X-Git-Url: https://git.r.bdr.sh/rbdr/dotfiles/blobdiff_plain/aca6370146f453f45ccebd020eb8315b54fd0e5b..9fbf161b2bbb5891d8a46f2e5b5b7fa0bc66e327:/weechat/logs/irc.freenode.%23r.trees.weechatlog?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/weechat/logs/irc.freenode.#r.trees.weechatlog b/weechat/logs/irc.freenode.#r.trees.weechatlog index ea4f2a3..15ebff4 100644 --- a/weechat/logs/irc.freenode.#r.trees.weechatlog +++ b/weechat/logs/irc.freenode.#r.trees.weechatlog @@ -55512,3 +55512,2085 @@ 2012-09-07 10:54:40 JessicaMaple nigaaaa 2012-09-07 10:55:27 omegacfx http://falkvinge.net/2012/09/07/three-reasons-child-porn-must-be-re-legalized-in-the-coming-decade/ 2012-09-07 10:55:48 pot_bot Title: Three Reasons Child Porn Must Be Re-Legalized In The Coming Decade - Falkvinge on Infopolicy (at falkvinge.net) +2013-04-07 01:46:50 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 01:46:50 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 01:46:50 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 01:46:50 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi aka_nothing Alehbye Alternity Amull andai androidninja AndyBotwin animalfruit Asara astra05 asymp BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran Biscuit blazemore BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos br34l cadu cakism chakl chance cholby Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drbawb drewbaa DustD1 eHAPPY etk_ faregon_ Flowerbridge___ Floydthebarber forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 Gusser guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ ijz imSpencer[NYY] januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr Killswitch kniu lemontree- Les_Pony lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ McBadderson meefs megaproxy MidnighToker mpnesto MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 njstein nms nosuni NotoriousOIT null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss pib1979 pinkfu pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| Reinbow rekav0k revolve Ricas richardeid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc ShockDoc_ SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Sotamursu Spaceghost|cloud Styles_ suzy Tabbynya TerranceR the9th thedude TheSlinky tomaw underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wntrvnm yazdmich zen0|wk zyklon] +2013-04-07 01:46:50 -- Channel #r.trees: 149 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 147 normals) +2013-04-07 01:46:52 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 01:46:53 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 01:46:55 bonboltron hey trees +2013-04-07 01:47:33 <-- Les_Pony (~0SGguy@2610:130:115:c00:9c39:a3aa:7e7e:8ad3) has quit (Quit: SOO LONG SUCKERS!!!!!!!!) +2013-04-07 01:48:55 pinkfu HELLO +2013-04-07 01:53:39 Gusser http://i.imgur.com/US2yx8J.jpg +2013-04-07 01:58:57 <-- drbawb (~drbawb@cpe-173-89-18-85.wi.res.rr.com) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) +2013-04-07 03:21:41 animalfruit sometimes in the afternoon, i will oversleep +2013-04-07 03:21:54 animalfruit too many times, i have woken up but not known why +2013-04-07 03:21:58 animalfruit like suddenly, mid dream +2013-04-07 03:22:05 animalfruit then looked at the clock and it was 4:18pm +2013-04-07 03:22:13 animalfruit with just enough time to pack a bowl +2013-04-07 03:22:35 animalfruit autopavlovian intoxication or something +2013-04-07 03:23:56 --> nothing_00 (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:24:05 <-- aka_nothing (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) +2013-04-07 03:25:02 --> SeferYetzirah (~SeferYetz@pdpc/supporter/active/seferyetzirah) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:28:34 <-- Reinbow (~Reinbow@ has quit +2013-04-07 03:30:24 --> timbo__ (48dc3cb8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:30:31 timbo__ hello +2013-04-07 03:30:38 <-- Gusser (~Gusser@c-67-161-38-240.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Quit: Gusser) +2013-04-07 03:33:24 SeferYetzirah yo +2013-04-07 03:33:34 --> bigboy22 (43a14899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:34:13 timbo__ whats up +2013-04-07 03:35:08 <-- timbo__ (48dc3cb8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 03:35:13 SeferYetzirah not you apparently +2013-04-07 03:35:26 <-- bigboy22 (43a14899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 03:37:19 --> Cavil (~cavil@unaffiliated/cavil) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:37:46 --> drbawb (~drbawb@cpe-173-89-18-85.wi.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:40:41 <-- Styles_ (~Styles@unaffiliated/styles) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-07 03:47:50 @komphlex I bet Borg pussy rattles. +2013-04-07 03:49:35 SeferYetzirah not you apparently +2013-04-07 03:49:38 SeferYetzirah what +2013-04-07 03:49:40 SeferYetzirah lol whoops +2013-04-07 03:49:45 SeferYetzirah stupid up key +2013-04-07 03:50:42 --> wishiwerehobbit (~chatzilla@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:54:00 <-- Amull (~Amull@75-13-4-98.lightspeed.kscyks.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-07 03:57:50 --> kokobs (~pouripour@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:59:43 --> Amull (~Amull@75-13-4-98.lightspeed.kscyks.sbcglobal.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 03:59:45 <-- wishiwerehobbit (~chatzilla@ has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931]) +2013-04-07 11:25:32 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-07 11:25:57 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 11:25:57 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 11:25:57 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 11:25:57 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi Alehbye Alternity Amull andai androidninja animalfruit Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran Biscuit blazemore BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos br34l brittnee_ Brolapse cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ DerMorb derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drbawb drewbaaa DustD1 eHAPPY etk_ faregon_ Flowerbridge___ foami forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 Gusser guymann hep hnk|afk horsewithwings housepage_ ijz imSpencer[NYY] januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr Killswitch Kites kokobs lemontree- lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ McBadderson meefs megaproxy MidnighToker mpnesto MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nms nosuni nothing_00 NotoriousOIT null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss_ Orion] pib1979 pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| ratboy_genius rekav0k revolve Ricas richardeid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn SeferYetzirah Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Sotamursu Spaceghost|cloud suzy Tabbynya TerranceR the9th thedude TheSlinky tomaw tyn underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wannabe Wntrvnm yazdmich] +2013-04-07 11:25:57 -- Channel #r.trees: 152 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 150 normals) +2013-04-07 11:25:59 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 11:25:59 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 11:26:06 Gusser http://i.imgur.com/ltqfsOE.png +2013-04-07 11:26:07 DustD1 Gusser: what is that +2013-04-07 11:26:08 DustD1 dmt +2013-04-07 11:26:09 DustD1 ? +2013-04-07 11:26:15 Gusser DustD1 mdma moon rock +2013-04-07 11:26:28 mach_kernel damn +2013-04-07 11:26:37 aclonedsheep hey dust1 +2013-04-07 11:26:41 mach_kernel that doesn't look awfully pure +2013-04-07 11:26:51 Gusser you've seen pure mdma? +2013-04-07 11:27:11 Gusser https://lh3.ggpht.com/_RoO5ukvH6Co/TUvacbiQZgI/AAAAAAAAABs/UqYB-SQfQyM/s1600/12.jpg +2013-04-07 11:28:42 Gusser also, adulterant test kits are fucking important. good way to make sure all your mdma is potent, if not pure +2013-04-07 11:30:06 mach_kernel very true +2013-04-07 11:30:34 mach_kernel goddamn it +2013-04-07 11:30:37 <-- Sotamursu (~soutavamu@91-157-64-55.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 11:30:44 mach_kernel i swear to god that i'm going to write an irc bouncer myself +2013-04-07 11:30:48 mach_kernel i have an ipv6 box +2013-04-07 11:30:58 mach_kernel and i can't connect to other servers that have no ipv6 support +2013-04-07 11:31:11 mach_kernel even if i bindhost to the ipv4 name +2013-04-07 11:31:15 mach_kernel bullshit to the max +2013-04-07 11:32:32 <-- McBadderson (~McBadders@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-07 11:32:47 * Gusser needs more test kits +2013-04-07 11:32:50 Gusser fuck yeah, science! +2013-04-07 11:34:42 mach_kernel ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME +2013-04-07 11:34:49 mach_kernel set bind host to +2013-04-07 11:34:50 mach_kernel no problems +2013-04-07 11:34:52 mach_kernel wooooowww +2013-04-07 11:37:41 <-- blazemore (~blazemore@pdpc/supporter/active/blazemore) has left #r.trees +2013-04-07 11:39:45 --> Wannaboo (~womp@cpe-76-186-194-209.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 11:40:40 <-- Wannabe (~womp@cpe-76-186-194-209.tx.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-07 11:44:57 Gusser https://i.minus.com/ixnW67ZkbJ2vp.gif +2013-04-07 11:45:35 mach_kernel Gusser: wow where did you find an adria richards gif? +2013-04-07 11:45:44 Gusser some thread about stupid women +2013-04-07 11:46:04 Gusser http://i.imgur.com/vGXOHRl.jpg +2013-04-07 11:46:18 SeferYetzirah lol +2013-04-07 11:46:38 Gusser totally saving that gif to my phone +2013-04-07 11:47:53 --> SaulDoliver (~SaulDoliv@cpe-24-59-151-227.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 11:49:27 <-- hnk|afk (~hnk@ip-81-210-236-17.unitymediagroup.de) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 11:50:06 --> Skubi (~Skubi@cpe-174-102-23-83.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 11:50:46 <-- Skubi (~Skubi@cpe-174-102-23-83.woh.res.rr.com) has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 11:52:54 <-- tyn (~rynxy@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) +2013-04-07 11:55:39 --> McBadderson (~McBadders@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 12:02:00 Gusser oh god, i took too big of a bong hit +2013-04-07 12:02:06 Gusser coughing so hard i could barf +2013-04-07 12:03:21 aclonedsheep ouch +2013-04-07 12:03:25 aclonedsheep i hate that +2013-04-07 12:03:27 SeferYetzirah aye +2013-04-07 12:03:27 aclonedsheep feel +2013-04-07 12:03:32 SeferYetzirah i stick to vaping these days +2013-04-07 12:03:46 SaulDoliver bubbler for economy mode +2013-04-07 12:05:34 ahzi http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/311797-1 magnetron this may be useful +2013-04-07 12:05:35 pot_bot Title: Jacqui Dunne & Bernard Lietaer, "Rethinking Money" - C-SPAN Video Library (at www.c-spanvideo.org) +2013-04-07 12:06:40 GreenEmber i vape though my bong +2013-04-07 12:06:48 GreenEmber like a boss +2013-04-07 12:06:56 GreenEmber SaulDoliver: what vape? +2013-04-07 12:08:58 SaulDoliver no vape +2013-04-07 12:09:20 SaulDoliver at this point i feel like a 5th grader in the 80s and a vape is an NES +2013-04-07 12:09:32 SaulDoliver it could in the long run cost less than going to the arcade +2013-04-07 12:09:41 SaulDoliver but it's a big up front investment for my use at this point +2013-04-07 12:09:55 SaulDoliver and it could sort of ruin in my life if in an awesome way +2013-04-07 12:10:02 * nosuni mates randomly +2013-04-07 12:10:44 nosuni i have a vape +2013-04-07 12:11:01 nosuni the only thing i've found that's better about it, is it tastes better +2013-04-07 12:11:36 mach_kernel have you guys heard of the pax ploom? +2013-04-07 12:12:08 nosuni i use it anyway because lighters are expensive, lol +2013-04-07 12:13:13 nosuni ii've heard of the pax, it sure does look purddy +2013-04-07 12:13:22 mach_kernel it's like an ipod +2013-04-07 12:13:28 mach_kernel i swear to god +2013-04-07 12:13:32 mach_kernel jon ive must be working on that shit +2013-04-07 12:13:51 --> vjj (~layla@unaffiliated/uthgerd) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 12:19:41 --> tyn (~rynxy@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 12:19:59 Gusser i accidentally got hickory smoked bacon +2013-04-07 12:20:01 nosuni maybe i'll pick one up, some day +2013-04-07 12:20:02 Gusser ffff +2013-04-07 12:28:07 <-- DerMorb (~Adium@HSI-KBW-37-209-99-214.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) has quit (Quit: Leaving.) +2013-04-07 12:39:11 --> Rhgr (~Rhaegar@86-41-178-220-dynamic.b-ras3.chf.cork.eircom.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 12:42:04 <-- guymann (~c@unaffiliated/guymann) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 12:46:34 GreenEmber SaulDoliver: sorry meant for SeferYetzirah +2013-04-07 12:46:43 SeferYetzirah eh? +2013-04-07 12:46:46 GreenEmber SeferYetzirah: what vape +2013-04-07 12:46:51 SeferYetzirah i like the mflb +2013-04-07 12:47:11 SaulDoliver I do not regret the tangent +2013-04-07 12:47:33 GreenEmber nosuni: tastes better lighter cost adds up saves some weed here and there... +2013-04-07 12:52:15 cadu hey guys +2013-04-07 12:52:17 cadu would you listen to some live dabbling? +2013-04-07 12:52:37 cadu i just had an amazing weekend, might as well finish it getting high and composing crazy stuff +2013-04-07 12:54:04 GreenEmber im down cadu +2013-04-07 12:55:01 cadu GreenEmber: heh +2013-04-07 12:55:14 cadu GreenEmber: cant listen ? can you at least get high with me? :) +2013-04-07 12:56:12 GreenEmber cadu: im down to listen +2013-04-07 12:56:13 GreenEmber :) +2013-04-07 12:56:41 <-- Brolapse (~Dave@host-2-99-116-229.as13285.net) has quit (Quit: Leaving) +2013-04-07 12:57:01 GreenEmber cadu: and ill get high with you +2013-04-07 12:57:02 GreenEmber :D +2013-04-07 12:59:33 cadu noice +2013-04-07 12:59:42 cadu light up bro! +2013-04-07 12:59:47 * cadu takes a heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet +2013-04-07 13:00:33 GreenEmber cadu: just packed the vape :D +2013-04-07 13:01:16 --> zen0|wk (~zen0@107-199-206-89.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:01:49 cadu GreenEmber: just packed the pipe +2013-04-07 13:01:57 cadu GreenEmber: wish you could listen +2013-04-07 13:02:03 GreenEmber I CAN LISTEN +2013-04-07 13:02:07 GreenEmber :| +2013-04-07 13:02:08 cadu oooh +2013-04-07 13:02:09 mach_kernel hm +2013-04-07 13:02:13 cadu i'm down = i'm up ? +2013-04-07 13:02:14 mach_kernel should i buy an ounce +2013-04-07 13:02:16 mach_kernel keep a quarter +2013-04-07 13:02:16 cadu sorry, my english is crap! +2013-04-07 13:02:17 mach_kernel sell the rest +2013-04-07 13:02:19 mach_kernel hmmm +2013-04-07 13:02:24 GreenEmber cadu: lol its not really english +2013-04-07 13:02:44 GreenEmber cadu: just link me :D +2013-04-07 13:03:33 ahzi 'folks lining up outside just to get down' -- love shack--B-52's +2013-04-07 13:03:46 magnetron http://www.pointerpointer.com/ +2013-04-07 13:03:47 pot_bot Title: Pointer Pointer by @StudioMoniker (at www.pointerpointer.com) +2013-04-07 13:03:57 --> guymann (~c@unaffiliated/guymann) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:05:11 ahzi magnetron did you see, or save for later, the booktv link about complimentary currencies? +2013-04-07 13:05:18 magnetron ahzi: didn't see it +2013-04-07 13:05:27 ahzi http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/311797-1 magnetron this may be useful +2013-04-07 13:05:28 pot_bot Title: Book Discussion with Jacqui Dunne & Bernard Lietaer, "Rethinking Money" - C-SPAN Video Library (at www.c-spanvideo.org) +2013-04-07 13:06:29 magnetron ahzi: one hour? jeez +2013-04-07 13:07:01 ahzi faster than reading the book +2013-04-07 13:08:56 cadu magnetron, GreenEmber, PoopsMeow --> http://cadu.in/radio2/ or http://cadu.in:8000/radio2.ogg.m3u (foobar/vlc/winamp) +2013-04-07 13:08:57 pot_bot Title: CaduRadio (at cadu.in) +2013-04-07 13:09:15 GreenEmber cadu: whats the difference ebtween those links? +2013-04-07 13:09:15 PoopsMeow At your service +2013-04-07 13:09:24 cadu one is FLASH based streamer - crappy +2013-04-07 13:09:26 magnetron cadu: you should be on http://turntable.fm +2013-04-07 13:09:27 pot_bot Title: turntable - play music together (at turntable.fm) +2013-04-07 13:09:46 PoopsMeow fuck turntable +2013-04-07 13:09:47 cadu other is a m3u which you use your winamp/vlc/foobar2k to listen to it, more stable and shit as the flash app is very buggy +2013-04-07 13:09:51 PoopsMeow "We're very sorry, but while we would love to let you in and rock out with us, we need to currently restrict turntable access to only the United States due to licensing constraints. " +2013-04-07 13:10:00 cadu ok let me turn off the loop +2013-04-07 13:10:05 cadu so you guys check where i am right now in this song +2013-04-07 13:10:12 cadu prepare for some crazy shit +2013-04-07 13:10:17 PoopsMeow hehe +2013-04-07 13:10:18 cadu i re-mixed the song +2013-04-07 13:10:22 cadu a lot CLEANER now, check it out +2013-04-07 13:10:28 GreenEmber cadu: is there a way to stream without using flash +2013-04-07 13:10:36 GreenEmber can i use mplayer? +2013-04-07 13:10:44 magnetron PoopsMeow: there, fixed it! http://proxmate.dave.cx/ +2013-04-07 13:10:44 cadu GreenEmber: anything that plays OGG +2013-04-07 13:10:45 pot_bot Title: ProxMate - ProxMate - Unblock Turntable.fm, Youtube, Google Play, Southpark, iHeart, Grooveshark, MTV, Pandora, Vevo, Discovery, Hulu and other cool stuff for free! (at proxmate.dave.cx) +2013-04-07 13:11:03 magnetron PoopsMeow: works for me, i can access turntable from sweden now. works for hulu too! +2013-04-07 13:11:04 cadu magnetron: ahahah i have a Linode account so i can proxy/vpn my shit to pretend i'm on the US +2013-04-07 13:11:36 PoopsMeow I have US vpn but I don't sponsor any company which geoblocks due to the copyright lobby +2013-04-07 13:11:42 GreenEmber cadu: using first or 2nd link? +2013-04-07 13:11:44 PoopsMeow it's a political thing for me +2013-04-07 13:11:50 cadu GreenEmber: second (.m3u) +2013-04-07 13:12:00 cadu GreenEmber: if it doesnt...well direct OGG link http://cadu.in:8000/radio2.ogg +2013-04-07 13:12:17 GreenEmber think that one works +2013-04-07 13:12:23 GreenEmber the m3u one didnt +2013-04-07 13:12:38 GreenEmber hang on gotta turn my cache down +2013-04-07 13:13:22 GreenEmber 1mb cache should be good +2013-04-07 13:13:39 --> pinkfu (~pinkfu@unaffiliated/pinkfu) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:13:46 GreenEmber cadu: trippy +2013-04-07 13:13:57 pinkfu I FORGOT WHAT CITY I WAS BORN IN +2013-04-07 13:13:59 pinkfu for a moment +2013-04-07 13:14:00 cadu GreenEmber: ok bassline +2013-04-07 13:14:30 GreenEmber much needed +2013-04-07 13:14:56 cadu GreenEmber: live soloing the bass but i will settle for this +2013-04-07 13:15:20 GreenEmber the vocal bit is getting annoying tbh +2013-04-07 13:15:28 GreenEmber its so repetative +2013-04-07 13:16:02 ppman pinkfu: if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born in, it's time to go +2013-04-07 13:16:04 GreenEmber thats much better +2013-04-07 13:16:06 cadu GreenEmber: it's a mantra a chant :) +2013-04-07 13:16:21 GreenEmber yeah but after a while +2013-04-07 13:16:35 GreenEmber it distracts too much from the beat +2013-04-07 13:16:49 GreenEmber imo +2013-04-07 13:17:05 cadu nice +2013-04-07 13:17:06 pinkfu ppman: what +2013-04-07 13:17:15 cadu GreenEmber: what about this loop? +2013-04-07 13:17:18 pinkfu I just literally forgot the name of the city of my birth +2013-04-07 13:17:33 pinkfu of which I haven't lived in since I was…. 