X-Git-Url: https://git.r.bdr.sh/rbdr/dotfiles/blobdiff_plain/aca6370146f453f45ccebd020eb8315b54fd0e5b..577b791c99b07471ec27e1f9c09e756a6f1da0cd:/weechat/logs/irc.quakenet.#destructoid.weechatlog?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/weechat/logs/irc.quakenet.#destructoid.weechatlog b/weechat/logs/irc.quakenet.#destructoid.weechatlog
index 5b02270..bdc3e39 100644
--- a/weechat/logs/irc.quakenet.#destructoid.weechatlog
+++ b/weechat/logs/irc.quakenet.#destructoid.weechatlog
@@ -67709,3 +67709,320 @@
 2012-09-07 10:55:31	andrewm	Although some of the food I'm starting to make it pretty nice
 2012-09-07 10:55:35	andrewm	is*
 2012-09-07 10:55:52	@bloodylip	ugh, tell me why i've been waiting 3 weeks for someone to insert a row into a database?
+2013-04-07 01:46:17	-->	benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 01:46:17	--	Nicks #destructoid: [@Q +jorge` +lolshin +Torzelan ^power Aerox andrewjm Apple_Master|Aw benbeltran bloodylip bonboltron[away cardfrek Detry DougCL| DtoidBot Kasreyn mistic Squishy3 Wexx_ Xbuttchugger71X]
+2013-04-07 01:46:17	--	Channel #destructoid: 20 nicks (1 ops, 0 halfops, 3 voices, 16 normals)
+2013-04-07 01:46:19	--	Mode #destructoid [+tnCN]
+2013-04-07 01:46:19	--	Channel created on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:01:07
+2013-04-07 01:48:14	benbeltran	hello dtoid
+2013-04-07 03:39:19	<--	Aerox (~Aerox@cpe-75-84-218-116.socal.res.rr.com) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
+2013-04-07 11:26:41		irc: disconnected from server
+2013-04-07 12:47:21	-->	benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 12:47:21	--	Nicks #destructoid: [@Cronosblade @Q @TDiddy +jorge` +lolshin +Torzelan ^power Aerox andrewjm Apple_Master Batthink benbeltran bloodylip bonboltron[away cardfrek Detry DougCL| DtoidBot Kasreyn mistic Squishy3 TheBadSpoon Wexx_ Xbuttchugger71X]
+2013-04-07 12:47:21	--	Channel #destructoid: 24 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 3 voices, 18 normals)
+2013-04-07 12:47:25	--	Mode #destructoid [+tnCN]
+2013-04-07 12:47:25	--	Channel created on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:01:07
+2013-04-07 13:09:01	-->	RobotBebop (RobotBebop@S0106001ee5357fec.va.shawcable.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 13:09:07	RobotBebop	Morning
+2013-04-07 13:10:13	RobotBebop	http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=li2pDDRdo0c
+2013-04-07 13:10:14	DtoidBot	WTF?!? ZilianOP ( Angel Hamilton ) Walks
+2013-04-07 13:13:24	RobotBebop	ok
+2013-04-07 13:13:28	RobotBebop	time to see what this XCOM game is all about
+2013-04-07 13:13:44	RobotBebop	if i'm specatularily awful at it i'll stream it for TDiddy's benefit
+2013-04-07 13:13:50	RobotBebop	STREAM IT
+2013-04-07 13:13:57	RobotBebop	we should never use that phrase in lower case ever again
+2013-04-07 13:14:21	RobotBebop	spectacularily
+2013-04-07 13:15:41	Aerox	jsjs
+2013-04-07 13:15:44	Aerox	i mean haha
+2013-04-07 13:15:55	@TDiddy	lol
+2013-04-07 13:19:06	Batthink	lol
+2013-04-07 13:19:29	Batthink	Or in Aerox's case, ;p;
+2013-04-07 13:26:20	+lolshin	'[['['['['
+2013-04-07 13:26:25	+lolshin	ikikkiik
+2013-04-07 13:26:26	+lolshin	loololol
+2013-04-07 13:27:01	+lolshin	http://www.destructoid.com/pc-specs-for-remember-me-released-250997.phtml
+2013-04-07 13:27:29	+lolshin	mrerh
+2013-04-07 13:27:45	+lolshin	my pc is a hair's breadth over the recommended specs
+2013-04-07 13:27:52	+lolshin	FUCK PLAYING SHIT ON NORMAL
+2013-04-07 13:27:57	+lolshin	NEED DAT ULTRA
+2013-04-07 13:28:06	Squishy3	i even posted those in the comments on destructoid in the enemy trailer article and nobody paid attention to me
+2013-04-07 13:28:41	Squishy3	that was over 2 days ago too
+2013-04-07 13:29:39	-->	HectorGarfria (~HectorGar@c-71-56-133-235.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 13:35:42	TheBadSpoon	Remember Me looks great visually
+2013-04-07 13:35:48	TheBadSpoon	the min specs look pretty reasonable
+2013-04-07 13:35:57	TheBadSpoon	the suggested specs look a little high
+2013-04-07 13:36:52	TheBadSpoon	I hope it's not another game like the first Crysis, where everybody thought it was just SO ADVANCED, but about a year and a half later, they realized it was just a matter of poor optimization
+2013-04-07 13:43:28	+lolshin	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxS3ScFwrc
+2013-04-07 13:43:28	DtoidBot	???????????????????2013(?)
