessage: "Lists all sources") flags["title"] = BoolOption(shortFlag: "t", longFlag: "title", helpMessage: "Shows title of song if true") parser.addOptions(Array(flags.values)) return (flags, parser) } func main() { let (flags, parser) = createParser() do { try parser.parse() } catch { parser.printUsage(error) exit(EX_USAGE) } if let helpFlag = flags["help"] as? BoolOption { if helpFlag.value == true { parser.printUsage() exit(0) } } if let versionFlag = flags["version"] as? BoolOption { if versionFlag.value == true { print(Lyricli.version) exit(0) } } if let listSourcesFlag = flags["listSources"] as? BoolOption { if listSourcesFlag.value == true { Lyricli.printSources() exit(0) } } if let enableSourceFlag = flags["enableSource"] as? StringOption { if let source = enableSourceFlag.value { Lyricli.enableSource(source) exit(0) } } if let disableSourceFlag = flags["disableSource"] as? StringOption { if let source = disableSourceFlag.value { Lyricli.disableSource(source) exit(0) } } if let resetSourceFlag = flags["resetSource"] as? StringOption { if let source = resetSourceFlag.value { Lyricli.resetSource(source) exit(0) } } if let titleFlag = flags["title"] as? BoolOption { if titleFlag.value == true { Lyricli.printTitle() } } Lyricli.printLyrics() } main()