2 or something +2013-04-07 13:17:43 GreenEmber cadu: where you just play little bits of it?] +2013-04-07 13:17:52 GreenEmber can you add some fade to the ends of the chant samples +2013-04-07 13:17:57 GreenEmber its too abrupt +2013-04-07 13:18:00 cadu GreenEmber: yeah will start to create hats to this part +2013-04-07 13:18:02 GreenEmber like it just appears and then vanishes +2013-04-07 13:18:14 --> Lambi (~Lambi@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:18:16 GreenEmber harshes the vibe when it just drops off +2013-04-07 13:18:30 GreenEmber you could probably do some interesting things with that chant tbh +2013-04-07 13:18:33 GreenEmber if you reverb it right +2013-04-07 13:18:43 GreenEmber (i know very little about this stuff) +2013-04-07 13:18:51 pinkfu GreenEmber: you're fine and making sense +2013-04-07 13:18:55 cadu GreenEmber: now it's better +2013-04-07 13:19:00 ppman pinkfu: And you find your destination with so many different places to call home +2013-04-07 13:19:08 pinkfu and I think it's cool that cadu enjoys this kind of group editing +2013-04-07 13:19:08 GreenEmber pinkfu: are you listening as well? +2013-04-07 13:19:18 pinkfu no, I am about to go get some OJ then I will +2013-04-07 13:19:20 GreenEmber yea thats a bit better +2013-04-07 13:19:27 GreenEmber there you go +2013-04-07 13:19:29 pinkfu ppman: My home is the LBC +2013-04-07 13:19:33 cadu pinkfu: tune in +2013-04-07 13:19:34 GreenEmber i think its delayed a little from my cache +2013-04-07 13:19:36 GreenEmber let me turn it off +2013-04-07 13:20:05 GreenEmber cadu: did it break +2013-04-07 13:20:07 @enclaved woo just saved 10.40 on shoes just googling a coupon code while checking out +2013-04-07 13:20:07 @enclaved how nice +2013-04-07 13:20:13 GreenEmber i closed it and reconnected and theres no sound :O +2013-04-07 13:20:20 GreenEmber oh there it goes +2013-04-07 13:20:22 GreenEmber ok +2013-04-07 13:20:26 pinkfu enclaved: there are people who don't check for coupon codes +2013-04-07 13:20:27 cadu GreenEmber: nope, i'm stopping to tweak! +2013-04-07 13:20:30 pinkfu isn't that nuts? +2013-04-07 13:20:32 GreenEmber im just trying to remove any delay between us +2013-04-07 13:20:37 pinkfu Like, I want free shipping +2013-04-07 13:20:40 pinkfu pretty much every time +2013-04-07 13:20:48 @enclaved yeah i hate paying for shipping +2013-04-07 13:20:54 @enclaved i just got free shipping and 20% off from sketchers +2013-04-07 13:21:06 pinkfu okay, I need to get up and walk the 30 feet to the store +2013-04-07 13:21:08 pinkfu so lazy +2013-04-07 13:21:09 cadu GreenEmber: lets redo this solo +2013-04-07 13:21:12 GreenEmber cadu: are you going to make ogg files of the finished product? +2013-04-07 13:21:14 GreenEmber i like this +2013-04-07 13:21:46 GreenEmber afk 1 sec +2013-04-07 13:21:49 GreenEmber need some food desperately +2013-04-07 13:22:15 cadu GreenEmber: i usually release on Soundcloud :) +2013-04-07 13:22:50 GreenEmber wanted to put it on my phone :) +2013-04-07 13:24:10 cadu GreenEmber: ill see what i can do fah you! +2013-04-07 13:24:19 <-- Lambi (~Lambi@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 13:24:21 @enclaved i have ~210 bucks in rewards waiting to be redeemed on various credit cards +2013-04-07 13:25:39 vjj how can i too get free money +2013-04-07 13:27:00 @enclaved prostitution +2013-04-07 13:27:02 ahzi fried squirrel on a stick +2013-04-07 13:27:09 GreenEmber cadu: its sounding good +2013-04-07 13:27:14 <-- br34l (~br34l@unaffiliated/br34l) has quit +2013-04-07 13:28:23 cadu GreenEmber: ok lets record this +2013-04-07 13:28:52 vjj wow iphones are literally 800 dollars +2013-04-07 13:29:01 vjj no thanks +2013-04-07 13:29:07 GreenEmber vjj: could get an iphone 5 +2013-04-07 13:29:13 GreenEmber with straightalk +2013-04-07 13:29:15 GreenEmber for like 600 +2013-04-07 13:29:15 GreenEmber lol +2013-04-07 13:29:21 vjj yeah but i want to be able to use my phone +2013-04-07 13:29:32 GreenEmber beggars cant be choosers +2013-04-07 13:29:38 vjj am i begging? +2013-04-07 13:29:38 GreenEmber i have straighttalk +2013-04-07 13:29:41 GreenEmber its not that bad +2013-04-07 13:29:42 vjj i dont want an iphone period +2013-04-07 13:29:46 GreenEmber lol me either +2013-04-07 13:29:52 GreenEmber i have a shitty android.. +2013-04-07 13:29:53 vjj in my area straight talk has 0 service +2013-04-07 13:29:57 vjj i would never be able to use it +2013-04-07 13:30:03 GreenEmber i have shitty service here +2013-04-07 13:30:03 GreenEmber lol +2013-04-07 13:30:16 GreenEmber but it saves me so much money i jst dont even care +2013-04-07 13:30:17 vjj i dont want a shitty service when i dont need it +2013-04-07 13:30:23 @enclaved wait +2013-04-07 13:30:25 @enclaved how is that possible +2013-04-07 13:30:25 GreenEmber as long as it sort of works for what i need... +2013-04-07 13:30:45 vjj i dont know why its showing up in "android" anyway +2013-04-07 13:30:47 GreenEmber vjj: btw it depends which phone you use +2013-04-07 13:30:50 @enclaved straighttalk uses everyone elses network +2013-04-07 13:30:53 @enclaved they don't have their own +2013-04-07 13:31:00 GreenEmber enclaved: yeah depending on what phone you ahve +2013-04-07 13:31:02 vjj straight talk literally dose not have service in my area +2013-04-07 13:31:04 GreenEmber deoends which network +2013-04-07 13:31:05 vjj does* +2013-04-07 13:31:10 @enclaved so verizon, at&t, sprint, and tmobile would have zero network in your area depending on your phone +2013-04-07 13:31:13 --> Laptop_mini (~Laptop_mi@adsl-71-134-228-31.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:31:20 vjj no, verizon is what i use and its great +2013-04-07 13:31:22 GreenEmber mines sprint +2013-04-07 13:31:23 GreenEmber i can tell +2013-04-07 13:31:23 <-- Laptop_mini (~Laptop_mi@adsl-71-134-228-31.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 13:31:29 vjj i get service when im 5 miles out of town at my dads house +2013-04-07 13:31:30 @enclaved so then you get a cdma phone from straighttalk +2013-04-07 13:31:32 vjj but straight talk wouldn't work here +2013-04-07 13:31:39 @enclaved and it uses verizon +2013-04-07 13:31:44 vjj i dont know why people say it would when it wouldnt +2013-04-07 13:31:47 GreenEmber enclaved: is the galaxy 2 cdma +2013-04-07 13:31:54 vjj my dads friend has it, and his phone is completely dead at my dads house +2013-04-07 13:32:02 vjj but the second he passes this one road into town BOOM full service +2013-04-07 13:32:02 @enclaved he probably has a gsm straight talk phone +2013-04-07 13:32:10 GreenEmber 14:30:46 vjj: btw it depends which phone you use +2013-04-07 13:32:20 vjj yeah and it shouldn't +2013-04-07 13:32:24 vjj that's shitty business ethic +2013-04-07 13:32:27 vjj i dont want straight talk +2013-04-07 13:32:28 @enclaved uh +2013-04-07 13:32:29 @enclaved what +2013-04-07 13:32:31 vjj not gonna get straight talk +2013-04-07 13:32:34 vjj dont like supporting walmart +2013-04-07 13:32:37 GreenEmber its cheap cell service +2013-04-07 13:32:43 vjj i dont know why you guys are trying to sell me shit i dont want +2013-04-07 13:32:49 vjj i dont want a cell service! +2013-04-07 13:32:50 GreenEmber im not trying to sell you anything +2013-04-07 13:32:53 vjj im happy with what i have +2013-04-07 13:32:59 vjj never did i say i fucking want a new service provider +2013-04-07 13:33:01 cadu `brb gonna put some clothes to dry +2013-04-07 13:33:06 vjj wtf is with you people today +2013-04-07 13:33:07 cadu dont wanna wake up wifey :) +2013-04-07 13:33:10 cadu #goodguystoner +2013-04-07 13:33:25 ahzi gotis +2013-04-07 13:33:33 vjj fuck you ahzi +2013-04-07 13:33:44 GreenEmber i have so much cleaning to do ;_; +2013-04-07 13:33:53 vjj i mentioned a fucking iphone and greenember starts on my ass about some service provider i didnt even bring up +2013-04-07 13:33:55 ahzi where did you learn about that? +2013-04-07 13:33:55 cadu GreenEmber: gonna leave it at 168bpm for your leisure +2013-04-07 13:33:59 cadu brb (10 mins) +2013-04-07 13:34:07 vjj seriously i dont know why i come in here +2013-04-07 13:34:11 GreenEmber gonna unplug my computer later and dust and organize my wires +2013-04-07 13:34:15 GreenEmber >.> +2013-04-07 13:34:17 vjj if animalfruit isnt talking down to me and being a complete shit head someone else has to get on my ass +2013-04-07 13:34:18 vjj fuck you +2013-04-07 13:34:21 pinkfu what +2013-04-07 13:34:29 GreenEmber vjj: all i did was say they have them... never told you to buy one +2013-04-07 13:34:30 vjj why can't you people just being fucking nice +2013-04-07 13:34:33 -- Mode #r.trees [+o vjj] by ChanServ +2013-04-07 13:34:37 @vjj "OH SHE DOESNT WANT A SERVICE PLAN?" +2013-04-07 13:34:41 @vjj "OKAY LETS TRY TO SELL HER ONE" +2013-04-07 13:34:44 GreenEmber SO DONT GET ONE +2013-04-07 13:34:47 @vjj this is why i didnt go in to get a fucking phone +2013-04-07 13:34:50 @vjj they always try to sell you shit +2013-04-07 13:34:50 GreenEmber i literally dont give a fuck. +2013-04-07 13:34:54 @vjj all i am fucking doing is looking up phones +2013-04-07 13:35:02 @vjj and you and enclaved jumped down my mother fucking throat about straight talk +2013-04-07 13:35:09 @vjj did i ever fuckin say i want that shit +2013-04-07 13:35:12 pinkfu vjj: tmobile is going contract free and virgin is contract free +2013-04-07 13:35:16 --> DerMorb (~Adium@HSI-KBW-37-209-99-214.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:35:19 @vjj no i said i was looking at phones and iphones are ridiculously expensive +2013-04-07 13:35:28 GreenEmber forget i even talked ok +2013-04-07 13:35:40 @vjj it would be better if you weren't so demanding and pushy when you talked +2013-04-07 13:35:44 ahzi i'll sell you a bonus minutes package +2013-04-07 13:35:44 @enclaved and then he said get one with straighttalk its cheaper and you said i want my phone two work +2013-04-07 13:35:48 @vjj i didnt even talk about plans at all +2013-04-07 13:35:48 @vjj period +2013-04-07 13:35:52 pinkfu I like go to the store for a minute and it's all kinds of wacko in here +2013-04-07 13:35:55 @vjj you tried to shove that shit down my throat +2013-04-07 13:35:57 @enclaved and then we tried explaining the complexities of a multi protocol mnvo to you +2013-04-07 13:35:59 @vjj like some fucking sales person +2013-04-07 13:36:00 @enclaved and then you get all whiny +2013-04-07 13:36:03 @vjj i dont give a FUCK ABOUT STRAIGHT TALK +2013-04-07 13:36:09 @vjj WHY THE FUCK WONT YOU JUST FUCK OFF ABOUT IT +2013-04-07 13:36:12 @vjj I JUST WANT A NEW PHONE +2013-04-07 13:36:17 @vjj BUT NO YOU WANT TO SELL ME SHIT +2013-04-07 13:36:20 pinkfu lol +2013-04-07 13:36:23 --> prometheus_pk (~prometheu@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:36:26 @vjj just like the assholes at verizon when i go in there +2013-04-07 13:36:29 PoopsMeow <--------------> over reactions above this line.. +2013-04-07 13:36:34 @vjj "oh buy all this shit you dont want" +2013-04-07 13:36:38 pinkfu Why do people have carpet? +2013-04-07 13:36:39 @vjj "oh upgrade your plan" +2013-04-07 13:36:45 @vjj nigger did i say shit about anything but buying a new phone? NO +2013-04-07 13:36:49 @vjj what the fuck man +2013-04-07 13:37:01 ahzi is this how 'conflict minerals' got their name? +2013-04-07 13:37:04 pinkfu Why did you go in to the store? +2013-04-07 13:37:05 prometheus_pk hellllooooooo! +2013-04-07 13:37:07 @enclaved yes you kinda did +2013-04-07 13:37:19 @vjj no i didnt +2013-04-07 13:37:19 @enclaved 'i want free money, iphones are so expensive, i want to be able to use my phone' +2013-04-07 13:37:26 @vjj no i said how can i too get free money +2013-04-07 13:37:26 @enclaved are all subcontextual examples of yous aying you wanted a new phone +2013-04-07 13:37:33 @vjj then i said what the fuck iphones are literally 800 +2013-04-07 13:37:33 @vjj as in +2013-04-07 13:37:34 @vjj WHO +2013-04-07 13:37:35 @vjj THE +2013-04-07 13:37:36 pinkfu I mean, you go to best buy and wander in to the TV department, they are going to try to sell you a teevee. It's kind of their job. +2013-04-07 13:37:36 @vjj FUCK +2013-04-07 13:37:39 @vjj WOULD PAY THAT MUCH FOR A PHONE +2013-04-07 13:37:40 @enclaved <- +2013-04-07 13:37:48 @vjj well, i wouldn't. +2013-04-07 13:37:49 pinkfu My phone cost over $600 +2013-04-07 13:37:51 @vjj i dont want an iphone +2013-04-07 13:37:54 pinkfu all together +2013-04-07 13:38:01 SeferYetzirah which phone +2013-04-07 13:38:04 pinkfu note2 +2013-04-07 13:38:07 @vjj so what the fuck does a contract have to do with phones +2013-04-07 13:38:08 @vjj nothing +2013-04-07 13:38:12 @vjj since i dont need a contract +2013-04-07 13:38:15 @vjj since i have one already +2013-04-07 13:38:20 pinkfu most places give discounts on phones with plans +2013-04-07 13:38:22 @enclaved well this is america, so pretty much everything +2013-04-07 13:38:24 pinkfu hence the plans +2013-04-07 13:38:37 GreenEmber theres always a contract... +2013-04-07 13:38:41 GreenEmber even with prepaid. +2013-04-07 13:38:42 @vjj what part +2013-04-07 13:38:44 GreenEmber its just only a month long +2013-04-07 13:38:45 @vjj of I DONT NEED ONE +2013-04-07 13:38:46 @vjj I HAVE ONE +2013-04-07 13:38:48 @vjj dont you fucking get +2013-04-07 13:38:49 GreenEmber OK +2013-04-07 13:38:51 @vjj you ignorant prick +2013-04-07 13:38:54 @vjj stop bringing it u[p +2013-04-07 13:38:58 @vjj i am looking at a PHONE +2013-04-07 13:39:01 @vjj because i want a new phone +2013-04-07 13:39:02 @vjj i dont NEED ONE +2013-04-07 13:39:06 @vjj i want one, so i am browsing +2013-04-07 13:39:10 pinkfu You can go on amazon and find a phone that works with whatever carrier and not sign up to a plan +2013-04-07 13:39:10 PoopsMeow .. +2013-04-07 13:39:11 @vjj i mentioned iphones being WAY EXPESNIVE +2013-04-07 13:39:12 @enclaved have you looked at straighttalk yet? they have phones and plans +2013-04-07 13:39:15 @vjj you told me to get a fucking straight talk pan +2013-04-07 13:39:22 @vjj i dont want no fucking plan okay +2013-04-07 13:39:26 @enclaved they have no plan plans +2013-04-07 13:39:31 @vjj what the fuck crawled up both of your asses today +2013-04-07 13:39:35 @vjj usually you are the nicest people in here +2013-04-07 13:39:36 @enclaved which is kind of confusing but i think it falls into what you want +2013-04-07 13:39:40 @vjj its like you're hanging around animalfruit too much +2013-04-07 13:39:46 @vjj because all he does is freak the fuck out on me over nothing +2013-04-07 13:39:50 @vjj OH YOU DONT WANAN FUCK ME AND DO DRUGS? +2013-04-07 13:39:50 @enclaved bbiab +2013-04-07 13:39:53 @vjj IM GONNA BE A DICK TO YOU +2013-04-07 13:39:53 pinkfu animalfruit is a wacko +2013-04-07 13:40:03 pinkfu Didn't I tell you that from day 1? +2013-04-07 13:40:03 @vjj OH YOU ARE A GIRL AND DONT WANNA SHOW ME NUDES? +2013-04-07 13:40:05 @vjj FUCK YOU SLUT +2013-04-07 13:40:35 ahzi he has aluminum foil on the windows to keep light out. +2013-04-07 13:40:39 pinkfu haha +2013-04-07 13:40:52 prometheus_pk mellow out guys +2013-04-07 13:41:04 PoopsMeow to be fair that is an effective way to keep light out +2013-04-07 13:41:06 -- Mode #r.trees [+o pinkfu] by ChanServ +2013-04-07 13:41:10 -- Mode #r.trees [-o vjj] by pinkfu +2013-04-07 13:41:43 @pinkfu spider got me, have like 6 bites +2013-04-07 13:41:58 PoopsMeow eww +2013-04-07 13:42:01 PoopsMeow spiders +2013-04-07 13:42:10 @pinkfu must be spring! +2013-04-07 13:42:14 ahzi yeah it works good. how many of your neighbors are doing it though? do they tie the dog up with an electric cord too? +2013-04-07 13:42:17 borgos space goats +2013-04-07 13:42:19 @pinkfu There's dust everywhere and spiders eat me +2013-04-07 13:42:21 * borgos space goats. +2013-04-07 13:42:40 PoopsMeow ahzi: no not too many +2013-04-07 13:42:53 <-- andai (~andai@unaffiliated/andai) has quit (Quit: Leaving.) +2013-04-07 13:42:55 ahzi there is a 'type' +2013-04-07 13:43:04 @pinkfu vjj: animalfroot is nice if you indulge him and angry if you don't. He's a foreveralone type. +2013-04-07 13:43:13 @pinkfu You just have to kinda smack them down time to time +2013-04-07 13:43:43 @pinkfu People like that don't know how to behave, at all. Socially awkward to a level of misogyny is pretty typical. +2013-04-07 13:44:03 ahzi he has been much better about putting a full thought into a single line. i'm greatful +2013-04-07 13:44:12 @pinkfu how the fuck is there a cat hair in here +2013-04-07 13:45:11 --> br34l (~br34l@unaffiliated/br34l) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:45:21 @pinkfu like, white with an orange tip. I have no fucking clue where it came from. +2013-04-07 13:47:03 @pinkfu holy fuck dried pineapple is the shit +2013-04-07 13:47:55 PoopsMeow I feel like the black sheep in this channel, I'm alergic to cats and loathe pineaple :/ +2013-04-07 13:48:11 <-- ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 13:48:23 PoopsMeow Like I can't even relate other than: good for you, who's awesome? You're awesome. +2013-04-07 13:48:36 @pinkfu komphlex is allergic to cats +2013-04-07 13:48:39 @pinkfu so a cat hair in here is weird +2013-04-07 13:48:40 PoopsMeow You're all awesome however ;) +2013-04-07 13:48:55 --> karolinka (~karolinka@cpe-24-166-97-190.neo.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:49:05 @pinkfu the pineapple is in a mix of fruit from graze +2013-04-07 13:49:19 @pinkfu graze.com +2013-04-07 13:50:06 vjj at least you dont loathe cats +2013-04-07 13:50:07 <-- prometheus_pk (~prometheu@ has quit (Quit: Leaving) +2013-04-07 13:50:22 PoopsMeow Well being alergic more or less makes me dislike them :/ +2013-04-07 13:50:29 vjj ;_; +2013-04-07 13:50:34 vjj but they're so cudd oh you can't do that +2013-04-07 13:50:37 PoopsMeow I don't hurt them or anything, I just don't like them near me +2013-04-07 13:50:49 <-- SaulDoliver (~SaulDoliv@cpe-24-59-151-227.twcny.