+2013-04-07 13:43:30	+lolshin	lolololololololololololo
+2013-04-07 13:49:27	TheBadSpoon	http://store.steampowered.com/app/233470?snr=1_41_4__42
+2013-04-07 13:50:14	TheBadSpoon	looks fuggin' neat
+2013-04-07 13:53:06	HectorGarfria	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnvtz0Ok_0o
+2013-04-07 13:53:07	DtoidBot	1999-00 Los Angeles Lakers Championship Season Part 1/4
+2013-04-07 13:53:14	HectorGarfria	this is great
+2013-04-07 13:53:33	HectorGarfria	starts off with a monologue of Shaq's expectations that have now all come ture
+2013-04-07 13:53:36	HectorGarfria	*true
+2013-04-07 13:58:28	TheBadSpoon	fuggin
+2013-04-07 13:58:31	TheBadSpoon	sports man
+2013-04-07 13:58:33	TheBadSpoon	:(
+2013-04-07 14:00:23	Batthink	And I'm watching motorcycling racing.  Deal with it. :P
+2013-04-07 14:00:42	TheBadSpoon	MOTERCICKLES
+2013-04-07 14:00:50	TheBadSpoon	now that's one thing that sounds purdy coo
+2013-04-07 14:09:34	 *	RobotBebop farts
+2013-04-07 14:11:16	RobotBebop	http://okcgoldmine.com/image/47270904577
+2013-04-07 14:16:42	TheBadSpoon	lolwtf
+2013-04-07 14:17:29	TheBadSpoon	I'll bet he wants to become Hokage one day.
+2013-04-07 14:18:42	RobotBebop	haha
+2013-04-07 14:21:11	Squishy3	http://24.media.tumblr.com/d5766bbbf8b8ae2f2adcafd8131a4256/tumblr_mkl9z29IoR1s1av4bo1_r1_500.png
+2013-04-07 14:21:18	Squishy3	do you want the d or what
+2013-04-07 14:22:17	RobotBebop	ahahahaha
+2013-04-07 14:31:17	HectorGarfria	http://i.imgur.com/djcIYGZ.png
+2013-04-07 14:32:59	Batthink	O_O
+2013-04-07 14:34:12	TheBadSpoon	lol
+2013-04-07 14:37:35	Batthink	A female would be more concerned about that look...
+2013-04-07 14:40:23	TheBadSpoon	bitches want the d
+2013-04-07 14:42:00	TheBadSpoon	I am actually a tiny bit surprised that rockstar did not revamp vice city's graphics/textures a little bit for the mobile release
+2013-04-07 14:42:32	TheBadSpoon	would be a major selling point I think
+2013-04-07 14:42:53	TheBadSpoon	some PC players might get jealous but hell, there are mods
+2013-04-07 14:44:52	RobotBebop	The problem is that the GPU shares memory with the rest of the device
+2013-04-07 14:59:46	TheBadSpoon	so even with a more modern gpu, the device cannot pump out higher resolution textures and/or better lighting effects than were in the original releases?
