Commit | Line | Data |
1 | \ 4\b{D: rooto:"YARD::CodeObjects::RootObject\16:\ e@childrenIC:&YARD::CodeObjects::CodeObjectList[\ 6o:$YARD::CodeObjects::ModuleObject\16;\aIC;\b[\12o:$YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject\17:\15@module_functionF:\v@scope: | |
2 | class:\10@visibility:\vpublic: | |
3 | @pathI"\13Lyricli.lyrics\ 6:\ 6EF:\10@parameters[\0:\v@files[\ 6[\aI"\13lib/lyricli.rb\ 6;\11Ti#:\1f@current_file_has_commentsT: | |
4 | @name:\vlyrics:\11@source_type: ruby: | |
5 | @tags[\0:\ f@docstringIC:\14YARD::Docstring"TCreates a new Lyricli instance and returns lyrics by going through the | |
6 | sources.\f;\11F:\ e@ref_tags[\0;\19[\ 6o:\14YARD::Tags::Tag | |
7 | :\ e@tag_nameI"\vreturn\ 6;\11F: | |
8 | @textI"\17the fetched lyrics\ 6;\11F;\150:\v@types[\ 6I"\vString\ 6;\11F:\f@object@ | |
9 | : @allI"xCreates a new Lyricli instance and returns lyrics by going through the | |
10 | sources. | |
11 | @return [String] the fetched lyrics\ 6;\11F;!@ | |
12 | :\ f@hash_flagF:\10@line_rangeo: | |
13 | Range\b: exclF: | |
14 | begini :\bendi":\15@docstring_extra0:\1a@docstring_extra_tags0:\ f@namespace@\b:\ f@signature"\14def self.lyrics:\ e@explicitT:\f@sourceI"Gdef self.lyrics | |
15 | @lyricli = Lyricli.new | |
16 | @lyricli.get_lyrics | |
17 | end\ 6;\11F:\r@dynamicTo; | |
18 | \17;\vF;\f;\r;\ e;\ f;\10I"\14Lyricli.version\ 6;\11F;\12[\0;\13[\ 6[\a@\ fi*;\14T;\15:\fversion;\17;\18;\19[\0;\1aIC;\e"'Returns the version of the library\f;\11F;\1c[\0;\19[\ 6o;\1d | |
19 | ;\1eI"\vreturn\ 6;\11F;\1fI"\10the version\ 6;\11F;\150; [\ 6I"\vString\ 6;\11F;!@\1d;"I"DReturns the version of the library | |
20 | @return [String] the version\ 6;\11F;!@\1d;#F;$o;%\b;&F;'i(;(i);)0;*0;+@\b;,"\15def self.version;-T;.I"?def self.version | |
21 | Gem.loaded_specs["lyricli"].version | |
22 | end\ 6;\11F;/To; | |
23 | \17;\vF;\f;\r;\ e;\ f;\10I"\14Lyricli.sources\ 6;\11F;\12[\0;\13[\ 6[\a@\ fi1;\14T;\15:\fsources;\17;\18;\19[\0;\1aIC;\e"AReturns a list of the available sources to enable or disable\f;\11F;\1c[\0;\19[\ 6o;\1d | |
24 | ;\1eI"\vreturn\ 6;\11F;\1fI"Ithe list of available sources. Enabled sources have | |
25 |