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 13:50:56 vjj wait a second +2013-04-07 13:50:58 vjj wait a second here +2013-04-07 13:51:02 vjj your name has meow in it +2013-04-07 13:51:04 vjj you totally love cats +2013-04-07 13:51:14 @pinkfu I have a cat +2013-04-07 13:51:18 PoopsMeow No not really :) +2013-04-07 13:51:26 --> Lambi (~Lambi@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:51:26 vjj dont lie to me!!! i can see the love in your eyes +2013-04-07 13:51:35 @pinkfu We made him get that nick +2013-04-07 13:51:42 PoopsMeow My name is PoopsMeow cause you asked me to change it, the original was felinefecalfelon. +2013-04-07 13:51:44 vjj you made him lol +2013-04-07 13:51:53 PoopsMeow to be fair you both did :P +2013-04-07 13:51:53 vjj HEY FELINE +2013-04-07 13:51:59 vjj that means you like cats +2013-04-07 13:52:08 vjj i think my suggestions were like catfucker or something +2013-04-07 13:52:20 @pinkfu http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/02/student-sought-man-on-craigslist-to-beat-her-up-and-have-sex-with-her-then-reported-it-as-rape/#ixzz2PkaXzBZE +2013-04-07 13:52:21 pot_bot Title: Student sought man on Craigslist to beat her up and have sex with her, then reported it as rape | The Daily Caller (at dailycaller.com) +2013-04-07 13:52:30 PoopsMeow nah you were all actually nice to me ;) no catfucker was suggested I'm sure of it +2013-04-07 13:52:32 vjj .... i dont know if i want to read that +2013-04-07 13:52:42 vjj i dunno you can be nice and fuck cats i think +2013-04-07 13:52:47 vjj i mean cats are nice and they fuck cats +2013-04-07 13:52:48 derpzilla sounds kinky +2013-04-07 13:52:51 derpzilla whats the catch? +2013-04-07 13:53:03 vjj the cat cant cry rape? +2013-04-07 13:53:05 @pinkfu Don't read that +2013-04-07 13:53:17 @pinkfu It's depressing +2013-04-07 13:53:25 @pinkfu stupid fucking people +2013-04-07 13:53:27 PoopsMeow I'm fairly certain I can't fuck cats and be nice.. It would probably die. Not sure how stretchy cat vags/asses are.. +2013-04-07 13:53:42 vjj i am already reading it +2013-04-07 13:53:52 vjj and now i want all my male friends to never have sex with girls they dont know ever again +2013-04-07 13:53:55 @pinkfu Sounds like she wanted to play the victim +2013-04-07 13:54:05 vjj she sounds like she needs to check her privilege +2013-04-07 13:54:12 vjj like she's one of those girls +2013-04-07 13:54:20 @pinkfu she wanted attention +2013-04-07 13:54:39 PoopsMeow Why would anyone do that? It fucks up the entire legal system for actual victims :( +2013-04-07 13:54:50 @pinkfu because she's a fucking crazy person +2013-04-07 13:55:09 PoopsMeow evil* ftfy +2013-04-07 13:55:26 vjj man i cant imagine asking someone to beat me up +2013-04-07 13:55:28 @pinkfu I wouldn't go as far as to call her evil +2013-04-07 13:55:40 @pinkfu She was avoiding the DNA shit because she knew it would lead back to someone +2013-04-07 13:55:50 @pinkfu she just wanted to play the victim +2013-04-07 13:56:16 vjj i wonder if they're gonna file charges on her +2013-04-07 13:56:29 @pinkfu she sees a lot of women in that environment glamorizing their rapes for attention, she wanted in +2013-04-07 13:56:46 <-- brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 13:56:47 @pinkfu That conference is a joke, too +2013-04-07 13:57:11 --> zeromodulus (~zeromodul@unaffiliated/zeromodulus) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:57:17 vjj I've known a few girls who lied about being raped for attention +2013-04-07 13:57:22 vjj but they never called the police about it +2013-04-07 13:57:22 @pinkfu me too +2013-04-07 13:57:29 @pinkfu My ex used it to win an argument +2013-04-07 13:57:32 @pinkfu well, to stop it +2013-04-07 13:57:37 @pinkfu because she was "losing" +2013-04-07 13:57:42 zeromodulus Why, why, why do people spend tens of thousands on degrees that aren't even slightly in demand? +2013-04-07 13:57:45 cadu pinkfu: thank you. i also love to get high and interact with all of you < +2013-04-07 13:57:47 cadu <3 +2013-04-07 13:57:52 PoopsMeow There should be an app with sex contracts for all phones. Have both parties sign with their respective certificate. Avoid this sort of mess. +2013-04-07 13:58:13 @pinkfu Her exact words were "WELL, YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING!" so I said, oh yeah, what don't I know? and she screamed "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT [GUY] RAPED ME" +2013-04-07 13:58:15 vjj its sad that we even think like that now, poops +2013-04-07 13:58:19 zen0|wk people +2013-04-07 13:58:19 @pinkfu she was lying +2013-04-07 13:58:22 zen0|wk party people +2013-04-07 13:58:24 zen0|wk what's up? +2013-04-07 13:58:34 SeferYetzirah heh +2013-04-07 13:58:35 --> brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:58:35 <-- brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 13:58:36 vjj man that reminds me of my sister +2013-04-07 13:58:43 SeferYetzirah wow +2013-04-07 13:58:44 vjj she said that shit to my mom on a couple occasions +2013-04-07 13:58:47 SeferYetzirah just wow pink +2013-04-07 13:58:56 vjj when she found out she was pregnant and it was too late for an abortion +2013-04-07 13:59:00 @pinkfu She told me a coworker of her's raped her to end the situation and get attention +2013-04-07 13:59:06 vjj and when she was out on a meth binge with my moms only car for 2 weeks +2013-04-07 13:59:08 --> brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:59:14 vjj "i was being held against my will and raped!!!" +2013-04-07 13:59:32 vjj people are messed up +2013-04-07 13:59:36 --> andyh2 (~andyh2@c-71-202-224-255.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 13:59:36 @pinkfu yeah +2013-04-07 13:59:50 @pinkfu well, that chick is a pathological liar +2013-04-07 13:59:52 @pinkfu my ex +2013-04-07 14:00:06 @pinkfu Funny enough, she came in here a handful of times +2013-04-07 14:00:31 * borgos < Molesting pelicans since 1866. +2013-04-07 14:00:41 @pinkfu one day I wasn't paying enough attention to her so she stood behind me until she figured out the channel and found her way in +2013-04-07 14:01:05 --> TerranceRogan2 (~TerranceR@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:01:10 @pinkfu and after I told her to fuck off and wouldn't answer her messages and shit, she came in here to get ahold of me +2013-04-07 14:01:18 @pinkfu fun times +2013-04-07 14:01:21 vjj that would annoy the shit out of me +2013-04-07 14:01:25 @pinkfu oh, it did +2013-04-07 14:01:33 @pinkfu that is why I generally ban the nick "kristen" +2013-04-07 14:01:49 <-- TerranceR (~TerranceR@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 14:01:52 --> ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:02:02 @pinkfu OH FUNNY SHIT +2013-04-07 14:02:04 PoopsMeow vjj: you sister is a methead? I'm sorry :( +2013-04-07 14:02:18 vjj she was, now she's just on methadone and pills. its okay though i dont ever have to talk to her again +2013-04-07 14:02:20 @pinkfu Her real name is Kristin but she didn't like it so she told everyone here that her name is spelled Kristen +2013-04-07 14:02:24 @pinkfu no shit +2013-04-07 14:02:38 vjj my name is bob but i dont like that so call me antonee +2013-04-07 14:02:57 vjj i think my cat wants to play, but not with me +2013-04-07 14:03:06 PoopsMeow That's like people deciding their own nicknames (irl) doesn't work that way.. +2013-04-07 14:03:08 vjj or he's like im onto your shitty attempts to play human, bring me a live animal +2013-04-07 14:03:09 @pinkfu when I helped her sell her old car she told me that the DMV got her name wrong (I saw the title) but then I saw her birth certificate later and it was spelled the same as her car +2013-04-07 14:03:57 @pinkfu she also told us that her ex would let his friends rape her +2013-04-07 14:04:05 vjj dude that's called prostitution +2013-04-07 14:04:05 @pinkfu long story, bitch is crazy +2013-04-07 14:04:12 @pinkfu that's what she claimed +2013-04-07 14:04:16 vjj did you get paid +2013-04-07 14:04:18 vjj stfu then!!! +2013-04-07 14:04:29 @pinkfu that from the time she was 18 to 23 that her boyfriend essentially held her captive +2013-04-07 14:04:37 @pinkfu allowed other men to fuck her, etc +2013-04-07 14:04:49 vjj that can happen, but it's pretty damn rare +2013-04-07 14:04:55 vjj so rare it becomes a shitty lifetime movie +2013-04-07 14:05:06 @pinkfu he was an evil sadist, would tell her about her dates, etc. She was lying and she watches a lot of that kind of tv +2013-04-07 14:05:24 cadu pinkfu: lol thanks for ignoring me in my <3 moment :) +2013-04-07 14:05:27 cadu but <3 anyway +2013-04-07 14:05:28 @pinkfu She claimed he worked for microsoft (lie) on silverlight (lie) that he died in a car accident (lie) +2013-04-07 14:05:37 @pinkfu cadu <3 I didn't, I'm just barely awake +2013-04-07 14:05:45 GreenEmber cadu: music is great +2013-04-07 14:05:45 vjj maybe she's one of them narccistic people +2013-04-07 14:05:53 vjj i can't spell that word for shit btw but i think i was close enough +2013-04-07 14:05:55 <-- Narris (~bunnies@wireless-burke-ccu1-21-48.kingdomwireless.net) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 14:05:56 cadu pinkfu: :-) ok +2013-04-07 14:05:59 cadu GreenEmber: pretty trippable +2013-04-07 14:06:04 @pinkfu she is a pathological liar (admitted) and probably a bit of a psychopath +2013-04-07 14:06:42 @pinkfu Near the time I told her to fuck off she confessed that she often disassociates from herself. She didn't use the exact word, but she described it. +2013-04-07 14:06:52 cadu GreenEmber: gonna try to find a piano for this part, what do you think +2013-04-07 14:07:01 PoopsMeow Crazy exes suck :/ +2013-04-07 14:07:13 @pinkfu eh, she didn't do anything that wasn't manageable +2013-04-07 14:07:31 GreenEmber cadu: YES +2013-04-07 14:07:33 PoopsMeow My ex lied about being on birthcontrol, when I found out she started sending pictures of baby clothes :/ +2013-04-07 14:07:39 vjj omg +2013-04-07 14:07:40 @pinkfu haha +2013-04-07 14:07:41 @pinkfu lordy +2013-04-07 14:07:43 vjj that is scary as fuck +2013-04-07 14:07:43 PoopsMeow Still stuck with her tough +2013-04-07 14:07:48 @pinkfu you're nuts +2013-04-07 14:08:05 vjj i had a boyfriend who would want me to talk dirty to him, and tell him to come and shit +2013-04-07 14:08:05 PoopsMeow She had a beutiful body, and I though deep down she needed saving +2013-04-07 14:08:10 @pinkfu hahaha +2013-04-07 14:08:24 vjj and then he'd be like oh i thought you meant you wanted me to take the condom off and come! +2013-04-07 14:08:27 vjj and im like WTF NO +2013-04-07 14:08:33 vjj you asked me to say that during!!! +2013-04-07 14:08:46 GreenEmber loool +2013-04-07 14:08:53 PoopsMeow She eventually stopped answering her phone and went back to her ex, (which I knew she was shagging meanwhile) +2013-04-07 14:09:15 vjj then he told all of our mutual friends that i was trying to trap him into marrige +2013-04-07 14:09:16 --> Narris (~bunnies@wireless-burke-ccu1-21-48.kingdomwireless.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:09:29 @pinkfu PoopsMeow: you fix that boundary problem? +2013-04-07 14:09:31 vjj my cat just meowed outside the bathroom until i let him in and now he wants out. +2013-04-07 14:09:50 PoopsMeow pinkfu: boundary problem? +2013-04-07 14:09:54 @pinkfu Yes +2013-04-07 14:09:58 @pinkfu your personal boundaries +2013-04-07 14:10:01 @pinkfu self respect +2013-04-07 14:10:07 PoopsMeow Ehrm no +2013-04-07 14:10:12 @pinkfu i.e. stop dating crazy bitches +2013-04-07 14:10:13 cadu pinkfu: can you listen to this? 30 secs! +2013-04-07 14:10:23 @pinkfu sure +2013-04-07 14:10:34 @pinkfu just have to keep it low, komphlex is still sleeping +2013-04-07 14:10:41 PoopsMeow Pinkfu: beggars can't be choosers ;) +2013-04-07 14:10:42 cadu http://cadu.in/radio2/ (flash app) or http://cadu.in:8000/radio2.ogg (foobar/vlc/winamp - more stable) +2013-04-07 14:10:43 pot_bot Title: CaduRadio (at cadu.in) +2013-04-07 14:10:54 @pinkfu PoopsMeow: if you have that mentality you'll always be the beggar +2013-04-07 14:10:59 cadu pinkfu: you in? gonna show you where i am right now with this +2013-04-07 14:11:11 @pinkfu I'm on +2013-04-07 14:11:47 GreenEmber mmmm +2013-04-07 14:11:48 PoopsMeow I'm not a beggar in that sense, I'm fairly good looking and stuff. I just don't bother +2013-04-07 14:12:01 WafflesVP I had a 6am vape session this morning. it was sooooo goood. +2013-04-07 14:12:10 PoopsMeow I wouldn't say asexual, but I'm in it for the cuddles ;) +2013-04-07 14:12:19 WafflesVP forking! +2013-04-07 14:12:39 GreenEmber cadu: i definitely want a copy of this +2013-04-07 14:13:05 cadu !!!!!!! +2013-04-07 14:13:08 cadu CRASH +2013-04-07 14:13:09 @pinkfu I should start a service to fix people but I would end up being sad +2013-04-07 14:13:11 @pinkfu all the time +2013-04-07 14:13:27 PoopsMeow fix people? +2013-04-07 14:13:29 cadu pinkfu: fix them one at a time <3 +2013-04-07 14:13:30 @pinkfu yeah +2013-04-07 14:13:33 cadu pinkfu: i totally get you. +2013-04-07 14:13:35 @pinkfu cadu: I used to do that +2013-04-07 14:13:44 cadu pinkfu: how's the sound babe?! +2013-04-07 14:13:54 @pinkfu sounds good! +2013-04-07 14:13:54 GreenEmber WafflesVP: im waiting for my email to for paypal info so i can get my 8$ stem +2013-04-07 14:14:01 @pinkfu I should get baked +2013-04-07 14:14:06 GreenEmber -to +2013-04-07 14:14:07 cadu pinkfu: get baked to this +2013-04-07 14:14:20 cadu pinkfu: i'm getting higher and higher, my songs seem to heighten mine and people's highs! +2013-04-07 14:14:24 PoopsMeow I'm not broken I'm just weird in my own way. I like who I am :) +2013-04-07 14:14:40 @pinkfu PoopsMeow: sure, but then you compromise on a woman because she's available +2013-04-07 14:14:54 PoopsMeow No, not only cause she was available :) +2013-04-07 14:15:09 @pinkfu cute, available, and psycho? +2013-04-07 14:15:10 vjj did she have big boobs? +2013-04-07 14:15:23 PoopsMeow Nope small boobs ( i like em medium to small ) +2013-04-07 14:15:32 vjj long legs? nice ass? +2013-04-07 14:15:39 vjj cool personality until the crazy? +2013-04-07 14:15:40 PoopsMeow I was trying to fix the psycho +2013-04-07 14:15:44 vjj oohhh +2013-04-07 14:15:55 PoopsMeow that's why I hung in there +2013-04-07 14:15:59 @pinkfu lol +2013-04-07 14:16:05 PoopsMeow I felt like I was making progress too +2013-04-07 14:16:12 @pinkfu You can't fix cheaters +2013-04-07 14:16:17 @pinkfu you really can't +2013-04-07 14:16:18 derpzilla google dr. dre housewife +2013-04-07 14:16:19 pot_bot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw8luwwwXzc +2013-04-07 14:16:21 @pinkfu or liars +2013-04-07 14:16:24 vjj omg +2013-04-07 14:16:28 vjj derp you are awesome +2013-04-07 14:16:28 @pinkfu you can fix people who have shitty self esteem +2013-04-07 14:16:30 PoopsMeow Oh I didn't min that bit pinkfu, people need to be free. +2013-04-07 14:16:31 vjj i was just thinking that shit too +2013-04-07 14:16:36 cadu GreenEmber: damn! +2013-04-07 14:16:43 cadu GreenEmber: lol HIGH retrofeeding +2013-04-07 14:16:47 cadu i'm getting higher on this song +2013-04-07 14:16:51 cadu that makes me wanna write crazier shit +2013-04-07 14:16:56 --> sentriz (~Senan@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:16:57 cadu which heightens the exp eve nmore +2013-04-07 14:17:08 @pinkfu dr dre beat the shit out of a woman and no one cared +2013-04-07 14:17:23 @pinkfu Another Sean Penn like thing +2013-04-07 14:17:26 PoopsMeow She had more than selfesteem issues, unable to say the word "no" at any point. I'm guessing daddy issues of the sexual sort. +2013-04-07 14:17:35 @pinkfu PoopsMeow: YOU have the self esteem issues +2013-04-07 14:17:39 @pinkfu she was just nuts +2013-04-07 14:18:14 @pinkfu cadu: what is that +2013-04-07 14:18:15 GreenEmber cadu: wtf +2013-04-07 14:18:22 GreenEmber is someone talking in japanese +2013-04-07 14:18:24 PoopsMeow I guess I never thought about it that way +2013-04-07 14:18:47 GreenEmber loll +2013-04-07 14:18:48 PoopsMeow Sounds like portugese? +2013-04-07 14:18:48 @pinkfu PoopsMeow: love thyself +2013-04-07 14:18:51 cadu ahahahah just sampled the horridest shit +2013-04-07 14:18:57 cadu yeah brazilian countryside portuguese +2013-04-07 14:18:59 cadu LOL +2013-04-07 14:19:00 GreenEmber what was that +2013-04-07 14:19:02 cadu LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL +2013-04-07 14:19:02 GreenEmber LOL +2013-04-07 14:19:08 cadu i told you this shit is making me even higher! +2013-04-07 14:19:14 @pinkfu adorable +2013-04-07 14:19:21 --> zekkie (zekkie@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:19:24 suzy boop +2013-04-07 14:19:25 cadu i'm just searching for the fuckingPIANO sample i told you +2013-04-07 14:19:42 cadu but arrived at crazy Northern Brazil Accent Type Faggot Smuggler Cambodian Type Shit samples! +2013-04-07 14:19:46 cadu lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo +2013-04-07 14:19:52 cadu what did i just wrote? >) +2013-04-07 14:20:15 @pinkfu I should get the headphones. +2013-04-07 14:20:16 @pinkfu brb +2013-04-07 14:20:24 cadu pinkfu: yeah totally +2013-04-07 14:20:30 cadu pinkfu: you could also raise the volume! +2013-04-07 14:21:18 PoopsMeow gunshot? +2013-04-07 14:21:21 PoopsMeow wtf +2013-04-07 14:22:18 <-- zekkie (zekkie@ has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 14:22:23 cadu i'm stil searching for the PIANO +2013-04-07 14:23:01 derpzilla sorry, i have a tendency to queue music and walk off +2013-04-07 14:23:55 GreenEmber BANG BANG +2013-04-07 14:24:45 cadu GreenEmber: yeah +2013-04-07 14:24:47 cadu but but but +2013-04-07 14:24:51 derpzilla google mia paper planes +2013-04-07 14:24:51 cadu I"M STILL LOOKING FAH TEH PIANO! +2013-04-07 14:24:52 pot_bot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewRjZoRtu0Y +2013-04-07 14:27:15 cadu oops +2013-04-07 14:27:19 cadu got a too high of a hit +2013-04-07 14:28:32 @pinkfu okay +2013-04-07 14:28:34 @pinkfu headphones +2013-04-07 14:28:54 cadu pinkfu: TOON in +2013-04-07 14:29:48 @pinkfu it's nice that the mac mutes things when you plug in headphones +2013-04-07 14:29:51 @pinkfu but it confused me +2013-04-07 14:30:04 <-- TheSlinky (~User@unaffiliated/theslinky) has quit (Quit: Leaving) +2013-04-07 14:30:04 @pinkfu cadu: Buddhist chant? +2013-04-07 14:30:11 cadu pinkfu: yeah nam myou hou renge kyou +2013-04-07 14:30:12 <-- foami (~foamy@ has quit +2013-04-07 14:30:18 cadu pinkfu: not even buddhist! +2013-04-07 14:30:20 cadu #goodguystoner +2013-04-07 14:30:33 @pinkfu it's nam myoho renge kyo +2013-04-07 14:30:47 @pinkfu "nam myoho renge kyo" = buddhist chant +2013-04-07 14:31:09 cadu my romanization isnt the same as yours coz ive lived in Japan for 4 years but i was talking bout the same :) +2013-04-07 14:31:33 @pinkfu I prefer Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ +2013-04-07 14:31:42 @pinkfu that looks weird in the font I use +2013-04-07 14:31:58 cadu but got out perfectly here +2013-04-07 14:32:01 <-- karolinka (~karolinka@cpe-24-166-97-190.neo.res.rr.com) has quit +2013-04-07 14:32:01 cadu pinkfu: are you a buddhsit per chance? +2013-04-07 14:32:13 @pinkfu except I change it to "om mani padme hum om nom nom nom" before eating +2013-04-07 14:32:15 @pinkfu no +2013-04-07 14:32:18 @pinkfu not buddhist +2013-04-07 14:32:26 cadu so why do you recite it before eating? +2013-04-07 14:32:31 @pinkfu because it's funny +2013-04-07 14:32:34 @pinkfu OM NOM NOM NOM +2013-04-07 14:32:42 cadu oooooooooooooh +2013-04-07 14:32:44 cadu OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH +2013-04-07 14:32:49 * cadu lets out a huge laughter +2013-04-07 14:32:54 @pinkfu ommmmmm mani padme hummmm ommmmm nom nom nom +2013-04-07 14:33:00 cadu pinkfu: you're gonna break my insides stahp +2013-04-07 14:33:03 cadu too funny +2013-04-07 14:33:08 PoopsMeow Melanesian chants are beautiful, too bad christian missionaries got to them :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdUEy64M7nQ +2013-04-07 14:33:08 @enclaved IM BACK +2013-04-07 14:33:08 cadu aka too high! +2013-04-07 14:33:12 @pinkfu the first time I did it in front of komphlex he had a similar reaction +2013-04-07 14:33:43 @pinkfu I've studied most major religions and several smaller fringe groups +2013-04-07 14:33:46 @pinkfu because I'm weird +2013-04-07 14:33:54 <-- SeferYetzirah (~SeferYetz@pdpc/supporter/active/seferyetzirah) has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/) +2013-04-07 14:34:28 cadu ahaha live solos! +2013-04-07 14:34:31 cadu listen to this folks +2013-04-07 14:34:54 @enclaved did vjj get her straighttalk iphone yet +2013-04-07 14:34:54 derpzilla link? +2013-04-07 14:34:59 PoopsMeow cadu:droplets +2013-04-07 14:35:07 @pinkfu the link to cadu's stuff is in the topic +2013-04-07 14:35:12 PoopsMeow haha don't start that shit up again +2013-04-07 14:35:25 <-- Kites (~Thunderbi@ has quit (Quit: Kites) +2013-04-07 14:35:39 @pinkfu the LED controller for my phone is way more handy than I expected +2013-04-07 14:36:09 --> zeezey (~textual@c-68-84-197-254.hsd1.az.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 14:37:49 cadu so guys should i record this? +2013-04-07 14:37:52 cadu :-) +2013-04-07 14:38:03 PoopsMeow Record everything always +2013-04-07 14:38:07 <-- br34l (~br34l@unaffiliated/br34l) has quit +2013-04-07 14:38:40 @pinkfu what poops said +2013-04-07 14:39:12 <-- sentriz (~Senan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 14:39:33 PoopsMeow It's like taking photos, you should always. I always forget tough. +2013-04-07 14:39:52 PoopsMeow Capturing memories and all that, music is about equal I'd say. +2013-04-07 14:40:31 @pinkfu cadu: that turned out better than expected +2013-04-07 14:41:35 Gusser woo! just made 10lbs of loaded mashed potatoes +2013-04-07 14:42:14 @enclaved eat them all at once +2013-04-07 14:42:32 Gusser challenge not even considered. +2013-04-07 14:42:38 Gusser they're to feed 35 people +2013-04-07 14:43:02 zeezey i lost my stomach +2013-04-07 14:43:04 zeezey aint +2013-04-07 14:43:48 cadu trippy shit +2013-04-07 14:44:09 GreenEmber zeezey: you lost your stomach? +2013-04-07 14:44:13 GreenEmber first its a car +2013-04-07 14:44:15 GreenEmber then a cell phone +2013-04-07 14:44:17 GreenEmber now your stomach? +2013-04-07 14:44:20 GreenEmber man you got issues +2013-04-07 14:45:17 @enclaved so you're not gonna be awesome and cool and eat them all at once? +2013-04-07 14:47:07 Gusser nop +2013-04-07 14:47:22 Gusser i'll be a total loser with 10lbs of potatoes +2013-04-07 14:47:22 Gusser i'm saving them for High, Steaks, Poker this afternoo +2013-04-07 14:47:39 Gusser cant decide if i wanna do the $10 buy in or the M&Ms. +2013-04-07 17:06:16 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-07 17:06:41 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:06:41 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 17:06:41 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 17:06:41 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex @pinkfu _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi aitigie Alehbye Alternity Amull androidninja animalfruit AsadH Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran Biscuit BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos brittnee_ brum cadu cakism CalamityVic Calyp_ Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ DerMorb derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drbawb drewbaaa DustD1 eHAPPY etk_ faregon_ Flowerbridge___ forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ ijz imSpencer[NYY] januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr Killswitch kniu kokobs lemontree- lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ McBadderson meefs megaproxy MidnighToker MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nmsss nosuni nothing_00 null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss_ Orion] pib1979 pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| ratboy_genius rekav0k revolve Rhgr Ricas richardeid saggim SaulDoliver scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn sentriz Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Spaceghost|cloud Tabbynya TerranceR the9th thedude tomaw tyn underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wannaboo Wntrvnm yazdmich zeezey zen0|wk zeromodulus zyklon] +2013-04-07 17:06:41 -- Channel #r.trees: 151 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 148 normals) +2013-04-07 17:06:43 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 17:06:43 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 17:16:46 <-- ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 17:17:48 <-- Adoray (~Adoray@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-07 17:22:24 <-- meefs (ken@unaffiliated/meefs) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) +2013-04-07 17:24:07 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:25:41 derpzilla man im craving pineapple +2013-04-07 17:26:03 ShockDoc that's weird +2013-04-07 17:26:07 ShockDoc I am a pineapple ._. +2013-04-07 17:26:20 derpzilla can i eat you? +2013-04-07 17:26:43 derpzilla or turn you into a bong? +2013-04-07 17:27:11 derpzilla http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qp64HiMVE +2013-04-07 17:27:14 pot_bot Title: How to Make a Pineapple Bong 1/2 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-07 17:27:25 ShockDoc you may +2013-04-07 17:28:38 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 17:31:28 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:31:34 <-- Narris (~bunnies@wireless-burke-ccu1-21-48.kingdomwireless.net) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 17:32:14 --> Adoray (~Adoray@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:33:35 --> Narris (~bunnies@wireless-burke-ccu1-21-48.kingdomwireless.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:34:01 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 17:36:19 --> ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:37:11 --> wishiwerehobbit (~chatzilla@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:38:32 @pinkfu http://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/1burno/hey_asshole_remember_me_well_in_less_than_24/ +2013-04-07 17:38:33 pot_bot Title: hey asshole remember me? well in less than 24 hours im losing my virginity so suck it : cringepics (at www.reddit.com) +2013-04-07 17:40:27 <-- ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 17:44:28 derpzilla http://ladyish.com/love-sex/origami-condom/ +2013-04-07 17:44:28 pot_bot Title: Introducing the Condom of the Future | Ladyish (at ladyish.com) +2013-04-07 17:48:19 null__ OH MY GOD +2013-04-07 17:48:24 null__ my MFLB is working again +2013-04-07 17:51:02 null__ well +2013-04-07 17:51:04 null__ I thought it was +2013-04-07 17:52:14 <-- sentriz (~Senan@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 17:53:45 null__ oh okay +2013-04-07 17:53:51 null__ I have to push the battery in at just the right angle +2013-04-07 17:54:28 GreenEmber what happened? +2013-04-07 17:54:35 <-- brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 17:54:37 GreenEmber did you break it +2013-04-07 17:55:11 null__ a friedn gave it to me +2013-04-07 17:55:16 null__ and I couldn't get it to work for the longest time +2013-04-07 17:55:21 null__ but just now I saw the pilot light come on +2013-04-07 17:55:22 GreenEmber o +2013-04-07 17:55:24 null__ and got excited +2013-04-07 17:55:40 cadu guys +2013-04-07 17:55:42 cadu released it all!!! +2013-04-07 17:55:44 cadu https://soundcloud.com/flipbit03/flipbit03-the-message +2013-04-07 17:55:48 cadu https://soundcloud.com/flipbit03/flipbit03-the-southern-way +2013-04-07 17:55:52 cadu 2 songs on this weekend +2013-04-07 17:55:58 --> fallacious (internet@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:56:02 GreenEmber i dont have a flb +2013-04-07 17:56:07 GreenEmber mflb +2013-04-07 17:56:14 GreenEmber i have a solo +2013-04-07 17:56:22 GreenEmber and an eq +2013-04-07 17:56:34 GreenEmber cadu: which one did i help with +2013-04-07 17:58:06 derpzilla i also own the solo +2013-04-07 17:58:08 derpzilla i enjoy it +2013-04-07 17:58:45 null__ I like the mflb a lot +2013-04-07 17:58:50 null__ I have my doubts about how good of a vaporizer it is +2013-04-07 17:58:56 null__ But it is good for smoking +2013-04-07 17:59:04 Alternity http://i.imgur.com/F8GM5HH.gif +2013-04-07 17:59:05 null__ I've never tried a volcano or anything else +2013-04-07 17:59:06 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 17:59:45 null__ wow that guy is an asshole +2013-04-07 17:59:47 cadu GreenEmber: the buddhist one! +2013-04-07 17:59:52 cadu GreenEmber: "the southern way" +2013-04-07 18:06:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:07:29 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:10:09 cadu animalfruit: you there? +2013-04-07 18:11:07 --> tetrahedron (~tetrahedr@unaffiliated/tetrahedron) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:11:55 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:11:56 <-- tetrahedron (~tetrahedr@unaffiliated/tetrahedron) has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 18:12:23 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:17:33 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:17:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:18:20 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:19:31 null__ wow +2013-04-07 18:19:37 null__ I know why I like marijuana so much +2013-04-07 18:20:14 null__ Apparently it's helps reduce inflammation for my psoriatic arthritis +2013-04-07 18:23:35 <-- pinkfu (~pinkfu@unaffiliated/pinkfu) has quit (Quit: pinkfu) +2013-04-07 18:23:43 derpzilla oh thats hot +2013-04-07 18:23:46 derpzilla http://www.snoosecret.com/uploads/5/1/5/2/5152628/514299.jpg +2013-04-07 18:24:55 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:25:04 --> poleece (4244b3a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:25:16 poleece guys +2013-04-07 18:25:20 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:25:38 derpzilla oh shit. its the poleece +2013-04-07 18:25:45 derpzilla toss the handgun +2013-04-07 18:25:47 poleece does anyone know anything about police search of an apartment? my rights in texas, etc +2013-04-07 18:25:49 derpzilla flush the druggs +2013-04-07 18:25:57 poleece laws +2013-04-07 18:25:59 poleece lawls* +2013-04-07 18:26:04 derpzilla do they have a warrant to enter? +2013-04-07 18:26:21 poleece no but some creepy guy just came to the window to get the apartment number, my girlfriends roomy was smoking weed with window open +2013-04-07 18:26:34 poleece if they don't have a warrant could they just come back? +2013-04-07 18:26:50 derpzilla it works like this. +2013-04-07 18:26:56 derpzilla someone calls in a complaint that someones smoking +2013-04-07 18:27:06 derpzilla police show up to investigate +2013-04-07 18:27:17 derpzilla dont let them in +2013-04-07 18:27:28 derpzilla tell them to come back with a warrant and slam the door on their faces +2013-04-07 18:27:33 poleece it wasn't police though. maybe apartment manager, something like that. they were definitely looking at the number. okay +2013-04-07 18:27:38 derpzilla dont step outside the apartment or they will detain you. +2013-04-07 18:27:44 poleece not manager... probably some off duty officer? not sure +2013-04-07 18:27:45 poleece okay +2013-04-07 18:27:53 derpzilla call the cops and report someone is peeping in your windows +2013-04-07 18:28:06 poleece ok +2013-04-07 18:28:16 poleece they werent peeping in windows just trying to see the apt# +2013-04-07 18:28:22 derpzilla to be on the safe side stash anything you got in an air tight container +2013-04-07 18:28:55 derpzilla police cant enter your domicile without a warrant or permission +2013-04-07 18:29:10 poleece okay i have no stuff but other people do here. i just have paraphernalia +2013-04-07 18:29:28 derpzilla they may try to construe your lack of permission as probably cause to detain you. +2013-04-07 18:29:35 poleece thats what im thinking +2013-04-07 18:29:35 derpzilla but they cant do that if you close and lock the door. +2013-04-07 18:29:39 poleece plus the smell is probable cause too +2013-04-07 18:29:48 poleece ok +2013-04-07 18:29:54 derpzilla febreeze your shit +2013-04-07 18:30:05 derpzilla hide the bongs +2013-04-07 18:30:08 derpzilla etc +2013-04-07 18:30:11 poleece also im worried that if i leave to stash my stuff elsewhere they'll follow, if they're monitoring the apartment, and bust me on the road +2013-04-07 18:30:11 poleece ok +2013-04-07 18:30:38 poleece already hidden +2013-04-07 18:30:44 derpzilla remember with probable cause the evidence has to be readily apparent +2013-04-07 18:31:52 poleece ok. well she has her shit on the coffee table in the living room. pretty visible from the window. she's not fucking smart at all. +2013-04-07 18:32:01 poleece im just freaked and im stuck +2013-04-07 18:32:10 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:32:30 <-- cowbacon (marom@skrivmaskin.dreamhack.se) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) +2013-04-07 18:33:19 derpzilla its generally a good idea to burn incense to mask the smell +2013-04-07 18:33:30 derpzilla i burn incense all the time +2013-04-07 18:33:33 derpzilla whether or not im smoking +2013-04-07 18:33:36 poleece this bitch is dumb. she's still smoking. i like incense but there isnt any here +2013-04-07 18:33:53 derpzilla prior planning prevents poor performance, son +2013-04-07 18:33:55 poleece ahh w/e i'm just freaking out... hopefully things will be ok +2013-04-07 18:34:05 poleece i know. she doesnt +2013-04-07 18:34:07 null__ http://www.theverge.com/2013/4/5/4186746/first-person-shooter-on-body-police-cams +2013-04-07 18:34:08 pot_bot Title: Video: First person shooter: on-body police cams | The Verge (at www.theverge.com) +2013-04-07 18:34:25 derpzilla cosp probably have better things to deal with than busting someone smoking in their own home +2013-04-07 18:34:29 derpzilla cops* +2013-04-07 18:34:31 poleece you would think so +2013-04-07 18:34:34 derpzilla but play it safe +2013-04-07 18:34:37 derpzilla dont open windows +2013-04-07 18:34:38 poleece but hey if they want to fuck you over they can +2013-04-07 18:34:46 poleece yeah i know that was a bad idea +2013-04-07 18:34:48 derpzilla mask the smell +2013-04-07 18:35:05 derpzilla and keep shit out of site in case of unexpected visitors +2013-04-07 18:35:44 --> cowbacon (marom@skrivmaskin.dreamhack.se) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:38:52 poleece i think im just not going to hang out here anymore. +2013-04-07 18:39:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:40:23 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:41:05 derpzilla also, helpful hint, if you are ever pulled over and the police asks you to step out of the car. roll up the window and lock it when you step out. +2013-04-07 18:41:17 pipework derpzilla: Yeah? +2013-04-07 18:41:28 derpzilla yep +2013-04-07 18:41:44 derpzilla different states have different laws. +2013-04-07 18:41:55 derpzilla where i live your car is considered an extension of your home. +2013-04-07 18:42:16 --> karolinka (~karolinka@cpe-24-166-97-190.neo.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:43:23 <-- poleece (4244b3a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:45:02 --> tetrahedron (~tetrahedr@unaffiliated/tetrahedron) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:45:39 tetrahedron woop woop +2013-04-07 18:46:05 derpzilla google krs one sound of da police +2013-04-07 18:46:06 pot_bot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VRZq3J0uz4 +2013-04-07 18:47:17 <-- McBadderson (~McBadders@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:47:55 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:48:05 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:51:47 <-- DerMorb (~Adium@HSI-KBW-37-209-99-214.hsi15.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) has quit (Quit: Leaving.) +2013-04-07 18:52:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:53:20 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:53:51 <-- SaulDoliver (~SaulDoliv@cpe-24-59-151-227.twcny.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:54:03 <-- zeezey (~textual@c-68-84-197-254.hsd1.az.comcast.net) has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) +2013-04-07 18:54:04 --> ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:55:03 --> brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:58:22 --> Soupismoney (~Soupismon@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 18:59:26 <-- brittnee_ (~brittnee@cpe-66-65-21-210.nyc.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) +2013-04-07 18:59:55 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:00:20 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:00:31 <-- Soupismoney (~Soupismon@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 19:00:42 --> Soupismoney (~Soupismon@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:01:42 --> SuperStalin (~Soupismon@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:01:42 <-- Soupismoney (~Soupismon@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-07 19:02:05 <-- SuperStalin (~Soupismon@ has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 19:06:50 <-- Calyp_ (~Caly_@ has quit (Quit: gone working on freeconomy =o)) +2013-04-07 19:07:12 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:07:12 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:07:27 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-07 19:14:52 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:14:52 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 19:14:52 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 19:14:52 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi Alehbye Alternity Amull androidninja animalfruit AsadH Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran Biscuit BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos brum cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drbawb drewbaaa DustD1 eHAPPY etk_ fallacious faregon_ Flowerbridge___ forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ ijz imSpencer[NYY] januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr karolinka Killswitch kniu kokobs krs lemontree- lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ megaproxy MidnighToker MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nmsss nosuni nothing_00 null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss Orion] pib1979 pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| ratboy_genius rekav0k revolve Rhgr Ricas richardeid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins sorahn Spaceghost|cloud suzy Tabbynya TerranceR tetrahedron the9th thedude tomaw tyn underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wannaboo wishiwerehobbit Wntrvnm yazdmich zen0|wk zeromodulus zyklon] +2013-04-07 19:14:52 -- Channel #r.trees: 146 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 144 normals) +2013-04-07 19:14:54 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 19:14:54 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 19:15:55 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:16:04 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:18:51 nosuni hey +2013-04-07 19:18:55 nosuni poopknuckleshoulderfuck +2013-04-07 19:20:13 --> lakee (56058ca8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:20:14 <-- lakee (56058ca8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 19:20:20 nosuni i bought weed today +2013-04-07 19:20:27 nosuni i'll take pictures +2013-04-07 19:20:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:20:58 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:21:02 pipework I bought pictures today. +2013-04-07 19:21:04 pipework I'll take weed. +2013-04-07 19:21:35 <-- wishiwerehobbit (~chatzilla@ has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.2/20130307023931]) +2013-04-07 19:22:02 --> Wisp_ (6d9d0b3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:22:17 Wisp_ Hey ents +2013-04-07 19:26:07 <-- Wisp_ (6d9d0b3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-07 19:26:20 nosuni lol +2013-04-07 19:26:36 nosuni i've got munchies so bad +2013-04-07 19:26:49 nosuni i haven't had munchies since the last time i smoked oil +2013-04-07 19:26:59 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:26:59 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:30:11 --> ShockDoc_ (53652cd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:30:33 ShockDoc_ long hair +2013-04-07 19:30:36 ShockDoc_ super long +2013-04-07 19:30:40 ShockDoc_ I must look like a dog +2013-04-07 19:31:55 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:32:14 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:35:13 Killswitch Do men with ponytails know we can see them? +2013-04-07 19:35:53 pipework Yes we can. +2013-04-07 19:36:16 --> Floydthebarber (~Floydtheb@108-228-246-134.