" Vim syntax file " Language: Arduino " Maintainer: Johannes Hoff " Last Change: 06 June 2011 " License: VIM license (:help license, replace vim by arduino.vim) " Syntax highlighting like in the Arduino IDE " Automatically generated by the script available at " https://bitbucket.org/johannes/arduino-vim-syntax " Using keywords from /build/shared/lib/keywords.txt " From version: ARDUINO 0022 - 2010.12.24 " Thanks to Rik, Erik Nomitch, Adam Obeng and Graeme Cross for helpful feedback! " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Read the C syntax to start with if version < 600 so :p:h/cpp.vim else runtime! syntax/cpp.vim endif syn keyword arduinoConstant BIN BYTE CHANGE DEC DEFAULT EXTERNAL FALLING HALF_PI syn keyword arduinoConstant HEX HIGH INPUT INTERNAL INTERNAL1V1 INTERNAL2V56 syn keyword arduinoConstant LOW LSBFIRST MSBFIRST OCT OUTPUT PI RISING TWO_PI syn keyword arduinoFunc analogRead analogReference analogWrite syn keyword arduinoFunc attachInterrupt bit bitClear bitRead bitSet syn keyword arduinoFunc bitWrite delay delayMicroseconds detachInterrupt syn keyword arduinoFunc digitalRead digitalWrite highByte interrupts syn keyword arduinoFunc lowByte micros millis noInterrupts noTone pinMode syn keyword arduinoFunc pulseIn shiftIn shiftOut tone syn keyword arduinoMethod available begin end flush loop peek print println syn keyword arduinoMethod read setup syn keyword arduinoModule Serial Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 syn keyword arduinoStdFunc abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil constrain cos degrees syn keyword arduinoStdFunc exp floor log map max min radians random randomSeed syn keyword arduinoStdFunc round sin sq sqrt tan syn keyword arduinoType boolean byte null String word hi def link arduinoType Type hi def link arduinoConstant Constant hi def link arduinoStdFunc Function hi def link arduinoFunc Function hi def link arduinoMethod Function hi def link arduinoModule Identifier