keep on bumping versions because I forget stuff
[rbdr/cologne] / lib /
2014-01-15 Ben Beltrankeep on bumping versions because I forget stuff
2014-01-15 Ben BeltranUses slice instead of splice now
2014-01-15 Ben BeltranAdds placeholders for extended console API
2014-01-15 Ben BeltranNormalizes buildLog and adds extendLog
2014-01-13 Ben BeltranProperly handle logging null.
2013-09-18 Ben BeltranUses proper dependency
2013-06-25 Ben BeltranUses if no socket is provided
2013-06-25 Ben BeltranBetter socket support and skipConsole 4 JsConsole
2013-05-22 Ben BeltranPass the objects directly to the console.
2013-05-13 Ben BeltranProper nows now
2013-05-13 Ben BeltranChanges the instance now() to use constructor.
2013-05-13 Ben BeltranChecks for timing in performance before using it.
2013-04-24 Ben BeltranAdd Cobalt now/stringify + remove old formatters
2013-04-24 Ben BeltranFix defaults for JsConsole
2013-04-24 Ben BeltranAdd default console
2013-04-24 Ben BeltranNew changes from nitro
2013-04-05 Ben BeltranAdd microtime, because hrtime() wasn't right
2013-04-03 Ben BeltranAdd the color to the object
2013-04-03 Ben BeltranI don't know how git works (massive commit)
2012-04-03 kazuyoshi tlacaelelinfo method.
2012-04-03 kazuyoshi tlacaelelBuffering is not consoles responsibility.
2012-03-02 kazuyoshi tlacaelelinitial
2012-03-02 kazuyoshi tlacaelelInitial commit to cobalt.