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:36:25 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 19:36:57 Killswitch pipework: you have a ponytail? +2013-04-07 19:37:05 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 19:37:14 pipework Yes, and it's not a bronytail +2013-04-07 19:37:30 Killswitch looool +2013-04-07 22:27:03 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-07 22:27:25 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 22:27:25 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 22:27:25 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 22:27:26 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi aitigie Alternity Amull androidninja andyh2 animalfruit AsadH Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drewbaaa DustD1 eHAPPY erin724 etk_ fallacious faregon_ Flowerbridge___ Floydthebarber forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 Guest83332 guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ i_drink_beer ijz januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr karolinka Killswitch kniu kokobs lambwich_ lemontree- lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ McBadderson megaproxy mentok meowthhh MidnighToker mpnesto MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig nmsss nosuni nothing_00 null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss_ pbNJ pib1979 pinkfu pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| rekav0k revolve Ricas richardeid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc ShockDoc_ SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Soupismoney Spaceghost|cloud STEALTHZERO suzy Tabbynya TerranceR the9th The_4th_Doctor thedude tomaw tyn underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wannaboo Wntrvnm yazdmich zen0|wk zeromodulus zyklon zz_imSpencer[NYY] +2013-04-07 22:27:26 -- Channel #r.trees: 153 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 151 normals) +2013-04-07 22:27:27 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 22:27:27 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 22:28:41 --> ajt (~ajt@c-68-60-178-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 22:30:03 nosuni it's pending moderation +2013-04-07 22:30:21 zeromodulus ROFL +2013-04-07 22:30:28 zeromodulus "The milk isn't juice." +2013-04-07 22:30:44 karolinka I hope my kid isn't like that +2013-04-07 22:31:02 meowthhh lololol zeromodulus +2013-04-07 22:31:03 meowthhh :3 +2013-04-07 22:31:11 zeromodulus meowthhh: that is an extremely effective form of birth control. +2013-04-07 22:31:16 meowthhh tis +2013-04-07 22:31:21 meowthhh tis.... +2013-04-07 22:31:28 ijz meowthhh: tits* +2013-04-07 22:31:38 nosuni lol +2013-04-07 22:31:40 meowthhh shhh +2013-04-07 22:32:01 pbNJ We'd +2013-04-07 22:32:16 Soupismoney jus sayin +2013-04-07 22:32:24 Soupismoney i submitted it, nosuni +2013-04-07 22:33:00 GreenEmber bash never aproves anything anymore +2013-04-07 22:33:02 zeromodulus meowthhh: what have you been up to neighborino? +2013-04-07 22:33:03 Soupismoney i understand that quotes can take several months to moderate, this isnt my first time using bash, just acknowledging that I found it funny and submitted it there sorry +2013-04-07 22:33:15 meowthhh studying +2013-04-07 22:33:17 meowthhh and researching +2013-04-07 22:33:19 meowthhh and dying slowly +2013-04-07 22:33:27 GreenEmber submit it to qdb.us +2013-04-07 22:33:34 zeromodulus my activities include all three of those. +2013-04-07 22:33:37 zeromodulus :p +2013-04-07 22:33:40 meowthhh yeah man +2013-04-07 22:33:44 meowthhh life sucks this week +2013-04-07 22:33:46 Soupismoney weh +2013-04-07 22:33:50 meowthhh I've got 12 page paper due friday +2013-04-07 22:33:54 zeromodulus :( +2013-04-07 22:34:10 meowthhh and a presentation on thursday +2013-04-07 22:34:14 meowthhh one on tuesday +2013-04-07 22:34:21 meowthhh and another the thursfday after +2013-04-07 22:34:22 meowthhh lol +2013-04-07 22:34:22 zeromodulus :x +2013-04-07 22:34:29 meowthhh wtf is this sht +2013-04-07 22:35:40 Soupismoney ive got a one page paper due tuesday but I have no idea if the premise for it is even remotely possible +2013-04-07 22:36:03 meowthhh there was a swedish anti drug campaign called "Drugs are Poo" +2013-04-07 22:38:23 pbNJ lol seriously +2013-04-07 22:38:34 meowthhh yeah +2013-04-07 22:38:35 meowthhh lol +2013-04-07 22:38:58 lilyth mmmmdrugs +2013-04-07 22:39:04 * lilyth loads the bong +2013-04-07 22:39:10 meowthhh HITS FROM DA BONG +2013-04-07 22:39:23 lilyth FK YES +2013-04-07 22:39:29 meowthhh fuk +2013-04-07 22:39:30 meowthhh yus +2013-04-07 22:39:36 lilyth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzrh5GftgzM +2013-04-07 22:39:38 pot_bot Title: Cypress Hill - Hits from the Bong [HQ] - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-07 22:40:08 meowthhh ^ +2013-04-07 22:40:13 meowthhh glad you got my reference lol +2013-04-07 22:40:26 lilyth Imma see them in TWO WEEKS +2013-04-07 22:40:31 lilyth so ready +2013-04-07 22:41:19 meowthhh nice! +2013-04-07 22:42:00 lilyth cannabis cup! +2013-04-07 22:42:18 meowthhh sweet +2013-04-07 22:42:50 lilyth Imma rage it with my friend, snoop on friday and cypress hill saturday +2013-04-07 22:42:53 pbNJ total recall TWO WEEKS +2013-04-07 22:43:01 meowthhh sweet +2013-04-07 22:43:04 pbNJ TWOOO WEEEEEKSSS +2013-04-07 22:43:20 lilyth https://soundcloud.com/snooplion/no-guns-allowed-feat-drake +2013-04-07 22:46:30 zeromodulus DRUGS ARE BAD. MKAY? *downs ritalin, xanax, and loritabs* DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO. +2013-04-07 22:46:37 meowthhh lolol +2013-04-07 22:46:49 zeromodulus RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE. +2013-04-07 22:47:20 lilyth https://soundcloud.com/snooplion/snoop-lion-lighters-up-f-mavado-popcaan +2013-04-07 22:47:39 ijz night, all xx o/ +2013-04-07 22:47:46 lilyth nite ijz +2013-04-07 22:52:16 pbNJ night +2013-04-07 22:52:23 pbNJ day +2013-04-07 23:32:47 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-07 23:33:13 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:33:13 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-07 23:33:13 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-07 23:33:13 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi aitigie ajt Alternity Amull androidninja andyh2 animalfruit AsadH Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper benbeltran BLZbubba bman bonboltron borgos cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote_ derpzilla dfletcher doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drewbaaa DustD1 eHAPPY erin724 etk_ fallacious faregon_ Flowerbridge___ Floydthebarber forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest28050 Guest83332 guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ i_drink_beer ijz januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney jscinoz_ julezyr karolinka Killswitch kniu kokobs lambwich_ lemontree- lilyth linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ McBadderson megaproxy mentok meowthhh mpnesto MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nmsss nosuni nothing_00 null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss pbNJ pib1979 pinkfu pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| rekav0k revolve Ricas richardeid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Sepikumpulainen Shadda ShockDoc ShockDoc_ SmilinBob sn0wman snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Soupismoney Spaceghost|cloud STEALTHZERO suzy Tabbynya TerranceR the9th thedude tomaw tyn underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wntrvnm yazdmich zeromodulus zyklon zz_imSpencer[NYY] +2013-04-07 23:33:13 -- Channel #r.trees: 152 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 150 normals) +2013-04-07 23:33:15 WafflesVP i dunno i paid 32$ for my space case on amazon +2013-04-07 23:33:15 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-07 23:33:16 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-07 23:33:31 Beekeeper oh and the other slgihtly good thing about our icapropanyl is that its generaly 99.9% +2013-04-07 23:33:31 WafflesVP http://www.australianvaporizers.com.au/store/space-case-grinder-medium-aluminium-2-pc-magnet.html +2013-04-07 23:33:35 pot_bot Title: Space Case Grinder Medium Aluminium - 2 pc. (at www.australianvaporizers.com.au) +2013-04-07 23:33:41 WafflesVP you can get the medium or the small up to you +2013-04-07 23:33:45 Beekeeper oh +2013-04-07 23:33:46 Beekeeper what +2013-04-07 23:33:52 Beekeeper oh +2013-04-07 23:33:53 WafflesVP you just want the 2 pc not the 3 or 4 pc ones +2013-04-07 23:33:53 Beekeeper right +2013-04-07 23:34:04 Beekeeper i was looking at the 4 pc ones cos i wanted to collect kief +2013-04-07 23:34:09 WafflesVP :[ +2013-04-07 23:34:09 STEALTHZERO i paid $20 for a smart crusher +2013-04-07 23:34:11 STEALTHZERO good enough +2013-04-07 23:34:18 WafflesVP well i wouldnt suggest saving kief really anymore +2013-04-07 23:34:22 WafflesVP i know as a smoker you get used to it +2013-04-07 23:34:31 Beekeeper oh? +2013-04-07 23:34:39 WafflesVP but the way i look at it- you buy expensive herbs, and they dont go up in potency over time, only down +2013-04-07 23:34:52 Beekeeper hmm +2013-04-07 23:34:57 WafflesVP so why not enjoy the finely crafted herb you have in its whole glory- as nature intended, rather than separate it out-- +2013-04-07 23:34:58 Beekeeper that is true +2013-04-07 23:35:10 Beekeeper but isnt kief the stuff that wold of fell off anyway? +2013-04-07 23:35:10 WafflesVP only to let it sit around and possibly oxidize from thc to its lesser active cbn form. +2013-04-07 23:35:36 WafflesVP no definitely not, with a 2 piece the kief stays with the bud, and itll come off into whatever you open it above or clank it together above. +2013-04-07 23:35:45 STEALTHZERO The keif would just build up as resin in the bowl +2013-04-07 23:35:48 Beekeeper ah okys +2013-04-07 23:35:51 WafflesVP so eitehr a sheet of paper or a glass jar, so you can then scoop from there (i use a small spoon) +2013-04-07 23:36:02 WafflesVP and youll collect the ground nugs along with the kief into the elb- +2013-04-07 23:36:10 WafflesVP and get your properly strong herb in its full nature +2013-04-07 23:36:12 WafflesVP :> +2013-04-07 23:36:13 Beekeeper that makes sense +2013-04-07 23:36:26 WafflesVP i dunno thats the way i look at it +2013-04-07 23:36:47 Beekeeper although, doesnt it get slightly annoying not having a chamber for the ground upweed to fall into when its finely ground? +2013-04-07 23:36:56 Beekeeper which you could then scoop straight from +2013-04-07 23:37:07 WafflesVP but now if you have a ton of herb- then you can get a kief screen and use that to make pollen pressed discs, thats fine. +2013-04-07 23:37:25 WafflesVP but why use a grinder to separate it then let it sit to oxidize, seems not like a wonderful idea imho. +2013-04-07 23:37:42 WafflesVP uh thats a decent point +2013-04-07 23:37:52 Beekeeper no not to let it sit there just to fall through when its finely enough grounded and scoop it from there? +2013-04-07 23:37:54 WafflesVP i dont mind using a glass (4oz jam quilted jam jar) +2013-04-07 23:37:59 WafflesVP jar to hold it in +2013-04-07 23:38:12 Beekeeper hmm +2013-04-07 23:38:24 WafflesVP but if holding it was super important in the grinder, then i guess you could get a 3pc space case or something and just remove the kief screen so it could fall through maybe. +2013-04-07 23:38:36 Beekeeper i do have fairly limited space so the less things i have to have out at a time the easier +2013-04-07 23:39:07 Beekeeper hey thats an idea +2013-04-07 23:39:22 Beekeeper that gives me a larger chamber without ahving to buy a larger size too +2013-04-07 23:39:34 WafflesVP btw congrats on getting a Cloud +2013-04-07 23:39:36 WafflesVP its a great vape +2013-04-07 23:39:40 WafflesVP hows australia +2013-04-07 23:39:40 --> johnsanders (~johnsande@c-67-169-39-154.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:39:41 nosuni i bought this cute little cactus from walmart +2013-04-07 23:39:45 WafflesVP btw it sounds like youre spending a ton on this +2013-04-07 23:39:50 nosuni come home and realize the flower on it is glued on +2013-04-07 23:40:05 Beekeeper yeah this is a pretty serious investment haha +2013-04-07 23:40:10 WafflesVP i think youll really enjoy it, but dont feel like you need to really invest too much more. its all pretty much vape-tube-and-grinder. thats all youll need. +2013-04-07 23:40:14 WafflesVP yeah youre telling me. +2013-04-07 23:40:23 WafflesVP btw you can always buy a regular bong from other sources +2013-04-07 23:40:31 WafflesVP and just buy the vape itself. +2013-04-07 23:40:35 WafflesVP which might be a good option +2013-04-07 23:40:35 Beekeeper bongs are actualy illegal here +2013-04-07 23:40:36 Beekeeper :s +2013-04-07 23:40:42 WafflesVP if you share it a lot or hang around newbies or chicks +2013-04-07 23:40:47 WafflesVP hehe :> cool +2013-04-07 23:40:51 nosuni bong illegal?! +2013-04-07 23:40:54 nosuni tyranny! +2013-04-07 23:40:55 Beekeeper whichd oesnt mean you cant get them but it means selection is extremely limited and you certainly couldnt ask fro something specific +2013-04-07 23:41:05 WafflesVP well the tubes vapexhale uses are hydratubes not bongs ;D so youre safe +2013-04-07 23:41:12 WafflesVP the difference? uhhhh about nothing but heh whatever. +2013-04-07 23:41:15 WafflesVP but oh +2013-04-07 23:41:22 WafflesVP the one thing to worry about slightly, but not a lot +2013-04-07 23:41:30 WafflesVP is that the hydratube sits over the vaporizer, and is filled with water +2013-04-07 23:41:33 WafflesVP over a hot vape +2013-04-07 23:41:35 WafflesVP so you can see the problem +2013-04-07 23:41:37 Beekeeper oh no vapes are legal +2013-04-07 23:41:48 nosuni i have an ssv +2013-04-07 23:41:49 Beekeeper hmm yeah how does it stop the water from going odwn into the bowl? +2013-04-07 23:41:50 nosuni it's fun +2013-04-07 23:41:50 WafflesVP and the warranty covers only the operation of the vaporizer itself, if the glass breaks - youre up shit creek. +2013-04-07 23:42:01 --> MidnighToker (~Toker@unaffiliated/midnightoker) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:42:20 <-- nothing_00 (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 23:42:26 WafflesVP so letss say you buy it, and week 3, you have some chick cough into the tube, and water rushes down into the tube, and it burns her leg- thatll suck but the glass might or might not break. +2013-04-07 23:42:33 --> aka_nothing (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:42:40 <-- pbNJ (~JOHN@ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-07 23:42:42 WafflesVP but ive had mine for 9 months now and never had one instance of that. but had 3 close calls. +2013-04-07 23:42:45 WafflesVP or 2 +2013-04-07 23:42:55 WafflesVP it doesnt stop the water from going down into the bowl +2013-04-07 23:43:16 WafflesVP if you blow, or ****cough****), the water will shoot down into the unit and potentially make your 500$ vape a 0$ nothing. +2013-04-07 23:43:23 Beekeeper eek +2013-04-07 23:43:28 WafflesVP after a while it doesnt seem so scary +2013-04-07 23:43:32 WafflesVP i was worrie dthe first 3 weeks +2013-04-07 23:43:34 nosuni buy a rubber grommet, a glass slide and bowl +2013-04-07 23:43:36 WafflesVP by month 6 i dont even think of it +2013-04-07 23:43:37 Beekeeper thats pretty scary +2013-04-07 23:43:51 WafflesVP i know :\ which is why they came out with the devastator bubbler thing +2013-04-07 23:43:56 WafflesVP which has it sitting inverted so that wont happen +2013-04-07 23:44:01 Beekeeper ooh +2013-04-07 23:44:02 nosuni and make your own out of a vodka bottle +2013-04-07 23:44:02 nosuni :D +2013-04-07 23:44:06 Beekeeper that sounds like a good idea +2013-04-07 23:44:10 WafflesVP and theres tons of bubblers and bongs online that can do the same thing. +2013-04-07 23:44:13 Beekeeper but we only have 4 packages to chose from haha +2013-04-07 23:44:16 WafflesVP well to be honest its not a big deal +2013-04-07 23:44:28 WafflesVP i mean if you dont cough or whatever, its not going to go back down in there +2013-04-07 23:44:30 WafflesVP its a rare occurence +2013-04-07 23:44:47 WafflesVP and im sure if you break it theyd work SOMETHING out with you +2013-04-07 23:44:52 WafflesVP i would hope +2013-04-07 23:45:08 WafflesVP you know since you obviously have some money to spend +2013-04-07 23:45:14 Beekeeper well i occasionaly cough with my extreme q or with a joint.. although not into the unit and i dont generaly drop thigns when i do.. +2013-04-07 23:45:14 WafflesVP well heres anohter thing though +2013-04-07 23:45:33 WafflesVP the hydratubes are super duper convenient. plop it on- hit it, take it off. perfecto. +2013-04-07 23:45:47 WafflesVP but you should look into 'dewar' mouth bubbler +2013-04-07 23:46:08 WafflesVP so it can sit inverted so there is basically 0 or veryu small chance (i mean if you still coughed into the mouthpiece with a ton of force you could maybe get it up into there. +2013-04-07 23:46:25 WafflesVP the best of the best are mobius glass pieces, but they are really more suited for smokers because they are so diffused. +2013-04-07 23:46:28 Beekeeper wait so the vape itself +2013-04-07 23:46:37 Beekeeper woudl sit on top of the +2013-04-07 23:46:38 Beekeeper tube +2013-04-07 23:46:38 WafflesVP youll find too much diffusion with vapor takes some of the wonderful taste away. +2013-04-07 23:46:46 WafflesVP sure +2013-04-07 23:47:09 WafflesVP look at stonemonkey55s videos on youtube, he shows it being used with a bubbler +2013-04-07 23:47:14 WafflesVP thats inverted iirc +2013-04-07 23:47:19 @komphlex too much diffusion like those stupidly large and complex bongs +2013-04-07 23:47:24 Beekeeper ? +2013-04-07 23:47:27 @komphlex that look like retarded aliendildos +2013-04-07 23:47:30 Beekeeper like you cant see a ton of white crystals or anything +2013-04-07 23:47:44 WafflesVP MobiusGlassWorks is sick stuff +2013-04-07 23:47:56 WafflesVP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_hVPhFCsUI +2013-04-07 23:47:57 pot_bot Title: BC2010 Double Bubbler with VapeXhale Cloud Vaporizer - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-07 23:48:11 pinkfu http://alioutfit.tumblr.com/ +2013-04-07 23:48:12 pot_bot Title: What Ali Wore (at alioutfit.tumblr.com) +2013-04-07 23:48:13 WafflesVP the cloud can mate to any other 18mm glasss pieces +2013-04-07 23:48:17 WafflesVP so you have a ton to choose from. +2013-04-07 23:48:34 pinkfu hahahaBURPhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAOHGODOHGODEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeHAHAHA +2013-04-07 23:48:37 Beekeeper hmm +2013-04-07 23:48:37 <-- etk_ (~etk@silenceisdefeat.com) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) +2013-04-07 23:48:40 Beekeeper they only have those 4 atm though +2013-04-07 23:49:06 WafflesVP thats a pretty sick video isnt it? +2013-04-07 23:49:07 WafflesVP :D +2013-04-07 23:49:07 Beekeeper no idea if theyl get these +2013-04-07 23:49:09 Beekeeper yes +2013-04-07 23:49:09 Beekeeper it is +2013-04-07 23:49:10 Beekeeper lol +2013-04-07 23:49:13 WafflesVP hehe +2013-04-07 23:49:23 <-- andyh2 (~andyh2@c-71-202-224-255.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com) +2013-04-07 23:49:26 nosuni i want a straight tube with an icecatch +2013-04-07 23:49:42 WafflesVP brotherswithglass.com has some good prices on those nosuni +2013-04-07 23:49:44 Beekeeper looks awesome +2013-04-07 23:50:00 <-- aka_nothing (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-07 23:50:07 nosuni cool yeah +2013-04-07 23:50:12 --> aka_nothing (aka_nothin@203-214-85-10.