+2013-04-07 15:05:46	RobotBebop	it has to be stored somewhere
+2013-04-07 15:06:10	RobotBebop	each app generally only has so much memory it can use before the OS will yank it back
+2013-04-07 15:06:24	RobotBebop	even with PowerVR compression, where its available
+2013-04-07 15:06:27	RobotBebop	and practical
+2013-04-07 15:07:09	-->	qlum (~Instantbi@ip565fad97.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 15:07:12	RobotBebop	i bet a lot of the source art for those games is buried in some arcane backup system if its anywhere at all too
+2013-04-07 15:07:18	RobotBebop	so they probably just ported the game and used the game's data
+2013-04-07 15:54:54	Squishy3	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFISeJ1N5CQ&feature=player_detailpage#t=20s
+2013-04-07 15:54:55	DtoidBot	Bill Gates Calls - The Slingshot Channel Answers
+2013-04-07 15:54:57	Squishy3	this is amazing
+2013-04-07 16:26:45	--	Aerox is now known as Aerox|Away
+2013-04-07 16:27:04	--	Apple_Master is now known as Apple_Master|Aw
+2013-04-07 16:33:30	RobotBebop	TDiddy i thought you were playing TOR and was going to mock you
+2013-04-07 16:34:01	@TDiddy	lol
+2013-04-07 16:34:57	@TDiddy	it takes like 3 tries to get this working for some reason
+2013-04-07 16:51:54	@TDiddy	and it breaks a lot, which blows
+2013-04-07 16:55:24	RobotBebop	booo
+2013-04-07 16:58:25	@TDiddy	ya
+2013-04-07 16:58:36	@TDiddy	its not meant to be played on current pcs lol
+2013-04-07 16:58:47	@TDiddy	it crashes on loading screens only though
+2013-04-07 16:58:52	@TDiddy	not when i actually get in the game
+2013-04-07 16:59:12	@TDiddy	but there is an odd glitch, where you can't move as the main character after combat, like the WSAD doesnt work on him
+2013-04-07 16:59:19	@TDiddy	but they do on your other party members
+2013-04-07 16:59:56	TheBadSpoon	siiiiigh
+2013-04-07 17:00:10	TheBadSpoon	vice city absolutely hates having the frame limited turned off
+2013-04-07 17:00:15	TheBadSpoon	(PC)
+2013-04-07 17:00:50	TheBadSpoon	so no FPS > 30 without freezing and crashing and non working mouse
+2013-04-07 17:01:05	@TDiddy	ewwwwwww
+2013-04-07 17:01:26	TheBadSpoon	limiter*
+2013-04-07 17:07:11	RobotBebop	Oohhh
+2013-04-07 17:07:15	RobotBebop	yeah i ran into that bug travis
+2013-04-07 17:09:54	@TDiddy	yeah
+2013-04-07 17:09:56	@TDiddy	its shit
+2013-04-07 17:11:55	-->	bonboltron (~benbeltra@187-163-15-123.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 17:13:33	<--	bonboltron[away (~benbeltra@187-163-15-123.static.axtel.net) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
+2013-04-07 17:13:33	-->	Bigby (webchat@Bigby.users.quakenet.org) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 17:13:33	--	Mode #destructoid [+v Bigby] by Q
+2013-04-07 17:14:37	+Bigby	WRESTLEMANIA TIME
+2013-04-07 17:14:37	<--	jorge` (~matata@jorge.users.quakenet.org) has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
+2013-04-07 17:14:37	<--	Aerox|Away (~Aerox@cpe-75-84-218-116.socal.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout)
+2013-04-07 17:15:21		irc: disconnected from server
+2013-04-07 23:53:57	-->	benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 23:53:57	--	Topic for #destructoid is "WRESTLEMANIA - IT'S STILL REAL TO US DAMMIT ALL NIGHT LONG"
+2013-04-07 23:53:57	--	Topic set by Cronosblade on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 18:33:48
+2013-04-07 23:53:57	--	Nicks #destructoid: [@Cronosblade @Q @TDiddy +Bigby +jorge +lolshin +Torzelan ^power andrewjm andrewm Apple_Master|Aw benbeltran bloodylip bonboltron cardfrek ChaoticNeutra1 Detry DougCL| DtoidBot Kasreyn mistic RobotBebop Squishy3 Xbuttchugger71X]
+2013-04-07 23:53:57	--	Channel #destructoid: 24 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 4 voices, 17 normals)
+2013-04-07 23:54:01	--	Mode #destructoid [+tnCN]
+2013-04-07 23:54:01	--	Channel created on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:01:07
+2013-04-07 23:54:30	-->	Aerox (~anonymous@cpe-75-84-218-116.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-07 23:54:30	--	Mode #destructoid [+o Aerox] by Q
+2013-04-07 23:55:45	RobotBebop	HOT PI
+2013-04-07 23:55:45	RobotBebop	E
+2013-04-07 23:56:14	@Aerox	i'm about to start
+2013-04-07 23:56:38	@TDiddy	I think he just wants pie
+2013-04-08 00:00:02	RobotBebop	i love che
+2013-04-08 00:00:09	RobotBebop	or shae or however you spell her name
+2013-04-08 00:00:48	@Aerox	http://i.imgur.com/16tCEnJ.gif
+2013-04-08 00:00:50	@Aerox	Shae
+2013-04-08 00:01:03	RobotBebop	HOLY CHRIST
+2013-04-08 00:02:08	@Aerox	i can't wait for my new tv
+2013-04-08 00:02:42	RobotBebop	http://i.imgur.com/SD2PX7f.gif
+2013-04-08 00:02:46	RobotBebop	How big
+2013-04-08 00:03:04	@Aerox	60
+2013-04-08 00:03:26	RobotBebop	nice!
+2013-04-08 00:03:29	<--	Cronosblade (~chatzilla@cpe-72-182-44-166.austin.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout)
+2013-04-08 00:03:33	RobotBebop	how much did you get it for
+2013-04-08 00:04:09	@Aerox	i splurged on the panasonic
+2013-04-08 00:04:45	@Aerox	JOJEN!
+2013-04-08 00:06:38	RobotBebop	now you have a dedicated porn tv for your bedroom
+2013-04-08 00:06:47	@Aerox	yepppp
+2013-04-08 00:08:17	@Aerox	hot theon bondage
+2013-04-08 00:09:04	@TDiddy	its so hawt
+2013-04-08 00:09:11	@Aerox	it got less hot really quick
+2013-04-08 00:09:22	RobotBebop	are they crushing his foot
+2013-04-08 00:09:29	@Aerox	SPOILERS
+2013-04-08 00:09:30	@Aerox	no
+2013-04-08 00:09:33	@TDiddy	GOD MOOSE
+2013-04-08 00:09:36	@Aerox	GOD
+2013-04-08 00:09:40	RobotBebop	GOD
+2013-04-08 00:09:40	DtoidBot	...
+2013-04-08 00:09:44	RobotBebop	GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD
+2013-04-08 00:09:45	@Aerox	jamie's pee sure is clear
+2013-04-08 00:10:53	@Aerox	http://i.imgur.com/sy56oZZ.png
+2013-04-08 00:11:05	RobotBebop	eewwww
+2013-04-08 00:11:13	RobotBebop	is that that Chris-Chan weirdo
+2013-04-08 00:13:15	RobotBebop	i love the jamie/breanne bits
+2013-04-08 00:16:03	@Aerox	it's almsot time for the queen of thorns
+2013-04-08 00:16:05	@Aerox	i'm so excited
+2013-04-08 00:16:56	@Aerox	YEAHHHHH
+2013-04-08 00:17:12	RobotBebop	UGH watching tv week to week is the wooooorrrssst
+2013-04-08 00:17:41	@Aerox	god I love her
+2013-04-08 00:17:54	@TDiddy	so sasst
+2013-04-08 00:17:56	@TDiddy	sassy
+2013-04-08 00:19:58	@Aerox	the cheese
+2013-04-08 00:23:03	@Aerox	http://i.imgur.com/uXvsHNE.jpg
+2013-04-08 00:23:32	@TDiddy	lulz
+2013-04-08 20:14:03		irc: disconnected from server
+2013-04-08 21:33:42	-->	benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-08 21:33:42	--	Topic for #destructoid is "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RedDrzFMFNA"
+2013-04-08 21:33:42	--	Topic set by Cronosblade on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 20:44:19
+2013-04-08 21:33:42	--	Nicks #destructoid: [@Cronosblade @naia @Q @TDiddy +Gandy|Bed +jorge` +lolshin +Torzelan ^power Aerox andrewjm andrewm Apple_Master|Aw benbeltran bloodylip Brainderailment cardfrek3 ChaoticNeutra1 Detry DougCL| DtoidBot Kasreyn mistic RobotBebop Squishy3 Xbuttchugger71X]
+2013-04-08 21:33:42	--	Channel #destructoid: 26 nicks (4 ops, 0 halfops, 4 voices, 18 normals)
+2013-04-08 21:33:46	--	Mode #destructoid [+tnCN]
+2013-04-08 21:33:46	--	Channel created on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:01:07
+2013-04-08 21:53:54	Squishy3	this game store i used to work at literally has the worst website
+2013-04-08 21:53:58	Squishy3	http://www.gamesonmainohio.com/index.html
+2013-04-08 21:59:18	@TDiddy	still hyping that Avatar game, huh
+2013-04-08 22:00:14	Squishy3	the slideshow is literally the worst
+2013-04-08 22:00:29	Squishy3	pretty sure it was made in windows movie maker
+2013-04-08 22:24:26	-->	richterthethird (~dirtyharr@pool-173-60-221-247.lsanca.fios.verizon.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-08 22:26:33	RobotBebop	faaaaaaaaaaarts
+2013-04-08 22:38:24	+lolshin	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzb87qir7Cs
+2013-04-08 22:38:24	DtoidBot	LET'S PLAY SANIC THE GAME
+2013-04-08 22:44:34	-->	Bigby (~TheBigby@50-83-96-170.client.mchsi.com) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-08 22:44:34	--	Mode #destructoid [+v Bigby] by Q
+2013-04-08 22:45:21	+lolshin	bigby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzb87qir7Cs
+2013-04-08 22:45:22	DtoidBot	LET'S PLAY SANIC THE GAME
+2013-04-08 22:45:40	RobotBebop	WHAT THE FUCK
+2013-04-08 22:46:01	RobotBebop	*ahem*
+2013-04-08 22:46:06	 *	RobotBebop stabs lolshin repeatedly
+2013-04-08 22:46:17	+lolshin	that was the best thing you've ever seen admit it bitch
+2013-04-08 22:47:15	RobotBebop	no
+2013-04-08 22:47:18	RobotBebop	http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awf45u6zrP0#t=0m32s
+2013-04-08 22:47:19	DtoidBot	Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION
+2013-04-08 22:47:22	RobotBebop	^ thats the best thing
+2013-04-08 22:47:22	+lolshin	liar
+2013-04-08 22:48:09	RobotBebop	i lie not!
+2013-04-08 22:49:09	+lolshin	olololollololoolollo
+2013-04-08 22:49:10	+lolshin	SAAAAAIL
+2013-04-08 22:53:25	<--	Squishy3 (~dicks@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
+2013-04-08 22:54:30	RobotBebop	hehehe
+2013-04-08 23:04:27	@TDiddy	oh god
+2013-04-08 23:06:45	<--	andrewm (~andrewm@cpe-174-106-000-063.ec.res.rr.com) has quit (Quit)
+2013-04-08 23:13:44	RobotBebop	http://webquake.quaddicted.com/
+2013-04-08 23:32:19	@TDiddy	wuzzat
+2013-04-08 23:32:44	RobotBebop	Quake
+2013-04-08 23:33:13	@TDiddy	cool
+2013-04-08 23:39:50	richterthethird	!q
+2013-04-08 23:39:51	DtoidBot	[179] Suff0cat: Oh shit! I figured it out...the womens are here because Croc Box isnt!
+2013-04-08 23:56:01	<--	RobotBebop (RobotBebop@S0106001ee5357fec.va.shawcable.net) has quit (Quit)
+2013-04-09 21:27:18		irc: disconnected from server
+2013-04-09 21:27:39	-->	benbeltran (~benbeltra@187-164-125-142.static.axtel.net) has joined #destructoid
+2013-04-09 21:27:39	--	Topic for #destructoid is "http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhay5nje1i1qh0su5o1_500.jpg"
+2013-04-09 21:27:39	--	Topic set by Cronosblade on Tue, 09 Apr 2013 18:33:24
+2013-04-09 21:27:39	--	Nicks #destructoid: [@Cronosblade @Q @TDiddy +Bigby +jorge` +lolshin +Torzelan ^power andrewjm Apple_Master|Aw benbeltran bloodylip cardfrek2 ChaoticNeutra1 Detry DougCL DtoidBot Kasreyn mistic richterthethird RobotBebop Squishy3 Xbuttchugger71X]
+2013-04-09 21:27:39	--	Channel #destructoid: 23 nicks (3 ops, 0 halfops, 4 voices, 16 normals)
+2013-04-09 21:27:43	--	Mode #destructoid [+tnCN]
+2013-04-09 21:27:43	--	Channel created on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 20:01:07
+2013-04-09 21:27:43	RobotBebop	oh i remember this, the ship gets its shit ruined
+2013-04-09 21:28:13	RobotBebop	obriens wife gives birth and picard has to help the kids around the jeffery's tubes
+2013-04-09 21:28:20	RobotBebop	because of a QUANTUM FILAMENT
+2013-04-09 21:28:34	+Bigby	jesus
+2013-04-09 21:28:41	+Bigby	this intel ultrabook is dark
+2013-04-09 21:28:46	+Bigby	commercial that is
+2013-04-09 21:32:42	+Bigby	http://springfield.craigslist.org/tls/3727423686.html
+2013-04-09 21:32:49	+Bigby	i thought this said Batman Iron Worker
+2013-04-09 21:37:30	@Cronosblade	OMG YES FOLDERS ON VITA
+2013-04-09 21:37:36	@Cronosblade	no more scrolling through 7 screens
+2013-04-09 21:38:35	+Bigby	folders you say?!
+2013-04-09 21:39:44	RobotBebop	7 screens of nooooooooooooootttthhhhiiiiiinnnnngg
+2013-04-09 21:39:47	@Cronosblade	indeed
+2013-04-09 21:39:59	RobotBebop	is there anything on PS Mobile yet
+2013-04-09 21:40:10	@Cronosblade	no idea I never look
+2013-04-09 21:41:25	+Bigby	is there mobile Home?
+2013-04-09 21:42:07	RobotBebop	lol home
+2013-04-09 21:42:18	+Bigby	dont you want your sony second life?
+2013-04-09 21:53:23	+Bigby	still cant figure out why so many are up in arms about climate change
+2013-04-09 21:53:55	RobotBebop	because its a thing that is happening and will make life really shitty?
+2013-04-09 21:54:12	+Bigby	no i mean people saying its bullshit
+2013-04-09 21:54:17	RobotBebop	oh
+2013-04-09 21:54:23	RobotBebop	well people are stupid/ignorant
+2013-04-09 21:54:24	+Bigby	and calling climate scientists liars and alarmists and shit
+2013-04-09 21:54:34	+Bigby	but i mean why would they, what good does it do?
+2013-04-09 21:54:46	+Bigby	its not like it makes any dif to them if its true or not
+2013-04-09 21:55:14	+Bigby	its not as if they are saying eating fried foods is killing the planet and you need to stop it you fat fucks
+2013-04-09 21:55:34	RobotBebop	look up anti intellectualism
+2013-04-09 21:55:38	RobotBebop	if a scientist says it
+2013-04-09 21:55:54	RobotBebop	those people will vehemently oppose it on their idiot principles
+2013-04-09 21:58:09	RobotBebop	worf is a shitty midwife
+2013-04-09 21:58:19	+Bigby	worf is a shitty everything
+2013-04-09 21:58:37	+Bigby	he is my least favorite tng character
+2013-04-09 21:58:42	+Bigby	and yes im counting wesley
+2013-04-09 21:58:43	RobotBebop	really?!
+2013-04-09 21:58:47	+Bigby	yeah
+2013-04-09 21:58:57	RobotBebop	you are the wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssstt
+2013-04-09 21:59:02	+Bigby	oh cmon
+2013-04-09 21:59:41	+Bigby	they try to play him as this badass warrior but he gets his ass kicked at a constant rate
+2013-04-09 21:59:52	RobotBebop	hes so funny though
+2013-04-09 22:00:06	+Bigby	he is all RAR I WILL PUNCH THIS PROBLEM! And the others are like no, worf, no, we have to science it
+2013-04-09 22:00:47	+Bigby	and i cannot get his role as a Klingon at all
+2013-04-09 22:01:15	RobotBebop	http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-82Klc10i7lI/UVagNAe5tgI/AAAAAAAA0_E/phxaedKa6c8/s1600/%23!.gif
+2013-04-09 22:01:21	+Bigby	he acts nothing like any other klingon, and if he was all i wanna be proud to be klingon i would think he would be more over the top even if he was raised by humans
+2013-04-09 22:02:33	+Bigby	instead he comes across as a grumpy school marm
+2013-04-09 22:02:40	RobotBebop	thats what makes him so great!
+2013-04-09 22:02:58	+Bigby	data is better at the deadpan guy
+2013-04-09 22:03:30	+Bigby	he got a little bit better in deep space nine
+2013-04-09 22:04:34	RobotBebop	when keiko is giving birth and worf has to midwife
+2013-04-09 22:04:58	RobotBebop	"congratulations. you are fully dialated. you may now give birth."
+2013-04-09 22:05:23	+Bigby	north korea is ready to shoot missles
+2013-04-09 22:05:32	+Bigby	i got 10 bucks say they misfire
+2013-04-09 22:06:16	+Bigby	you beat bioshock yet?
+2013-04-09 22:06:20	RobotBebop	yep
+2013-04-09 22:06:26	+Bigby	what did you think of the ending?
+2013-04-09 22:06:31	RobotBebop	i liked it
+2013-04-09 22:06:45	+Bigby	i still have a niggling thing about it
+2013-04-09 22:07:12	+Bigby	was good narratively but i didnt get how doing what it did unmade everything
+2013-04-09 22:07:52	RobotBebop	yeah
+2013-04-09 22:08:49	+Bigby	cuz its not time travel its parralel worlds
+2013-04-09 22:08:55	+Bigby	i think thats how its spelled
+2013-04-09 22:09:24	+Bigby	man, when songbird took her, i was freaking out for real
+2013-04-09 22:09:31	+Bigby	OH SHIT NO NO NO NO NO
+2013-04-09 22:09:46	+Bigby	then i found those recordings and i was like FUCK NOOOOOOO
+2013-04-09 22:10:21	+Bigby	that to me was the worst part, when you find her
+2013-04-09 22:13:12	+Bigby	cuz thats the damn bait and switch part there
+2013-04-09 22:13:20	+Bigby	you just know they were going to do some shit like that to you
+2013-04-09 22:15:11	RobotBebop	i don't know who here hasn't finished bioshock soooo
+2013-04-09 22:15:27	+Bigby	im keepin it vague
+2013-04-09 22:17:07	RobotBebop	i mean
+2013-04-09 22:17:10	RobotBebop	thats not really vague
+2013-04-09 22:17:14	RobotBebop	but ok
+2013-04-09 22:17:23	RobotBebop	i actually kinda want poker night 2
+2013-04-09 22:17:41	RobotBebop	But i feel like the novelty of that game would wear off quick
+2013-04-09 22:17:47	+Bigby	its bioshock, you know they are always gonna have that moment
+2013-04-09 22:17:52	+Bigby	its part of the game you expect
+2013-04-09 22:18:02	+Bigby	yeah the first one wore off pretty fast
+2013-04-09 22:19:06	RobotBebop	it also didn't have brock sampson
+2013-04-09 22:19:27	+Bigby	im surprised they couldnt get the actual bruce cambell
+2013-04-09 22:20:07	RobotBebop	you are?
+2013-04-09 22:20:18	+Bigby	well its not like the guy turns down a lot
+2013-04-09 22:20:43	RobotBebop	I think he's sick of ash
+2013-04-09 22:21:03	RobotBebop	thats the main role he's known for and he has endured 30 years of idiots yelling army of darkness lines at him
+2013-04-09 22:21:06	+Bigby	he seems stoked about the evil dead remake
+2013-04-09 22:21:39	RobotBebop	god i can't wait for new venture bros
+2013-04-09 22:21:47	+Bigby	its been a while hasnt it
+2013-04-09 22:21:55	RobotBebop	2 or 3 years i think
+2013-04-09 22:23:46	+Bigby	jesus has it been that long?
+2013-04-09 22:24:17	+Bigby	i cant even remember the final episode of the last season