Move EasyMotion and LargeFile to pathogen bundle
[rbdr/dotfiles] / config / powerline / colorschemes / vim / solarized.json
2 "name": "Solarized Dark",
3 "groups": {
4 "background": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "royalblue5" },
5 "background:divider": { "fg": "lightskyblue4", "bg": "royalblue5" },
6 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "green", "attr": ["bold"] },
7 "modified_indicator": { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
8 "paste_indicator": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] },
9 "readonly_indicator": { "fg": "red", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
10 "branch": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
11 "branch_dirty": { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
12 "branch_clean": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
13 "branch:divider": { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
14 "file_directory": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
15 "file_name": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
16 "file_size": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
17 "file_name_no_file": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper", "attr": ["bold"] },
18 "file_name_empty": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
19 "file_format": { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "royalblue5" },
20 "file_encoding": { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "royalblue5" },
21 "file_type": { "fg": "gray61", "bg": "royalblue5" },
22 "file_vcs_status": { "fg": "red", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
23 "file_vcs_status_M": { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
24 "file_vcs_status_A": { "fg": "green", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
25 "line_percent": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "lightskyblue4" },
26 "line_percent_gradient": { "fg": "green_yellow_orange_red", "bg": "lightskyblue4" },
27 "line_current": { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
28 "line_current_symbol": { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "lightyellow" },
29 "col_current": { "fg": "azure4", "bg": "lightyellow" }
30 },
31 "mode_translations": {
32 "nc": {
33 "colors": {
34 "darkgreencopper": "royalblue5",
35 "lightskyblue4": "royalblue5",
36 "azure4": "darkgreencopper",
37 "gray61": "lightskyblue4",
38 "lightyellow": "azure4",
39 "oldlace": "gray61"
40 }
41 },
42 "i": {
43 "groups": {
44 "background": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
45 "background:divider": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
46 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "blue", "attr": ["bold"] },
47 "modified_indicator": { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
48 "paste_indicator": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] },
49 "readonly_indicator": { "fg": "red", "bg": "lightyellow" },
50 "branch": { "fg": "darkgreencopper", "bg": "lightyellow" },
51 "branch:divider": { "fg": "lightskyblue4", "bg": "lightyellow" },
52 "file_directory": { "fg": "darkgreencopper", "bg": "lightyellow" },
53 "file_name": { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
54 "file_size": { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow" },
55 "file_name_no_file": { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow", "attr": ["bold"] },
56 "file_name_empty": { "fg": "royalblue5", "bg": "lightyellow" },
57 "file_format": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
58 "file_encoding": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
59 "file_type": { "fg": "lightyellow", "bg": "darkgreencopper" },
60 "file_vcs_status": { "fg": "red", "bg": "lightyellow" },
61 "file_vcs_status_M": { "fg": "yellow", "bg": "lightyellow" },
62 "file_vcs_status_A": { "fg": "green", "bg": "lightyellow" },
63 "line_percent": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "gray61" },
64 "line_percent_gradient": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "gray61" },
65 "line_current": { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "oldlace", "attr": ["bold"] },
66 "line_current_symbol": { "fg": "gray13", "bg": "oldlace" },
67 "col_current": { "fg": "azure4", "bg": "oldlace" }
68 }
69 },
70 "v": {
71 "groups": {
72 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
73 }
74 },
75 "V": {
76 "groups": {
77 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
78 }
79 },
80 "^V": {
81 "groups": {
82 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "orange", "attr": ["bold"] }
83 }
84 },
85 "R": {
86 "groups": {
87 "mode": { "fg": "oldlace", "bg": "red", "attr": ["bold"] }
88 }
89 }
90 }