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:50:17 nosuni i need a new bong +2013-04-07 23:50:27 WafflesVP Beekeeper: so yeah you can go with the hydratubes, they are quite convenient and are tailored to the vape- not too much diffusion, small amount of water and low volume overall. +2013-04-07 23:51:00 WafflesVP they mate very well, but dont feel like there arent alternatives on the market. +2013-04-07 23:51:22 WafflesVP in fact glassblowersdirect.com i think sells a hydratube-clone that is only 99$ +2013-04-07 23:51:44 WafflesVP if youre trying to save money. otherwise, maybe even check out aqualabtechnologies.com they are overpriced but carry the nicest glass out there. +2013-04-07 23:52:05 Beekeeper well the maint hing is i dont realy want to risk goign through customs +2013-04-07 23:52:09 Beekeeper i think theyd confiscate it +2013-04-07 23:52:23 nosuni im so high +2013-04-07 23:52:25 WafflesVP brotherswithglass.com is also a good site, with some values to be had though probably chinese vs europe boro. +2013-04-07 23:52:29 WafflesVP oh you do? +2013-04-07 23:52:34 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-07 23:52:40 WafflesVP it might be easier to order it as 1 package then straight from vapexhale +2013-04-07 23:52:45 WafflesVP i think itll go through just fine really +2013-04-07 23:52:50 Beekeeper oh realy? +2013-04-07 23:52:53 WafflesVP sure thing +2013-04-07 23:52:59 Beekeeper do they sellt he itnernational version? +2013-04-07 23:53:01 WafflesVP it doesnt seem like a bong especially a hydratube +2013-04-07 23:53:12 WafflesVP wait what? +2013-04-07 23:53:25 Beekeeper well only the international version works in australia right? +2013-04-07 23:53:32 WafflesVP uh id assume so +2013-04-07 23:53:44 WafflesVP yeah id order the international version with the hydratube and call it a day honestly +2013-04-07 23:53:47 Beekeeper i thoguht vapexhale only sold the american version directly +2013-04-07 23:54:17 WafflesVP i think i worried you for nothing. although to be honest i feel like the hydratubes should be 150$ instead of 200$ because you can get really* nice bubblers for 200$. +2013-04-07 23:54:27 WafflesVP oh wait +2013-04-07 23:54:28 WafflesVP im sorry +2013-04-07 23:54:31 WafflesVP i wasnt thinking right +2013-04-07 23:54:37 WafflesVP i forgot you were getting it through australian thing +2013-04-07 23:54:39 WafflesVP nm nm +2013-04-07 23:54:42 Beekeeper ohh +2013-04-07 23:54:43 Beekeeper haha +2013-04-07 23:54:47 WafflesVP yeah keep with the place you were ordering sorry ;> +2013-04-07 23:54:55 WafflesVP oh i see +2013-04-07 23:55:02 WafflesVP and so that place obviously sells the glass so you know its made it there +2013-04-07 23:55:21 WafflesVP where if you order glass from other places it may or may not make it through customs, making it a huge headache and a gamble anyway +2013-04-07 23:55:24 WafflesVP ahh i see i see +2013-04-07 23:55:35 Beekeeper *nods* +2013-04-07 23:55:37 Beekeeper right now +2013-04-07 23:55:44 Beekeeper im liking the look of the hydracirc +2013-04-07 23:55:48 WafflesVP so australian vaporizers sells NO glass ?! :o +2013-04-07 23:55:50 Beekeeper evolver hydracirc 2.0 +2013-04-07 23:55:53 WafflesVP thats insane. i only vape thru water. +2013-04-07 23:56:01 Beekeeper wlel some of the vaporisers have glass parts +2013-04-07 23:56:12 Beekeeper they only sell vaporisers though not bongs so yeah +2013-04-07 23:56:28 WafflesVP btw if youre ever looking for a good portable- the arizer solo they have at that same site is a good vape. but its 140$ on ebay here. +2013-04-07 23:56:47 Beekeeper wouldnt the solo just be a cut down version fo the extrme q? +2013-04-07 23:56:47 WafflesVP oh shit they have it listed for 250$ lol thats crazy. +2013-04-07 23:56:52 Beekeeper http://vapexhale.com/index.php/store/browse/cloud-hydratubes/evolver-hydracirc-detail +2013-04-07 23:56:56 Beekeeper this i sone i can get for $150 +2013-04-07 23:57:02 nosuni buy a piece from silkroad lol +2013-04-07 23:57:08 WafflesVP the funny thing they show it marked down from 350, when the MSRP is now 220$ its even more expensive than the company themselves sell it for! +2013-04-07 23:57:23 WafflesVP ah for 150$ thats a very fair price +2013-04-07 23:57:45 WafflesVP i do think they designed a new hydratube that is less likely to splash down into the vape, but i cant be 100% postive about that +2013-04-07 23:58:00 WafflesVP thats a nice tube +2013-04-07 23:58:04 WafflesVP especially for 150 +2013-04-07 23:59:01 Beekeeper is the glass reasonably thick? +2013-04-07 23:59:10 pinkfu endless bubble wrap iphone case http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BKRHERY +2013-04-07 23:59:16 pinkfu komphlex: ^ +2013-04-07 23:59:23 WafflesVP http://vapexhale.com/index.php/products/hydratubes +2013-04-07 23:59:26 pot_bot Title: VapeXhale Inc - HydraTubes (at vapexhale.com) +2013-04-07 23:59:29 --> etk (~etk@silenceisdefeat.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-07 23:59:34 WafflesVP the devastor is the inverted one that allows it to sit on top +2013-04-07 23:59:55 WafflesVP Beekeeper: i dont know , i think the glass is 4mm or 5mm +2013-04-08 00:00:06 Beekeeper hmm +2013-04-08 00:00:06 WafflesVP i have the SGW glass which is no longer produced +2013-04-08 00:00:09 WafflesVP and mine is 5mm +2013-04-08 00:00:32 Beekeeper i can aslo get +2013-04-08 00:00:34 WafflesVP i think evolver uses 4mm and 5mm so im sure its quality enough +2013-04-08 00:00:38 Beekeeper an evolver hydratree 2.0 for $150 +2013-04-08 00:00:47 Beekeeper or a vapexhale hydracirc 2.0 for $200 +2013-04-08 00:00:49 WafflesVP id stick with the other +2013-04-08 00:00:55 WafflesVP id get the 150 one +2013-04-08 00:00:56 WafflesVP myselve +2013-04-08 00:01:05 pinkfu http://freshome.com/2013/04/02/anglican-church-turned-into-a-modern-fancy-home/ +2013-04-08 00:01:06 pot_bot Title: Anglican Church Turned Into a Modern Fancy Home (at freshome.com) +2013-04-08 00:01:09 WafflesVP evolver hydracirc > vapexhale hydracirc > hydratree +2013-04-08 00:01:10 WafflesVP imho +2013-04-08 00:01:25 WafflesVP (easier to clean, prefer the diffusion, like the action of the perc) +2013-04-08 00:01:41 WafflesVP and also i see the new vapexhale circ 2.0 has a keck clip, so its like 2 pieces for the top part. +2013-04-08 00:02:00 STEALTHZERO Oh god, it been so long since i listened to this +2013-04-08 00:02:00 STEALTHZERO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpMvS1Q1sos +2013-04-08 00:02:01 pot_bot Title: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Its All About The Pentiums - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 00:02:10 WafflesVP that sucks. i like vape one piece of glass + tube as 1 piece of glass. having 3 pieces with the top 2 connected seems really strange +2013-04-08 00:02:27 WafflesVP http://vapexhale.com/images/stories/virtuemart/product/hydracirc2fullview.jpg +2013-04-08 00:02:31 WafflesVP i mean wtf why +2013-04-08 00:02:53 nosuni i want a modern fancy home +2013-04-08 00:03:04 Beekeeper yeah im gonan go the evolver hydracirc +2013-04-08 00:03:05 Beekeeper foudn its 5mm +2013-04-08 00:03:08 Beekeeper that should be tough enough +2013-04-08 00:03:16 WafflesVP good deal :> +2013-04-08 00:03:19 WafflesVP yeah agreed +2013-04-08 00:03:25 Beekeeper strong sliding glass doors are 5mm +2013-04-08 00:03:28 WafflesVP i think thats very very similar to what i have +2013-04-08 00:03:29 Beekeeper and those are super strong +2013-04-08 00:03:35 WafflesVP hah yeah 5mm is rather great +2013-04-08 00:03:47 --> pbNJ (~JOHN@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 00:03:50 Beekeeper windows are 2mmt hougha nd i nearly lost an arm to a window +2013-04-08 00:03:55 WafflesVP heh +2013-04-08 00:04:00 WafflesVP man youll be excited +2013-04-08 00:04:08 GreenEmber what are we talkin about +2013-04-08 00:04:15 WafflesVP he's getting a cloud +2013-04-08 00:04:23 WafflesVP hes in australia, currently has an EQ but wants something a bit more. +2013-04-08 00:04:23 Beekeeper she :o +2013-04-08 00:04:26 WafflesVP oh lol +2013-04-08 00:04:27 WafflesVP :> +2013-04-08 00:04:37 Beekeeper :p +2013-04-08 00:04:59 WafflesVP so the eq wasnt quite your thing? +2013-04-08 00:05:03 WafflesVP i can understand that +2013-04-08 00:05:06 Beekeeper well +2013-04-08 00:05:06 WafflesVP the cloud really hits much harder +2013-04-08 00:05:08 Beekeeper its not awful +2013-04-08 00:05:13 Beekeeper its just not that exciting? haha +2013-04-08 00:05:22 Beekeeper and yeah doesnt quite hit hard enoughf ro me +2013-04-08 00:05:24 WafflesVP thats how id sum up my herbalaire too +2013-04-08 00:05:29 WafflesVP not awful but not exciting. +2013-04-08 00:05:53 Beekeeper also +2013-04-08 00:05:56 WafflesVP the cloud -- you will feel it. theres no wondering or anything its just - boom, dense great vapor. +2013-04-08 00:06:05 Beekeeper i feel like it has fairly long warm up times +2013-04-08 00:06:08 Beekeeper before oyu get good vapor +2013-04-08 00:06:16 Beekeeper and yous pend a decent ammount of time just heating upt he weed before oyu start +2013-04-08 00:06:20 Beekeeper fromw hta ive seenw ith the cloud +2013-04-08 00:06:26 Beekeeper its a lot faster and smoother +2013-04-08 00:06:28 WafflesVP yes it somewhat does. +2013-04-08 00:06:37 pbNJ Apples are so good +2013-04-08 00:06:44 WafflesVP and yes +2013-04-08 00:06:47 WafflesVP i see what youre saying +2013-04-08 00:06:53 WafflesVP less 'priming' with the cloud +2013-04-08 00:06:59 pbNJ So juicy +2013-04-08 00:07:09 WafflesVP and ive noticed if you put it in at slightly higher temp than you plan to vape- super quick vapor +2013-04-08 00:07:36 WafflesVP so if i want to vape at 12oclock, ill set it to maybe 2pm and then insert once its up to heat, lower to 12- insert elb, and hit immediately. great stuff. +2013-04-08 00:08:05 Beekeeper main thing ime xcited for is botht he bigger vapor clouds with mroe flavor than the EQ can provide, and also the moisturised smoke to make it dry your throat out less +2013-04-08 00:08:23 WafflesVP i think the cloud plusses heat faster then the originals too, but its still ~5min i believe. the solo, and some of my other vapes- can get to temp within 35-45 seconds, so its a bit diff in that regard- but man, it hits, tastes, and works so much better than any other vape ive tried. +2013-04-08 00:08:35 GreenEmber i get dense vapour from my eq +2013-04-08 00:08:43 Beekeeper i have a vaporgenie too, dry throat is a bigger problem with that than the extreme q. +2013-04-08 00:08:45 WafflesVP water filtration is absolutely awesome, imho. +2013-04-08 00:08:54 GreenEmber ive never seen the cloud though +2013-04-08 00:08:55 WafflesVP in fact i was using bubblers with vaporizers way before the cloud. +2013-04-08 00:09:02 GreenEmber WafflesVP: does the cloud cook it constantly +2013-04-08 00:09:11 WafflesVP and truthfully the cloud uses terms like moisture-whatever and all that marketing buzzwords +2013-04-08 00:09:36 WafflesVP all it really does is run vapor thru water, like any other water pipe or bubbler on the market. but it frankly does make a difference. the vapor is that much smoother, fullier, and just yummier. +2013-04-08 00:09:38 WafflesVP its great stuff :> +2013-04-08 00:09:44 WafflesVP have you ever dabbed Beekeeper? +2013-04-08 00:09:50 GreenEmber WafflesVP: you dab? +2013-04-08 00:09:51 Beekeeper i have not :o +2013-04-08 00:09:53 WafflesVP is dabbing even much of a thing in Australia +2013-04-08 00:09:56 WafflesVP so i dont GE +2013-04-08 00:10:00 Beekeeper ive never heard of it before +2013-04-08 00:10:26 GreenEmber Beekeeper: have you ever water filtered the EQ? +2013-04-08 00:10:37 Beekeeper waffles, can you add ice blcosk tom ake it even smoother? +2013-04-08 00:10:42 WafflesVP dabbing is taking butane-concentrate of cannabis and then heating it up on a hot surface, be it glass, metal, or ceramic, and inhaling it. +2013-04-08 00:10:48 Beekeeper GreenEmber: i havnt, i wanna try though +2013-04-08 00:10:56 GreenEmber Beekeeper: oh its like night and day. +2013-04-08 00:11:00 Beekeeper oh +2013-04-08 00:11:00 GreenEmber i dont even use the whip anymore +2013-04-08 00:11:01 Beekeeper like +2013-04-08 00:11:03 Beekeeper with hash? +2013-04-08 00:11:12 WafflesVP Beekeeper: basically its taking cannabis, running butane through it, letting oil drip out (a concentrate, much like hash) (bho = butane honey oil or butane hash oil) +2013-04-08 00:11:18 GreenEmber once i started using my bong with the EQ i stopped using the whip +2013-04-08 00:11:39 WafflesVP and then you take a bubbler with a titanium metal pad, heat with torch, then 'dab' a piece of the waxy oil onto the red-hot thing and it instantly vaporizes the cannabinoids. +2013-04-08 00:11:40 Beekeeper GreenEmber: how do you connect them +2013-04-08 00:11:54 GreenEmber Beekeeper: have a glass on glass bong? +2013-04-08 00:11:59 Beekeeper yes +2013-04-08 00:11:59 WafflesVP Beekeeper: i wouldnt suggest ice because it can melt then cause water to run into the vape. and water is overrated. +2013-04-08 00:12:05 WafflesVP er ice is overrated +2013-04-08 00:12:11 WafflesVP water alone is all youll need, trust me :> +2013-04-08 00:12:14 Beekeeper ah +2013-04-08 00:12:19 Beekeeper okys +2013-04-08 00:12:19 @komphlex I greatly prefer no ice. +2013-04-08 00:12:25 pinkfu http://plastolux.com/modern-remodel-addition-svs-architecture.html +2013-04-08 00:12:28 GreenEmber Beekeeper: https://www.planetvape.ca/extreme-q-gong-water-tool-adapter.html +2013-04-08 00:12:29 @komphlex and probably about body temperature water. +2013-04-08 00:12:30 pot_bot Title: Extreme Q GonG Water Tool Adapter - PlanetVape (at www.planetvape.ca) +2013-04-08 00:12:47 WafflesVP GE: shes in australia, so ordering stuff like that might not make it through +2013-04-08 00:12:48 GreenEmber WafflesVP: how can it melt and cause water to... +2013-04-08 00:12:54 WafflesVP (they have sticter customs than here) +2013-04-08 00:12:56 GreenEmber oh +2013-04-08 00:13:01 WafflesVP GE: a hydratube is over the vape. +2013-04-08 00:13:08 GreenEmber i see +2013-04-08 00:13:10 WafflesVP http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=X_hVPhFCsUI +2013-04-08 00:13:11 pot_bot Title: BC2010 Double Bubbler with VapeXhale Cloud Vaporizer - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 00:13:23 GreenEmber so how did you get the EQ? +2013-04-08 00:13:24 WafflesVP well thats with it not over the vape woops +2013-04-08 00:13:28 GreenEmber they're from canada +2013-04-08 00:13:44 Beekeeper from australian vaporisers +2013-04-08 00:13:46 Beekeeper the same shop +2013-04-08 00:13:53 WafflesVP http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gw6DGfWdvFg +2013-04-08 00:13:54 pot_bot Title: VapeXhale Teaser - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 00:14:03 WafflesVP thats with the glass on top, as you can see. +2013-04-08 00:14:05 Beekeeper i baught it for af riend originaly, they gave it to me when they upgraded +2013-04-08 00:14:39 Beekeeper they got a volcano cos they like bags +2013-04-08 00:15:11 WafflesVP im not a fan really of bags myself +2013-04-08 00:15:56 --> Gusser (~Gusser@c-67-161-38-240.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 00:16:05 <-- STEALTHZERO (~STEALTHZE@gateway/tor-sasl/stealthzer0) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 00:16:24 WafflesVP come back when it arrives i want to hear how you like it +2013-04-08 00:16:26 WafflesVP :)) +2013-04-08 00:16:51 Beekeeper wilkl do +2013-04-08 00:16:55 WafflesVP im going to go watch GoT got sidetracked there, didnt expect someone to come in talking about the cloud. its not all that well known yet, even though its won High Times Best New Product and Best Vape +2013-04-08 00:16:56 Beekeeper im ehre allt eh time idling at least +2013-04-08 00:16:56 Beekeeper :p +2013-04-08 00:17:06 Beekeeper i wont be able to get it until nex tpay week +2013-04-08 00:17:07 Beekeeper which is +2013-04-08 00:17:09 Beekeeper tuesday week +2013-04-08 00:17:09 WafflesVP heh cool. ttyl :> enjoy. good luck its great! +2013-04-08 00:17:18 Beekeeper maybe therel even be new packages by then +2013-04-08 00:17:23 WafflesVP its nice to have something to look forward to +2013-04-08 00:17:25 Beekeeper since it onyl just went up +2013-04-08 00:17:29 WafflesVP im sending mine back to them after 4/20 +2013-04-08 00:17:43 Beekeeper yeah i heard the launch date was 4/20 too so im not sure how AV have it yet +2013-04-08 00:17:45 WafflesVP so i can upgrade to the cloud plus. got to call them and make sure im still eligible for that upgrade. quite sure i am. +2013-04-08 00:17:46 Beekeeper maybe its just pre order atm +2013-04-08 00:18:05 Beekeeper it lokos liek such a good vape +2013-04-08 00:18:06 WafflesVP i sat on the preorder list for mine for like 2years +2013-04-08 00:18:09 Beekeeper im realy lookign forward to it +2013-04-08 00:18:18 WafflesVP seriously. 2 whole years. november 20010 to july 2012. +2013-04-08 00:18:20 Beekeeper a realy nice high end peice of kit +2013-04-08 00:18:21 Beekeeper :o +2013-04-08 00:18:23 Beekeeper thats a long time +2013-04-08 00:18:26 WafflesVP i know :> +2013-04-08 00:18:30 WafflesVP youre telling me. +2013-04-08 00:18:33 <-- tyn (~rynxy@ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) +2013-04-08 00:18:43 WafflesVP i even bought and paid for it in 2011 only to have that cancelled out. lol +2013-04-08 00:18:54 Beekeeper aw +2013-04-08 00:18:57 Beekeeper how come it took so long? +2013-04-08 00:18:57 WafflesVP but it finally came to market, and was worth the wait. but wow. long journey. +2013-04-08 00:19:08 WafflesVP they were just optimistic at the beginning of how long it would take +2013-04-08 00:19:21 WafflesVP i mean it was just the 3 of them +2013-04-08 00:19:33 Beekeeper ah +2013-04-08 00:19:37 WafflesVP part time project. it was neat seeing it come together. +2013-04-08 00:19:43 WafflesVP then there was beta testing, etc. +2013-04-08 00:19:47 Beekeeper *nods* +2013-04-08 00:20:07 WafflesVP and sourcing materials, starting up the company, creating an ecommerce site. all from scratch. none of them had ever started their own business. so just took time. +2013-04-08 00:20:18 WafflesVP but yeah, we originally thought we'd have them in hand in like 9 months lol. +2013-04-08 00:20:38 <-- Flowerbridge___ (~Flowerbri@24-205-145-137.