/* Copyright (C) 2024 Rubén Beltrán del Río This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://captura.tranquil.systems. */ import Cocoa import Combine class RecordingWindow: NSWindow { var pixelDensity: CGFloat { self.screen?.backingScaleFactor ?? 1.0 } var recordingContentView: RecordingContentView { self.contentView as! RecordingContentView } init(_ configuration: CaptureSessionConfiguration, _ button: NSRect?) { let boundingBox = NSScreen.screenWithMouse?.frame ?? NSZeroRect super.init( contentRect: boundingBox, styleMask: [.borderless], backing: .buffered, defer: false) self.isReleasedWhenClosed = false self.collectionBehavior = [.canJoinAllSpaces] self.isMovableByWindowBackground = false self.isMovable = false self.canHide = false self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true self.setFrame(boundingBox, display: true) self.titleVisibility = .hidden let recordingView = RecordingContentView(configuration, frame: boundingBox, button: button ?? NSZeroRect) recordingView.frame = boundingBox self.contentView = recordingView self.backgroundColor = NSColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.001) // uncomment below to debug window placement visually // self.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 0.5) self.level = .screenSaver self.isOpaque = false self.hasShadow = false } // MARK: - Window Behavior Overrides override func resetCursorRects() { super.resetCursorRects() let cursor = NSCursor.crosshair self.contentView?.addCursorRect(self.contentView!.bounds, cursor: cursor) } override var canBecomeKey: Bool { return true } override var canBecomeMain: Bool { return true } override func resignMain() { super.resignMain() if (self.contentView as? RecordingContentView)?.state != .recording { self.ignoresMouseEvents = false } } override func becomeMain() { super.becomeMain() if (self.contentView as? RecordingContentView)?.state != .recording { (self.contentView as? RecordingContentView)?.state = .idle } } } enum RecordingWindowState { case passthrough, idle, drawing, moving, resizing, recording; } class RecordingContentView: NSView { init(_ configuration: CaptureSessionConfiguration, frame: NSRect, button: NSRect) { self.buttonSize = button.size var buttonOffset = NSPoint() for screen in NSScreen.screens { if screen.frame.intersects(button) { let relativeY = screen.frame.height - (button.minY - screen.frame.minY) let relativeX = screen.frame.width - (button.minX - screen.frame.minX) buttonOffset = NSPoint(x: relativeX, y: relativeY) } } self.buttonOffset = buttonOffset super.init(frame: frame) preventResize = configuration.preventResize preventMove = configuration.preventMove autoStart = configuration.autoStart self.bounds = frame self.button = NSRect(x: frame.maxX - buttonOffset.x, y: frame.maxY - buttonOffset.y, width: buttonSize.width, height: buttonSize.height) if configuration.x != nil || configuration.y != nil || configuration.width != nil || configuration.height != nil { box = NSRect( x: configuration.x ?? Int(frame.width / 2.0), y: configuration.y ?? Int(frame.height / 2.0), width: configuration.width ?? 400, height: configuration.height ?? 400 ) } if autoStart { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) { NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .startRecording, object: nil, userInfo: nil) } } } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } private let buttonSize: NSSize private let buttonOffset: NSPoint public var button: NSRect? = nil @Published public var box: NSRect? = nil public var state: RecordingWindowState = .idle private var mouseLocation: NSPoint = NSPoint() private var origin: NSPoint = NSPoint() private var boxOrigin: NSPoint = NSPoint() private var preventResize = false private var preventMove = false private var autoStart = false private var resizeBox: NSRect? { if let box { return NSRect(x: box.maxX - 5, y: box.minY - 5, width: 10, height: 10) } return nil } private var shouldPassthrough: Bool { state == .recording || state == .passthrough } // MARK: - State changing API public func startRecording() { state = .recording window?.ignoresMouseEvents = true } public func stopRecording() { } public func reset() { state = .idle window?.ignoresMouseEvents = false } public func startPassthrough() { state = .passthrough window?.ignoresMouseEvents = true } public func stopPassthrough() { state = .idle window?.ignoresMouseEvents = false } // MARK: - View Behavior Overrides override func updateTrackingAreas() { super.updateTrackingAreas() for trackingArea in self.trackingAreas { self.removeTrackingArea(trackingArea) } let options: NSTrackingArea.Options = [.mouseEnteredAndExited, .activeInKeyWindow, .cursorUpdate, .mouseMoved] let trackingArea = NSTrackingArea(rect: self.bounds, options: options, owner: self, userInfo: nil) self.addTrackingArea(trackingArea) } override func mouseExited(with event: NSEvent) { if state == .idle && box == nil { self.moveWindow() } } override func mouseMoved(with event: NSEvent) { self.mouseLocation = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil) if shouldPassthrough { NSCursor.arrow.set() } else { if let box { if resizeBox!.contains(mouseLocation) { NSCursor.arrow.set() } else { if box.contains(mouseLocation) { NSCursor.openHand.set() } else { NSCursor.crosshair.set() } } if let button { if button.contains(mouseLocation) { NSCursor.arrow.set() } } } else { NSCursor.crosshair.set() } } self.setNeedsDisplay(self.bounds) } override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) { self.mouseLocation = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil) if state == .drawing { box = NSRect( x: round(min(origin.x, mouseLocation.x)), y: round(min(origin.y, mouseLocation.y)), width: round(abs(mouseLocation.x - origin.x)), height: round(abs(mouseLocation.y - origin.y)) ) } if box != nil { if state == .moving { NSCursor.closedHand.set() box!.origin = NSPoint( x: self.boxOrigin.x - self.origin.x + self.mouseLocation.x, y: self.boxOrigin.y - self.origin.y + self.mouseLocation.y) } if state == .resizing { box = NSRect( x: round(min(origin.x, mouseLocation.x)), y: round(min(origin.y, mouseLocation.y)), width: round(abs(mouseLocation.x - origin.x)), height: round(abs(mouseLocation.y - origin.y)) ) } } self.setNeedsDisplay(self.bounds) } override func cursorUpdate(with event: NSEvent) { NSCursor.crosshair.set() } override func hitTest(_ point: NSPoint) -> NSView? { return shouldPassthrough ? nil : self } override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { return true } override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { self.origin = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil) if let box { if let button { if button.contains(origin) { NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .startRecording, object: nil, userInfo: nil) return } } if resizeBox!.contains(origin) && !preventResize { self.origin = NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.maxY) state = .resizing return } if box.contains(origin) && !preventMove { state = .moving self.boxOrigin = NSPoint(x: box.origin.x, y: box.origin.y) return } } if preventResize || preventMove { return } state = .drawing } override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) { if state != .recording { state = .idle } } override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) { switch event.keyCode { case 53: // Escape key NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .reset, object: nil, userInfo: nil) default: super.keyDown(with: event) } } override func flagsChanged(with event: NSEvent) { if state == .idle { if event.modifierFlags.contains(.shift) { startPassthrough() } else { stopPassthrough() } } } override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) { if shouldPassthrough { NSColor.clear.setFill() } else { NSColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.001).setFill() } dirtyRect.fill() let dashLength: CGFloat = 5.0 let lineWidth = 0.5 // Uncomment below to debug button placement visually // if let button { // let buttonPath = NSBezierPath() // buttonPath.move(to: NSPoint(x: button.minX, y: button.minY)) // buttonPath.line(to: NSPoint(x: button.maxX, y: button.minY)) // buttonPath.line(to: NSPoint(x: button.maxX, y: button.maxY)) // buttonPath.line(to: NSPoint(x: button.minX, y: button.maxY)) // buttonPath.line(to: NSPoint(x: button.minX, y: button.minY)) // NSColor(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 1, alpha: 1).setFill() // buttonPath.fill() // } if state == .idle && box == nil { let blackLine = NSBezierPath() blackLine.lineWidth = lineWidth blackLine.setLineDash([dashLength, dashLength], count: 2, phase: 0) // Vertical line (Black) blackLine.move(to: NSPoint(x: self.mouseLocation.x, y: NSMinY(self.bounds))) blackLine.line(to: NSPoint(x: self.mouseLocation.x, y: NSMaxY(self.bounds))) // Horizontal line (Black) blackLine.move(to: NSPoint(x: NSMinX(self.bounds), y: self.mouseLocation.y)) blackLine.line(to: NSPoint(x: NSMaxX(self.bounds), y: self.mouseLocation.y)) NSColor.black.setStroke() blackLine.stroke() let whiteLine = NSBezierPath() whiteLine.lineWidth = lineWidth whiteLine.setLineDash([dashLength, dashLength], count: 2, phase: dashLength) // Vertical line (White) whiteLine.move(to: NSPoint(x: self.mouseLocation.x, y: NSMinY(self.bounds))) whiteLine.line(to: NSPoint(x: self.mouseLocation.x, y: NSMaxY(self.bounds))) // Horizontal line (White) whiteLine.move(to: NSPoint(x: NSMinX(self.bounds), y: self.mouseLocation.y)) whiteLine.line(to: NSPoint(x: NSMaxX(self.bounds), y: self.mouseLocation.y)) NSColor.white.setStroke() whiteLine.stroke() } if let box { let blackBox = NSBezierPath() blackBox.lineWidth = lineWidth blackBox.setLineDash([dashLength, dashLength], count: 2, phase: 0) blackBox.move(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.minY)) blackBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.maxX, y: box.minY)) blackBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.maxX, y: box.maxY)) blackBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.maxY)) blackBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.minY)) NSColor.black.setStroke() blackBox.stroke() let whiteBox = NSBezierPath() whiteBox.lineWidth = lineWidth whiteBox.setLineDash([dashLength, dashLength], count: 2, phase: dashLength) whiteBox.move(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.minY)) whiteBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.maxX, y: box.minY)) whiteBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.maxX, y: box.maxY)) whiteBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.maxY)) whiteBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: box.minX, y: box.minY)) NSColor.white.setStroke() whiteBox.stroke() if state == .recording { return } if let resizeBox { let clearBox = NSBezierPath() clearBox.move(to: NSPoint(x: resizeBox.minX, y: resizeBox.minY)) clearBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: resizeBox.maxX, y: resizeBox.minY)) clearBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: resizeBox.maxX, y: resizeBox.maxY)) clearBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: resizeBox.minX, y: resizeBox.maxY)) clearBox.line(to: NSPoint(x: resizeBox.minX, y: resizeBox.minY)) NSColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.2).setFill() clearBox.fill() } if state == .moving { let string = "\(Int(box.minX)), \(Int(box.maxY))" as NSString drawText(string, NSPoint( x: box.minX, y: box.maxY ), true) } if state == .resizing { let string = "\(Int(mouseLocation.x)), \(Int(mouseLocation.y))" as NSString drawText(string, mouseLocation) } if box.contains(mouseLocation) && state != .resizing { return; } } // Draw text let string = "\(Int(mouseLocation.x)), \(Int(mouseLocation.y))" as NSString drawText(string, mouseLocation) } // MARK: - Utilities private func drawText(_ text: NSString, _ location: NSPoint, _ isBottomRight: Bool = false) { let textAttributes = [ NSAttributedString.Key.font: NSFont(name: "Hiragino Mincho ProN", size: 12) ?? NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12), NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: NSColor.white, ] let offset = NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10) let padding = NSPoint(x: 5, y: 2) let size = text.size(withAttributes: textAttributes) var rect = NSRect(x: location.x + offset.x, y: location.y + offset.y, width: size.width + 2 * padding.x, height: size.height + 2 * padding.y) var textRect = NSRect(x: location.x + offset.x + padding.x, y: location.y + offset.y + padding.y, width: size.width, height: size.height) if (isBottomRight) { rect = rect.offsetBy(dx: -size.width - 2 * offset.x, dy: 0) textRect = textRect.offsetBy(dx: -size.width - 2 * offset.x, dy: 0) } NSColor.black.set() rect.fill() text.draw(in: textRect, withAttributes: textAttributes) } private func moveWindow() { let screen = NSScreen.screenWithMouse if let currentScreen = self.window?.screen { if currentScreen != screen { let frame = screen?.frame ?? NSZeroRect self.frame = CGRect(origin: NSZeroPoint, size: frame.size) self.bounds = CGRect(origin: NSZeroPoint, size: frame.size) self.updateTrackingAreas() if let window = self.window { self.bounds = frame self.button = NSRect(x: frame.maxX - buttonOffset.x, y: frame.maxY - buttonOffset.y, width: buttonSize.width, height: buttonSize.height) window.setFrame(frame, display: true, animate: false) window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nil) window.orderFrontRegardless() } } } } }