" ============================================================================ " Filename: tabula.vim " Last Modified: 2007-02-08 " Version: 1.3.2 " Maintainer: Bernd Pol (bernd.pol AT online DOT de) " Copyright: 2006 Bernd Pol " This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as " published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of " the License, or (at your option) any later version. " Description: Vim colorscheme based on marklar.vim by SM Smithfield, " slightly modified for harmonic, yet easily distinguishable " display on GUI and a 256 color xterm as well. " Install: Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors) " then load it with :colorscheme tabula " ============================================================================= " Latest Changes: " ============================================================================= " TODO " - automize options setting " - keep options in some setup file, e.g.: " tabula.rc, sub e.g. "<OPTIONS> ... </OPTIONS>" marks " - options set up per directory (autoload option) " such that text files be displayed other than e.g. c sources " ============================================================================= hi clear set background=dark if exists("syntax_on") syntax reset endif let g:colors_name = "tabula" "let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0 "============================================================================== " Option Settings {{{1 "============================================================================== " " Use these in your .vimrc file before the ':colorscheme tabula' line " " Alternatively set the options variable from the command line, e.g. " :let Tabula_LNumUnderline=1 " and then call " :colorscheme tabula " again. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Display Statements In Bold: {{{2 " Tabula_BoldStatement = 0 statements display not bold " Tabula_BoldStatement = 1 statements display bold " Defaults to non-bold display. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:BoldStatement = 0 if exists("g:Tabula_BoldStatement") let s:BoldStatement = g:Tabula_BoldStatement endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Set GUI Cursor Color: {{{2 " Tabula_CurColor = 'blue' " Tabula_CurColor = 'red' " Tabula_CurColor = 'yellow' " Tabula_CurColor = 'white' " Defaults to 'blue'. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:CurColor = "blue" if exists("g:Tabula_CurColor") let s:CurColor = g:Tabula_CurColor endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Set Color For Preprocessor Statements: {{{2 " Tabula_ColorPre = 'blue' purple-blue " Tabula_ColorPre = 'red' orange-red " Tabula_ColorPre = 'yellow' lightgreen-yellow " Defaults to 'blue'. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:ColorPre = "blue" if exists("g:Tabula_ColorPre") if g:Tabula_ColorPre == "red" || g:Tabula_ColorPre == "yellow" let s:ColorPre = g:Tabula_ColorPre endif endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Use Dark Error Background: {{{2 " Sometimes desirable for less distracting error highlighting. " Tabula_DarkError = 0 light red error background " Tabula_DarkError = 1 dark red error background " Defaults to light error background. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:DarkError = 0 if exists("g:Tabula_DarkError") let s:DarkError = g:Tabula_DarkError endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Use Multiple Colors For Constant Values: {{{2 " Tabula_FlatConstants = 0 use different color for each type " Tabula_FlatConstants = 1 use common color for all " Defaults to using common colors. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:FlatConstants = 1 if exists("g:Tabula_FlatConstants") let s:FlatConstants = g:Tabula_FlatConstants endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " How To Display Ignore And NonText Characters: {{{2 " Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0 slightly visible " (good for Vim documentation editing) " Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1 invisible on standard background " Defaults to invisible display. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:InvisibleIgnore = 1 if exists("g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore") let s:InvisibleIgnore = g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Show Line Numbers Underlined: {{{2 " Sometimes useful to spot a line more easily. " Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0 not underlined " Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1 line numbers are underlined " Defaults to not underlined. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:LNumUnderline = 0 if exists("g:Tabula_LNumUnderline") let s:LNumUnderline = g:Tabula_LNumUnderline endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently: {{{2 " Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0 normal dark background display " Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1 prominent underlined display " Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2 even more prominent display " Defaults to normal display. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:SearchStandOut=0 if exists("g:Tabula_SearchStandOut") let s:SearchStandOut = g:Tabula_SearchStandOut endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " How To Display TODOs And Similar: {{{2 " Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0 display on a blue background " Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1 display them underlined white " Defaults to underlined display. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " let s:TodoUnderline=1 if exists("g:Tabula_TodoUnderline") let s:TodoUnderline = g:Tabula_TodoUnderline endif "============================================================================== " Color Definitions {{{1 "============================================================================== if version >= 700 hi SpellBad guisp=#FF0000 hi SpellCap guisp=#afaf00 hi SpellRare guisp=#bf4040 hi SpellLocal guisp=#00afaf ctermbg=0 hi Pmenu guifg=#00ffff guibg=#000000 ctermfg=51 ctermbg=0 hi PmenuSel guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#000000 gui=bold ctermfg=226 cterm=bold hi PmenuSbar guibg=#204d40 ctermbg=6 hi PmenuThumb guifg=#38ff56 ctermfg=3 hi CursorColumn guibg=#096354 ctermbg=29 hi CursorLine guibg=#096354 ctermbg=29 hi Tabline guifg=bg guibg=fg gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=reverse,bold hi TablineSel guifg=#20012e guibg=#00a675 gui=bold hi TablineFill guifg=#689C7C hi MatchParen guifg=#38ff56 guibg=#0000ff gui=bold ctermfg=14 ctermbg=21 cterm=bold endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "hi Comment guifg=#00C5E7 ctermfg=39 hi Comment guifg=#00C5E7 ctermfg=51 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Constant Colors: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:FlatConstants hi Constant guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 else hi Boolean guifg=#7EDBD8 ctermfg=123 hi Character guifg=#AFD000 ctermfg=148 hi Float guifg=#AF87DF ctermfg=141 hi Number guifg=#00A7F7 ctermfg=39 hi String guifg=#00DF00 ctermfg=46 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Cursor Colors: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:CurColor == "yellow" hi Cursor guifg=#000000 guibg=#EFEF00 elseif s:CurColor == "red" " Note: Input cursor will be invisible on Error Group hi Cursor guifg=#00007F guibg=#F70000 elseif s:CurColor == "blue" hi Cursor guifg=#00007F guibg=#00EFEF elseif s:CurColor == "white" hi Cursor guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFFFFF endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi DiffAdd guifg=NONE guibg=#136769 ctermfg=4 ctermbg=7 cterm=NONE hi DiffDelete guifg=NONE guibg=#50694A ctermfg=1 ctermbg=7 cterm=NONE hi DiffChange guifg=fg guibg=#00463c gui=None ctermfg=4 ctermbg=2 cterm=NONE hi DiffText guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=#00463c gui=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=3 cterm=NONE hi Directory guifg=#25B9F8 guibg=NONE ctermfg=2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Error Colors: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:DarkError " hi Error guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#303800 gui=NONE ctermfg=9 ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE hi Error guifg=NONE guibg=#303800 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE else if s:CurColor == "red" " Note: We need another background in this case to keep the cursor visible. hi Error guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#FFFF00 gui=bold ctermfg=11 ctermbg=9 cterm=NONE else hi Error guifg=#FFFF00 guibg=#FF0000 gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=9 cterm=NONE endif endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi ErrorMsg guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF0000 ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1 hi FoldColumn guifg=#00BBBB guibg=#4E4E4E ctermfg=14 ctermbg=240 hi Folded guifg=#44DDDD guibg=#4E4E4E ctermfg=14 ctermbg=240 hi Identifier guifg=#FDAE5A ctermfg=215 cterm=NONE "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Ignore Variants: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:InvisibleIgnore " completely invisible hi Ignore guifg=bg guibg=NONE ctermfg=23 hi NonText guifg=bg guibg=NONE ctermfg=23 else " nearly invisible hi Ignore guifg=#005FAF guibg=NONE ctermfg=26 hi NonText guifg=#005FAF guibg=NONE ctermfg=26 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Line Number Variants: " Lines can sometimes be more precisely identified if the line numbers are " underlined. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:LNumUnderline hi LineNr guifg=#00FF00 guibg=#005080 gui=underline ctermfg=84 ctermbg=24 cterm=underline else hi LineNr guifg=#00FF00 guibg=#005080 ctermfg=84 ctermbg=24 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi ModeMsg guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#0000FF gui=NONE ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 cterm=NONE hi MoreMsg guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#00A261 gui=NONE ctermfg=7 ctermbg=28 cterm=NONE hi Normal guifg=#71D289 guibg=#004A41 ctermfg=84 ctermbg=23 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Preprocessor Variants: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:ColorPre == "red" hi PreProc guifg=#FF5F5F guibg=bg ctermfg=203 elseif s:ColorPre == "yellow" hi PreProc guifg=#AFFF00 guibg=bg ctermfg=154 elseif s:ColorPre == "blue" hi PreProc guifg=#918EE4 guibg=bg ctermfg=105 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi Question guifg=#E5E500 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=11 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Search Stand Out Variants: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:SearchStandOut == 0 hi IncSearch guifg=#D0D0D0 guibg=#206828 gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=22 cterm=NONE hi Search guifg=NONE guibg=#212a81 ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=18 elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1 hi IncSearch guifg=#D0D0D0 guibg=#206828 gui=underline ctermfg=252 ctermbg=22 cterm=underline hi Search guifg=#FDAD5D guibg=#202880 gui=underline ctermfg=215 ctermbg=18 cterm=underline elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2 hi IncSearch guibg=#D0D0D0 guifg=#206828 gui=underline ctermbg=252 ctermfg=22 cterm=underline hi Search guibg=#FDAD5D guifg=#202880 gui=underline ctermbg=215 ctermfg=18 cterm=underline endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi SignColumn guifg=#00BBBB guibg=#204d40 hi Special guifg=#00E0F2 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=45 hi SpecialKey guifg=#00F4F4 guibg=#266955 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Statement Variants: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:BoldStatement hi Statement guifg=#DEDE00 gui=bold ctermfg=11 cterm=bold else hi Statement