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) has quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~) +2013-04-08 00:20:43 WafflesVP and i did buy from another guy who started his around the same time and got his up and going, but it ended up being a failure of a product and i lost my 200$ - but it was a worthwhile gamble +2013-04-08 00:20:54 derpzilla https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/544399_10151650992527652_1639176532_n.jpg +2013-04-08 00:21:15 Beekeeper apparently a second elbow joint can be used to connect the EQ to a bong +2013-04-08 00:21:23 WafflesVP i was just going to say that +2013-04-08 00:21:31 WafflesVP actually you can use a 90' male to male adapter +2013-04-08 00:21:44 WafflesVP itll fit into the female cyclone bowl, and then the other male will accept the female of the hydratube +2013-04-08 00:21:45 * lilyth snerks +2013-04-08 00:21:52 WafflesVP so itll be useful for both products +2013-04-08 00:21:56 * WafflesVP slaps lilyth around a bit with a large trout +2013-04-08 00:21:58 pbNJ I ate an apple +2013-04-08 00:22:05 pinkfu DONUT +2013-04-08 00:22:08 Beekeeper ooh +2013-04-08 00:22:09 WafflesVP ok now im going to go watch GoT +2013-04-08 00:22:13 pbNJ And now im.chewing sour apple gum +2013-04-08 00:22:13 WafflesVP good luck enjoy bye :> +2013-04-08 00:22:16 Beekeeper where would i get a 90' male to male adaptor +2013-04-08 00:22:19 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 00:22:26 lilyth TUNOD +2013-04-08 00:22:34 WafflesVP ioffer.com, aqualabtechnologies.com, planetvape.ca, i dunno. +2013-04-08 00:22:36 WafflesVP maybe others +2013-04-08 00:22:40 Beekeeper ah cool +2013-04-08 00:22:43 Beekeeper thanks +2013-04-08 00:22:47 WafflesVP np :> good luck enjoy +2013-04-08 00:22:53 WafflesVP btw im not 100% sure its a male male you need +2013-04-08 00:22:58 WafflesVP because ive never used a EQ +2013-04-08 00:23:04 WafflesVP but im prety sure the top of the EQ is the female and not the male +2013-04-08 00:23:07 Gusser steak success +2013-04-08 00:23:11 Beekeeper *nods* +2013-04-08 00:23:13 Beekeeper it is +2013-04-08 00:23:13 Beekeeper yus +2013-04-08 00:23:15 WafflesVP but they make both anyway +2013-04-08 00:23:18 WafflesVP oh ok good then +2013-04-08 00:23:35 Beekeeper thanks fro all your help WafflesVP +2013-04-08 00:23:44 WafflesVP (i have adapters for all my vapes and waterpipes- so i use my 14mm males with my 18mm females and everything in between) :) +2013-04-08 00:23:53 WafflesVP definitely np :> good luck with it. happy vaping! +2013-04-08 00:24:11 WafflesVP its soo good, mine just heated up im going to sit down and have a session. +2013-04-08 20:14:03 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-08 20:14:49 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:14:49 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-08 20:14:49 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-08 20:14:49 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep adium_ Adoray agilman ahzi aitigie ajt aka_nothing Alehbye Alternity Amull andai androidninja animalfruit AppleBot Asara astra05 BaconOverdose banana| baus BeanDip Beekeeper_ BLZbubba bman bonboltron Brolapse cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote derpzilla dfletcher discopig doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drewba DustD1 eHAPPY etk faregon fjorden Floydthebarber foami forkup FortuneDays Genocidicbunny GreenEmber Guest43875 Guest83332 Gusser guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ ijz januszeal jayne jesusabdullah jmoney johnsanders_ jscinoz_ julezyr Killswitch kokobs lambwich_ lemontre1- lilyth Lindrian linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ megaproxy mentok MidnighToker MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nmsss nosuni null__ number2 Nyaa ObamaToss_ pib1908 pinkfu pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty|wrok rekav0k revolve Ricas richard_eid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Shadda ShockDoc SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Sotamursu Spaceghost|cloud STEALTHZERO suzy Tabbynya TerranceRogan2 the9th The_4th_Doctor thedude TobiasGreenich tomaw UHREG underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Walrusistan Wannabe Wntrvnm yazdmich zekkie zen0|wk zeromodulus zz_imSpencer[NYY] +2013-04-08 20:14:49 -- Channel #r.trees: 151 nicks (2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 149 normals) +2013-04-08 20:14:51 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-08 20:14:51 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-08 20:19:37 --> ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:25:30 pinkfu ugh +2013-04-08 20:26:17 ijz There's a bunch of Jules Verne books I really should read - Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20,000 leagues under the sea, and Around the World in 80 days +2013-04-08 20:27:27 <-- TerranceRogan2 (~TerranceR@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 20:27:38 --> TerranceR (~TerranceR@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:27:59 pinkfu I enjoyed Journey as a kid +2013-04-08 20:28:26 pinkfu meh about Leagues and 80 days +2013-04-08 20:28:33 pinkfu but I was like 6 when I read them +2013-04-08 20:29:20 ijz I've only seen the film adaptation for 80 says +2013-04-08 20:29:22 ijz days +2013-04-08 20:29:37 ijz I've not seen Journey or leagues +2013-04-08 20:30:29 ijz but given the rate at which I used to read classics, and how I'm supposed to be a linguist, I feel almost ashamed that I've not read them yet +2013-04-08 20:30:49 ijz At one point in school, I was ploughing through a novel a day +2013-04-08 20:30:51 andai ijz: linguist! cool! :D +2013-04-08 20:31:00 andai ijz: do linguists also learn a bunch of languages +2013-04-08 20:31:07 ijz they can do +2013-04-08 20:31:12 andai like apart from just studying them +2013-04-08 20:31:13 andai did you learn any +2013-04-08 20:31:23 ijz heh, just a few >.> +2013-04-08 20:31:38 ijz I'm definitely a glossophile +2013-04-08 20:31:43 andai :D +2013-04-08 20:32:17 --> adium (~adium@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:32:17 <-- adium (~adium@ has quit (Changing host) +2013-04-08 20:32:17 --> adium (~adium@unaffiliated/adium) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:32:24 ijz I met some Dutch girl when I was about 16 and we went out for a while +2013-04-08 20:32:32 ijz I learned some Dutch from her +2013-04-08 20:32:53 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-08 20:33:02 ijz realised how cool some of the relationships between Dutch/English were +2013-04-08 20:33:12 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:33:24 ijz then in school I had a bit of a patriotic moment, and decided I was going to learn Welsh properly +2013-04-08 20:33:46 ijz found out a bunch of cool links between words and such in that language too +2013-04-08 20:33:52 <-- adium_ (~adium@ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-08 20:33:54 ijz and since then I've just been at it non-stop +2013-04-08 20:34:24 <-- STEALTHZERO (~STEALTHZE@gateway/tor-sasl/stealthzer0) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 20:34:24 ijz simple things like if we stop in a car parking lot, and the sign saying "you have to pay to park here" is in 20 different languages +2013-04-08 20:34:33 ijz I will spend literally hours tearing the language apart +2013-04-08 20:34:35 ijz finding the links +2013-04-08 20:34:45 --> STEALTHZERO (~STEALTHZE@gateway/tor-sasl/stealthzer0) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:36:15 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) +2013-04-08 20:36:37 andai ijz: :D +2013-04-08 20:36:59 Gusser 'I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.' +2013-04-08 20:36:59 ijz CERN was both the best and worst thing that happened to me +2013-04-08 20:37:10 ijz new languages everywhere +2013-04-08 20:37:15 Gusser i bet +2013-04-08 20:37:27 ijz I had Greek, Portuguese, French, Italian, German and Spanish friends +2013-04-08 20:37:49 DustD1 http://i.imgur.com/5XVWkgA.png +2013-04-08 20:37:58 ijz I also met some people from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Kazakhstan +2013-04-08 20:38:02 ijz and Russia +2013-04-08 20:38:06 Gusser omg DustD1 i did so many dabs yesterdsy, hnnnng +2013-04-08 20:38:15 ijz I learned far too many words from so many languages +2013-04-08 20:38:16 DustD1 Gusser: not as many as me +2013-04-08 20:38:19 Gusser lol +2013-04-08 20:38:22 Gusser so harsh, doe +2013-04-08 20:38:29 Gusser i like my wax vaporizer +2013-04-08 20:38:47 ijz oh yeah, the crazy thing +2013-04-08 20:38:56 ijz I met some Pakistani girl in Geneva one night, out drinking +2013-04-08 20:38:56 Gusser http://i.imgur.com/vtuI9aL.jpg +2013-04-08 20:39:04 ijz and she asked me where I'm from +2013-04-08 20:39:17 ijz so I said "I'm from Bridgend in South Wales, UK" +2013-04-08 20:39:33 ijz and her face just lit up and said "oh, I went to school down the road in Llantwit Major" +2013-04-08 20:39:39 ijz like o.O +2013-04-08 20:39:56 Gusser haha +2013-04-08 20:40:02 ijz small freaking world +2013-04-08 20:40:05 Gusser truth +2013-04-08 20:40:18 Gusser i meet people here from where i grew up and i'm like WELP, time to move +2013-04-08 20:40:35 ijz to give you a perspective, Llantwit Major is ~10 mins drive from where I live +2013-04-08 20:41:26 --> McBadderson (McBadderso@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:42:28 ijz hrm, I have no idea how I'd get the pronunciation of 'Ll' across in text +2013-04-08 20:43:02 Gusser Ll like llama? +2013-04-08 20:43:09 Gusser its just an l ._. +2013-04-08 20:43:14 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:43:15 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has quit (Changing host) +2013-04-08 20:43:15 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:43:20 --> STEALTHZERO_g (~STEALTHZE@gateway/tor-sasl/stealthzer0) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:43:21 ijz nah, it's a Welsh 'Ll' +2013-04-08 20:43:27 ijz it's technically a single letter +2013-04-08 20:43:52 Gusser so whats another word i could know that makes that sound? +2013-04-08 20:44:07 ijz probably none at all +2013-04-08 20:44:09 ijz umm +2013-04-08 20:44:13 Gusser lol +2013-04-08 20:44:19 Gusser fucking welsh +2013-04-08 20:44:26 ijz ok, if you try and pronounce 'hl', you get a sort of hissy sound, yes? +2013-04-08 20:44:57 ijz like saying the word "hill" but missing out the "il" +2013-04-08 20:45:16 Gusser okok +2013-04-08 20:45:20 <-- STEALTHZERO (~STEALTHZE@gateway/tor-sasl/stealthzer0) has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) +2013-04-08 20:45:38 ijz basically, you want to sort of keep saying the 'h' sound whilst saying the 'l' sound +2013-04-08 20:45:50 Gusser weird +2013-04-08 20:45:59 Gusser but i only know wnglish +2013-04-08 20:46:01 Gusser wanglish +2013-04-08 20:46:27 ijz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h22kNL89csk +2013-04-08 20:46:28 pot_bot Title: LL sound in Welsh - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 20:46:38 --> meowthhh (~meowthhh@mc-wireless-pittnet-150-212-11-7.wireless.pitt.edu) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:46:55 ijz ooh, you know how to say "loch" as in "loch ness monster"? +2013-04-08 20:47:06 Gusser ya! +2013-04-08 20:47:16 ijz it's like that, but with the tongue doing the l thing, and making the noise in your mouth rather than in your throat +2013-04-08 20:47:27 andai sounds like "eth" to me +2013-04-08 20:47:28 Gusser i seeee +2013-04-08 20:47:30 meowthhh meow +2013-04-08 20:47:35 andai close to "th" sound +2013-04-08 20:47:37 andai a bit lispy +2013-04-08 20:47:50 ijz yeah, that's not a great quality video +2013-04-08 20:47:58 ijz I'll see if I can find a better on +2013-04-08 20:47:59 ijz one +2013-04-08 20:48:36 --> Lambi (~Lambi@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:48:36 ijz goddamnit youtube, related videos - "How to pronounce Eyjafjallajokull (a message from an Icelander)" +2013-04-08 20:48:44 ijz not even Welsh +2013-04-08 20:49:47 Gusser oooh +2013-04-08 20:50:03 <-- Brolapse (~Dave@host-78-147-169-173.as13285.net) has quit (Quit: Leaving) +2013-04-08 20:50:25 ijz oh wikipedia, how helpful you are +2013-04-08 20:50:28 ijz "In Welsh, ll stands for a voiceless lateral fricative sound." +2013-04-08 20:50:32 <-- mentok (~mentok@unaffiliated/mentok) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) +2013-04-08 20:50:39 ijz yeah, because every average joe and jane understands what that means +2013-04-08 20:50:56 meowthhh lol +2013-04-08 20:52:01 --> mentok (~mentok@cpe-173-174-66-182.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:52:02 <-- mentok (~mentok@cpe-173-174-66-182.austin.res.rr.com) has quit (Changing host) +2013-04-08 20:52:02 --> mentok (~mentok@unaffiliated/mentok) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:52:58 <-- Lambi (~Lambi@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-08 20:54:01 andai ijz: i've always said that wikipedia articles are written by and for the people that don't need to read them +2013-04-08 20:54:14 andai or rather, by people who already understand the subject, for their own reference +2013-04-08 20:54:45 ijz yeah +2013-04-08 20:55:28 ijz otherwise you end up wasting loads of time cross-linking to various pages trying to learn the definition of something in order to learn the definition of something else in order to understand what you looked up in the first place +2013-04-08 20:55:35 <-- johnsanders_ (~johnsande@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 20:55:44 --> johnsanders (~johnsande@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 20:55:59 ijz simple.wikipedia.org is pretty cool, but it's very empty +2013-04-08 20:58:21 ijz ok, another way to try +2013-04-08 20:59:06 ijz think about making the "th" sound (as in "think"), but with the tip of your tongue in the "l" position in the roof of your mouth rather than between your teeth +2013-04-08 20:59:30 ijz blow through your mouth the same way +2013-04-08 20:59:38 ijz the only difference should be where your tongue is +2013-04-08 21:02:18 ijz andai: does that make a bit more sense? +2013-04-08 21:02:31 ijz Gusser: you too? +2013-04-08 21:02:49 the9th hi!! +2013-04-08 21:02:54 andai it's tricky! +2013-04-08 21:02:57 the9th meowthhh: http://vimeo.com/30133754 +2013-04-08 21:02:58 pot_bot Title: School Portrait on Vimeo (at vimeo.com) +2013-04-08 21:03:19 meowthhh ll +2013-04-08 21:04:02 --> meefs (ken@unaffiliated/meefs) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:04:08 ijz meowthhh: the Welsh is infecting you already +2013-04-08 21:04:09 DustD1 http://www.ebay.com/itm/MOLDAVITE-HUGE-INVESTMENT-GEM-334-5ct-66-9g-2109-/310641492948?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4853ad03d4 +2013-04-08 21:04:10 pot_bot Title: MOLDAVITE Huge Investment Gem 334 5ct 66 9g 2109 | eBay (at www.ebay.com) +2013-04-08 21:04:12 DustD1 mmm +2013-04-08 21:04:16 meowthhh :3 +2013-04-08 21:04:22 meowthhh lllllllllll +2013-04-08 21:04:25 andai the9th: loool +2013-04-08 21:05:45 <-- ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 21:08:22 --> ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:08:32 <-- meowthhh (~meowthhh@mc-wireless-pittnet-150-212-11-7.wireless.pitt.edu) has quit (Quit: meowthhh) +2013-04-08 21:08:54 --> Worth_ (47c3ec93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:09:21 Worth_ hey c: +2013-04-08 21:09:33 <-- McBadderson (McBadderso@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) +2013-04-08 21:09:49 ijz Worth_: sup +2013-04-08 21:10:16 -- zekkie is now known as Zekkie[AFK] +2013-04-08 21:10:25 <-- Worth_ (47c3ec93@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit) +2013-04-08 21:13:59 @enclaved buffy is about to die again :'( +2013-04-08 21:15:06 meefs who +2013-04-08 21:15:26 meefs DustD1, what is that son +2013-04-08 21:16:48 --> shaive (shaive@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:17:00 @enclaved buffy summers +2013-04-08 21:17:21 DustD1 meefs: big space rcok +2013-04-08 21:17:24 DustD1 er rock +2013-04-08 21:17:40 meefs looks like nuggage +2013-04-08 21:17:43 meefs in crystaline form +2013-04-08 21:18:30 ijz it looks like a sea plant I took a pic of the other day +2013-04-08 21:18:54 meefs weed of the sea +2013-04-08 21:19:20 the9th you guys are +2013-04-08 21:19:21 the9th eh +2013-04-08 21:19:23 --> johnsanders_ (~johnsande@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:19:24 the9th not too bad +2013-04-08 21:19:33 * meefs goes hawd in the paint +2013-04-08 21:19:47 the9th what the fuck you tankan niggah +2013-04-08 21:19:53 the9th or something like that. Right? +2013-04-08 21:20:15 the9th meefs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ-hPNrKdZI +2013-04-08 21:20:16 pot_bot Title: Baracka Flacka Flames - Head of The State - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 21:20:30 meefs heh +2013-04-08 21:20:40 the9th you seen it before? +2013-04-08 21:20:45 meefs sometimes I have to yell that out before I go into work +2013-04-08 21:20:56 meefs just to like mentally psyche myself out for what im about to encounter +2013-04-08 21:21:04 the9th what's your work +2013-04-08 21:21:10 andai LOL +2013-04-08 21:21:12 meefs whiteman shit +2013-04-08 21:21:14 andai found this recording i made high +2013-04-08 21:21:18 meefs link it then +2013-04-08 21:22:53 andai no its embarrassing +2013-04-08 21:23:03 the9th comon link it +2013-04-08 21:23:06 andai http://tindeck.com/listen/imrv +2013-04-08 21:23:07 andai here +2013-04-08 21:23:07 pot_bot Title: jazzy_apocalypse_mod.mp3 - Tindeck MP3 Download (at tindeck.com) +2013-04-08 21:23:10 andai this is unrelated +2013-04-08 21:23:26 andai requires high quality stereo headphones +2013-04-08 21:23:28 andai loool +2013-04-08 21:23:29 the9th OMG ITS TEH JAZZ APOCALYPSE +2013-04-08 21:23:30 <-- johnsanders (~johnsande@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-08 21:23:46 the9th thumbs down +2013-04-08 21:23:56 ijz DustD1, meefs: this plant http://i.imgur.com/AJGhSLx.jpg +2013-04-08 21:23:59 the9th i disapprove man. that was not enjoyable i want my 45 seconds back +2013-04-08 21:24:06 andai 26 seconds +2013-04-08 21:24:08 andai loool +2013-04-08 21:24:13 andai http://tindeck.com/listen/rakx +2013-04-08 21:24:13 meefs for serial? +2013-04-08 21:24:13 pot_bot Title: andai - before_i_forget_6 - Tindeck MP3 Download (at tindeck.com) +2013-04-08 21:24:16 meefs ijz +2013-04-08 21:25:27 ijz what? +2013-04-08 21:25:35 meefs is that pic for reaL +2013-04-08 21:26:47 ijz yes +2013-04-08 21:27:28 meefs so why is that weed 4k +2013-04-08 21:27:37 meefs does it have special properties? +2013-04-08 21:30:31 <-- foami (~foamy@210254028098.cidr.odn.ne.jp) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-08 21:31:13 --> foami (~foamy@210254028098.cidr.odn.ne.jp) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:31:54 lilyth http://i.imgur.com/W1DpA6g.png +2013-04-08 21:31:58 <-- johnsanders_ (~johnsande@ has quit (Quit: Leaving...) +2013-04-08 21:32:17 meefs hah +2013-04-08 21:32:41 lilyth sup meefs +2013-04-08 21:32:56 meefs working and listenin to gucci +2013-04-08 21:33:30 lilyth Ive been kickin ass all day, Im tired and sore +2013-04-08 21:33:38 meefs i feel that +2013-04-08 21:33:51 meefs you from that indian tribe....the slapahoes? +2013-04-08 21:33:57 lilyth heh +2013-04-08 21:34:07 lilyth we are sellin our house +2013-04-08 21:34:13 meefs ah +2013-04-08 21:34:16 lilyth so packin and cleaning and whatnot +2013-04-08 21:34:44 nosuni i bought a whole 5 pack of lighters just for this pink bic +2013-04-08 21:35:02 meefs I bought some bic's once, just so I could get this one lighter +2013-04-08 21:35:50 nosuni yes +2013-04-08 21:36:18 <-- ratboy_genius (~two_whale@c-50-143-19-139.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-08 21:38:18 --> yogi__ (616426a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:38:56 yogi__ yo +2013-04-08 21:39:18 <-- yogi__ (616426a6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:39:29 banana| eyy meefs +2013-04-08 21:40:43 --> meowthhh (~meowthhh@c-71-60-96-31.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:47:23 meefs hey hey yo +2013-04-08 21:48:02 --> zyklon (~zyklon@121-72-240-211.cable.telstraclear.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:49:55 --> mpnesto (~nesto.mp@CPE-70-92-231-63.wi.res.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:56:56 derpzilla just had a good workout +2013-04-08 21:56:59 derpzilla phew +2013-04-08 21:57:23 --> chad6 (~chad6@pool-96-225-71-87.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 21:59:32 derpzilla congrats on selling your house, lilyth +2013-04-08 22:00:37 <-- adium (~adium@unaffiliated/adium) has quit +2013-04-08 22:02:20 lilyth its not sold +2013-04-08 22:02:27 lilyth we just listed it +2013-04-08 22:02:32 derpzilla oh, well nevermind then +2013-04-08 22:02:34 derpzilla :P +2013-04-08 22:02:35 lilyth heh +2013-04-08 22:02:44 derpzilla i just bought my first home +2013-04-08 22:02:49 lilyth still gotta make like we dont really live there while they show it tho +2013-04-08 22:02:53 lilyth sucks +2013-04-08 22:03:07 derpzilla yeah +2013-04-08 22:03:12 derpzilla moving stinks +2013-04-08 22:05:03 meowthhh meow +2013-04-08 22:05:12 --> McBadderson (McBadderso@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:05:16 meowthhh where ya going lilyth +2013-04-08 22:05:28 lilyth washington state +2013-04-08 22:05:29 --> andyh2 (~andyh2@rrcs-76-79-135-194.west.biz.rr.com) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:05:32 meowthhh nice! +2013-04-08 22:05:34 meowthhh grats +2013-04-08 22:05:37 lilyth legal weed bitched!@ +2013-04-08 22:05:41 derpzilla indeed +2013-04-08 22:05:43 lilyth bitches even +2013-04-08 22:05:45 derpzilla love that place +2013-04-08 22:05:48 meowthhh lol +2013-04-08 22:05:51 meowthhh bitches even?K lol +2013-04-08 22:06:12 lilyth my dad owns a couple houses in the boonies +2013-04-08 22:06:15 <-- chad6 (~chad6@pool-96-225-71-87.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:06:25 lilyth so we are going to live in the country a while I guess +2013-04-08 22:06:55 derpzilla nothing wrong with that +2013-04-08 22:07:04 meowthhh sweet +2013-04-08 22:07:09 meowthhh sounds fun +2013-04-08 22:07:09 lilyth http://i.imgur.com/jeSPg.jpg +2013-04-08 22:07:11 derpzilla no neighbors to get up in your business +2013-04-08 22:07:17 lilyth just my dad :p +2013-04-08 22:07:19 WafflesVP as long as you have fast interenet, living in the country is actually great +2013-04-08 22:07:28 WafflesVP but if you have slow internet, its horrible. :> +2013-04-08 22:07:37 meowthhh i need a back rub :( +2013-04-08 22:07:46 pinkfu ASS ASS ASSS ASSS ASSSSSS ASS ASS +2013-04-08 22:07:47 pinkfu http://imgur.com/a/2dLgO +2013-04-08 22:07:48 pot_bot Title: Ass Gifs - Imgur (at imgur.com) +2013-04-08 22:07:54 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:08:04 lilyth you? Ive been packing boxes and cleaning all day +2013-04-08 22:08:13 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:08:29 derpzilla mmm jiggly butt +2013-04-08 22:08:37 meowthhh thats a lot of ass +2013-04-08 22:08:49 pinkfu yes… yes it is +2013-04-08 22:08:52 pinkfu well +2013-04-08 22:08:54 pinkfu we're high +2013-04-08 22:08:56 meowthhh I've been studying and writing papers and my back is killing me +2013-04-08 22:09:02 pinkfu and now going to a bar for dinner +2013-04-08 22:09:04 pinkfu THE bar +2013-04-08 22:09:15 @komphlex the ethnic bar +2013-04-08 22:09:18 pinkfu meowthhh: STRETCH +2013-04-08 22:09:20 pinkfu like a kitty +2013-04-08 22:09:42 meowthhh ugh ugh ugh +2013-04-08 22:09:43 meowthhh i am +2013-04-08 22:09:52 <-- njstein (~trikkiyni@pool-96-242-185-77.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:09:57 meowthhh I've been stretching all day +2013-04-08 22:10:02 meowthhh i feel turrible +2013-04-08 22:10:58 -- Zekkie[AFK] is now known as zekkie +2013-04-08 22:12:55 pinkfu gettin stondeder +2013-04-08 22:13:00 meowthhh noice +2013-04-08 22:13:04 pinkfu stonededer +2013-04-08 22:13:11 Gusser i smoked so much oil yesterday +2013-04-08 22:13:18 pinkfu what did I type? +2013-04-08 22:13:20 pinkfu oh lol +2013-04-08 22:13:21 Gusser i'm afraid +2013-04-08 22:13:48 lilyth my ass is that nice, its the waist part that ruins it :p +2013-04-08 22:14:45 derpzilla mmmmm booty +2013-04-08 22:14:54 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:15:13 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:15:21 derpzilla is it one of those you just want to take a bite out of? +2013-04-08 22:15:45 derpzilla those are the best. +2013-04-08 22:16:24 lilyth so Ive been told +2013-04-08 22:16:31 Gusser http://www.nbcnews.com/id/51469938/ns/health-mens_health/#.UWOICatg9m0 +2013-04-08 22:16:33 pot_bot Title: Science proves women like men with bigger penises - Health - Men's health | NBC News (at www.nbcnews.com) +2013-04-08 22:17:01 --> benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-163-15-123.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:19:41 ijz Gusser: you should be jumping on top of me already then +2013-04-08 22:19:55 Gusser i thought you had a gf +2013-04-08 22:20:06 Gusser and i have a bf i haven't asked if i can fuck other dudes yet +2013-04-08 22:20:14 --> njstein (~trikkiyni@pool-96-242-185-77.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:20:34 ijz yeah, I have a gf, but if I ask and she's cool with it, I can fuck other peoples +2013-04-08 22:20:39 derpzilla nsfw http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs5/1978595_o.gif +2013-04-08 22:20:44 Gusser nice +2013-04-08 22:21:17 <-- pinkfu (~pinkfu@unaffiliated/pinkfu) has quit (Quit: pinkfu) +2013-04-08 22:21:24 @komphlex that guy's stroke sucks. +2013-04-08 22:21:40 <-- benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-163-15-123.static.axtel.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:22:00 derpzilla having sex on an mri bed probably isnt easy to do +2013-04-08 22:22:33 meowthhh dawhhhh https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/77109_499479800107276_1661344548_n.jpg +2013-04-08 22:23:55 ijz lol +2013-04-08 22:24:06 meowthhh so cute +2013-04-08 22:24:10 shaive yay +2013-04-08 22:24:16 shaive i always liked bigger penises +2013-04-08 22:24:23 meowthhh wut +2013-04-08 22:24:23 meowthhh lol +2013-04-08 22:26:54 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:27:07 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:28:05 Gusser but i dont like being stabbed in the cervix too much. +2013-04-08 22:28:33 derpzilla its more fun to do the stabbing +2013-04-08 22:28:33 meowthhh lol +2013-04-08 22:29:53 meefs komphlex, peep how I digitally clowned house of pies https://twitter.com/theycallmeken/status/321455008077975552 +2013-04-08 22:29:54 pot_bot Title: Twitter / theycallmeken: @House_Of_Pies Does this HONESTLY ... (at twitter.com) +2013-04-08 22:33:31 animalfruit did you guys hear that emeril legasse's run for governor of california has been officially endorsed by schwarzenegger? +2013-04-08 22:33:38 animalfruit they're gonna call him the ovenator +2013-04-08 22:33:57 ijz the missus likes a bit of stabbing in the cervix, but only if she's *seriously* horny +2013-04-08 22:33:58 derpzilla nsfw http://pix.posterrevolution.com/pr/5/679839f.jpg +2013-04-08 22:34:22 Gusser buttfloss. +2013-04-08 22:34:28 <-- aitigie (~alan@S0106602ad075ca1d.vc.shawcable.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:34:32 derpzilla nom om om om +2013-04-08 22:34:54 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:35:10 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:36:57 --> tetrahedron (~tetrahedr@unaffiliated/tetrahedron) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:37:06 tetrahedron woop woop +2013-04-08 22:37:06 AppleBot That's da sound of pinkfu. +2013-04-08 22:39:29 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:39:31 derpzilla im glad vice got picked up by hbo +2013-04-08 22:39:51 Gusser yessss +2013-04-08 22:39:54 Gusser vice++ +2013-04-08 22:40:04 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:40:12 derpzilla i just grabbed the first episode +2013-04-08 22:42:43 <-- MidnighToker (~Toker@unaffiliated/midnightoker) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) +2013-04-08 22:43:50 nosuni sour diesel and kumquats +2013-04-08 22:44:26 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:44:27 derpzilla im enjoying "purple" +2013-04-08 22:44:40 meowthhh http://i.imgur.com/wGSLZYN.jpg +2013-04-08 22:44:58 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:45:06 derpzilla go ninja go ninja go +2013-04-08 22:45:21 derpzilla http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFLGRidfFo4 +2013-04-08 22:45:22 pot_bot Title: Vanilla Ice Ninja Rap - Go Ninja, Go Ninja GO! - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 22:45:49 nosuni lol +2013-04-08 22:46:04 meefs I remember seeing that shit +2013-04-08 22:46:10 meefs only dude at the theater +2013-04-08 22:46:19 meefs so I had to get my dance on +2013-04-08 22:46:27 <-- zekkie (zekkie@ has quit +2013-04-08 22:48:33 meowthhh lol +2013-04-08 22:48:53 --> aitigie (~alan@S0106602ad075ca1d.vc.shawcable.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:48:55 derpzilla according to this video vanilla ice was the only white guy in his band +2013-04-08 22:50:30 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:50:55 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:55:25 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:55:49 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 22:56:27 Gusser http://youtu.be/NUZkdQcK4FM +2013-04-08 22:56:28 pot_bot Title: hand held kinetic light sculpture - YouTube (at youtu.be) +2013-04-08 22:56:40 tetrahedron I need to make meatballs :D +2013-04-08 22:58:26 --> MidnighToker (~Toker@unaffiliated/midnightoker) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 22:58:37 Gusser mmm +2013-04-08 22:59:00 meefs easy to make +2013-04-08 23:00:11 <-- aitigie (~alan@S0106602ad075ca1d.vc.shawcable.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:00:30 tetrahedron Yea, +2013-04-08 23:00:35 tetrahedron Girl is coming to my place for first time. +2013-04-08 23:00:39 tetrahedron I'm stoked. <3 +2013-04-08 23:01:10 derpzilla get it +2013-04-08 23:02:38 shaive is it her first time +2013-04-08 23:03:35 ahzi http://www.theweedblog.com/what-is-the-point-of-the-discovery-channels-new-tv-show-pot-cops/ +2013-04-08 23:04:23 Gusser that show is lols +2013-04-08 23:04:27 Gusser POT COPS +2013-04-08 23:04:34 Gusser comes on after WEED COUNTRY +2013-04-08 23:04:37 meefs lolol +2013-04-08 23:04:54 Gusser its a budding industry, if you will +2013-04-08 23:06:00 <-- MidnighToker (~Toker@unaffiliated/midnightoker) has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:06:03 GreenEmber http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh_cSFFyk54 +2013-04-08 23:06:05 pot_bot Title: AVENGED SEVENFOLD - NIGHTMARE - DRUM COVER BY MEYTAL COHEN - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-08 23:08:39 derpzilla i watched it +2013-04-08 23:09:12 <-- Adoray (~Adoray@ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:09:22 derpzilla in the scene where they raided the cartel grow and show all the trash on the ground, instead of picking up the trash they simply throw it around +2013-04-08 23:09:40 derpzilla then they talk about how the cartels ruined the environment +2013-04-08 23:09:56 derpzilla in one scene it looked like one guy was throwing tortillas around +2013-04-08 23:10:24 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:10:52 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:12:45 Gusser tortillas are biodegradable. +2013-04-08 23:13:57 <-- Wannabe (~womp@cpe-76-186-194-209.tx.res.rr.com) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-08 23:14:15 shaive my vaginal discharge is also biodegradable +2013-04-08 23:14:44 Gusser good deal +2013-04-08 23:14:52 <-- meowthhh (~meowthhh@c-71-60-96-31.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has quit (Quit: meowthhh) +2013-04-08 23:14:55 Gusser since it is a biologic byproduct, i'd assume so +2013-04-08 23:15:24 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:15:46 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:16:55 derpzilla my penile discharge is synthetic +2013-04-08 23:17:02 derpzilla just kidding :) +2013-04-08 23:17:07 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:22:05 <-- ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-08 23:22:12 --> ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:22:24 --> ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:22:46 <-- ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:23:18 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:23:18 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has quit (Changing host) +2013-04-08 23:23:18 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:23:55 --> aitigie (~alan@S0106602ad075ca1d.vc.shawcable.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:25:40 --> Adoray (~Adoray@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:26:46 ahzi enviromental damage. next to logging and cattle it is nothing. the answer is to let farm land be used to grow hemp. when the market is flooded and the price is closer to corn and peanuts then nobody (or at least far fewer) will be stealing creak water to farm the hills +2013-04-08 23:27:13 --> SkepticObserver (~wewillpre@ip68-99-125-62.sd.sd.cox.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:27:26 ahzi creek* +2013-04-08 23:27:39 shaive they've gone full retard in #defocus +2013-04-08 23:28:54 ahzi isn't that defocus's role? +2013-04-08 23:29:18 <-- kokobs (~pouripour@ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) +2013-04-08 23:29:52 <-- foami (~foamy@210254028098.cidr.odn.ne.jp) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:30:29 --> kokobs (~pouripour@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:30:59 --> foami (~foamy@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:40:17 --> p3tal (~petal@c-69-244-19-192.hsd1.al.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:40:25 --> ObamaToss_ (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-08 23:40:37 <-- ObamaToss (~ObamaToss@c-67-171-163-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) +2013-04-08 23:43:48 ijz so the missus just told me she wants a paragraph about a girl I see at Busch Gardens tomorrow and what I'd like to do to her, being as graphic as possible +2013-04-08 23:43:55 ijz damn, being poly is amazing sometimes +2013-04-08 23:44:25 ijz although it feels kinda like some bizarre homework assignment +2013-04-08 23:53:43 <-- andyh2 (~andyh2@rrcs-76-79-135-194.west.biz.rr.com) has quit (Quit: Leaving...) +2013-04-08 23:59:08 Beekeeper_ ijz: do you have to leave it on her desk? +2013-04-08 23:59:21 ijz well we're 4300 miles apart +2013-04-08 23:59:25 ijz but it's the next best thing +2013-04-08 23:59:38 ijz she wants it to be in her chat logs next time she logs onto Skype +2013-04-09 00:00:48 --> pinkfu (~pinkfu@unaffiliated/pinkfu) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 00:00:48 @komphlex ass ass ass ass +2013-04-09 00:01:00 ijz I like those +2013-04-09 00:01:06 ijz anyway, I'm off to bed +2013-04-09 00:01:09 ijz nuh night +2013-04-09 00:03:22 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-09 00:05:08 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:28:10 irc: disconnected from server +2013-04-09 21:28:36 --> bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:28:36 -- Topic for #r.trees is "Welcome to #r.trees! The official channel of HFCS addicts everywhere. | NSFW by birth, NSFL by choice | Chaos reigns; prepare your anus. | http://www.yourworldoftext.com/pineappletrees | Listen: http://cadu.in/radio2/" +2013-04-09 21:28:36 -- Topic set by pinkfu on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:03:05 +2013-04-09 21:28:36 -- Nicks #r.trees: [@enclaved @komphlex @shenanigan _ddgbot _dumfries `thebacon` aclonedsheep Adoray agilman ahzi ajt aka_nothing Alehbye Alternity Amull androidninja animalfruit AppleBot Asara astra05 atg BaconOverdose baus BeanDip Beekeeper BLZbubba bman bonboltron cadu cakism CalamityVic Cavil chakl chance Codynyx cowbacon d0c d0wn_ Dacote derpzill1 dfletcher discopig doktoruff Dr_Clive_ drewba DustD1 eHAPPY etk faregon Flowerbridge__ Floydthebarber foami forkup FortuneDays GreenEmber Guest43875 Guest89097 guymann hep horsewithwings housepage_ ijz januszeal jayne jesusabdullah JimmyRustles jmoney jscinoz julezyr Killswitch kniu lambwich_ lemontre1- lilyth Lindrian linlin LobsterMan ludothegreat mach_kernel magnetron mazzy_ meefs megaproxy MrOpposite Narris netcrusher88 ninjapig njstein nosuni null__ number2 Nyaa oak__ pbNj pib1908 pinstripes pipework plato PoopsMeow pot_bot ppman qwerty| rekav0k revolve Ricas richard_eid saggim scelestic Screamin_Fury sebsn Shadda ShockDoc SkepticObserver SmilinBob snakie sniker Snoogins snuggl sorahn Sotamursu Spaceghost|cloud STEALTHZERO_g suzy Tabbynya TerranceR the9th thedude tomaw UHREG underdog` VanCityActivist vaxinate_pc Vintageshake Voltorppi WafflesVP Wannabe Wntrvnm yazdmich zen0|wk zeromodulus zyklon zz_imSpencer[NYY |_ocke2] +2013-04-09 21:28:36 -- Channel #r.trees: 143 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 140 normals) +2013-04-09 21:28:38 -- Mode #r.trees [+Ccgnptz] +2013-04-09 21:28:38 -- Channel created on Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:29:57 +2013-04-09 21:30:37 Killswitch Live your life to the fullest. Travel around the world. Eat what you want. Skydive. Fall in love. Wait no, ignore the last one. +2013-04-09 21:33:04 --> GrymezBruh (ba042668@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:33:07 GreenEmber https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/537188_360690610703725_373879260_n.jpg +2013-04-09 21:33:10 GreenEmber AHAHAA +2013-04-09 21:33:12 GreenEmber LMFAOOOOOOOOO +2013-04-09 21:33:24 --> tyn (~rynxy@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:33:54 drewba ol' steve colbert +2013-04-09 21:34:21 GreenEmber i laughed so hard when i read the last 2 panels +2013-04-09 21:35:22 drewba the "gay couple" stock photo is the best +2013-04-09 21:36:19 GreenEmber yea +2013-04-09 21:37:13 <-- GrymezBruh (ba042668@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-09 21:40:11 ajt ok I think it's time for some mother fucking hash +2013-04-09 21:40:23 ajt maybe that's not a good idea but IDGAF! +2013-04-09 21:44:30 pbNj im making another grav bong +2013-04-09 21:47:10 --> grymes (ba042668@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:48:37 --> Genocidicbunny (~stickciv@172-10-196-72.lightspeed.mtryca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 21:53:28 <-- grymes (ba042668@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) +2013-04-09 21:59:05 GreenEmber pbNj: with a soda bottle? +2013-04-09 22:02:22 pbNj yea +2013-04-09 22:02:27 pbNj and a cd spindle cover +2013-04-09 22:02:43 nosuni i want to make some hash +2013-04-09 22:05:35 <-- ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) +2013-04-09 22:05:50 --> ahzi (~ah@c-69-181-174-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:05:51 GreenEmber http://www.globalresearch.ca/american-dream-food-loaded-into-dumpsters-while-hundreds-of-hungry-americans-restrained-by-police/5329966 +2013-04-09 22:05:52 pot_bot Title: American Dream: Food loaded into Dumpsters while Hundreds of Hungry Americans Restrained by Police | Global Research (at www.globalresearch.ca) +2013-04-09 22:06:01 GreenEmber I dont want to live on this planet anymore +2013-04-09 22:07:03 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) +2013-04-09 22:08:20 --> McBadderson (McBadderso@c-75-73-100-134.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:09:24 ijz GreenEmber: :| wtf, that sucks +2013-04-09 22:09:57 GreenEmber welcome to america. +2013-04-09 22:10:02 GreenEmber your life means nothign +2013-04-09 22:10:05 GreenEmber ENJOY! +2013-04-09 22:11:44 ijz fuck capitalism :( +2013-04-09 22:13:33 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:13:33 <-- AppleBot (~BoBoT@ has quit (Changing host) +2013-04-09 22:13:33 --> AppleBot (~BoBoT@unaffiliated/smilinbob/bot/applebot) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:14:00 <-- zyklon (~zyklon@121-72-240-211.cable.telstraclear.net) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-09 22:14:04 ahzi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewv5xeI4uug +2013-04-09 22:14:05 pot_bot Title: Google Earth Reveals Devastation Caused by Marijuana Growers - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) +2013-04-09 22:15:17 --> zyklon (~zyklon@121-72-240-211.cable.telstraclear.net) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:18:22 -- zz_imSpencer[NYY is now known as imSpencer[NYY] +2013-04-09 22:18:26 -- imSpencer[NYY] is now known as imSpencer +2013-04-09 22:18:27 -- imSpencer is now known as imSpencer[NYY] +2013-04-09 22:25:04 --> VineyardVines (63e5151f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:25:38 VineyardVines Hey. I just wanted to share this self post/howto: http://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/1c1dgl/ever_broke_the_top_part_of_a_downstem_on_a_bong/ +2013-04-09 22:25:39 pot_bot Title: Ever broke the top part of a downstem on a bong? : trees (at www.reddit.com) +2013-04-09 22:25:52 imSpencer[NYY] wow VineyardVines +2013-04-09 22:25:53 imSpencer[NYY] pls +2013-04-09 22:26:04 imSpencer[NYY] this isn't a karma giveaway +2013-04-09 22:26:05 <-- suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) +2013-04-09 22:26:12 VineyardVines No. It's a self post +2013-04-09 22:26:51 VineyardVines Posted it because its (seems) common. +2013-04-09 22:27:44 imSpencer[NYY] yeah +2013-04-09 22:27:45 imSpencer[NYY] i was kidding +2013-04-09 22:27:46 imSpencer[NYY] lol +2013-04-09 22:27:49 --> suzy (~suzy@unaffiliated/suzy) has joined #r.trees +2013-04-09 22:28:17 STEALTHZERO_g Good guide +2013-04-09 22:28:24 -- STEALTHZERO_g is now known as STEALTHZERO +2013-04-09 22:28:59 --> Walrusistan (~Vladiator@ has joined #r.trees