*coffee-script.txt* Plugin for editing, compiling and running CoffeeScript ============================================================================= Author: Mick Koch *coffee-script-author* License: WTFPL (see |coffee-script-license|) ============================================================================= CONTENTS *coffee-script-contents* |coffee-script-introduction| Introduction and Feature Summary |coffee-script-commands| Commands |coffee-script-settings| Settings {Vi does not have any of this} ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION *coffee-script* *coffee-script-introduction* This plugin provides facilities for editing CoffeeScript, including syntax highlighting, indenting and compilation. Also included is syntax support for Eco templates, and handling of {text/coffeescript} in HTML. COMMANDS *coffee-script-commands* *:CoffeeMake* :CoffeeMake {opts} Calls |:make!|, with 'makeprg' being "coffee -c" plus any additional {opts} given. Opens the |quickfix| window if there are any errors and jumps to the first error. You may set |g:coffee_make_options| to specify default command-line options that will always be passed. By default, all compiler output is shown -- running with |:silent| will hide this. *:CoffeeMake!* :CoffeeMake! {opts} As with :CoffeeMake, but will not jump to the first error. *:CoffeeCompile* :[range]CoffeeCompile [vertical] [{win-size}] Shows how the current file or [range] will be compiled to JavaScript. [vertical] (or vert) splits the compile buffer vertically instead of horizontally, and {win-size} sets the initial size of the buffer. It can be closed quickly with the "q" key. :CoffeeCompile {watch} [vertical] [{win-size}] The watch mode of :CoffeeCompile emulates the "Try CoffeeScript" live preview on the CoffeeScript web site -- after making changes to the source file, exiting insert mode will cause the preview buffer to update automatically. {watch} should be given as "watch" or "unwatch," where the latter will of course stop the automatic updating. [vertical] is recommended, and 'scrollbind' is useful. *:CoffeeRun* :[range]CoffeeRun Compiles the file or [range] and runs the resulting JavaScript, displaying the output. SETTINGS *coffee-script-settings* You can configure plugin behavior by setting global variables or syntax highlighting directives in your |vimrc|. Global Settings~ You may set these in your |vimrc| as illustrated below. *g:coffee_make_options* > let g:coffee_make_options='--bare' Always include the specified options when compiling with |:CoffeeCompile|. Syntax Highlighting~ *ft-coffee-script-syntax* Trailing whitespace is highlighted as an error by default. This can be disabled with: > hi link coffeeSpaceError NONE Trailing semicolons are also considered an error (for help transitioning from JavaScript.) This can be disabled with: > hi link coffeeSemicolonError NONE Reserved words like {function} and {var} are highlighted as an error in contexts disallowed by CoffeeScript. This can be disabled with: > hi link coffeeReservedError NONE ============================================================================= LICENSE *coffee-script-license* DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2010 to 2011 Mick Koch Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: