| 1 | (function() { |
| 2 | var $, Builder, CustomElementPrototype, Events, Grim, JQueryEventAdd, SelfClosingTags, Tags, View, docEl, exports, idCounter, jQuery, matches, matchesSelector, registerElement, _, |
| 3 | __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, |
| 4 | __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, |
| 5 | __slice = [].slice; |
| 6 | |
| 7 | if (typeof require === 'function') { |
| 8 | _ = require('underscore-plus'); |
| 9 | $ = jQuery = require('jquery'); |
| 10 | Grim = require('grim'); |
| 11 | } else { |
| 12 | _ = window._, jQuery = window.jQuery; |
| 13 | $ = jQuery; |
| 14 | } |
| 15 | |
| 16 | Tags = 'a abbr address article aside audio b bdi bdo blockquote body button canvas\ |
| 17 | caption cite code colgroup datalist dd del details dfn dialog div dl dt em\ |
| 18 | fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header html i\ |
| 19 | iframe ins kbd label legend li main map mark menu meter nav noscript object\ |
| 20 | ol optgroup option output p pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp script section\ |
| 21 | select small span strong style sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot\ |
| 22 | th thead time title tr u ul var video area base br col command embed hr img\ |
| 23 | input keygen link meta param source track wbr'.split(/\s+/); |
| 24 | |
| 25 | SelfClosingTags = {}; |
| 26 | |
| 27 | 'area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param\ |
| 28 | source track wbr'.split(/\s+/).forEach(function(tag) { |
| 29 | return SelfClosingTags[tag] = true; |
| 30 | }); |
| 31 | |
| 32 | Events = 'blur change click dblclick error focus input keydown\ |
| 33 | keypress keyup load mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover\ |
| 34 | mouseup resize scroll select submit unload'.split(/\s+/); |
| 35 | |
| 36 | docEl = document.documentElement; |
| 37 | |
| 38 | matches = docEl.matchesSelector || docEl.mozMatchesSelector || docEl.webkitMatchesSelector || docEl.oMatchesSelector || docEl.msMatchesSelector; |
| 39 | |
| 40 | matchesSelector = matches ? (function(elem, selector) { |
| 41 | return matches.call(elem[0], selector); |
| 42 | }) : (function(elem, selector) { |
| 43 | return elem.is(selector); |
| 44 | }); |
| 45 | |
| 46 | idCounter = 0; |
| 47 | |
| 48 | CustomElementPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); |
| 49 | |
| 50 | CustomElementPrototype.attachedCallback = function() { |
| 51 | return typeof this.attached === "function" ? this.attached() : void 0; |
| 52 | }; |
| 53 | |
| 54 | CustomElementPrototype.detachedCallback = function() { |
| 55 | return typeof this.detached === "function" ? this.detached() : void 0; |
| 56 | }; |
| 57 | |
| 58 | if (window.__spacePenCustomElements == null) { |
| 59 | window.__spacePenCustomElements = {}; |
| 60 | } |
| 61 | |
| 62 | registerElement = function(tagName) { |
| 63 | var customTagName, _base; |
| 64 | customTagName = "space-pen-" + tagName; |
| 65 | if ((_base = window.__spacePenCustomElements)[customTagName] == null) { |
| 66 | _base[customTagName] = typeof document.registerElement === "function" ? document.registerElement(customTagName, { |
| 67 | prototype: Object.create(CustomElementPrototype), |
| 68 | "extends": tagName |
| 69 | }) : void 0; |
| 70 | } |
| 71 | return customTagName; |
| 72 | }; |
| 73 | |
| 74 | View = (function(_super) { |
| 75 | __extends(View, _super); |
| 76 | |
| 77 | View.builderStack = null; |
| 78 | |
| 79 | Tags.forEach(function(tagName) { |
| 80 | return View[tagName] = function() { |
| 81 | var args, _ref; |
| 82 | args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; |