guifg=#E4E300 gui=NONE ctermfg=11 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi StatusLine guifg=#000000 guibg=#7DCEAD gui=NONE ctermbg=00 cterm=reverse hi StatusLineNC guifg=#245748 guibg=#689C7C gui=NONE ctermfg=72 ctermbg=23 cterm=reverse hi Title guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=NONE gui=bold ctermfg=2 cterm=bold "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Todo Variants: "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " if s:TodoUnderline " Underlined hi Todo guifg=#AFD7D7 guibg=NONE gui=underline ctermfg=159 ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline else " Blue background hi Todo guifg=#00FFFF guibg=#0000FF ctermfg=51 ctermbg=4 endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hi Type guifg=#F269E4 guibg=bg gui=NONE ctermfg=213 hi Underlined gui=underline cterm=underline hi VertSplit guifg=#245748 guibg=#689C7C gui=NONE ctermfg=72 ctermbg=23 cterm=reverse hi Visual guibg=#0B7260 gui=NONE hi WarningMsg guifg=#000087 guibg=#FFFF00 ctermfg=18 ctermbg=11 hi WildMenu guifg=#20012e guibg=#00a675 gui=bold ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold " hi pythonPreCondit ctermfg=2 cterm=NONE hi tkWidget guifg=#D5B11C guibg=bg gui=bold ctermfg=7 cterm=bold hi tclBookends guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=NONE gui=bold ctermfg=2 cterm=bold " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Custom HTML Groups: " (see ':help html.vim' for more info) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let html_my_rendering=1 hi htmlBold guifg=#87FFD7 gui=bold ctermfg=122 cterm=bold hi htmlBoldItalic guifg=#87D7EF gui=bold ctermfg=117 cterm=bold hi htmlBoldUnderline guifg=#87FFD7 gui=bold,underline ctermfg=122 cterm=bold,underline hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic guifg=#87D7EF gui=bold,underline ctermfg=117 cterm=bold,underline hi htmlH1 guifg=#00FF00 guibg=NONE gui=bold,underline ctermfg=2 cterm=bold,underline hi htmlH2 guifg=#00FF00 guibg=NONE gui=bold ctermfg=2 cterm=bold hi htmlH3 guifg=#00FF00 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=2 hi htmlH4 guifg=#00C700 guibg=NONE gui=underline ctermfg=34 cterm=underline hi htmlH5 guifg=#00C700 guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=34 hi htmlH6 guifg=#00A700 guibg=NONE gui=underline ctermfg=28 cterm=underline hi htmlItalic guifg=#87D7D7 gui=NONE ctermfg=116 hi htmlLink guifg=#8787D7 gui=underline ctermfg=105 cterm=underline hi htmlUnderline gui=underline cterm=underline hi htmlUnderlineItalic guifg=#87D7D7 gui=underline ctermfg=116 cterm=underline "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " VimOutliner Groups: " (see http://www.vimoutliner.org) " Note: Make sure to add "colorscheme tabula" to the .vimoutlinerrc file. "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " " Indent level colors hi OL1 guifg=#02AAFF ctermfg=33 hi OL2 guifg=#02CAE9 ctermfg=39 hi OL3 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL4 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL5 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL6 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL7 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL8 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 hi OL9 guifg=#87D7D7 ctermfg=44 " colors for tags hi outlTags guifg=#F269E4 ctermfg=213 " color for body text hi BT1 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT2 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT3 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT4 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT5 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT6 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT7 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT8 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi BT9 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 " color for pre-formatted text hi PT1 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT2 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT3 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT4 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT5 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT6 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT7 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT8 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 hi PT9 guifg=#7DDCDB ctermfg=123 " color for tables hi TA1 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA2 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA3 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA4 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA5 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA6 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA7 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA8 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 hi TA9 guifg=#918EE4 ctermfg=105 " color for user text (wrapping) hi UT1 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT2 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT3 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT4 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT5 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT6 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT7 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT8 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT9 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 " color for user text (non-wrapping) hi UT1 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT2 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT3 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT4 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT5 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT6 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT7 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT8 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 hi UT9 guifg=#71D289 ctermfg=84 " colors for experimental spelling error highlighting " this only works for spellfix.vim with will be cease to exist soon hi spellErr guifg=#E4E300 gui=underline ctermfg=11 cterm=underline hi BadWord guifg=#E4E300 gui=underline ctermfg=11 cterm=underline "============================================================================== " Options Processor {{{1 "============================================================================== " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Main Dialog: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula() call inputsave() let thisOption = 1 while thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9 redraw let thisOption = inputlist([ \ "Select a 'Tabula_' option:", \ "1. BoldStatement Display statements in bold", \ "2. ColorPre Set Color for preprocessor statements", \ "3. CurColor Set GUI cursor color", \ "4. DarkError Use dark error background", \ "5. FlatConstants Use multiple colors for constant values", \ "6. InvisibleIgnore Display of Ignore and NonText characters", \ "7. LNumUnderline Show line numbers underlined", \ "8. SearchStandOut Display of search occurrences", \ "9. TodoUnderline Display of TODOs and similar" \ ]) redraw if thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9 call Tabula_{thisOption}() "let g:Tabula_setOptions = 1 endif endwhile call inputrestore() endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Bold Statements: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_1() let curOption = "" if s:BoldStatement == 0 let curOption = "not " endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display statements (currently ".curOption."bold)?", \ "1. bold", \ "2. not bold" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 1 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 0 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Color For Preprocessor Statements: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_2() let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display preprocessor statements (currently ".s:ColorPre.")?", \ "1. blue", \ "2. red", \ "3. yellow" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "blue" elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "red" elseif optionValue == 3 let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "yellow" endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " GUI Cursor Color: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_3() let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "Use which cursor color (currently ".s:CurColor.")?", \ "1. blue", \ "2. red", \ "3. yellow", \ "4. white" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_CurColor = "blue" elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_CurColor = "red" elseif optionValue == 3 let g:Tabula_CurColor = "yellow" elseif optionValue == 4 let g:Tabula_CurColor = "white" endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Use Dark Error Background: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_4() let curOption = "light " if s:DarkError let curOption = "dark " endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display errors in the text (currently ".curOption."background)?", \ "1. light background", \ "2. dark background" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_DarkError = 0 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_DarkError = 1 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Multiple Constant Colors: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_5() let curOption = "one color" if s:FlatConstants == 0 let curOption = "multiple colors" endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display constant values (currently ".curOption.")?", \ "1. use one common color for all", \ "2. use different color for each type" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 1 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 0 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Ignore And NonText Characters: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_6() let curOption = "invisible" if s:InvisibleIgnore == 0 let curOption = "slightly visible" endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "Show Ignore and NonText characters (currently ".curOption.")?", \ "1. invisible", \ "2. slightly visible" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Underlined Line Numbers: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_7() let curOption = "" if s:LNumUnderline == 0 let curOption = "not " endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display line numbers(currently ".curOption."underlined)?", \ "1. underlined", \ "2. not underlined" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_8() if s:SearchStandOut == 0 let curOption = "normal" elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1 let curOption = "prominent" elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2 let curOption = "very prominent" endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display search occurrences (currently ".curOption.")?", \ "1. normal", \ "2. prominent", \ "3. very prominent" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1 elseif optionValue == 3 let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2 endif endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " TODOs Display: {{{2 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " function! Tabula_9() let curOption = "" if s:TodoUnderline == 0 let curOption = "not " endif let optionValue = inputlist([ \ "How to display TODOs and similar (currently ".curOption."underlined)?", \ "1. underlined", \ "2. not underlined" \ ]) if optionValue == 1 let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1 elseif optionValue == 2 let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0 endif endfunction "==========================================================================}}}1 " " FIXME: This can't work! " "if g:Tabula_setOptions " :exe "color tabula" " let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0 "endif " vim:tw=0:fdm=marker:fdl=0:fdc=3:fen