| 83 | return (_ref = this.currentBuilder).tag.apply(_ref, [tagName].concat(__slice.call(args))); |
| 84 | }; |
| 85 | }); |
| 86 | |
| 87 | View.subview = function(name, view) { |
| 88 | return this.currentBuilder.subview(name, view); |
| 89 | }; |
| 90 | |
| 91 | View.text = function(string) { |
| 92 | return this.currentBuilder.text(string); |
| 93 | }; |
| 94 | |
| 95 | View.tag = function() { |
| 96 | var args, tagName, _ref; |
| 97 | tagName = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; |
| 98 | return (_ref = this.currentBuilder).tag.apply(_ref, [tagName].concat(__slice.call(args))); |
| 99 | }; |
| 100 | |
| 101 | View.raw = function(string) { |
| 102 | return this.currentBuilder.raw(string); |
| 103 | }; |
| 104 | |
| 105 | View.pushBuilder = function() { |
| 106 | var builder; |
| 107 | builder = new Builder; |
| 108 | if (this.builderStack == null) { |
| 109 | this.builderStack = []; |
| 110 | } |
| 111 | this.builderStack.push(builder); |
| 112 | return this.currentBuilder = builder; |
| 113 | }; |
| 114 | |
| 115 | View.popBuilder = function() { |
| 116 | this.currentBuilder = this.builderStack[this.builderStack.length - 2]; |
| 117 | return this.builderStack.pop(); |
| 118 | }; |
| 119 | |
| 120 | View.buildHtml = function(fn) { |
| 121 | var html, postProcessingSteps, _ref; |
| 122 | this.pushBuilder(); |
| 123 | fn.call(this); |
| 124 | return _ref = this.popBuilder().buildHtml(), html = _ref[0], postProcessingSteps = _ref[1], _ref; |
| 125 | }; |
| 126 | |
| 127 | View.render = function(fn) { |
| 128 | var div, fragment, html, postProcessingSteps, step, _i, _len, _ref; |
| 129 | _ref = this.buildHtml(fn), html = _ref[0], postProcessingSteps = _ref[1]; |
| 130 | div = document.createElement('div'); |
| 131 | div.innerHTML = html; |
| 132 | fragment = $(div.childNodes); |
| 133 | for (_i = 0, _len = postProcessingSteps.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
| 134 | step = postProcessingSteps[_i]; |
| 135 | step(fragment); |
| 136 | } |
| 137 | return fragment; |
| 138 | }; |
| 139 | |
| 140 | View.prototype.element = null; |
| 141 | |
| 142 | function View() { |
| 143 | var args, element, html, postProcessingSteps, step, treeWalker, _i, _len, _ref, |
| 144 | _this = this; |
| 145 | args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; |
| 146 | if (typeof this.afterAttach === 'function') { |
| 147 | throw new Error("The ::afterAttach hook has been replaced by ::attached. See https://github.com/atom/space-pen#attacheddetached-hooks for details."); |
| 148 | } |
| 149 | if (typeof this.beforeRemove === 'function') { |
| 150 | throw new Error("The ::beforeRemove hook has been replaced by ::detached. See https://github.com/atom/space-pen#attacheddetached-hooks for details."); |
| 151 | } |
| 152 | if (this.element != null) { |
| 153 | jQuery.fn.init.call(this, this.element); |
| 154 | } else { |
| 155 | _ref = this.constructor.buildHtml(function() { |
| 156 | return this.content.apply(this, args); |
| 157 | }), html = _ref[0], postProcessingSteps = _ref[1]; |
| 158 | jQuery.fn.init.call(this, html); |
| 159 | if (this.length !== 1) { |
| 160 | throw new Error("View markup must have a single root element"); |
| 161 | } |
| 162 | this.element = this[0]; |
| 163 | this.element.attached = function() { |
| 164 | return typeof _this.attached === "function" ? _this.attached() : void 0; |
| 165 | }; |
| 166 | this.element.detached = function() { |
| 167 | return typeof _this.detached === "function" ? _this.detached() : void 0; |
| 168 | }; |
| 169 | } |
| 170 | this.wireOutlets(this); |
| 171 | this.bindEventHandlers(this); |
| 172 | this.element.spacePenView = this; |
| 173 | treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(this.element, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT); |
| 174 | while (element = treeWalker.nextNode()) { |
| 175 | element.spacePenView = this; |
| 176 | } |
| 177 | if (postProcessingSteps != null) { |
| 178 | for (_i = 0, _len = postProcessingSteps.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
| 179 | step = postProcessingSteps[_i]; |
| 180 | step(this); |
| 181 | } |
| 182 | } |
| 183 | if (typeof this.initialize === "function") { |
| 184 | this.initialize.apply(this, args); |
| 185 | } |
| 186 | } |
| 187 | |
| 188 | View.prototype.buildHtml = function(params) { |
| 189 | var html, postProcessingSteps, _ref; |
| 190 | this.constructor.builder = new Builder; |
| 191 | this.constructor.content(params); |
| 192 | _ref = this.constructor.builder.buildHtml(), html = _ref[0], postProcessingSteps = _ref[1]; |
| 193 | this.constructor.builder = null; |
| 194 | return postProcessingSteps; |
| 195 | }; |
| 196 | |
| 197 | View.prototype.wireOutlets = function(view) { |
| 198 | var element, outlet, _i, _len, _ref; |
| 199 | _ref = view[0].querySelectorAll('[outlet]'); |
| 200 | for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
| 201 | element = _ref[_i]; |
| 202 | outlet = element.getAttribute('outlet'); |
| 203 | view[outlet] = $(element); |
| 204 | element.removeAttribute('outlet'); |
| 205 | } |
| 206 | return void 0; |
| 207 | }; |
| 208 | |
| 209 | View.prototype.bindEventHandlers = function(view) { |
| 210 | var element, eventName, methodName, selector, _fn, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref; |
| 211 | for (_i = 0, _len = Events.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
| 212 | eventName = Events[_i]; |
| 213 | selector = "[" + eventName + "]"; |
| 214 | _ref = view[0].querySelectorAll(selector); |
| 215 | _fn = function(element) { |
| 216 | var methodName; |
| 217 | methodName = element.getAttribute(eventName); |
| 218 | element = $(element); |
| 219 | return element.on(eventName, function(event) { |
| 220 | return view[methodName](event, element); |
| 221 | }); |
| 222 | }; |
| 223 | for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { |
| 224 | element = _ref[_j]; |
| 225 | _fn(element); |
| 226 | } |
| 227 | if (matchesSelector(view, selector)) { |
| 228 | methodName = view[0].getAttribute(eventName); |
| 229 | (function(methodName) { |
| 230 | return view.on(eventName, function(event) { |
| 231 | return view[methodName](event, view); |
| 232 | }); |
| 233 | })(methodName); |
| 234 | } |
| 235 | } |
| 236 | return void 0; |
| 237 | }; |
| 238 | |
| 239 | View.prototype.pushStack = function(elems) { |
| 240 | var ret; |
| 241 | ret = jQuery.merge(jQuery(), elems); |
| 242 | ret.prevObject = this; |
| 243 | ret.context = this.context; |
| 244 | return ret; |
| 245 | }; |
| 246 | |
| 247 | View.prototype.end = function() { |
| 248 | var _ref; |
| 249 | return (_ref = this.prevObject) != null ? _ref : jQuery(null); |
| 250 | }; |
| 251 | |
| 252 | View.prototype.preempt = function(eventName, handler) { |
| 253 | return View.__super__.preempt.call(this, eventName, handler); |
| 254 | }; |
| 255 | |
| 256 | return View; |
| 257 | |
| 258 | })(jQuery); |
| 259 | |
| 260 | Builder = (function() { |
| 261 | function Builder() { |
| 262 | this.document = []; |
| 263 | this.postProcessingSteps = []; |
| 264 | } |
| 265 | |
| 266 | Builder.prototype.buildHtml = function() { |
| 267 | return [this.document.join(''), this.postProcessingSteps]; |
| 268 | }; |
| 269 | |
| 270 | Builder.prototype.tag = function() { |
| 271 | var args, name, options; |
| 272 | name = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; |
| 273 | options = this.extractOptions(args); |
| 274 | this.openTag(name, options.attributes); |
| 275 | if (SelfClosingTags.hasOwnProperty(name)) { |
| 276 | if ((options.text != null) || (options.content != null)) { |
| 277 | throw new Error("Self-closing tag " + name + " cannot have text or content"); |
| 278 | } |
| 279 | } else { |
| 280 | if (typeof options.content === "function") { |
| 281 | options.content(); |
| 282 | } |
| 283 | if (options.text) { |
| 284 | this.text(options.text); |
| 285 | } |
| 286 | return this.closeTag(name); |
| 287 | } |
| 288 | }; |
| 289 | |
| 290 | Builder.prototype.openTag = function(name, attributes) { |
| 291 | var attributeName, attributePairs, attributesString, value; |
| 292 | if (this.document.length === 0) { |
| 293 | if (attributes == null) { |
| 294 | attributes = {}; |
| 295 | } |
| 296 | if (attributes.is == null) { |
| 297 | attributes.is = registerElement(name); |
| 298 | } |
| 299 | } |
| 300 | attributePairs = (function() { |
| 301 | var _results; |
| 302 | _results = []; |
| 303 | for (attributeName in attributes) { |
| 304 | value = attributes[attributeName]; |
| 305 | _results.push("" + attributeName + "=\"" + value + "\""); |
| 306 | } |
| 307 | return _results; |
| 308 | })(); |
| 309 | attributesString = attributePairs.length ? " " + attributePairs.join(" ") : ""; |
| 310 | return this.document.push("<" + name + attributesString + ">"); |
| 311 | }; |
| 312 | |
| 313 | Builder.prototype.closeTag = function(name) { |
| 314 | return this.document.push("</" + name + ">"); |
| 315 | }; |
| 316 | |
| 317 | Builder.prototype.text = function(string) { |
| 318 | var escapedString; |
| 319 | escapedString = string.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); |
| 320 | return this.document.push(escapedString); |
| 321 | }; |
| 322 | |
| 323 | Builder.prototype.raw = function(string) { |
| 324 | return this.document.push(string); |
| 325 | }; |
| 326 | |
| 327 | Builder.prototype.subview = function(outletName, subview) { |
| 328 | var subviewId; |
| 329 | subviewId = "subview-" + (++idCounter); |
| 330 | this.tag('div', { |
| 331 | id: subviewId |
| 332 | }); |
| 333 | return this.postProcessingSteps.push(function(view) { |
| 334 | view[outletName] = subview; |
| 335 | subview.parentView = view; |
| 336 | return view.find("div#" + subviewId).replaceWith(subview); |
| 337 | }); |
| 338 | }; |
| 339 | |
| 340 | Builder.prototype.extractOptions = function(args) { |
| 341 | var arg, options, _i, _len; |
| 342 | options = {}; |
| 343 | for (_i = 0, _len = args.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
| 344 | arg = args[_i]; |
| 345 | switch (typeof arg) { |
| 346 | case 'function': |
| 347 | options.content = arg; |
| 348 | break; |
| 349 | case 'string': |
| 350 | case 'number': |
| 351 | options.text = arg.toString(); |
| 352 | break; |
| 353 | default: |
| 354 | options.attributes = arg; |
| 355 | } |
| 356 | } |
| 357 | return options; |
| 358 | }; |
| 359 | |
| 360 | return Builder; |
| 361 | |
| 362 | })(); |
| 363 | |
| 364 | $.fn.view = function() { |
| 365 | var element, viewConstructorName; |
| 366 | if (element = this[0]) { |
| 367 | if ((element.__spacePenView != null) && !element.__allowViewAccess) { |
| 368 | viewConstructorName = element.__spacePenView.constructor.name; |
| 369 | if (Grim != null) { |
| 370 | Grim.deprecate("Accessing `" + viewConstructorName + "` via `$::view()` is deprecated. Use the raw DOM node or underlying model object instead."); |
| 371 | } |
| 372 | } |
| 373 | return element.spacePenView; |
| 374 | } |
| 375 | }; |
| 376 | |
| 377 | $.fn.views = function() { |
| 378 | return this.toArray().map(function(elt) { |
| 379 | var $elt, _ref; |
| 380 | $elt = $(elt); |
| 381 | return (_ref = $elt.view()) != null ? _ref : $elt; |
| 382 | }); |
| 383 | }; |
| 384 | |
| 385 | $.fn.containingView = function() { |
| 386 | var element, view; |
| 387 | element = this[0]; |
| 388 | while (element != null) { |
| 389 | if (view = element.spacePenView) { |
| 390 | return view; |
| 391 | } |
| 392 | element = element.parentNode; |
| 393 | } |
| 394 | }; |
| 395 | |
| 396 | $.fn.scrollBottom = function(newValue) { |
| 397 | if (newValue != null) { |
| 398 | return this.scrollTop(newValue - this.height()); |
| 399 | } else { |
| 400 | return this.scrollTop() + this.height(); |
| 401 | } |
| 402 | }; |
| 403 | |
| 404 | $.fn.scrollDown = function() { |
| 405 | return this.scrollTop(this.scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 20); |
| 406 | }; |
| 407 | |
| 408 | $.fn.scrollUp = function() { |
| 409 | return this.scrollTop(this.scrollTop() - $(window).height() / 20); |
| 410 | }; |
| 411 | |
| 412 | $.fn.scrollToTop = function() { |
| 413 | return this.scrollTop(0); |
| 414 | }; |
| 415 | |
| 416 | $.fn.scrollToBottom = function() { |
| 417 | return this.scrollTop(this.prop('scrollHeight')); |
| 418 | }; |
| 419 | |
| 420 | $.fn.scrollRight = function(newValue) { |
| 421 | if (newValue != null) { |
| 422 | return this.scrollLeft(newValue - this.width()); |
| 423 | } else { |
| 424 | return this.scrollLeft() + this.width(); |
| 425 | } |
| 426 | }; |
| 427 | |
| 428 | $.fn.pageUp = function() { |
| 429 | return this.scrollTop(this.scrollTop() - this.height()); |
| 430 | }; |
| 431 | |
| 432 | $.fn.pageDown = function() { |
| 433 | return this.scrollTop(this.scrollTop() + this.height()); |
| 434 | }; |
| 435 | |
| 436 | $.fn.isOnDom = function() { |
| 437 | return this.closest(document.body).length === 1; |
| 438 | }; |
| 439 | |
| 440 | $.fn.isVisible = function() { |
| 441 | return !this.isHidden(); |
| 442 | }; |
| 443 | |
| 444 | $.fn.isHidden = function() { |
| 445 | var style; |
| 446 | style = this[0].style; |
| 447 | if (style.display === 'none' || !this.isOnDom()) { |
| 448 | return true; |
| 449 | } else if (style.display) { |
| 450 | return false; |
| 451 | } else { |
| 452 | return getComputedStyle(this[0]).display === 'none'; |
| 453 | } |
| 454 | }; |
| 455 | |
| 456 | $.fn.isDisabled = function() { |
| 457 | return !!this.attr('disabled'); |
| 458 | }; |
| 459 | |
| 460 | $.fn.enable = function() { |
| 461 | return this.removeAttr('disabled'); |
| 462 | }; |
| 463 | |
| 464 | $.fn.disable = function() { |
| 465 | return this.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); |
| 466 | }; |
| 467 | |
| 468 | $.fn.insertAt = function(index, element) { |
| 469 | var target; |
| 470 | target = this.children(":eq(" + index + ")"); |
| 471 | if (target.length) { |
| 472 | return $(element).insertBefore(target); |
| 473 | } else { |
| 474 | return this.append(element); |
| 475 | } |
| 476 | }; |
| 477 | |
| 478 | $.fn.removeAt = function(index) { |
| 479 | return this.children(":eq(" + index + ")").remove(); |
| 480 | }; |
| 481 | |
| 482 | $.fn.indexOf = function(child) { |
| 483 | return this.children().toArray().indexOf($(child)[0]); |
| 484 | }; |
| 485 | |
| 486 | $.fn.containsElement = function(element) { |
| 487 | return (element[0].compareDocumentPosition(this[0]) & 8) === 8; |
| 488 | }; |
| 489 | |
| 490 | $.fn.preempt = function(eventName, handler) { |
| 491 | var eventNameWithoutNamespace, handlers, wrappedHandler, _ref, |
| 492 | _this = this; |
| 493 | wrappedHandler = function() { |
| 494 | var args, e; |
| 495 | e = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; |
| 496 | if (handler.apply(null, [e].concat(__slice.call(args))) === false) { |
| 497 | return e.stopImmediatePropagation(); |
| 498 | } |
| 499 | }; |
| 500 | this.on(eventName, wrappedHandler); |
| 501 | eventNameWithoutNamespace = eventName.split('.')[0]; |
| 502 | handlers = (_ref = this.handlers()[eventNameWithoutNamespace]) != null ? _ref : []; |
| 503 | handlers.unshift(handlers.pop()); |
| 504 | return { |
| 505 | off: function() { |
| 506 | return _this.off(eventName, wrappedHandler); |
| 507 | } |
| 508 | }; |
| 509 | }; |
| 510 | |
| 511 | $.fn.handlers = function(eventName) { |
| 512 | var handlers, _ref, _ref1; |
| 513 | handlers = this.length ? (_ref = $._data(this[0], 'events')) != null ? _ref : {} : {}; |
| 514 | if (arguments.length === 1) { |
| 515 | handlers = (_ref1 = handlers[eventName]) != null ? _ref1 : []; |
| 516 | } |
| 517 | return handlers; |
| 518 | }; |
| 519 | |
| 520 | $.fn.hasParent = function() { |
| 521 | return this.parent()[0] != null; |
| 522 | }; |
| 523 | |
| 524 | $.fn.hasFocus = function() { |
| 525 | return this.is(':focus') || this.is(':has(:focus)'); |
| 526 | }; |
| 527 | |
| 528 | $.fn.flashError = function() { |
| 529 | var removeErrorClass, |
| 530 | _this = this; |
| 531 | this.addClass('error'); |
| 532 | removeErrorClass = function() { |
| 533 | return _this.removeClass('error'); |
| 534 | }; |
| 535 | return window.setTimeout(removeErrorClass, 300); |
| 536 | }; |
| 537 | |
| 538 | $.fn.trueHeight = function() { |
| 539 | return this[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; |
| 540 | }; |
| 541 | |
| 542 | $.fn.trueWidth = function() { |
| 543 | return this[0].getBoundingClientRect().width; |
| 544 | }; |
| 545 | |
| 546 | $.fn.iconSize = function(size) { |
| 547 | return this.width(size).height(size).css('font-size', size); |
| 548 | }; |
| 549 | |
| 550 | $.fn.intValue = function() { |
| 551 | return parseInt(this.text()); |
| 552 | }; |
| 553 | |
| 554 | $.Event.prototype.abortKeyBinding = function() {}; |
| 555 | |
| 556 | $.Event.prototype.currentTargetView = function() { |
| 557 | return $(this.currentTarget).containingView(); |
| 558 | }; |
| 559 | |
| 560 | $.Event.prototype.targetView = function() { |
| 561 | return $(this.target).containingView(); |
| 562 | }; |
| 563 | |
| 564 | View.prototype.subscribe = function() { |
| 565 | var message, _ref; |
| 566 | message = "The `::subscribe` method is no longer available on SpacePen views.\n\n"; |
| 567 | if (arguments.length === 1) { |
| 568 | message += "To store multiple subscription objects for later disposal, add them to a\n`CompositeDisposable` instance (https://atom.io/docs/api/v0.150.0/CompositeDisposable)\nand call `.dispose()` on it explicitly in this view's `::detached` hook."; |
| 569 | } else { |
| 570 | if ((_ref = arguments[0]) != null ? _ref.jquery : void 0) { |
| 571 | message += "To subscribe to events on a jQuery object, use the traditional `::on` and\n`::off methods`."; |
| 572 | } else { |
| 573 | message += "To subscribe to events on an Atom object, use an explicit event-subscription\nmethod (starting with ::onDid* or ::onWill*).\n\nTo collect multiple subscription objects for later disposal, add them to a\n`CompositeDisposable` instance:\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/v0.150.0/CompositeDisposable\n\nCall `.dispose()` on your `CompositeDisposable` in this view's `::detached` hook."; |
| 574 | } |
| 575 | } |
| 576 | throw new Error(message); |
| 577 | }; |
| 578 | |
| 579 | View.prototype.subscribeToCommand = function() { |
| 580 | throw new Error("The `::subscribeToCommand` method is no longer available on SpacePen views.\"\n\nPlease subscribe to commands via `atom.commands.add`:\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CommandRegistry#instance-add\n\nCollect the returned subscription objects in a CompositeDisposable:\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CompositeDisposable\n\nCall `.dispose()` on your `CompositeDisposable` in this view's `::detached` hook."); |
| 581 | }; |
| 582 | |
| 583 | $.fn.command = function(eventName, handler) { |
| 584 | throw new Error("The `::command` method is no longer available on SpacePen views.\"\n\nPlease subscribe to commands via `atom.commands.add`:\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CommandRegistry#instance-add\n\nCollect the returned subscription objects in a CompositeDisposable:\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CompositeDisposable\n\nCall `.dispose()` on your `CompositeDisposable` in this view's `::detached` hook."); |
| 585 | }; |
| 586 | |
| 587 | JQueryEventAdd = jQuery.event.add; |
| 588 | |
| 589 | jQuery.event.add = function(elem, types, handler, data, selector) { |
| 590 | if (/\:/.test(types)) { |
| 591 | if (Grim != null) { |
| 592 | Grim.deprecate("Are you trying to listen for the '" + types + "' Atom command with `jQuery::on`?\n`jQuery::trigger` can no longer be used to listen for Atom commands. Please\nuse `atom.commands.add` instead. See the docs at\nhttps://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CommandRegistry#instance-add for details."); |
| 593 | } |
| 594 | } |
| 595 | return JQueryEventAdd.call(this, elem, types, handler, data, selector); |
| 596 | }; |
| 597 | |
| 598 | if ($.fn.originalTrigger == null) { |
| 599 | $.fn.originalTrigger = $.fn.trigger; |
| 600 | $.fn.trigger = function(eventName, data) { |
| 601 | if (typeof eventName === 'string' && /\:/.test(eventName) && (eventName !== 'cursor:moved' && eventName !== 'selection:changed' && eventName !== 'editor:display-updated')) { |
| 602 | if (Grim != null) { |
| 603 | Grim.deprecate("Are you trying to dispatch the '" + eventName + "' Atom command with `jQuery::trigger`?\n`jQuery::trigger` can no longer emit Atom commands as it will not correctly route\nthe command to its handlers. Please use `atom.commands.dispatch` instead.\nSee the docs at https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/CommandRegistry#instance-dispatch\nfor details."); |
| 604 | } |
| 605 | } |
| 606 | return this.originalTrigger(eventName, data); |
| 607 | }; |
| 608 | } |
| 609 | |
| 610 | $.fn.setTooltip = function() { |
| 611 | throw new Error("setTooltip is no longer available. Please use `atom.tooltips.add` instead.\nSee the docs at https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/TooltipManager#instance-add"); |
| 612 | }; |
| 613 | |
| 614 | $.fn.destroyTooltip = $.fn.hideTooltip = function() { |
| 615 | throw new Error("destroyTooltip is no longer available. Please dispose the object returned\nfrom `atom.tooltips.add` instead.\nSee the docs at https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/TooltipManager#instance-add"); |
| 616 | }; |
| 617 | |
| 618 | exports = exports != null ? exports : this; |
| 619 | |
| 620 | exports.View = View; |
| 621 | |
| 622 | exports.jQuery = jQuery; |
| 623 | |
| 624 | exports.$ = $; |
| 625 | |
| 626 | exports.$$ = function(fn) { |
| 627 | return View.render.call(View, fn); |
| 628 | }; |
| 629 | |
| 630 | exports.$$$ = function(fn) { |
| 631 | return View.buildHtml.call(View, fn)[0]; |
| 632 | }; |
| 633 | |
| 634 | }).call(this); |